That depends. Are you Ryan Gosling?
9 people? Show off.
yeah me to
I think its the same with Badoo. If you happen to rate each other highly you get a notification you've chosen each other. if you don't, it waits in a list til you upgrade your account
Just an update, went on a date on my last date on friday. Girl was really sweet but not my type in person.
So what is GAF's verdict on sending two messages in a row with some time in between, she hasn't been online since I sent the first. Just finished a book and I'm looking for a recommendation from one of her favorite authors. Wondering if I should just wait until the next message from her to avoid seeming creepy.
Well I look at it this way. Unless by some crazy glitch in the system she didn't get the first message, the second one is only going to make you seem clingy. So either just deal with it if she doesn't respond, or you can say to hell with it and send the second one since you really don't have anything to lose anyways.
So I just signed up a month or so ago but didn't really check the site, and it says I have these recent visitors:
Other than the 1st one, they're all pretty cute. This has to be fake right?
Same with me
So I just signed up a month or so ago but didn't really check the site, and it says I have these recent visitors:
Other than the 1st one, they're all pretty cute. This has to be fake right?
I get lots of messages though.
So... The girlfriend of 2 years and I broke up on Sunday, I made a new account Tuesday, and I now have a date lined up for Saturday.
Fun week.
Let me ask you guys. Of the girls that either you've messaged, gone out with, or simply viewed your profile how many put that they wanted kids?
Back from the date! Went really well.
Went and ate crab cakes and then walked around a park. Made out on the some rocks facing the water for a good bit. Then walked around for a bit talking before finally going home. She dropped my off since my brother had to drop me off. We made out for a sec before I got out of the car.
Some quick notes:
After we had got done eating and then went to walk to her car I grabbed her hand and she said thanks. But she also went in for a kiss on the lips which caught me off guard and she caught me on the cheek. I laughed it off and said I wasn't that easy and that she would have to work for it.
She told me about her other dates from OKC. 1st guy she couldn't really see what he looked like on OKC, turned out he was only 5 foot tall and with her being 5' 5" she said it was awkward. 2nd guy she said started of well enough but then the guy asked her to give him a blow job. I am her third and when I asked her how the night was going she said awesome. I joked and said, "way better than the 2nd guy huh".
She's a fast eater. Which is good since I'm one too.
Overall it was a good first date. Like literally my first date. Ever.
Update: This went very well. We did drinks and dinner... and also breakfast.
How was it your first date ever???? You're super good looking!
If someone asks your name, how do you reply?
This is a great reply!The names Bond. James Bond.
Idk, internet and all that. :/Just give it to them? Don't really see the big deal.
Idk, internet and all that. :/
Yeah, idk. I mean I usually just use my initials (that I've used as a name in the past). Just curious.If it's just your first name I don't really see what they could do with it.
Yeah, idk. I mean I usually just use my initials (that I've used as a name in the past). Just curious.
You could do a test my googling your first name + your city or state and see if anything pops up. If nothing shows up you should be good.
Nothing really shows up but I know I've been featured in the city newspaper (my full name + city brought up the image from the article) so who knows.
I was more or less curious as to how other people go about it.
You want to meet people. Why are you sketchy about your first name? This is fucking bizarre.Yeah, idk. I mean I usually just use my initials (that I've used as a name in the past). Just curious.
You want to meet people. Why are you sketchy about your first name? This is fucking bizarre.
I'm so sad guys, I can no longer browse privately while still seeing my visitors. Don't know why I was able to before, but it's gone nowLame...
So I started messaging people tonight, thanks to the confidence boost listed in my above post.
Within the last hour I messaged 3, two have replied so far. One has given me her number.
Is the only benefit that they can't see you browsed their profile?
Do any Asian gaffers or friends of gaffers get any success off these sites?
Pretty much. I liked being able to check out a girls profile later on, or as I'm talking to her to double check her facts. Now I have to turn on private browsing if I don't want her to know I'm constantly on her profile lol. Creepy.
i'm pretty sure it only notifies them of you visting their profile once, it even says somewhere "you can stalk their profile in peace of mind" or something
i'm pretty sure it only notifies them of you visting their profile once, it even says somewhere "you can stalk their profile in peace of mind" or something
I met one girl from OkCupid.... She was a mod from 4chan.
it only notifies once, but it will update your last visit time under the "visitors" page
Yea, but I'll show up again higher on her visitor's list with what time it was. Oh well.
So that girl I slept with on the weekend isn't texting back. I'm not ready for another serious relationship or anything, but I wouldn't mind keeping up the sex/casual dating with her for a while. Mildly annoying.