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Ok, now I'm annoyed. Why won't DOOM 3 run above 2-5 FPS on my PC?

My specs:

1.3 Athlon
512 Ram
geforce 3

The only reason I got the game was because all the forums and benchmark tests said I should be ok. Hell, if that Geforce 4 MMX or whatever can run it, my Geforce 3 should have an easier time. I have more than the required RAM. Is my processor being .2 Mhz to slow enough to cause such problems?


Maybe. Some parts are CPU dependent. What resolution and options are you running at? You may want to turn off shadows and see if that helps.
Mrbob said:
Maybe. Some parts are CPU dependent. What resolution and options are you running at? You may want to turn off shadows and see if that helps.

I turned off EVERYTHING. I am running it as low as I can possibly get it, and it still won't run worth a damn.


Yusaku said:
Uh, you're running the game below minimum requiements, you have no buisness bitching.

I dunno. Even with a 1.3 ghz cpu something seems weird about his problems.



"A note on overclocking: it is very likely that overclocked configurations that "play everything else perfectly" will start to show problems on D3 due to new usage patterns. Everyone is of course free to do whatever they want with their own hardware, but don't complain to us..."

Talking to John briefly about his overclocking comments made some things clear to us that many enthusiasts will need to be aware of. When he speaks of "new usage patterns" he is literally talking about transistors on some of new GPUs that are going to be used for the first time when you play DOOM 3 on your video card. So be aware that pushing your GPU MHz may get you different results in DOOM 3 than with other games.
Yusaku said:
Uh, you're running the game below minimum requiements, you have no buisness bitching.

Uh...he's not that far off from the minimum. I really doubt performance will drop off that much. I have a similar spec'ed system and it doesn't run that bad.

Blazing Sword said:
I overclocked my video card before installation. Could it have a reverse effect somehow?

I've seen a few posts where people had problems running Doom 3 with overclocked hardware. It wouldn't hurt to clock it to default speeds.

I'm currently running:

1.3ghz Athlon
512mb RAM
Radeon 8500le (A near ATi equivalent to the Geforce 3)


Are you using nVidia driver or the "nvidia driver" that came with windows? It's possible for whatever reason that your video driver isn't valid and the windows is defaulting to software rendering that's why it's so slow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Try new drivers?

I ran Doom 3 on my friend's laptop yesterday (P4 Mobile 1.8 GHz + GeForce4 GO). Initially, the game could barely clear 5 fps...but after updating the drivers, low detail + no extra details yielded a timedemo score of 27.5 fps. WITH all extra details enabled, it pulled ~15 fps on Demo1. Very decent...considering that this laptop has been unable to run anything even remotely modern for a while.
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