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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Thought I'd just update on my miserable posts last week. I sorted everything out with my lady friend and we've been back on for a few days now. We had a good heart to heart and cleared the air. Everything seems to be good now :)

That sounds good, but you should definitely be careful and keep your emotions in check. I'm only judging based on how flaky she was just a week or so ago, but those kind of girls just mess with your head and heart man. Be careful.

I finally found some new girls on OKC that I actually really want to get to know. What sucks is that they don't come online that often. Makes me think that when they do, they'll have like hundreds of messages and wont really be able to actually read mine and give me a fair chance.


Ok, here goes. Please feel free to critique mine - I'm sure there are some things that need to be addressed: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/rokpol

edit: and I have to say I feel a little better looking at some of the profiles posted and seeing you're all designated as "replies often" - even those of you are objectively very handsome. Makes me feel less alone. :|

Rated you 5 stars bro :) Your profile is funny, but I feel like it's not good for attracting the ladies. When I showed my girl friend my profile she changed pretty much every line that had any hint of negativity or self-deprecation. They want confidence, no matter your current situation. Probably shouldn't mention that you may soon be unemployed. However, I feel like it's lying to hide such important information. So it's up to you to decide if you want to hide things to attract more, or be honest and maybe/maybe not attract less.


slept with Malkin

Ok, here goes. Please feel free to critique mine - I'm sure there are some things that need to be addressed: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/rokpol

edit: and I have to say I feel a little better looking at some of the profiles posted and seeing you're all designated as "replies often" - even those of you are objectively very handsome. Makes me feel less alone. :|

I might remove the insecure and pessimistic lines from the first part. I thought the pooping part was funny but not sure how a female would react to it. Otherwise, I thought it was entertaining.
I must ask...

Has anyone gotten the "You are Hot!" emails from OKCupid saying that based off multiple people clicking on my profile and how they are rating me I guess... I will now begin to see more attractive people in the list of people they feed to me? What? Seems so shallow..


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I must ask...

Has anyone gotten the "You are Hot!" emails from OKCupid saying that based off multiple people clicking on my profile and how they are rating me I guess... I will now begin to see more attractive people in the list of people they feed to me? What? Seems so shallow..

This is why:

Rudder quantified how much a good picture helps. A better-than-average level of beauty serves as a response multiplier, with the most-handsome 10 percent of men receiving 25 times more messages than the average Joe. The effect is even more pronounced for women: The comeliest 10 percent receive 250 times more attention than a plain Jane does.

To help prevent those gorgeous few from getting overwhelmed by attention, and to help spare the homely masses from continual rejection, OKCupid has a special algorithm that keeps the suggested matches in the same league, as far as looks go, as the user. So if the site keeps emailing you with potential matches that you find less than sizzling, your mirror may very well explain why, Rudder said.

"Attractiveness Ratings" – determined by OKCupid’s users themselves – "are used internally. You have to be very careful how you use those, because if you don’t direct people down fruitful avenues, all the guys will just message the hottest girls. Then those girls will leave, the site will become a sausagefest, then the guys will leave and then I have to go look for a new job," Rudder said. "So we try and suggest people that are mostly in your league. That’s why I always laugh when people say, 'Everyone on OKCupid is so ugly,' because… well…"


slept with Malkin
I must ask...

Has anyone gotten the "You are Hot!" emails from OKCupid saying that based off multiple people clicking on my profile and how they are rating me I guess... I will now begin to see more attractive people in the list of people they feed to me? What? Seems so shallow..

yeah I got one about a week or so after I signed up on the site.
I went on 3 dates this past weekend. The girl on Saturday was cute but I felt nothing towards her. Girl 2 was Sunday after noon. She was attractive, plays basketball..I could tell she wasn't interested. Girl 3's date was right after girl 2. Girl 3 is nerdy, kinda plain looking but I had the most fun with her. I'm thinking about asking her out again.
Cool, thanks for the response guys.

Like others in this thread, I got all excited when I saw all these notifications only to realize it was just all of y'all though. :\

Rated you 5 stars bro :) Your profile is funny, but I feel like it's not good for attracting the ladies. When I showed my girl friend my profile she changed pretty much every line that had any hint of negativity or self-deprecation. They want confidence, no matter your current situation. Probably shouldn't mention that you may soon be unemployed. However, I feel like it's lying to hide such important information. So it's up to you to decide if you want to hide things to attract more, or be honest and maybe/maybe not attract less.

I might remove the insecure and pessimistic lines from the first part. I thought the pooping part was funny but not sure how a female would react to it. Otherwise, I thought it was entertaining.

Yeah, these are good points regarding confidence. I guess what I thought came across as self-deprecating humor may just come across as insecurity and negative attributes to females especially. Will see if I can tweak those parts. The 'unemployed' part is due more to me about to graduate grad school and see those student loan checks stop coming and not to me about to be fired or laid off. I guess there's no way to know that as an outsider, though.


Do you guys specifically try chatting with any women that have their chat bubble lit up or do you always go for the message route. I tend to go the latter as I never want to come across as being this person they now have to start addressing (odd, I know), but I'm wondering if I should just say fuck it and try starting up chats with people.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
Just went through and rated everyone that viewed my profile 5 stars. Well everyone that had a profile pic.

Seems that me and feep are a really good match at 95%. If I'm ever in L.A. I know where I'm crashing, lol.


That’s why I always laugh when people say, 'Everyone on OKCupid is so ugly,' because… well…"

Ha, this is kind of funny, and now I'm sad.

I went on 3 dates this past weekend. The girl on Saturday was cute but I felt nothing towards her. Girl 2 was Sunday after noon. She was attractive, plays basketball..I could tell she wasn't interested. Girl 3's date was right after girl 2. Girl 3 is nerdy, kinda plain looking but I had the most fun with her. I'm thinking about asking her out again.

I don't know about you, but I've found that if I think a girl is plain looking in the beginning and continue to see her, it never goes away and haunts me. I'm pretty shallow though, I wish I wasn't.

Do you guys specifically try chatting with any women that have their chat bubble lit up or do you always go for the message route. I tend to go the latter as I never want to come across as being this person they now have to start addressing (odd, I know), but I'm wondering if I should just say fuck it and try starting up chats with people.

I always send a message first. If she replies or even views my profile I'll try to send a chat message. The majority of girls don't even have that option enabled so I almost never have to think about it anyway.


Hmm, there seems to be an actual mix of attractive people in my results. I really do see anywhere from 3's 4's to 8's and 9's, maybe cause not a lot of people have rated me?

Well that quote says it hides hotter people from the less hot, but does it do the other way around? I'm going to guess no, because I see anywhere from (imo) 1-10

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Well that quote says it hides hotter people from the less hot, but does it do the other way around? I'm going to guess no, because I see anywhere from (imo) 1-10

I don't know if I'd ever call someone a 1, just seems too mean lol. There are some girls I look at on my match results and immediately think they are way out of my league.


I don't know if I'd ever call someone a 1, just seems too mean lol. There are some girls I look at on my match results and immediately think they are way out of my league.

Yea I know what you mean. I thought about it but didn't know any other way to put it. I just mean that I see a...very wide range of girls lol. I don't think they would hide the less attractive, because I'm sure there are some people out there who care way more about personality, etc.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yea I know what you mean. I thought about it but didn't know any other way to put it. I just mean that I see a...very wide range of girls lol. I don't think they would hide the less attractive, because I'm sure there are some people out there who care way more about personality, etc.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they made an "Ugly Filter" for paid attractive members in the future, though.

On another note, I seem to have a terrible habit of messaging girls a day or two after they apparently decide to leave OkCupid.


MY OKC email is a junk email so i have to ask those of you who got the "you're hot" email how many people rated you 4-5 stars? Also those guys who can talk to multiple women at the same time i rate you. I have about 7 phone numbers and i am talking to maybe 3 more girls and this shit is exhausting. I am not stealth bragging cos i put in far to much work for it.
So, uh, this is one of you guys from this thread just having a bit of fun, right?

...right? :|

Looks to be a fella from the picture. That's funny

It most certainly was a man.


Rate me, GAF.

As someone who barely gets any replies, I'm not sure how much stock you want to place in my opinion but I thought it was a solid profile overall. The only thing I would omit is the line about not being a furry or whatever. Until you mentioned it I hadn't even thought that maybe you were one. Maybe also omit that you go out shopping alone on Friday night? A lot of people use code to say that they're alone on Friday night without seeming lonely ("Maybe reading a book or watching some TV," / "Unwinding at home after a long week of work" / etc).

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
Ugh...I hate my phone phobia :/ Have a really cute girl from POF interested in me, but she insists that we talk on the phone instead of text.

I'd feel more comfortable about it if we had met already because I'm more confident I'd leave a better first impression in person than over the phone.


I need to fix up my profile. Got a message from a cute girl 2 hours away I became online friends with. That's not gonna cut it. They get less hot the more the radius decreases....

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I need to fix up my profile. Got a message from a cute girl 2 hours away I became online friends with. That's not gonna cut it. They get less hot the more the radius decreases....

I know this feel, all the attractive and high match girls in my feed end up being 200+ miles away. =(


Has anyone gotten a date yet, without uploading a profile picture?

Best you can hope for is talking to someone and then them asking to see some photos I'd reckon, but agreeing with the poster above- don't do that.

I'm curious what "average weekly visitors" shoots up to once you share your profile with GAF at large. Been on and off the site for three years and am hesitant to share my profile here, but might for kicks anyway.


The fact that I've yet to get a single reply is extremely frustrating. I'm beginning to think the people who told me looks don't matter and I'm not that bad looking were lying.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Best you can hope for is talking to someone and then them asking to see some photos I'd reckon, but agreeing with the poster above- don't do that.

I'm curious what "average weekly visitors" shoots up to once you share your profile with GAF at large. Been on and off the site for three years and am hesitant to share my profile here, but might for kicks anyway.

If you do, then I will as well!

The fact that I've yet to get a single reply is extremely frustrating. I'm beginning to think the people who told me looks don't matter and I'm not that bad looking were lying.

It took me a while to get any replies and I am currently without any, the girls I was messaging have stopped replying or deleted their profile. Just keep trying. Also, whoever said looks don't matter in online dating was lying.


The fact that I've yet to get a single reply is extremely frustrating. I'm beginning to think the people who told me looks don't matter and I'm not that bad looking were lying.

if the girl is mildly attractive they are getting lots of messages.

the last few days i've done a little experiment on POF(much more popular where i live). i made a female profile with a decent looking girl for pics. No clevage, or flirting just a straigh clean profile although i mentioned no druggies, drunks or married men and that they must say more than stuff like "hey whats up?". stayed logged in for two hours while exercising and got 73 messages. late that night i logged back in and had amassed 133 messages.

At this time i sent the fake profile a message from my real account to mark the cut off point. Then i shuffled the same pics around(still no clevage) switched to intimate encounter and rewrote the profile to match what im looking for. I let the profile sit not logged in for 24hours and when i came back i had 763 messages. There were lots of one line messages, multiple messages, dick pics, cheaters etc.

Now this is where things get interesting imo. I went back to check the original 133 messages and since the site logs conversations i could tell who remessaged me after switching to intimate encounter. Out of the 133 people 51 had remessaged me interested in the sex. Nearly 40%! This is why it's hard to get a response. So many douche bags are spamming the shit out of these sites with copy paste messages hoping a girl will bite so they can get their dicks wet. In return the legit users get lost between all their crap.

Right now i have the profile set to seeking wommen for intimate encounter. Over the last 12 or so hours i got 4 messages from females and 37 more from guys which means they're browsing the site logged out, remembering the user name and messaging me manually. Fucking pathetic.


if the girl is mildly attractive they are getting lots of messages.

the last few days i've done a little experiment on POF(much more popular where i live). i made a female profile with a decent looking girl for pics. No clevage, or flirting just a straigh clean profile although i mentioned no druggies, drunks or married men and that they must say more than stuff like "hey whats up?". stayed logged in for two hours while exercising and got 73 messages. late that night i logged back in and had amassed 133 messages.

At this time i sent the fake profile a message from my real account to mark the cut off point. Then i shuffled the same pics around(still no clevage) switched to intimate encounter and rewrote the profile to match what im looking for. I let the profile sit not logged in for 24hours and when i came back i had 763 messages. There were lots of one line messages, multiple messages, dick pics, cheaters etc.

Now this is where things get interesting imo. I went back to check the original 133 messages and since the site logs conversations i could tell who remessaged me after switching to intimate encounter. Out of the 133 people 51 had remessaged me interested in the sex. Nearly 40%! This is why it's hard to get a response. So many douche bags are spamming the shit out of these sites with copy paste messages hoping a girl will bite so they can get their dicks wet. In return the legit users get lost between all their crap.

Right now i have the profile set to seeking wommen for intimate encounter. Over the last 12 or so hours i got 4 messages from females and 37 more from guys which means they're browsing the site logged out, remembering the user name and messaging me manually. Fucking pathetic.

That's an interesting experiment. I'm glad you weren't a creepo about it about replied back. I've heard of guys doing that. Fucking weird.


That's an interesting experiment. I'm glad you weren't a creepo about it about replied back. I've heard of guys doing that. Fucking weird.

nah im straight. i did it to see what type messages guys typically send to girls and find out how much mail they actually get so that when i remake my profile i'll know what to avoid. the results of the experiment are kind of depressing tbh.

i also have a lady friend on the site and she tells me about how she gets a lot of assholes messaging her and if she doesnt respond they keep sending the message over and over. one guy even sent her a picture of himself jerking off to her profile.


nah im straight. i did it to see what type messages guys typically send to girls and find out how much mail they actually get so that when i remake my profile i'll know what to avoid. the results of the experiment are kind of depressing tbh.

i also have a lady friend on the site and she tells me about how she gets a lot of assholes messaging her and if she doesnt respond they keep sending the message over and over. one guy even sent her a picture of himself jerking off to her profile.

holy shit what the fuck???


nah im straight. i did it to see what type messages guys typically send to girls and find out how much mail they actually get so that when i remake my profile i'll know what to avoid. the results of the experiment are kind of depressing tbh.

i also have a lady friend on the site and she tells me about how she gets a lot of assholes messaging her and if she doesnt respond they keep sending the message over and over. one guy even sent her a picture of himself jerking off to her profile.
My girlfriend and I keep our profiles up just to compare the type of messages that we get. I knew that girls had it rough before but the first time that I actually got to see the types of messages that she got it blew my mind. Most of the time they are just cheesy pick up lines but other times they get pretty crazy. This one guy sent her a message about how he was a necromancer and wanted to raise the dead with her. It was a pretty long and detailed message. I had her ask him if he sends the same message to every girl and he actually said yes. If I can find the message later I'll post it.


In defence of copy and parsers although I am jot one. When girls don't even look at your message let alone reply why put in the effort. Think of it as applying for a job if you initially tailored your covering letter and you didn't so much as get a response or your covering letter/CV/profile looked at would you keep putting in tonnes of effort. You might just say fuck it and just send a short covering letter and hope the increased number of people you sent your message to will increase your chances.
It's funny how things can change. I was out at some friends' house last night thinking "Man, when I get home I'm gonna delete my account. I'm over this site" and now I'm kinda happy I didn't. A girl that I've been talking to consistently (but a few days apart each message) actually agreed to get coffee with me this weekend. I had almost forgotten I'd even asked her because I hadn't heard back in a couple of days.
Maybe I don't need okc after all, a cute girl from my COMM class asked me to go with her to the library, we ended up talking for about an hour, and she wants to hang out soon. We share a lot of interests and she laughs at the same stuff I do. Will keep you posted.


The fact that I've yet to get a single reply is extremely frustrating. I'm beginning to think the people who told me looks don't matter and I'm not that bad looking were lying.

As someone that has been through the dating game once so far (dated around) and eventually found someone I liked enough (so far so good) and am in a relationship and could conceivably see myself being happy living with this person forever (so far), I want to say definitively that looks don't matter as much as I thought they did. Yeah, they matter a little, and a person should do what they can, but you do come out on 'the other side' after a while.

I still haven't figured everything out yet myself, but it seems to me a hell of a lot of girls want guys that have money, earn good money, are ambitious, funny, have a car, are smart, volunteer, all sorts of stuff like that. Honestly, I think I'm scraping by more on my attitude, personality, and very lightly on looks than any of this other stuff (but I'm motivated and ambitious).

Anyways, to sum it all up people who focus only on one aspect of their lives are limiting themselves. You have to go for as many different things as you can. Maybe not all at once, but start working on yourself today because you only have one life.


Maybe I don't need okc after all, a cute girl from my COMM class asked me to go with her to the library, we ended up talking for about an hour, and she wants to hang out soon. We share a lot of interests and she laughs at the same stuff I do. Will keep you posted.

Good luck.

I remember I had a girl do this very thing with me in a history class. We sat near each other, would walk out of class together, meet at the library before class, etc.. I was too blind to it at the time to ask her out.
if the girl is mildly attractive they are getting lots of messages.

the last few days i've done a little experiment on POF(much more popular where i live). i made a female profile with a decent looking girl for pics. No clevage, or flirting just a straigh clean profile although i mentioned no druggies, drunks or married men and that they must say more than stuff like "hey whats up?". stayed logged in for two hours while exercising and got 73 messages. late that night i logged back in and had amassed 133 messages.

At this time i sent the fake profile a message from my real account to mark the cut off point. Then i shuffled the same pics around(still no clevage) switched to intimate encounter and rewrote the profile to match what im looking for. I let the profile sit not logged in for 24hours and when i came back i had 763 messages. There were lots of one line messages, multiple messages, dick pics, cheaters etc.

Now this is where things get interesting imo. I went back to check the original 133 messages and since the site logs conversations i could tell who remessaged me after switching to intimate encounter. Out of the 133 people 51 had remessaged me interested in the sex. Nearly 40%! This is why it's hard to get a response. So many douche bags are spamming the shit out of these sites with copy paste messages hoping a girl will bite so they can get their dicks wet. In return the legit users get lost between all their crap.

Right now i have the profile set to seeking wommen for intimate encounter. Over the last 12 or so hours i got 4 messages from females and 37 more from guys which means they're browsing the site logged out, remembering the user name and messaging me manually. Fucking pathetic.

Wow, that's pretty crazy. I must of got lucky. I met my now GF of 2 years on here me just sending "hey, wanna chat?" is what initiated it. She told me that most of the messages were either creepy or just people commenting her on her piercing blue eyes(which bored her). Kind of curios now to see some of the old messages lol
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