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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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POF.com. It sucks though, for me at least.

I tried to register there the other day, but all it did was output a dating profile and didn't actually save any account info - even though I filled out the whole thing 3 times. I guess the site doesn't work well with Chrome. Not really motivated to go through the whole kink-filled forms again.

On the other hand, I'm getting a bit tired of always seeing the same dozen or so girls in my area on OKC...

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
At this point, I feel like I've missed my soul mate like, 30 times over. I haven't met a girl that isn't already married or dating someone else in close to 2 years. I'm sure it's just a function of the age group I belong to, but meeting single people is fucking impossible now. Everyone has already found someone. It feels like a game of musical chairs where I didn't realize we were playing until it was over.

You should totally join my support group. If I had one.

Right there with you guys. I know there's a ton of women out there still but it's hard as hell to find one that cares enough to give you a shot. I don't get to meet as many new people now-days since most my college buddies moved out of town. The best thing ever was meeting friends of friends in college. Now, if I do get out with a friend or two it's more people watching at bars than actually meeting people.

I can't seem to meet one woman who shows even the slightest interest that I can ask out.

Pretty much why I jumped on OKCupid. Had a few messages back and forth but haven't really found anyone that matches my personality. Some that do never reply back.

I don't let it get me too down, but I'd be lying if (after 8 years of being single) it didn't weigh heavily on my mind a lot. (I'm 26 btw).


Hmm, well more often than not, I message a girl that is currently online. Usually if she's not though, I give it about 24 hours before I assume the worst. If there's no response within like 2 days she probably won't respond imo. What's wrong with sending out all your messages at once?

I just figured I'd spread out no real reason. I have sent five since Saturday night. Pretty sure three of those art strikeouts and I was just curious.

edit: and apparently your inbox can be full... Was just about to message a girl that's online but it won't let me.
Just get right back out there, buddy. Life is short and you could wind up missing your soul mate.

Eh, I really don't want a soul mate right now. I think I'm going to avoid the pain of another long term relationship until the mourning period of this one is out of my mind. Guess I'll re-activate my account or start a new one sometime in the week.
Huh. That one girl I met on OKC a month and change ago and had a date with but then had massive scheduling conflicts with messaged me back last night asking if I was in the city (NYC). Poor timing, as I'm just getting off from a Chicago-induced plague, but I like that she was totally sincere when she told me that she'd message me in early September (she had an out of town visiting friend to contend with for a few weeks).

It's still bum timing, but now I get to see if we can get together during the weekend. Luckily there are a couple really great events going on then, and my general sense of self esteem is in boost mode after getting picked up by a younger girl who thought I was a younger guy. :D

It's astonishing how easily I revert from "panicky desperation mode" to "just wanting to do cool stuff but sex would still be nice mode" simply by getting laid.
Whoa nice, change anything? I have got 0 profile views after a few days. Hate POF.

Only thing i changed recently on either site is my main picture, and it's a post gym photo of me flexing. I thing quite a few women are as visual as men so for every girl that hates the flexing photo there's probably one that likes it just as much. I'm getting much more views on both POF and OKC. On OKC i've even noticed girls who looked at my profile before taking another look, since it timestamps your visitors.

I hate POF too because in my experience (LA area) the girls are either very hot and out of my league or very ugly and over weight. OKC has a nicer bell curve in terms of hotness distribution.


all good things
Only thing i changed recently on either site is my main picture, and it's a post gym photo of me flexing. I thing quite a few women are as visual as men so for every girl that hates the flexing photo there's probably one that likes it just as much. I'm getting much more views on both POF and OKC. On OKC i've even noticed girls who looked at my profile before taking another look, since it timestamps your visitors.

I hate POF too because in my experience (LA area) the girls are either very hot and out of my league or very ugly and over weight. OKC has a nicer bell curve in terms of hotness distribution.

Like, without a shirt on flexing as your main photo? I have one without a shirt on but its in my profile and I'm not flexing lol.
Like, without a shirt on flexing as your main photo? I have one without a shirt on but its in my profile and I'm not flexing lol.

Without a shirt. Note that some girls don't like it, and some absolutely hate it and won't talk to you so ymmv. But so far, i've been getting more views, and responses to messages although it's only been a day. The caption i put on the photo is also a bit tongue in cheek: "Douchebag mirror pic". To show i'm not taking it too seriously and i'm aware of the negative connotations.

I think of it as a confidence thing, I've put in work in the gym and i'm feeling myself so why not show it off. Girls do it all the time and they get away with it. Try it out and if it doesn't work for you, then you can switch back.


Does anyone else feel like they are doing all the work in the messages? I've had a few good conversations with girls but it is always me having to keep them going. Like finding ways to ask questions without seeming like I'm interrogating them. Just kinda weird. I figured it would be more even.


Does anyone else feel like they are doing all the work in the messages? I've had a few good conversations with girls but it is always me having to keep them going. Like finding ways to ask questions without seeming like I'm interrogating them. Just kinda weird. I figured it would be more even.

Back when I was using OKC, yes it was always like this for me, except for with 1 girl which I ended up dating for a month.

Other than her, every message exchange felt like I was writing a book, answering all of their questions, and contributing a lot. Meanwhile, the girls would not answer all of my questions, write a few sentences, and eventually ignore me. lol


all good things
Without a shirt. Note that some girls don't like it, and some absolutely hate it and won't talk to you so ymmv. But so far, i've been getting more views, and responses to messages although it's only been a day. The caption i put on the photo is also a bit tongue in cheek: "Douchebag mirror pic". To show i'm not taking it too seriously and i'm aware of the negative connotations.

I think of it as a confidence thing, I've put in work in the gym and i'm feeling myself so why not show it off. Girls do it all the time and they get away with it. Try it out and if it doesn't work for you, then you can switch back.

I've had way more views since I put one like that in my profile but I wasn't really sure about having it as my main photo.

Does anyone else feel like they are doing all the work in the messages? I've had a few good conversations with girls but it is always me having to keep them going. Like finding ways to ask questions without seeming like I'm interrogating them. Just kinda weird. I figured it would be more even.

Yes, its incredibly annoying and it seems like the hotter the girl is the shittier her replies will be.

1 sentence replies are the worst.

The one person who it seemed like I had a lot of chemistry with from the messages I met and never heard from again lmao.

Like someone else said above, feels bad man.



Keep at it man. You will find someone. If you're worried about the way you look with the greys, shave your entire head bald. That will work wonders.

You could always pose as the Breaking Bad dude.

Awww yeah. that's the best video game title.

Where is this guy? How did his Sunday date go?
Hooray! I got a message today, and one girl that I thought dropped off the planet last week messaged me back. So my ratio is up to 3:60 in replies:messages sent out. And 2 active conversations.
Hooray! I got a message today, and one girl that I thought dropped off the planet last week messaged me back. So my ratio is up to 3:60 in replies:messages sent out. And 2 active conversations.

Get digits as soon as possible. Don't keep convo's going for too long or it'll die. I ask for numbers after around after 10 messages or 2 days, whatever comes first.
Get digits as soon as possible. Don't keep convo's going for too long or it'll die. I ask for numbers after around after 10 messages or 2 days, whatever comes first.

Roger that. One message is brand new. The other one is just the second message she's sent me. I thought she disappeared after my first reply.

I shall report back my results to GAF.


Ten messages sent, first reply. Not too bad. She does only have one photo though so hopefully she's as cute as she looks and it's not a fake out of some sort (and she also doesn't list her body type hmmm), now to try and get a date.


Ten messages sent, first reply. Not too bad. She does only have one photo though so hopefully she's as cute as she looks and it's not a fake out of some sort (and she also doesn't list her body type hmmm), now to try and get a date.




Haha yeah that was my first thought when I saw the message this morning. I was like well
shit. Her photo is upper body but it's taken in winter it looks like so she is in a jacket and scarf. We'll see what happens I'm just kind of curious at this point haha. On one hand I feel like a larger girl wouldn't be labeled as very selective on their profile, on the other hand this is online dating so I'm sure every girl gets bombarded with messages as long as they look reasonably cute.


Does anyone else feel like they are doing all the work in the messages? I've had a few good conversations with girls but it is always me having to keep them going. Like finding ways to ask questions without seeming like I'm interrogating them. Just kinda weird. I figured it would be more even.

If this happens two messages in a row, I decide to ignore the woman and go on with talking to other women. I refuse to put all the work in for a stranger.

Ten messages sent, first reply. Not too bad. She does only have one photo though so hopefully she's as cute as she looks and it's not a fake out of some sort (and she also doesn't list her body type hmmm), now to try and get a date.

I would be suspicious as fuck if I was in your situation.

Edit: Oh darn, one woman I am talking to change her city from "Sarasota" to "Tallahassee," I guess that ends another possible route.


Can anyone tell me why I see girls on the app within the same search paremeters that never showed up on the website and vice versa?
Well I got a date tomorrow and thursday and acting like a bit of a noob i'm taking them both to the same restaurant. I'm worrying the staff might joke about me being in there two nights in a row because they're quite friendly and relaxed which is why I like the place.


Well I got a date tomorrow and thursday and acting like a bit of a noob i'm taking them both to the same restaurant. I'm worrying the staff might joke about me being in there two nights in a row because they're quite friendly and relaxed which is why I like the place.

If you're a regular patron of the restaurant I really doubt they will say anything since they should value your continued business. They'll probably get a good chuckle in the kitchen though.
Well I got a date tomorrow and thursday and acting like a bit of a noob i'm taking them both to the same restaurant. I'm worrying the staff might joke about me being in there two nights in a row because they're quite friendly and relaxed which is why I like the place.

Next time you should get two dates there at the same time, sit them on opposite sides of the restaurant and keep switching back and forth by making excuses like you need to go to the bathroom or that you've received a phone call on the restaurant house phone.

I've seen this strategy work many times in various sitcoms and movies, it is always hi-larious


Next time you should get two dates there at the same time, sit them on opposite sides of the restaurant and keep switching back and forth by making excuses like you need to go to the bathroom or that you've received a phone call on the restaurant house phone.

I've seen this strategy work many times in various sitcoms and movies, it is always hi-larious

Yeah you're forgetting the most important part. He needs to have someone in an earpiece feeding him lines.
Yeah you're forgetting the most important part. He needs to have someone in an earpiece feeding him lines.


"ask her whats up with her face"


I mentioned a bit ago in the thread, sadly she was a scam....

You did? Don't know how I missed it. What do you mean scam? As in, she never even showed? I'll have to go back a few pages..

Way too hot girl from OKC seems, too young too and she is a def scammer, oh well lol, met a normal chick that has been laughing with me about the whole thing, so lose some gain some lol.

Oh this post? I didn't understand what you were saying lol. You met with her and she was younger than she said? And not as hot?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Keep at it man. You will find someone. If you're worried about the way you look with the greys, shave your entire head bald. That will work wonders.

You could always pose as the Breaking Bad dude.

Awww yeah. that's the best video game title.

Yeah, I do shave my head already. I don't color the greys in my beard because imo, it looks good.

Anyway, after my whining in this thread, I actually got a message back from a girl on OKC. She seems really cool. We'll see where it goes.
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