You'll be more comfortable with online dating once you realize the breakdown.
60% of the women have no intention of actually dating anyone, no matter how good their prospects. They use OKC as a mini blog and as an ego stroker. You can tell who these girls are pretty quickly, as they are constantly updating their info even after being on the site for over a year and being California 8's.
Of the other 40% who actually want to give dating a try, 20% are lured in by the "better prospects" who are usually just more attractive guys who just want to fuck, and the other 20% are usually "curvy," or "full figured" girls that are bat shit insane.
The best way to do online dating is to jump on one pay site and one free one (MATCH, OKC), work really hard on a funny, witty profile that doesn't reveal everything about yourself, select pictures of yourself that aren't meant to be funny but just attractive (and not mirror shots), and just send halfway thought out messages every other day to prospects. I usually copy and paste a well thought out message and then slightly later it to fit a couple of things in their profile.
Then just go about your business with no fucks given and wait for shit to happen.
I met my GF on OKC, but before that I was batting a bad average like most of you boys. Just keep with it. I never turned down a date. No date is a bad one, you learn little things from each woman your with. Some may just not work out due to attraction but they usually have a redeeming trait--big boobs, butt, whatever. Take a chance and try to see whats up quickly, and whether or not something happens you'll have valuable experience for the one that really matters down the road.