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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Puppy love. The excitement and awesomeness of being in a relationship (?) always give both parties that certain high.

If a six months-to-a-year pass and you and her still feel this, you two are probably in love.

So basically the infatuation phase? I've had that before but never like this. I will give it some time before i really say anything to her. Unless she brings it up first..


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
I would honestly say, take your time if you really like this girl. And hold of getting it in, until you two have gotten to know each other. It's hard and temptation is there when your kissing her intimately, and things heat up. You need to respect her, if she's giving it up early. Unless you know she's also DTF, than definitely do it because she'll think there is something wrong with her.


Alright guys, I no this is no longer OKC territory, but I have to ask. How fast is too fast? How do you deal with that infatuation stage where it seriously feels like love? This girl and I have only known each other for like 2 weeks now...but we are talking practically 24/7 and are crazy about each other. I know people say "dont overthink it" and I'm trying not to.

My biggest issue is that I (we) cannot stop thinking about each other, and I feel like I'm in love, but in my head I'm trying to tell myself "no way, it's way too soon. You're crazy." But I dont know what else to call this feeling lol. Just infatuation? Bigger than I've ever felt "infatuated"


Let me just repeat because I feel it's important, we both feel this way about each other. It's not just me obsessing over her or something. We feel like it's so fast but at the same time don't want to slow down. WTF is this feeling???

are you saying people in Africa can't fall in love?

but I dunno. Just go with the flow and see what happens. You may burn out in a few weeks or not.
So the only girl I've met so far that I've clicked with let me know she was free next weekend. I suggested we go to the zoo and I'm waiting to hear back, is going to the zoo a stupid date? I mean... she'd suck if she said no to going to the zoo, because the zoo is awesome, right?
This girl is impossible to god damn read (´・ω・`)


I would honestly say, take your time if you really like this girl. And hold of getting it in, until you two have gotten to know each other. It's hard and temptation is there when your kissing her intimately, and things heat up. You need to respect her, if she's giving it up early. Unless you know she's also DTF, than definitely do it because she'll think there is something wrong with her.

She's actually religious and wants to wait until marriage, though she's said multiple times that she may not be able to resist lol. The crazy thing is that I'm OK with it. That is how I know I am officially too into her haha.

are you saying people in Africa can't fall in love?

but I dunno. Just go with the flow and see what happens. You may burn out in a few weeks or not.

Lol good point. Pretty much what we are doing. I dont think we will burn out. Been doing some cheesy ass shit that I will not share here to spare what little dignity I have left lol.
Out of curiosity, what was your opening message?

Also, glad to see another Floridian in here!

Edit: I have another date tomorrow with a different girl. We're hitting up Sarasota, and going to eat some yummy Kilwin. St. Armand circle is the best (in Florida)!

There are updates! To recap, the opening message I sent:

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To date you is my real test
To impress you is my cause

I will travel across DeLand
Searching far and wide
Our dates will always be grand
Even when inside

[Redacted], its you and me
I know it's our destiny
[Redacted], oh, you could be my best friend
And I hope this song won't offend
[Redacted], a heart so true
Our chemistry will pull us through

You date me and I'll date you
[Redddddaaaacteeeed]! Gotta give me a call!

There was soon a visit to my profile after that, but no message so I thought it was just too corny of a message, or my profile wasn't up to standard. BUT! I got a glowing reply later that night after all, and our first date is set for late tomorrow night at one of our places to watch movies and eat pizza and play Mario Kart (the ideal date!). She said it was the best thing sent to her in a while, and that reply gave me the fuzzies.
From my experience in Orlando:
- Halloween Horror Nights
- Taking day off to eat cheap food
- Halloween Horror Nights 6 more times

That sounds terrible.

Thankfully I'm Canadian so I can just take her to a bar and yada yada yada.

Also, we've basically only talked about Star Wars so far so I've got at least another few hours of that left in reserve.


So basically the infatuation phase? I've had that before but never like this. I will give it some time before i really say anything to her. Unless she brings it up first..

This simply sounds like a very strong form of infatuation then.

The date I had the other night was simply meh. We didn't really click on a personal level, and our philosophical views are polar-opposite (the expected downside dating someone who goes to a hipster-ass college). Still, the activity we did (the bioluminescence) was a lot of fun, and I had a beer with a friend after my date. So, it was fine in the end. Time to get my fishing pole and see what I catch next time!
Let me just repeat because I feel it's important, we both feel this way about each other. It's not just me obsessing over her or something. We feel like it's so fast but at the same time don't want to slow down. WTF is this feeling???

It's called the Honeymoon stage.


I am officially exhausted with these dating sites. This feels like job hunting and my time could be better spent ...job hunting.
I am officially exhausted with these dating sites. This feels like job hunting and my time could be better spent ...job hunting.

Take a break. I left for about 2 months and came back

.....to the same flaky place!

We gotta remember sme of these chicks are on here for a reason. I tend not to get too down when they flake out. Either keep looking or just appreciate the time you have free


Take a break. I left for about 2 months and came back

.....to the same flaky place!

We gotta remember sme of these chicks are on here for a reason. I tend not to get too down when they flake out. Either keep looking or just appreciate the time you have free

I don't take it persinally, lord knows if men were bombarded with messages we would not look at anything less than a 9. I'd like to think if the shoe was on the other foot I'd the to reply out of common courtesy. A girl I didn't fnd cute from some foreign country in eastern Europe kept messaging me I always replied so who knows maybe. It's just women don't realise how only e dating is a total different experience for men and women. Girls get bombarded with messages and they assume it's the same for guys and guys do not receive messages and so they assume that girls are just being rude and stuck up when all they could do is just say hi thanks for the message, but I am not interested.
I don't take it persinally, lord knows if men were bombarded with messages we would not look at anything less than a 9. I'd like to think if the shoe was on the other foot I'd the to reply out of common courtesy. A girl I didn't fnd cute from some foreign country in eastern Europe kept messaging me I always replied so who knows maybe. It's just women don't realise how only e dating is a total different experience for men and women. Girls get bombarded with messages and they assume it's the same for guys and guys do not receive messages and so they assume that girls are just being rude and stuck up when all they could do is just say hi thanks for the message, but I am not interested.

Especially if you send them a nice thoughtful message, not the usual "hey babe"

Anyway no was talking with one chick for about a week now, then I asked her in Friday if she wanted to hook up on Tuesday as she said she isn't doing anything this week. But no reply! She loomed at me profile, seemed interested from the convo but silence.


Also, I had like 50 favourites, some I cleared, others I cleared and messages. Sent about 20 messages this morning, short sweet but specific to something in the profile. I just got a reply but man am I not bothered with this anymore haha!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
This site...

I've had 2 in-depth conversations with girls in the past few weeks and right as I am about to ask them out they stop replying. One girl I messaged back and forth for most of last Sunday, and decided to ask her out when she replied again...still have yet to hear from her.

Had it happen with another girl too. Things going well, hitting it off, going to ask her out then nothing.

This site...

I've had 2 in-depth conversations with girls in the past few weeks and right as I am about to ask them out they stop replying. One girl I messaged back and forth for most of last Sunday, and decided to ask her out when she replied again...still have yet to hear from her.

Had it happen with another girl too. Things going well, hitting it off, going to ask her out then nothing.


This happened to me, as you see in previous posts. I msged her to ask if I scared her off, in a joking manner, but she said she just got busy because her pops was here

Sometimes there are genuine reasons, but hmmm.


Chasing seems pointless when there are like 20 better options waiting. Online dating is the great equaliser for ugly girls.
I said would have which Ashhong has already pointed it out. Every girl is different.

Really? You can guarantee it? You're obviously the expert being the alpha dog and all.. My argument is no more invalid than yours are. This is a discussion board where we can you know, discuss and agree or disagree.

My "calling you out" is more for using terms like "beta" and "coward" it's really not productive.. Especially when you're spouting it off as a fact that she was "weirded out" by what he wrote when you don't know that.

I feel like people are over analyzing what they should have said or done when the truth of the matter is it doesn't matter as much as we think it does. If she likes you... it's pretty hard to mess things up. If she doesn't, there really isn't anything one could say to change that. Yet people here are hinging on every word and self analyzing what they should have said to make her like him.

I think we can also agree that all women are different. I would have thought that LumpOfCole's pokemon message would have turned her off but it worked and he got a number out of it.

I'm not disagreeing with you that SexyNerd should have asked her out in person. Given what he has posted, it seems like she would have hesitated anyway being a "commitment phobe" and all. But what I AM saying is that if she WAS interested in committing to a relationship, his way of doing it wouldn't have changed her mind even if she would have preferred something else.

i have to agree with this. i ended up making my current relationship "official" via text and my girlfriend was thrilled. it all comes down to how into you the girl is. if she is head over heels for you then she's not going to care how you go about it. she's just going to be ecstatic that you want to take things to that level.

also, that's a bold move to make after only two dates. i wouldn't sweat it though. just learn from it and walk it off.
I thought OKCupid sucked, although I admit that your mileage with it very much depends on the country you live in and the quality/quantity of the people nearby. Nearly everyone around me were weirdos, who listed stuff like "drinking tea" as an interest and wanted to entertain a 3 way with Z-list celebrities. There were a few girls that I really liked, but sadly they were apathetic towards me. I suppose it's tough to entertain absolutely everyone's taste without turning off someone else. I thought I had a pretty decent profile that was kind of "one size fits all", but my response rate was limited. After a few months I got to chatting with a couple of interesting people, but they lived about 50 miles away. I met none of them in person, and after I accepted nothing would come of it I just deactivated my account.


Man, not to derail the thread but I'm having so much more success on match.com it's not even funny. I signed up for the site like 4 days ago and I already have dates with two different pretty girls lined up for next week, and possibly a third for the following week. And I'm actually getting contacted by girls fairly frequently, instead of always having to initiate the conversation.

Well worth the money.
How was the hot teen sex?
It was all right, she seemed really self conscious about it and a little nervous but otherwise fine.
We ended up going out last night instead of Friday and I actually really enjoyed it, but she needed to be somewhere this morning so I ended up driving her across the city pretty early in the morning.
It was all right, she seemed really self conscious about it and a little nervous but otherwise fine.
We ended up going out last night instead of Friday and I actually really enjoyed it, but she needed to be somewhere this morning so I ended up driving her across the city pretty early in the morning.

I was kidding



Can we all message each other and not reply to each other so it says we reply very selectively. To see if it makes us stand out more?.


Well the last 2 weeks has been a complete mindfuck.

On Friday the 14th I got on OKC late in the evening and saw that someone from L.A. had viewed my profile. There was no picture and seeing someone from L.A. on my visitors list was strange since I'm about 4 hours away. I checked the profile, thought her profile was funny, she mentioned she had taken down her pictures. Really no clue about what she looks like except that she's 5'2" and Asian. I went ahead anyway and sent her a message figuring "what the hell, why not?". The next morning she replies, I replied to her later that afternoon after I got home.

She exchanges a couple replies with me that evening and we absolutely hit it off right away that evening, asks me for my number and we start texting. Since then we literally cannot stop talking to each other.

Almost 2,200 texts in 2 weeks…. We have talked to each other (either through iMessage, on the phone or FaceTime) for 4-6 hours every single night (except for two) over the last 2 weeks. Each night we are up until 2-3am talking, laughing, having a great time) and every morning we'll call each other (usually about 6:00am) before I go to work and talk until I need to get ready for work, which ends up being at least half an hour. You would think we would be bored of each other or at least have run out of stuff to talk about but there's never been a dull moment.

We send each other texts and pictures throughout the day. There's quite a bit of flirting back and forth. She's smart, she's funny, she's cute as hell, we are on the absolute same wavelength, it's goddamn incredible. We made plans to meet last night for the first time. Since it's about a 2 hour drive for each of us, she ended up booking a room at a nearby hotel in case it gets late and she doesn't want to drive back. She also offered to let me stay with her.

So last night we each made the 2 hour drive to meet up. She ended up going to the hotel first, checked in and rest a little before I got there and we go to dinner. She sent me a text that she was there and to come by the room when I get into town. I got there, we met up, the connection is still instant. We are in the room laughing, joking, talking like we have over the last 2 weeks. There was nothing awkward, we were completely comfortable. Then one thing leads to another and we end up having sex before going to dinner. We then go to dinner, grabbed Starbucks then went back to the room where we had sex two more times.

This morning we parted ways but didn't want to leave each other. We ended up having sex again this morning before leaving. We can't wait to see each other again. We're absolutely crazy about each other. The distance sucks but we are both wanting to try and make this work.

What a first date.


Been getting a lot of profile views and five star ratings from attractive girls my age recently (24). Read through their profile... single moms. No way I'm messing with that! I guess it makes sense since my city has always had a really high teen-pregnancy rate that is well above the national average.


Your first date was in Bakersfield?

I had originally suggested that I'd drive down to L.A. and then she had suggested meeting halfway just for the first time. So now we are going to alternate with me going down there one weekend and her coming up the next time.
I had originally suggested that I'd drive down to L.A. and then she had suggested meeting halfway just for the first time. So now we are going to alternate with me going down there one weekend and her coming up the next time.

This story is pretty awesome and I'm happy for you.

Not sure if I'd ever have the commitment to do the long term thing or at least I've never met a girl who would be worth the effort. Anyway, sounds special and I look forward to your future updates.


So yeah I'm back, after a 2 Month love infatuation thing. Great fun learned ton of stuff like; don't trust anyone who strokes your ego better than you! Communication is key, if it breaks down trust your gut and bail, odds are she's flake or go nuts. And best of all never ever ever let your casual lady friends know you're seriously seeing someone, they just get weird (most of them).

So now i'm back on OkC and not even really feeling it.


This story is pretty awesome and I'm happy for you.

Not sure if I'd ever have the commitment to do the long term thing or at least I've never met a girl who would be worth the effort. Anyway, sounds special and I look forward to your future updates.

Thanks. I will keep OKCupidGAF updated. Also, I want to show everyone you never know how/when you could end up meeting someone on there.

Normally I wouldn't try this, but when you connect with someone like this it's a different story. Me and her did talk about it a bit and we both agreed that if we don't at least try this we would end up kicking ourselves later on.


what's the protocol on posting pictures in here? a girl popped up on my search who took a pic to show off her ass, and it's her main profile pic lol attention whores want attention, right?


slept with Malkin
I just setup a profile on this place a little over a week ago and got that "you're hot" email. Is this thing serious that they hide more attractive people from you if you don't get that email?


I just setup a profile on this place a little over a week ago and got that "you're hot" email. Is this thing serious that they hide more attractive people from you if you don't get that email?

I haven't noticed a difference in the matches since I received that email, does anyone not receive that after a certain amount of time?


Oh wow I didn't know we had an OKC thread on GAF?

Well it's sort of worked for me so far, I've dated and slept with two girls I met earlier in the summer and now I'm using it to contact a potential third date. Great site and I can't imagine using anything else!

kid ness

Talking to a girl on OKC. I really liked her profile, seems like a cool girl. I've sent two messages and she's responded both times. I opened both with funny remarks about her profile, then asking her about herself. Both times, she gives a thoughtful answer but then ends it there, without asking me anything, making me the one who has to keep the conversation.

Normally I just stop messaging if a girl doesn't ask me anything about myself, but I'd like to try a different approach. Maybe she's just waiting for me to ask her out? I'll definitely do that soon, but is it too soon after 2 message exchanges?

After typing this, I obviously can see that I'm over investing myself in one girl on OKC, but just thought I'd ask before doing anything I'd regret.


Talking to a girl on OKC. I really liked her profile, seems like a cool girl. I've sent two messages and she's responded both times. I opened both with funny remarks about her profile, then asking her about herself. Both times, she gives a thoughtful answer but then ends it there, without asking me anything, making me the one who has to keep the conversation.

Normally I just stop messaging if a girl doesn't ask me anything about myself, but I'd like to try a different approach. Maybe she's just waiting for me to ask her out? I'll definitely do that soon, but is it too soon after 2 message exchanges?

After typing this, I obviously can see that I'm over investing myself in one girl on OKC, but just thought I'd ask before doing anything I'd regret.

I've had this type of thing happen a couple of times where all they do is answer the question and don't bother asking you anything. It sucks. After a couple of exchanges and realizing that's what they were doing I dropped them and moved on. I figured if they had SOME interest in you then they would take the time to ask you something.
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