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Official Xbox 360 Worldwide Launch Thread


golem said:
the live demo is more like 900mb right? took me about an hr to download too, not too bad. probably depends on the speed of live in general.. i hope they implement a speed meter/estimated time remaining though, in addition to dl'ing in the background and queuing files if that isnt possible

500MB. Says right in the dashboard.


OK, I see what happened now. I didn't read the manual, so maybe this is covered there, but it's not completely intuitive, judging by what I saw at Zero Hour*. So Visigoth, tell me if I have this right:

Your profile can only exist on one device at a time. So it's impossible to have it on your HDD and a memory card at the same time - you'll have to remember to move your profile around if you need to take it with you. If you recover your gamertag on another device, your old profile will be invalidated and you will be unable to sign onto Xbox Live with it.

What I did wrong is that, in retrospect, I may have recovered the Gamertag before I signed on with the MU profile that had the additional achievements unlocked. That would have invalidated my profile so I would never be able to sign onto Xbox Live and get credit for those achievements.

So, with that in mind, be careful about where you recover your gamertag. :)

*At Zero Hour I saw lots of people sign in, play a game for a while, and then yank their memory card and leave without signing out, showing that they didn't really understand how the profile thing worked...you could tell by the "please reinsert memory unit" messages blinking on the monitor...

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Ok so I took the advice of some friends and downloaded Windows Media Connect/upgraded to XP SP2. I posted this in another 360 thread, but I am SHOCKED at how easy the whole process is. Seriously, when my PC detected the 360 and when I went into the dashboard to play music and saw my entire mp3 collection available for streaming, I nearly shed a tear.


Haha, my uncle from America phoned me to reserve him a UK 360, he says he's desperate and doesnt know when they'll get some in his area :lol

And he's not into videogames!


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Does he mind that it won't play North American games and DVDs?

He was willing to let me send him games, like i said, he doesnt really play games that often. About the DVDs, if its like Xbox, he should be able to play region 1 or 2 depending on the remote he buys.


Prine said:
About the DVDs, if its like Xbox, he should be able to play region 1 or 2 depending on the remote he buys.
Well, seeing as you don't need a remote to play DVD's, I don't think that's the case for Xbox 360.


Guys this question may sound incredibly retarded but I have to ask:

Is there anyway to get an Xbox 360 to display on my Powerbook G4's monitor?


Maybe it was answered already in the thread but i didnt see it.

Where are you guys getting the Media Center program from?


Check out what the PC tech gurus think about the 360 on This Week in Tech podcast (TWiT):

John C. Dvoark is hilarious: "I just got my Playstation 360..."

I started dieing after he said that. They start talking about the 360 about 11 minutes in. They praise the GUI alot and Dvorak says that Microsoft tried to make the 360 look Italian. :lol

Good times.




Hey guys, how do i listen to my custom soundtrack in the game(PGR3)? ive tried everything. (or maybe i havent)

Please help.


intangibles, motherfucker
Nutter said:
Hey guys, how do i listen to my custom soundtrack in the game(PGR3)? ive tried everything. (or maybe i havent)

Please help.

Bring up the Blade in-game and go to select music or somthing like that on the bottom


intangibles, motherfucker
Last edited by Akia : Today at 05:29 PM. Reason: my little brother decided to tell GAF how much he rocks at mario kart.

:lol :lol :lol i wanna see what he posted


PezRadar said:
haha im newb.. how do u save in kameo.. i fkin got so far thinking the 360 was smart enough to auto save and boom back to the beginning =[

Kameo autosaves all the time. You might've selected the option to start a game without saving, because otherwise, the game is really good at saving (pretty much after you get a key item or reach a new area.)


And even i am moderately surprised
"How much did you pay?!"
they said the HDD pack would be 50k, but i knew that had to be a mistake
Turned out to be 64k.

Very impressed with the machine - the interface is just lush.
Transfering from XBL to this machine? SO easy.

If, like some people say, Sony will surpase this - i'll be VERY VERY impressed.

X360 interface : It's VERY high quality software.
DCharlie said:
If, like some people say, Sony will surpase this - i'll be VERY VERY impressed.
Well, sony will NOT have a sexy looking guide/dashboard.....They'll do it exactly like the PSP "guide" or something like that. Too keep it familiar to both PS2, and PSP owners.

I'll be surprised if Sony pulls off a software like XBL"360".....They just don't have the fucking time to do it....nor do they have the resource to do it. Yes, we've all heard that Sony started work on the Sony online service since the PS2 Online service came into fruition. But I don't think that's enough. They're not of innovative nature.

Besides, it was said that PS3 Online = PS2 Online. The only company that can try something like XBL or XBL"360" is......you guessed it: Nintendo.

But of course, It will be no suprise if Sony surpasses X360 in sales....I mean, for christ sakes! 200 million Playstation products worldwide! That's barely scratching the surface!


Nintendo X said:
Besides, it was said that PS3 Online = PS2 Online. The only company that can try something like XBL or XBL"360" is......you guessed it: Nintendo.

...yeah...... ^^;

I mean they did such a great job with GC online and DS online...


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Nintendo X said:
I'll be surprised if Sony pulls off a software like XBL"360".....They just don't have the fucking time to do it....nor do they have the resource to do it.

Iwata, is that you?


jobber said:
Install the Windows Media Connect. After install, choose a folder to share stuff and let the xbox have access to it.

It's a strange program. I tried it on my desktop PC and it couldn't find the xbox. I installed it on my laptop and it found the xbox. My XP firewall is off so I'm not sure wtf is going on. So it's getting music from my desktop PC, through my wireless network through my laptop to the xbox.
Are you using Zone alarm or something, because I have also experienced the same thing when I tried to connect my desktop PC via my laptop>
no connection>>
XP with service pack 2
Firewall switching off is not enough, Zone alarm was in the way.

Next friday, I will experience the xbox360 godness :)


swordsman said:
Are you using Zone alarm or something, because I have also experienced the same thing when I tried to connect my desktop PC via my laptop>
no connection>>
XP with service pack 2
Firewall switching off is not enough, Zone alarm was in the way.

Next friday, I will experience the xbox360 godness :)

Some suggested updating the .NET framework
ive experienced two bugs so far in two different titles

1. in madden playing two player. viewing the play by pressing the right trigger sometimes causes it to glitch and the routes start blinking and you cant hike the ball unless you tap the left and right trigger repeatedly

2. in pgr in online career if you try and push the center button on the controller while waiting for the others to join or the game to start, it locks the console and you have to manually reboot (as in get up and turn off the console) :(

not too upsetting considering i played all day yesterday about 12 hours with no other problems

PGR3 online is a dream BTW


truffleshuffle83 said:
2. in pgr in online career if you try and push the center button on the controller while waiting for the others to join or the game to start, it locks the console and you have to manually reboot (as in get up and turn off the console) :(

I was talking with some folks on Live about this and someone mentioned that it was a bug with the dashboard and a patch was going to be released, but consider that 100% unconfirmed.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Slurpy said:
Err.. they've gotten to an EXTREMELY good start with the latter.

Overstated. They have a basic matchmaking service and a "supereasy" (read: connecting is not that hard) way to connect to such a service.

They are lacking any type of communication or any real friends list.


And even i am moderately surprised
am i really going to have to input all my friends friend codes data for every single game on DS, or do i have that totally wrong?


I am having a weird issue with my 360. Twice now, when I have turned it on, nothing appears on screen. The unit itself is powering up, but no video signal is going to the TV. Has this happened to anyone else?


Did gamestop get new 360s today? According to the guy on the phone they will be getting a shipment every day. I could hear chaos in the background though, maybe he didnt know what he was saying. :)


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
antispin said:
Some suggested updating the .NET framework

still didn't work on my desktop.
Update the .Net and it still can't find the xbox.

I have McAfee firewall installed but no activity is coming from the Xbox IP.

edit: I fixed it! thanks to blackTIE
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