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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Let's be honest, the only clever line in there was "I will travel across DeLand" because it works in Florida.

But! I'm optimistic for it being at least different than the usual messages I send out every once in a while.

That's fucking ridiculous ahahahaha. But I'm sure you'll at least get a message back complimenting you for your originality.
That's fucking ridiculous ahahahaha. But I'm sure you'll at least get a message back complimenting you for your originality.

I got a visit to my profile two hours ago but no response :p We all know what that means.

Weird though - my uncreative, untrying messages usually seem to get the most traction. Here I thought a Pokemon lover would enjoy this one.
Spoke too soon! Got a reply for that Pokemon song message. Got a phone number on the very next message.




Her reply:

So I read this before I left for work this morning, and it took me a minute to realize what exactly I was reading. Sadly, I was pressed for time and had to leave before I could respond. After stewing over this all day I have to say, this is probably one of the best 'things' (I don't have a better word) I have ever received.

Consider me throughly impressed and extremely flattered.

(My siblings and I would have epic battles over who got to be Yoshi in Mart Kart. I still refuse to play with my youngest brother because he won't let me be Yoshi.)
Ok I hope nobody minds that Im gonna take a run at the profiles and give some advice and comments.

Kun man Im starting with you. Your profile is pretty sweet and the pic in the suit, Hell man Id hit it. One thing I want you to change because I think you are better off dropping the gaming comments from it. Also remove the first half of the message me if comments. Try not to put negatives into it. The friday night is the same remove the bits about Im single so gaming and studying. You do that I promise you messages man.

Cad dude your profile. I FUCKING LOVE IT. It might be the best thing I have ever seen.

Chas man get a pic up.

Last but not least. Im not even sure if you are here but Electric. MARRY ME. How on gods earth have you not been taken yet I will never understand.

Ok so now people comments on mine. I can spot these things on your profiles but I cant see it on mine being that my heads so far up my own arse.

Yup, still here! And thanks, that's very sweet. Still single because I have a bad habit of only being attracted to unavailable (emotionally or otherwise) guys. So that's nice.


Fucking success! Girl I met last weekend and I decided to take the plunge and date exclusively. We realize it's pretty fast but want to take the risk. Have texted each other like over 2000 messages in the past week. Probably more.

Thanks OKC-GAF for the advice and such. I'll be checking in here still once in a while :) Time to deactivate my profile..

I got a visit to my profile two hours ago but no response :p We all know what that means.

Weird though - my uncreative, untrying messages usually seem to get the most traction. Here I thought a Pokemon lover would enjoy this one.

Hahaha yea man, ladies love the effort. Congrats!
I hate that I live in such a small city. 99% of the profiles here are horrible and the remaining 1% doesn't answer back. I just took a look at some bigger city profiles and they are full of interesting profiles. Fuck. :/

That is the main reason I don't use the site anymore. I'm not going to drive over two hours a way to find a decent date.
Fucking success! Girl I met last weekend and I decided to take the plunge and date exclusively. We realize it's pretty fast but want to take the risk. Have texted each other like over 2000 messages in the past week. Probably more.

Thanks OKC-GAF for the advice and such. I'll be checking in here still once in a while :) Time to deactivate my profile

Congrats man!


Fucking success! Girl I met last weekend and I decided to take the plunge and date exclusively. We realize it's pretty fast but want to take the risk. Have texted each other like over 2000 messages in the past week. Probably more.

Thanks OKC-GAF for the advice and such. I'll be checking in here still once in a while :) Time to deactivate my profile..

Congrats! Always great to read success stories (the only reason I come to this thread anymore really) since I've experienced a couple. Hopefully your situation goes better than mine did 2 months ago. We also decided to date exclusively after the first date, but then it ended abruptly after 3 weeks.

Looking back though it was a blessing in disguise, because the girl I've been dating for the past month has been amazing and also way more my type.


Fucking success! Girl I met last weekend and I decided to take the plunge and date exclusively. We realize it's pretty fast but want to take the risk. Have texted each other like over 2000 messages in the past week. Probably more.

Thanks OKC-GAF for the advice and such. I'll be checking in here still once in a while :) Time to deactivate my profile..

Hahaha yea man, ladies love the effort. Congrats!


I have no time to date these days those, much less check my profile. Damn work is killing my free time.


Yup, still here! And thanks, that's very sweet. Still single because I have a bad habit of only being attracted to unavailable (emotionally or otherwise) guys. So that's nice.

I was two minutes away from messaging you thinking I had hit the jackpot on random girl views. A friend of mine over here is having the same issue as you and I will tell you the same thing I told her. The right guy is waiting for you and you will find him just a matter of time.


GAF Guys & Girls,

I had a spinal cord injury ~8yrs ago and I'm in a wheelchair. I feel I should come clean about it but man it's killing the interest I think. Also for example I'm 6'5" but sitting down...

What should I do? Recommendations?


Congrats! Always great to read success stories (the only reason I come to this thread anymore really) since I've experienced a couple. Hopefully your situation goes better than mine did 2 months ago. We also decided to date exclusively after the first date, but then it ended abruptly after 3 weeks.

Looking back though it was a blessing in disguise, because the girl I've been dating for the past month has been amazing and also way more my type.

Yea I am definitely cautious about it, but I feel really good about my chances. Hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass. If you don't mind, how/why did yours end abruptly? Did the passion just die out? I wouldn't mind if that's how mine ends. I figure it would have died out even if we took it slow.

GAF Guys & Girls,

I had a spinal cord injury ~8yrs ago and I'm in a wheelchair. I feel I should come clean about it but man it's killing the interest I think. Also for example I'm 6'5" but sitting down...

What should I do? Recommendations?

Damn sorry to hear about that. But man you have to be honest about it. Just make sure you show how great of a person you are in your profile.


GAF Guys & Girls,

I had a spinal cord injury ~8yrs ago and I'm in a wheelchair. I feel I should come clean about it but man it's killing the interest I think. Also for example I'm 6'5" but sitting down...

What should I do? Recommendations?

Bummer. Well, you should probably be honest about it; they'll find out as soon as they meet you. I know a couple guys who are paralyzed, and they have great partners.

You may have good luck doing social events like meetups too, where you can interact with many people, let your personality shine and establish an in-person connection.


Yea I am definitely cautious about it, but I feel really good about my chances. Hopefully it doesn't bite me in the ass. If you don't mind, how/why did yours end abruptly? Did the passion just die out? I wouldn't mind if that's how mine ends. I figure it would have died out even if we took it slow.

She kept postponing the next date I was trying to set up (We had been on 5 dates at the time. No sex, just a few long make out/groping sessions). Then she told me a few days later that she wasn't ready for a relationship and wanted to remain friends. After agreeing I tried to just hang out one last time as "friends" but she blew me off. Haven't talked since that day.

I should have realized it would happen since her profile stated she was just looking to go out on dates and didn't want a relationship. Would have helped if she told me earlier though and not make me spend a whole week trying to see her. She ended up doing the "nice girl" thing of trying to let me down easy, instead of just telling me point blank that she didn't want to take it further, which is what I would have preferred.

That's in the past though. As I said earlier, the girl I'm dating now is awesome. Taking it slow has definitely worked better for me, although we are also dating exclusively. I plan on giving it another 2 weeks or so before I bring anything up about being in a relationship.


Well to be honest the only dates I've been on have been through girls who messaged me first. And I really wasn't that attracted to them. I guess it's time to grow some balls and talk to chicks IRL lol. Le sigh...

Here's my profile for what it's worth, though I'm pretty sure it breaks every rule in the "Do's and Don't's" of online dating.
No offence, but your pictures are more suited to GAF then on a dating website. And your profile pic...ugh. Dude, you are not ugly, lose the cheese, photoshop and lame effects. Have pics of you doing activities, makes you interesting...


She kept postponing the next date I was trying to set up (We had been on 5 dates at the time. No sex, just a few long make out/groping sessions). Then she told me a few days later that she wasn't ready for a relationship and wanted to remain friends. After agreeing I tried to just hang out one last time as "friends" but she blew me off. Haven't talked since that day.

I should have realized it would happen since her profile stated she was just looking to go out on dates and didn't want a relationship. Would have helped if she told me earlier though and not make me spend a whole week trying to see her. She ended up doing the "nice girl" thing of trying to let me down easy, instead of just telling me point blank that she didn't want to take it further, which is what I would have preferred.

That's in the past though. As I said earlier, the girl I'm dating now is awesome. Taking it slow has definitely worked better for me, although we are also dating exclusively. I plan on giving it another 2 weeks or so before I bring anything up about being in a relationship.

Ah ok I see what you're saying. Yea my situation is different but still being careful anyway.

Here's a question for you guys, what is the difference between exclusive dating and a relationship? Is it ok for a person to view it as the same? Because I pretty much do. And I'm asking here instead of the dating thread, because that thread sucks. Some of the people in there are terrible.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
So an update on the girl I've been seeing.

We've gone on two dates already and they've gone good with each ending in a long makeout session.

So, as our 1000th text I sent this:

I just met you and this is crazy, but you're awesome, so let's go steady?(Our 1000th text) :)

And she responded by asking me to clarify what going steady meant. I told her I wanted to date exclusively. She said, "It's not like I want to see other people, it's just that I freak out when that question pops up".

I told her that I understand if it's too soon and that we could go on a few more dates before she decides.

She then says:

I'm glad you understand. And this is not a rejection. I guess I need more time. Dating doesn't make me as nervous as the word "relationship" does. lol then I might run.

I asked her doesn't that contradict what she said about finding someone worthy to be her bf on her profile. She tells me that yeah it does, but she didn't expect it to happen so fast or at all.

So, I guess I'm going to have to take it slow with her and see what happens. But I don't really feel comfortable making out now since I get the feeling that she is seeing other guys on the side too.


Haha that's pretty much the exact same attitude the girl I saw for 2 dates had. Then she all of a sudden realized how much she actually wants to be with me and that was the end of that :) You should ask her what the difference between the 2 are. That's how I won her over.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
Haha that's pretty much the exact same attitude the girl I saw for 2 dates had. Then she all of a sudden realized how much she actually wants to be with me and that was the end of that :) You should ask her what the difference between the 2 are. That's how I won her over.

I'll try that. But I don't know if I should wait a bit longer before bringing up the "R" word again. We might be going out again tomorrow but I'm not sure because she passed out on me before confirming(she told me she had been drinking).

I'm going to be really honest with you. The idea of a relationship didn't freak her out as much as the fact that you brought up the idea via text. Very beta thing to do and a big no-no.

Yeah, I admit it was a very cheesy thing to do and regret it now. But she has responded well to my corniness before, so that's why I did it that way.


No offence, but your pictures are more suited to GAF then on a dating website. And your profile pic...ugh. Dude, you are not ugly, lose the cheese, photoshop and lame effects. Have pics of you doing activities, makes you interesting...

I appreciate the advice, but I don't think online dating is for me. Perhaps dating at all. After over a decade of being alone there comes to a point where enough is enough. I know I asked for advice but that in and of itself made me realize that tweaking things here and there on a website to try to find a woman has become a fruitless labor. Not trying to garner sympathy, just trying to find an outlet to let out some steam. I appreciate you taking the time to look my profile over anyhow.
Yeah, I admit it was a very cheesy thing to do and regret it now. But she has responded well to my corniness before, so that's why I did it that way.

It wasn't cheesy, it was beta. Cheesy would be saying "so kiss me maybe?" instead of "so let's go steady". Extremely bad idea and I assure you the fact that you did it over text is the biggest thing that is now working against you. Bad move, I truly believe you have fucked up.


It wasn't cheesy, it was beta. Cheesy would be saying "so kiss me maybe?" instead of "so let's go steady". Extremely bad idea and I assure you the fact that you did it over text is the biggest thing that is now working against you. Bad move, I truly believe you have fucked up.

If he's beta your alpha right?


I appreciate the advice, but I don't think online dating is for me. Perhaps dating at all. After over a decade of being alone there comes to a point where enough is enough. I know I asked for advice but that in and of itself made me realize that tweaking things here and there on a website to try to find a woman has become a fruitless labor. Not trying to garner sympathy, just trying to find an outlet to let out some steam. I appreciate you taking the time to look my profile over anyhow.

I would agree with the above recommendation. Your pictures are actually very vague. Only two are a clear indication of what you look like. The rest either don't have you in them or are extremely obscure.

You're not a bad looking dude so get more picture of yourself up there and lose the ones that are missing that which you are "selling". Other than that, your profile wasn't dull to read and that's the other piece!


I would agree with the above recommendation. Your pictures are actually very vague. Only two are a clear indication of what you look like. The rest either don't have you in them or are extremely obscure.

You're not a bad looking dude so get more picture of yourself up there and lose the ones that are missing that which you are "selling". Other than that, your profile wasn't dull to read and that's the other piece!

Eh, I just deleted my profile. lol


It wasn't cheesy, it was beta. Cheesy would be saying "so kiss me maybe?" instead of "so let's go steady". Extremely bad idea and I assure you the fact that you did it over text is the biggest thing that is now working against you. Bad move, I truly believe you have fucked up.

Calling you out here. It was pretty cheesy but girls that are into you loves cheesy. My gf would have ate that up. It sounds more like a combination of it being too soon (2 dates isn't enough) and her being afraid of commitment.

There was nothing "beta" about what he texted.. unless you don't realize he was quoting a song?
That girl I slept with a couple weeks back is giving me the weirdest run around. Sometimes I'll go days without hearing from her and sometimes she'll be really chatty, but I still haven't seen her a second time as she often has an excuse.
Normally I'd just drop her like a bad habit but... "That girl I slept with". So yeah.
I'm sorry but this is cracking me up big time. I hope you can recover from this. I wouldn't sweat it either way. I doubt you will have much problem finding others.

I'm gonna agree here. Even if she digs the cheese, this is really the type of comment you confide with her in person.


I'm sorry but this is cracking me up big time. I hope you can recover from this. I wouldn't sweat it either way. I doubt you will have much problem finding others.

Yea every time I come into this thread I scroll up and read that text haha. Sorry SexyNerd, but damn that's cheesier than the Pokemon song (which turned out to be pretty awesome).
Calling you out here. It was pretty cheesy but girls that are into you loves cheesy. My gf would have ate that up. It sounds more like a combination of it being too soon (2 dates isn't enough) and her being afraid of commitment.

There was nothing "beta" about what he texted.. unless you don't realize he was quoting a song?

She's not his girlfriend yet, that's the problem. Of course if you texted your girlfriend that she would think it's cute and cheesy because she's already your girlfriend. Texting that you a girl you've only gone out with twice with the implication that you're asking to make the relationship official via SONG LYRICS is not cheesy, it's being a coward since you aren't asking her in person. Can pretty much guarantee that's why she was weirded out by it. Your argument is invalid friend.

And yes, I realize he was quoting "Call Me Maybe", lol.

I'm gonna agree here. Even if she digs the cheese, this is really the type of comment you confide with her in person.

This, this, this.


She's not his girlfriend yet, that's the problem. Of course if you texted your girlfriend that she would think it's cute and cheesy because she's already your girlfriend. Texting that you a girl you've only gone out with twice with the implication that you're asking to make the relationship official via SONG LYRICS is not cheesy, it's being a coward since you aren't asking her in person. Can pretty much guarantee that's why she was weirded out by it. Your argument is invalid friend.

And yes, I realize he was quoting "Call Me Maybe", lol.

He said "would have", meaning she would have liked it in the past if a similar situation had arisen, before being his gf. At least, that's what I got out of it. The song lyrics was a bit much, but it is entirely possible to do it over text. I pretty much did, ish.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
Calling you out here. It was pretty cheesy but girls that are into you loves cheesy. My gf would have ate that up. It sounds more like a combination of it being too soon (2 dates isn't enough) and her being afraid of commitment.

There was nothing "beta" about what he texted.. unless you don't realize he was quoting a song?

Yeah, she also mentioned being a "commitment phobe". And I think she recently got out of a relationship because she just joined OKC 3 weeks ago and also the day after our first date she tweeted that getting over someone sucks but when you do it's amazing.

So, maybe it is too soon for her to be in another relationship.

I'm sorry but this is cracking me up big time. I hope you can recover from this. I wouldn't sweat it either way. I doubt you will have much problem finding others.

Thanks. But I live in a small town and selection around my area sucks. So, I was kinda hopeful on this being the one and maybe I pressed things too much because of it.

I'm gonna agree here. Even if she digs the cheese, this is really the type of comment you confide with her in person.

Yeah, I understand. I won't make this mistake again in the future.

Anyways, she texted me back an hour ago saying she just woke up and that she did pass out last night. But she said she got a call from a job she applied at and that she had to be there at 2 today. So, that rules out doing anything today.


She's not his girlfriend yet, that's the problem.
I said would have which Ashhong has already pointed it out. Every girl is different.
Can pretty much guarantee that's why she was weirded out by it. Your argument is invalid friend.
Really? You can guarantee it? You're obviously the expert being the alpha dog and all.. My argument is no more invalid than yours are. This is a discussion board where we can you know, discuss and agree or disagree.

My "calling you out" is more for using terms like "beta" and "coward" it's really not productive.. Especially when you're spouting it off as a fact that she was "weirded out" by what he wrote when you don't know that.

I feel like people are over analyzing what they should have said or done when the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter as much as we think it does. If she likes you... it's pretty hard to mess things up. If she doesn't, there really isn't anything one could say to change that. Yet people here are hinging on every word and self analyzing what they should have said to make her like him.

I think we can also agree that all women are different. I would have thought that LumpOfCole's pokemon message would have turned her off but it worked and he got a number out of it.

I'm not disagreeing with you that SexyNerd should have asked her out in person. Given what he has posted, it seems like she would have hesitated anyway being a "commitment phobe" and all. But what I AM saying is that if she WAS interested in committing to a relationship, his way of doing it wouldn't have changed her mind even if she would have preferred something else.


Met 3 girls off OKC. Slept with each of them the first night.

They all turned out to be flakey as shit, think I am done with this site for a while lol. Trying to look for a relationship. It never works out like this when you sleep together so fast. All 3 of them were multiple times so it was not a 1 night stand. I am just as guilty for doing it so I can't blame them, but I have yet to meet a chick on here that I would consider dating.

One of them was really bad! I lent her the first Game of Thrones book and she won't give it back to me. What the hell is that?!?!


Looked at the site the other day just to browse. Had no picture or profile. Hit up a conversation with a cute girl and got her number. Chances are I won't follow through with it since its my last semester at school. The point is, just try be yourself/genuine and above all, don't expect anything. I just commented on some girl's site just to say something, not to get a response.

Keep your messages short and nothing too generic. Show interest.


Met 3 girls off OKC. Slept with each of them the first night.

They all turned out to be flakey as shit, think I am done with this site for a while lol. Trying to look for a relationship. It never works out like this when you sleep together so fast. All 3 of them were multiple times so it was not a 1 night stand. I am just as guilty for doing it so I can't blame them, but I have yet to meet a chick on here that I would consider dating.

One of them was really bad! I lent her the first Game of Thrones book and she won't give it back to me. What the hell is that?!?!

Never lend stuff to chicks unless you're deep into it already. (I too have learned the hard way)


I feel like people are over analyzing what they should have said or done when the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter as much as we think it does. If she likes you... it's pretty hard to mess things up. If she doesn't, there really isn't anything one could say to change that.

I agree here. It's like half that and half timing w/ online dating.
I feel like people are over analyzing what they should have said or done when the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter as much as we think it does. If she likes you... it's pretty hard to mess things up. If she doesn't, there really isn't anything one could say to change that. Yet people here are hinging on every word and self analyzing what they should have said to make her like him.

Sage wisdom, which helped me sort through one of my current quandaries. Appreciated.
GAF Guys & Girls,

I had a spinal cord injury ~8yrs ago and I'm in a wheelchair. I feel I should come clean about it but man it's killing the interest I think. Also for example I'm 6'5" but sitting down...

What should I do? Recommendations?

Don't bring it up, do your best to get a date, bring a camera and get a picture of their face when you wheel in through the door.


I got a visit to my profile two hours ago but no response :p We all know what that means.

Weird though - my uncreative, untrying messages usually seem to get the most traction. Here I thought a Pokemon lover would enjoy this one.

Out of curiosity, what was your opening message?

Also, glad to see another Floridian in here!

Edit: I have another date tomorrow with a different girl. We're hitting up Sarasota, and going to eat some yummy Kilwin. St. Armand circle is the best (in Florida)!


Alright guys, I no this is no longer OKC territory, but I have to ask. How fast is too fast? How do you deal with that infatuation stage where it seriously feels like love? This girl and I have only known each other for like 2 weeks now...but we are talking practically 24/7 and are crazy about each other. I know people say "dont overthink it" and I'm trying not to.

My biggest issue is that I (we) cannot stop thinking about each other, and I feel like I'm in love, but in my head I'm trying to tell myself "no way, it's way too soon. You're crazy." But I dont know what else to call this feeling lol. Just infatuation? Bigger than I've ever felt "infatuated"


Let me just repeat because I feel it's important, we both feel this way about each other. It's not just me obsessing over her or something. We feel like it's so fast but at the same time don't want to slow down. WTF is this feeling???


Alright guys, I no this is no longer OKC territory, but I have to ask. How fast is too fast? How do you deal with that infatuation stage where it seriously feels like love? This girl and I have only known each other for like 2 weeks now...but we are talking practically 24/7 and are crazy about each other. I know people say "dont overthink it" and I'm trying not to.

My biggest issue is that I (we) cannot stop thinking about each other, and I feel like I'm in love, but in my head I'm trying to tell myself "no way, it's way too soon. You're crazy." But I dont know what else to call this feeling lol. Just infatuation? Bigger than I've ever felt "infatuated"


Let me just repeat because I feel it's important, we both feel this way about each other. It's not just me obsessing over her or something. We feel like it's so fast but at the same time don't want to slow down. WTF is this feeling???

Puppy love. The excitement and awesomeness of being in a relationship (?) always give both parties that certain high.

If a six months-to-a-year pass and you and her still feel this, you two are probably in love.
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