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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Yeah, I do shave my head already. I don't color the greys in my beard because imo, it looks good.

Anyway, after my whining in this thread, I actually got a message back from a girl on OKC. She seems really cool. We'll see where it goes.

Where can you wine if not this thread? :p


Yeah, I do shave my head already. I don't color the greys in my beard because imo, it looks good.

Anyway, after my whining in this thread, I actually got a message back from a girl on OKC. She seems really cool. We'll see where it goes.

Where can you wine if not this thread? :p

damn right!

I'm still wondering if the nerdy girl will go anywhere. Oh well.

That one girl who I have nothing in common with still keeps talking to me. I don't know what to do.
Yeah you're forgetting the most important part. He needs to have someone in an earpiece feeding him lines.

I also left off the part where he needs two different outfits to match the girl's personalities. One of them is punk rock and the other is conservative Christian, let's just hope he doesn't accidentally mix the two up at some point in the meal.


You did? Don't know how I missed it. What do you mean scam? As in, she never even showed? I'll have to go back a few pages..

Oh this post? I didn't understand what you were saying lol. You met with her and she was younger than she said? And not as hot?
She wanted me to buy her Nexon currency and send her the codes before we met up, no thanks.... she is probably underaged too considering here replies when I backed out.


Yo GAF, got a quick question about this gal I've been talking to, well, talked to.

We started messaging back and forth in like mid-August. It went pretty well, so well in fact that I asked her about meeting up and getting a drink. Then she disappeared, for like....two weeks.

Then out of nowhere she writes again saying that it looked like she disappeared at a bad time. She's doing grad school and a bunch of other stuff and got overwhelmingly busy so she essentially dropped off the face of the earth for awhile. She said that getting a drink sounded like fun, but she'd be out of town that weekend. She also was going to deactivate her OKCupid account since she started teaching, but she left me her email.

I wrote back a few days later (it was Labor Day weekend and I was busy, plus I didn't wanna seem too eager) and...that's been it for a little over a week now.

I'm assuming she got the email, but that insane, paranoid part of me is worried that maybe it somehow got sent to her spam folder or something. My subject was something like "Well, at least it isn't Compuserve or AOL", because she said not to judge that she still had a Yahoo account in the last message she sent.

So would writing again be a bad idea and seem desperate?


She wanted me to buy her Nexon currency and send her the codes before we met up, no thanks.... she is probably underaged too considering here replies when I backed out.


Well she has a history or taking weeks to respond. I would wait a week or two more, and then MAYBE send another email just casually asking if she received your last one.


Send message to one of the few decently cute girls on POF
Receive message back
Dance in joy
Decide to google image search, determine shes using fake pics.

Highlight of my day
I'm thinking about setting up my profile to an obvious troll on the unimportant stuff while still including info about me. Then in the last paragraph saying something like "if you've read this far, you realize this a complete troll, designed to invoke a reaction. You've been able to pick out the real parts, if you want to know more, email me."

Anyone done this?


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
The women on okc must have been spammed with the peanut butter and cheese joke. It worked wonderfully a month ao with a few replies; now i barely get a response.


The women on okc must have been spammed with the peanut butter and cheese joke. It worked wonderfully a month ao with a few replies; now i barely get a response.

Tried it once except on a girl that hasnt been on in two weeks, bummer because she is damn cute.

Ok GAF I really need your advice on this. I mentioned this previously but I sent a message and I am getting some pretty prompt replies. Some of y'all mentioned that I should be suspicious and I am but I need more advice. Girl looks cute in her one photo but she only has one photo and it is of her upper body in winter clothes, no mention of her body type in the details and I have seen some skinny and average girls that omit this but damn am I suspicious. Based off our messages she seems pretty cool, I have gotten about four from her. If I were back in college I would just be like fuck it I don't give a shit but I'm a bit older and out of a long term relationship and trying to set some standards. I could deal with two hours at dinner with a girl that isn't attractive if it comes to that I'm just trying to figure out if this is a trap (it probably is). And sorry if this seems superficial but yeah as I said I'm trying to set some standards for myself. Anyone experiencd anything relatively similar to this on OKC? I just started and I have sent ten messages or so and this is the first response I have gotten so I'm pretty confused about the bizzaro situation.


And is too dumb to be on the pill/make him wear a condom.
Also, I'm not taking care of some other guy's kid.

Most of the time they don't want you to. "I'm not looking for a father for my son".

So don't assume until they ask you to. Just pretend the kid doesn't exist.
Most of the time they don't want you to. "I'm not looking for a father for my son".

So don't assume until they ask you to. Just pretend the kid doesn't exist.

When I was on there I met a chick that had a kid and that's exactly what I did. I think I talked about her kid for like a second and then I acted as if he wasn't there unless she brought him up. In which case I had to act super interested.
Most of the time they don't want you to. "I'm not looking for a father for my son".

So don't assume until they ask you to. Just pretend the kid doesn't exist.

It says on her profile looking for long-term dating, something that will last.
Good luck to her and some poor schlub.


Tried it once except on a girl that hasnt been on in two weeks, bummer because she is damn cute.

Ok GAF I really need your advice on this. I mentioned this previously but I sent a message and I am getting some pretty prompt replies. Some of y'all mentioned that I should be suspicious and I am but I need more advice. Girl looks cute in her one photo but she only has one photo and it is of her upper body in winter clothes, no mention of her body type in the details and I have seen some skinny and average girls that omit this but damn am I suspicious. Based off our messages she seems pretty cool, I have gotten about four from her. If I were back in college I would just be like fuck it I don't give a shit but I'm a bit older and out of a long term relationship and trying to set some standards. I could deal with two hours at dinner with a girl that isn't attractive if it comes to that I'm just trying to figure out if this is a trap (it probably is). And sorry if this seems superficial but yeah as I said I'm trying to set some standards for myself. Anyone experiencd anything relatively similar to this on OKC? I just started and I have sent ten messages or so and this is the first response I have gotten so I'm pretty confused about the bizzaro situation.

Eh...I'm not sure what kind of answer you are looking for here. You have the picture of her, and it seems like you do want to meet her, so go do it. Of course she could be lying, anybody could. They could also be using 5 year old pictures. Not much we can really say without even a picture of her.


Well I have a date with a pretty cute gamer chick today. I'm debating if I should shave or not? I look a tad scruffy but I have a young looking face and when clean shaven I look like a high school kid.
Well I have a date with a pretty cute gamer chick today. I'm debating if I should shave or not? I look a tad scruffy but I have a young looking face and when clean shaven I look like a high school kid.

Do you have any female friends or friends' girlfriends you could ask which looks better?


I have a really hard taking online dating seriously. I just end up going into girls profiles and making fun of them. I don't think I have made one well thought out reply yet. Here's one I sent earlier:

(Some girl's profile) What is the most private thing you are willing to admit?:
My last two boyfriends cheated on me. If you cheat on me I may cut your dick off!

My message to her: I liked your profile until I got to the dick cutting part. The joke's on you though, I'm already circumcised.

Just an update: She thought this was funny. After another brief exchange she gave me her number.
Tried it once except on a girl that hasnt been on in two weeks, bummer because she is damn cute.

Ok GAF I really need your advice on this. I mentioned this previously but I sent a message and I am getting some pretty prompt replies. Some of y'all mentioned that I should be suspicious and I am but I need more advice. Girl looks cute in her one photo but she only has one photo and it is of her upper body in winter clothes, no mention of her body type in the details and I have seen some skinny and average girls that omit this but damn am I suspicious. Based off our messages she seems pretty cool, I have gotten about four from her. If I were back in college I would just be like fuck it I don't give a shit but I'm a bit older and out of a long term relationship and trying to set some standards. I could deal with two hours at dinner with a girl that isn't attractive if it comes to that I'm just trying to figure out if this is a trap (it probably is). And sorry if this seems superficial but yeah as I said I'm trying to set some standards for myself. Anyone experiencd anything relatively similar to this on OKC? I just started and I have sent ten messages or so and this is the first response I have gotten so I'm pretty confused about the bizzaro situation.

Just meet for coffee (easy to bail), or get her full name and Google her.


all good things
You guys ever get a message from someone and you're like "Oh, shes cute." and then you see the rest of her photo from the neck down...


And is too dumb to be on the pill/make him wear a condom.
Also, I'm not taking care of some other guy's kid.

Yes, because NO ONE ever got pregnant while using the pill and condoms before! *rolls eyes*


All the time bro...all the time. ; ;


Semi-update to my dating situation. Still with the girlfriend, sort of just riding it out casually. Girl I think is super cute in my sociology class didn't show up last night so I couldn't see if she'd ever want to do something. I restarted an OKC profile from scratch, and have checked it a few times to read some messages from chicks.

Probably just going to ride out dating my g/f for a week or two more before I call it quits. Going to enjoy the booty until then. Yes I am an asshole. :/


Yes, because NO ONE ever got pregnant while using the pill and condoms before! *rolls eyes*


All the time bro...all the time. ; ;

I'm actually the child on one such mistake. My parents were married 8 years before I was born. My mom was on the pill but had switched brands which I guess gave an opportunity to one of my dad's super sperm. :)


2/11 as far as responses to my messages on OKC go, not too shabby. This second girl that messaged me today is gorgeous. She had mentioned she was a fan of HBO shows so I asked about Game of Thrones and what other HBO shows she was a fan of. Bingo. She also asked about some stuff from my profile, kind of nice to know she read it and was actually curious. Hopefully I can keep this going and get a date setup. Is there a message number y'all would recommend trying to set this up at? I don't want to seem too forward. Kind of awkward trying to get to know someone over OKC in the first place it seems.


So I am supposed to go on this date with a girl from POF today. At first she wouldn't stop texting me stuff like she wanted to come over even on the first day we started talking. Then she initiated a date and I agreed. So anyways now its getting close to when i would have to leave to meet her but I haven't gotten a text or anything. I sent her a message just saying that I would be there at 6 and have heard nothing back.

So the thing is that it would be about an hours drive through rush hour traffic (mainly because the highway is down) and I'm not sure I want to drive all the way out there to have her flake on me.

What's the protocol on this?


A great way to get a profile view and a message back is to bring something up about one of her interests. Don't just ask her something. I found this one girl who really liked Pokemon, so I messaged her about this Pokemon MMO I found and introduced her to it. Instant connection. Google one of her interests and teach her something.

So I am supposed to go on this date with a girl from POF today. At first she wouldn't stop texting me stuff like she wanted to come over even on the first day we started talking. Then she initiated a date and I agreed. So anyways now its getting close to when i would have to leave to meet her but I haven't gotten a text or anything. I sent her a message just saying that I would be there at 6 and have heard nothing back.

So the thing is that it would be about an hours drive through rush hour traffic (mainly because the highway is down) and I'm not sure I want to drive all the way out there to have her flake on me.

What's the protocol on this?

I wondered the same thing on my first date. Luckily she messaged me first hours before saying "Hey hope your day is going good. I'll see you later" or something like that. I really liked that, and would probably do the same to future first dates.

But it seems like you already messaged her with no response. How about asking her if she can push it back 30 minutes? Would give her a reason to respond.


So I am supposed to go on this date with a girl from POF today. At first she wouldn't stop texting me stuff like she wanted to come over even on the first day we started talking. Then she initiated a date and I agreed. So anyways now its getting close to when i would have to leave to meet her but I haven't gotten a text or anything. I sent her a message just saying that I would be there at 6 and have heard nothing back.

So the thing is that it would be about an hours drive through rush hour traffic (mainly because the highway is down) and I'm not sure I want to drive all the way out there to have her flake on me.

What's the protocol on this?

In my opinion protocol would be to either show up or send her some sort of message saying that you are no longer interested. Is it possible that she's at work or maybe doing something that doesn't permit her to respond?


But it seems like you already messaged her with no response. How about asking her if she can push it back 30 minutes? Would give her a reason to respond.

Yeah thanks for the tip. Used a variation and got a response really quick. Good thing I did not blow this off lol.


A great way to get a profile view and a message back is to bring something up about one of her interests. Don't just ask her something. I found this one girl who really liked Pokemon, so I messaged her about this Pokemon MMO I found and introduced her to it. Instant connection. Google one of her interests and teach her something.

Yeah the variation of that that I used regarding HBO worked great. I'm just concerned my second message didn't delve deeper into her interests although I did leave it plenty open for reply, it's not like I ended it without asking her something to necessitate a reply. She legitimately seemed interested although she doesn't log on that frequently it seems (I sent my original message two days ago and got a response today). Maybe now that there is a conversation going she'll check that sooner.

I honestly feel like OKC is almost more stressful than trying to meet girls while out. At least then you have body language and a continual conversation to go off of.


Yeah thanks for the tip. Used a variation and got a response really quick. Good thing I did not blow this off lol.

Nice, good luck.

Yeah the variation of that that I used regarding HBO worked great. I'm just concerned my second message didn't delve deeper into her interests although I did leave it plenty open for reply, it's not like I ended it without asking her something to necessitate a reply. She legitimately seemed interested although she doesn't log on that frequently it seems (I sent my original message two days ago and got a response today). Maybe now that there is a conversation going she'll check that sooner.

I honestly feel like OKC is almost more stressful than trying to meet girls while out. At least then you have body language and a continual conversation to go off of.

I would say the actual conversation may be less stressful, but initiating it is less stressful. You also have less chance of embarassing yourself through OKC. I feel like doing what I'm doing on OKC in real life would give the same result.
Go get em!


Date went great
We can also have a thing where someone messages someone but they dont reply, hopefully arriving at a " replies selectively"

I assume 99% of guys have "always replies" as their thing.


all good things
Well.. I guess you know if a picture is bad if you change it to your main picture and your views drop to none and then when you go back to the old one you start getting messages again.

I guess that tells me I have no sense of judgement on what women like.

Edit: Or maybe I'm more attractive sideways because my head is titled in the old picture.


I don't like it at all, but I compromise in the case of OKC.

I'm bald with a lot of greys, though, so I can't imagine many women younger than me are fighting each other to date a dude who looks 10 years older than he actually is.

I'm cursed to forever look attractive to women I have absolutely negative interest in.


I know you've seen pictures of myself that I've posted in other threads but I'm almost totally grey at 35. I've always dated (and eventually married) younger women. Most of them 5-10 years younger than myself (my wife is 5 1/2 years younger). I think you'll find that certain women are attracted to an older looking guy who isn't actually all that much older. It always worked for me...


Poet Centuriate
Kind of tired getting all my quickmatches from like 400 miles away. And no replies from the few locals (I'm basically out of locals). I get like 6 new girls very so rarely. :/
It says on her profile looking for long-term dating, something that will last.
Good luck to her and some poor schlub.

I dunno, my friend met his fiance (who had a kid from another father) on okcupid and it seems like a pretty sweet deal- he got to bypass the constantly crying baby stage but gets to be around the kid now that she's an interesting, entertaining person who's potty trained, can feed herself, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
Do you guys hide/delete profiles of women you're not interested in? I do it every day and it saves so much time. I think in all the years I've been on these sites, I've hidden like 4000 on Match and a few thousand on OKC. I only keep the profiles of girls I'm currently messaging, shown. I literally only have like 9 showing on Match and like 6 on OKC right now.


Poet Centuriate
Do you guys hide/delete profiles of women you're not interested in? I do it every day and it saves so much time. I think in all the years I've been on these sites, I've hidden like 4000 on Match and a few thousand on OKC. I only keep the profiles of girls I'm currently messaging, shown. I literally only have like 9 showing on Match and like 6 on OKC right now.

Damn son. Well, I guess it makes sense. I only like hide fake ones, personally.
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