Liu Kang Baking A Pie
If someone likes you, it will be obvious they like you.
I guess I meant asking her out too soon, but you're right.What's to regret? Take a shot.
Yeah, that's my way of thinking exactly. It's frustrating.I've had this type of thing happen a couple of times where all they do is answer the question and don't bother asking you anything. It sucks. After a couple of exchanges and realizing that's what they were doing I dropped them and moved on. I figured if they had SOME interest in you then they would take the time to ask you something.
I thought by answering my message it was assumed she was somewhat interested. She visited my profile then responded, I guess I thought that was enough -- I know some people just respond to a good portion of messages they receive just to clear their conscience, and so they don't feel bad. I think it's better to just ignore the message and not lead somebody on, or give them false hope.If someone likes you, it will be obvious they like you.
holy shit dude, I've had this happen to the extreme. Not only did she not keep the conversation going, she would answer in 1-10 words tops, it was crazy. But she did seem cool by her profile and I figured if we started texting it would be different, she'd be a little more talkative...nope! Even in text, just a few words, I carry the convo. So I figure 'she won't be like this in person', so we meet up..what the fuck, she is. Luckily she says a lot more in person, but still, she can't really keep conversations going, it's all me. But still, I keep trying! I've got no interest in dating this girl and she says she's only looking to meet up with people and have a good time, nothing too serious, and that's OK with me. We're actually gonna go get some dinner some time this week or next. We do get along well, our first meet up was really interesting to say the least lol, but yea, talking to her is like pulling teeth sometimes. Hanging out once or twice a month is kinda my sweet spot with her.Talking to a girl on OKC. I really liked her profile, seems like a cool girl. I've sent two messages and she's responded both times. I opened both with funny remarks about her profile, then asking her about herself. Both times, she gives a thoughtful answer but then ends it there, without asking me anything, making me the one who has to keep the conversation.
oh my god
after changing my profile to say that im from a wealthy family I get messages within the next few minutes. Amazing.
lol are you serious? So far, we have concluded that topless photos increase your response raet, according to you showing you have money increases your response rate too, so if someone who is well hung takes a pic of themselves in speedos diving into a private pool then he'l get more messages than he will know what to do with. Then we can see that looks, money, and size do matter.
I still think the 5 star thing we were doing a few weeks ago seriously helped, although I didnt hear from the other guys if it helped them at all?
I think my quiver matches have gotten more attractive but I'm not exactly sure, I'm assuming this is what the you're hot e-mail changes when it says you'll see more attractive people? The hottest girl I have gotten continued responses from I found in just a random search. Just asked her to dinner actually, fingers crossed on this one.
lolol so I broke up with that girl I moved really fast with. Guess I burnt out, oh well. Glad I burnt out quickly rather than wasting my time. Time to reactivate OKC !
lolol so I broke up with that girl I moved really fast with. Guess I burnt out, oh well. Glad I burnt out quickly rather than wasting my time. Time to reactivate OKC !
Got a date set up with a girl I've been texting back and forth quite a bit this weekend. She's really chill and nice and I love her personality but without sounding like a jerk, she's not my usual type. She's not ugly or bad or anything, just not my type. Will see what happens. Great personality, though she's really religious which might be a problem later.
The more I talk to her the more attracted I am to her right now. Really close to what I look for personality wise, from what I can tell. Plus she gyms and exercises a lot so like, it can all change haha.
Got a date that I'm pretty excited about tonight. We are hanging out in her area and she's trying to plan most of it, but quick GAF, what are some good things to do on a date??? Would be nice if I had some suggestions when we are out I think.
Haha wow, my day didn't go anything like this. Had a really nice time with her and I like her but I'm such a pussy when making moves. Fuck.
Fucking success! Girl I met last weekend and I decided to take the plunge and date exclusively. We realize it's pretty fast but want to take the risk. Have texted each other like over 2000 messages in the past week. Probably more.
Thanks OKC-GAF for the advice and such. I'll be checking in here still once in a whileTime to deactivate my profile..
Haha that's pretty much the exact same attitude the girl I saw for 2 dates had. Then she all of a sudden realized how much she actually wants to be with me and that was the end of thatYou should ask her what the difference between the 2 are. That's how I won her over.
Alright guys, I no this is no longer OKC territory, but I have to ask. How fast is too fast? How do you deal with that infatuation stage where it seriously feels like love? This girl and I have only known each other for like 2 weeks now...but we are talking practically 24/7 and are crazy about each other. I know people say "dont overthink it" and I'm trying not to.
My biggest issue is that I (we) cannot stop thinking about each other, and I feel like I'm in love, but in my head I'm trying to tell myself "no way, it's way too soon. You're crazy." But I dont know what else to call this feeling lol. Just infatuation? Bigger than I've ever felt "infatuated"
Let me just repeat because I feel it's important, we both feel this way about each other. It's not just me obsessing over her or something. We feel like it's so fast but at the same time don't want to slow down. WTF is this feeling???
She's actually religious and wants to wait until marriage, though she's said multiple times that she may not be able to resist lol. The crazy thing is that I'm OK with it. That is how I know I am officially too into her haha.
Lol good point. Pretty much what we are doing. I dont think we will burn out. Been doing some cheesy ass shit that I will not share here to spare what little dignity I have left lol.
lolol so I broke up with that girl I moved really fast with. Guess I burnt out, oh well. Glad I burnt out quickly rather than wasting my time. Time to reactivate OKC !
It's been a good week. Got a date tomorrow and talking to two more chicks. But I have a question
Am I wrong to think that a little texting before the date is good? Obviously we are busy and we have no idea what's going on with someone else, but the the convo today went something like:
Me) Hey, I'm ok for Friday. Are you?
Her) Yeah, say 9
Me) Yeah cool. We are both used to the area, where are you favourite spots
Her) ......
Lol. I'm not expecting a full blown convo. But gimmie something to work with!
I once had text sex with a milf I met on OKC. Stealth or overt bragging i don't care but we got it on pretty much the moment we met. It was weird having to sneak into her house so her Au Pair would not see me. It was like I was playing MGS, she was on the phone telling me to wait behind her hedge, then run to her door and not knock, then wait in her living room, then stealthily sneak into her room. Shit was weird but fun.
Text sex lol? That sounds hot.
OKCupid: A Tragedy in Three Acts
By Ashhong.
I hate you lol.
Nothing happened, I just burnt out, decided I didn't see a future. I still don't regret any of it though. Also, I think I just finally accepted the fact that I am not physically attracted to her, no matter what I told myself.
so I was at work today and a girl I messaged on OKC came in lol it was kinda strange, she didn't answer my message back and she was with a guy, who I'm guessing was her BF now.
You recognize someone like that? lol Should have called her by her screenname
I don't know why but after completing more tests that I can remember all the suggestions I get from OKC are from weird ass chicks: 70% are bisexuals, most have ink all over the place and at least half are tryhard hipster types
My theory is that under religion I put atheist and "don't really care" when it asked about the girl's religion.
All these chicks are either atheist, temporal-atheist-to-piss-my-parents or spiritual stuff like wiccans and goths
Which is funny because despite being an atheist if I were religious I would be a model believer since most of the stuff I don't do is the same than very religious people say you shouldn't do
Guess normal-but-religious chicks can't hang around with an atheist no matter how well-behaved he is....
Maybe go back and remove some of your tests or questions? I answered the absolute minimum required for everything (except my profile).
I don't recall seeing that option there, just some to make everything secret or public.
Odd situation, while I'm at it - there's this girl who seems to take a couple of weeks to reply everytime, though I found myself replying back fairly quickly. I'm enjoying the exchanges, and there's a faint possibility of meeting at this race by the end of the month.
I feel I maybe should take longer to reply, but then that might make her delays even longer...
Damn dates flaked out I think..
txt her this morning to say I can't make the date tonight as I'm not feeling too well.
Then I checked OKC this morning and realised her profile had gone. But I can't see whether she has just blocked me, or deleted her account.
I'm going back in.
Got a date tonight at some fancy bar in DTLA. This chick believes creationism should be taught alongside evolution in schools and she's pre-med. I was also pre-med, and i don't know how anyone with a science background can think that. Gonna try to avoid bringing it up, because it's all downhill from there. As usual i will be looking to escalate and see how far i can go. I won't respect myself in the morning if i don't at least try lol
I once had text sex with a milf I met on OKC. Stealth or overt bragging i don't care but we got it on pretty much the moment we met. It was weird having to sneak into her house so her Au Pair would not see me. It was like I was playing MGS, she was on the phone telling me to wait behind her hedge, then run to her door and not knock, then wait in her living room, then stealthily sneak into her room. Shit was weird but fun.
I got rid of my account like a week ago. Bullshit was too depressing checking it each week to see if anyone bothered to message me. I think with it disabled, im only slightly happier as its not on my mind as much. I felt like shit passing the clubbing area from work today. Bunch of hot young people having fun. How they do dat?
Out of curiosity, how old are you?
Im 28. Never really had much experience with the ladies. Years of solitude has made me socially impotent.
Im 28. Never really had much experience with the ladies. Years of solitude has made me socially impotent.
This is sounds ridiculously awesome. Fucking Solid snake up in this bitch
This is a lousy attitude. There are lots of things you can do to improve yourself, especially at such a young age. Moping isn't going to help you.
I got rid of my account like a week ago. Bullshit was too depressing checking it each week to see if anyone bothered to message me. I think with it disabled, im only slightly happier as its not on my mind as much. I felt like shit passing the clubbing area from work today. Bunch of hot young people having fun. How they do dat?