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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Wow. You guys must be 5 staring me because suddenly all these (very attractive) girls that I've never seen before are starting to show up. Haha. :p


But if you are looking for a real relationship, wouldn't you want somebody who accepts you for you? If you have to trick somebody into replying, I can't see that as a healthy way to start off a serious relationship.

I don't consider it a trick. it was mostly for myself. personally i dislike how its green saying,"replies to everyone under the sun be it dog or goat" I rather it say something honest, because by default it says,"replies often" I rather is say,"replies selectively" again, its just for aesthetics. Will it actually ever cause a girl to go,"oh i must message him because he doesn't reply much" I would like to think maybe, but honestly I dont think it matters.

I should and I hope I'm judged more for my profile as a whole and the questions I have answered instead of how if I reply or not. The 5 star ranking really don't do anything new. all it does is help the people who pay to sort it by 5 star votes. It might add a few other 5 star girls to my feed, but ultimately its me who has to take the jump to message them and spark interest.

I don't believe its tricking them, because more time then not, its me who will make a point to message them and not the other way around. Girls messaging me is just a bonus really.


But if you are looking for a real relationship, wouldn't you want somebody who accepts you for you? If you have to trick somebody into replying, I can't see that as a healthy way to start off a serious relationship.
It's an arbitrary filter.

The real me is not a red, yellow, or green dot. They get to know the real you through talking online, the phone, pictures, meeting. They can make up their own minds on how your personality and attractiveness is.

Stop being stupid people.
It's an arbitrary filter.

The real me is not a red, yellow, or green dot. They get to know the real you through talking online, the phone, pictures, meeting. They can make up their own minds on how your personality and attractive is.

Stop being stupid people.
The real you made 12 fake profiles to give yourself the red dot that you don't think defines you. Own up to it. Your defensiveness over this is stupider than anyone poking at your scheme.


The real you made 12 fake profiles to give yourself the red dot that you don't think defines you. Own up to it. Your defensiveness over this is stupider than anyone poking at your scheme.
Uh, this isn't "my" scheme. Go read the last few pages of all the people talking about it.

I'm defending it, because the 2 of you against it are being stupid.


my reply rating is in the red because I send messages to a lot of girls I think are beneath me and then never reply back lol and then the girls i want to reply back usually do

BWahahahahaha!!! That's classic.

On OKC? In the matches page you can sort by "who's new"

Holy shit genius.

shit thats how it works? time to message 10 fatties over the age of 50.

then get in the red....and then...oh and then....ill get the sugar....then ill get the power....

Kinda brilliant but so douchey. Not sure I could do that.

Wait doesn't a message to someone then their reply cancel each other out?

Let's all post our profiles. 5* each other and message each other and then not respond to each other. We will now trick the OKC machine into thinking we are as handsome as fuck and let girls think we are hot shit that can be picky as fuck.

lol, were you just doing one message each time or did you respond back at all?

I'm thinking about getting back into the OKC scene again.

Here's my profile in its current state. Feel free to 5 star it. Haha:

Still need to refine some stuff but eh, I'm not really doing anything with it until I have a large amount of free time on my hands.

Got mine to red and 5 starred myself each time!

oh look we're all red spoofing 5 staring losers

oh woe is us

let's be ashamed and quit the OKC thread
Uh, this isn't my scheme. Go read the last page of all the people talking about it.

I'm defending it, because the 2 of you against it are being stupid.
You are so bent out of shape over this that it's hilarious. You're being creepy as fuck. Again, write a better profile and learn how to compose a decent message. Then girls may actually respond to you. If there is nothing wrong with what you're doing, tell the girls you're talking to that you created 12 fake profiles and rated yourself 5 stars. Let me know how that works out for ya!

If you want, create another GAF account and tell me how wrong I am.


You are so bent out of shape over this that it's hilarious. You're being creepy as fuck. Again, write a better profile and learn how to compose a decent message. Then girls may actually respond to you. If there is nothing wrong with what you're doing it, tell the girls you're talking to that you created 12 fake profiles and rated yourself 5 stars. Let me know how that works out for ya!

If you want, create another GAF account and tell me how wrong I am.

Um, so, are you Liu Kang Baking A Pie's alt account? Cause him and now you seem to have it out for me and only me. I'm not the one who started this. The spoof or the original stupid argument. But I will defend myself from pricks.


btw, thanks guys. I'll try to return the favor.
Almost all the guys in my area are green and only a few are yellow. So it would be rather suspicious if I turned up as red. Maybe I'll just aim for yellow. :p


The real you made 12 fake profiles to give yourself the red dot that you don't think defines you. Own up to it. Your defensiveness over this is stupider than anyone poking at your scheme.

It's not really a scheme when you think about it. It's about assessing what makes people (male and female) read pages and coming up with a way to take advantage of that. I was the person who actually thought of that method. You seem to be saying that your profile should speak for itself and that we should allow THAT to be the method of attraction but I've learned from a couple of female friends that they rarely even get to the profile. The order of operations is usually:

Read the message and if they don't seem like a creep
Go to the profile (take note of the reply rate) and see if they have a decent face
Read the profile

All of these "tricks" are to get them to even read the profile which is a task within itself. It's still about "you". It's not like they see "five star rating" and instantly wanna bang. This is simply helping people get out of their own way. I can't even begin to count how many times a green reply rate kind of stopped me in my tracks back when I was still using this site. Especially if she was attractive. This is just a way to gain SOME advantage on a site where she may be getting dozens of messages a day.
Um, so, are you Liu Kang Baking A Pie's alt account? Cause him and now you seem to have it out for me and only me. I'm not the one who started this. The spoof or the original stupid argument. But I will defend myself from pricks.
Seriously? I now see why you need to make fake accounts in order to get girls to even respond to you. The reason why I'm going after you in particular is because you are the only one who got aggressive and nasty. The other poster doing the same thing explained himself with class, so I have no issue with him.


I won't hate on the dudes manipulating the site to better their chances. Granted it's pretty pathetic, but if it helps you meet women - more power to you.


If I only get a 10% response rate and I am never messaged anything that boosts that is good. I don't see it as sad, just making me stand out.


I won't hate on the dudes manipulating the site to better their chances. Granted it's pretty pathetic, but if it helps you meet women - more power to you.

If it's true that the site filters who you see based on your rating then thats fucking stupid and i can see why they would do it.

I'm not sure if PoF has a rating system but if it does be warned the site tracks your ip. Having multiple accounts will cause all of them to be deleted and your ip blocked for X amount of time.

Speaking of PoF i hate that they filter who you see as well. Plus being able to only see the last 600 people online is a huge flaw. It means odds are you'll never see a huge number of users that only log in a few times a week.


Why would you want a shallow girl?

Maybe he just wants a hook up? Or maybe she's not actually shallow but has to be act like due to the sheer volume of people messaging her?

with 100s of messages, you obviously can't expect even the nicest person to respond to all of them and give each person an equal opportunity... so any way that makes you stand out of the pack just so they even look at your profile is helpful.

If people were lying about themselves then yea... not cool. But what they are doing seems pretty harmless to me.
Seems too much trouble to go through the process of faking replies, but I can't hate on those that do. OKC is the manifestation of some of the worst parts of the dating process.

The day I see hot girls with literally nothing on their profiles stay at green instead of red will be the day my faith is restored in that site. Hell, the day that I can get even a polite "No thank you" to half of my messages will be that day.

Also, just went through and gave a ton of the guys who visited my profiles 5-stars. Here's hoping they were all GAFfers and not random guys who are now going to get the wrong message. :x

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Seems too much trouble to go through the process of faking replies, but I can't hate on those that do. OKC is the manifestation of some of the worst parts of the dating process.

The day I see hot girls with literally nothing on their profiles stay at green instead of red will be the day my faith is restored in that site. Hell, the day that I can get even a polite "No thank you" to half of my messages will be that day.

Also, just went through and gave a ton of the guys who visited my profiles 5-stars. Here's hoping they were all GAFfers and not random guys who are now going to get the wrong message. :x

There is actually a really attractive girl with a green response rate in my area, but her inbox is full.

Also, either I already had access to the hot girls in my area and it is just really slim pickins here, or our five star scheme didn't work.
What does the rating even do?

Significantly changes the girls you view.

I mentioned this before but Ill repeat it again:

OKcupid does NOT show you your best matches. Say you search 18-26 and sort by match, and look at your best matches.

Then search 18-18, 19-19, 20-20 etc. Youre going to see a bunch of girls with high matches that did not show up before.

So when I signed up, I did this, went year by year as anonymous to get an idea of the field.

I had a damn good idea of what the best matches looked like.

Then I did the 5 star thing with other gaffers where we rated each other.

Suddenly, when doing the searches, a whole crop (of much hotter) girls would appear that werent shown to be before. Again, I went year by year, they should have shown up, but they didnt until I got high stars.


Significantly changes the girls you view.

I mentioned this before but Ill repeat it again:

OKcupid does NOT show you your best matches. Say you search 18-26 and sort by match, and look at your best matches.

Then search 18-18, 19-19, 20-20 etc. Youre going to see a bunch of girls with high matches that did not show up before.

So when I signed up, I did this, went year by year as anonymous to get an idea of the field.

I had a damn good idea of what the best matches looked like.

Then I did the 5 star thing with other gaffers where we rated each other.

Suddenly, when doing the searches, a whole crop (of much hotter) girls would appear that werent shown to be before. Again, I went year by year, they should have shown up, but they didnt until I got high stars.
Ok, let's say I search for girls like age 28 and 5 show up.

There's actually some hidden I wouldn't see unless I get a higher star rating?

Old Lace

Argh! I was copying and pasting a message, but I forgot to change a reference to interior design from one girl to the other. I think I'm done with the site for a while.


Do you guys realize that you are less likely to find a date if you give yourself five-stars ratings with fake accounts? Your profile will be seen among others who really deserve their high rating. The contrast will make you seem uglier than you actually are.

I think it's better to look for gems in your real rating range.
Ok, let's say I search for girls like age 28 and 5 show up.

There's actually some hidden I wouldn't see unless I get a higher star rating?

If you live in a small market, with only 5 total in that age range....perhaps not. My experiment was done in a larger market.

But yeah, the fatties go away and the hotties start showing up.


Do you guys realize that you are less likely to find a date if you give yourself five-stars ratings with fake accounts? Your profile will be seen among others who really deserve their high rating. The contrast will make you seem uglier than you actually are.

I think it's better to look for gems in your real rating range.
With the amount of messages girls get (some dude did a test and got 700? in a few days recently), I'm not playing the "wait until someone find's my profile and rates me so I can get a larger selection of girls to browse through" game.

I'm going to take control of my pool of people to look at. I don't even message a lot of hot girls in my pool right now because I share no interests with them. Probably should since it can be a numbers game, but that's a different topic.
I may actually have different goals than a lot of people in this thread, as I actually try to look for / would like to see more girls in the green. All the hot Reds I'm getting are actually, in a way, less desirable to me - not only because they're probably out of my league, but because I find myself physically drawn more to girls most people would just consider average. I'm not an incredibly handsome guy and it's not as if I wish to get more thin, hot girls showing up - just a response from a few more cute girls with cool profiles would be enough for me.

I'm actually thinking about hitting up all the Reds just as a joke to see if I actually have an easier time getting a response from them than I do from the Greens. My mind will be blown if that ends up being the case.


I have my doubts about how worthwile it is to have yoursef messaged "artificially" - maybe it's because my area doesn't have that many people in the site, every once in a while I see "nobody has messaged her this week" blue marks instead of the green, yellow or red ones, so perhaps that effort goes down the drain after a week or so?

In retrospective, maybe I shouldn't have replied to this 40-year old that messaged me some weeks ago, since she lived far away anyway...


I may actually have different goals than a lot of people in this thread, as I actually try to look for / would like to see more girls in the green. All the hot Reds I'm getting are actually, in a way, less desirable to me - not only because they're probably out of my league, but because I find myself physically drawn more to girls most people would just consider average. I'm not an incredibly handsome guy and it's not as if I wish to get more thin, hot girls showing up - just a response from a few more cute girls with cool profiles would be enough for me.

I'm actually thinking about hitting up all the Reds just as a joke to see if I actually have an easier time getting a response from them than I do from the Greens. My mind will be blown if that ends up being the case.

I have seen ugly she beasts with red dots.

Old Lace

I'm willing to admit that I don't know how to escalate a conversation on Okcupid towards anything meaningful. Does anyone have any tips?
I'm willing to admit that I don't know how to escalate a conversation on Okcupid towards anything meaningful. Does anyone have any tips?

Depends what you're into. On badoo, after a couple of messages i tend to mention some artwork or picture i've done and ask if i can have there number to send them it (usually via whatsapp). Totally innocuous but it gets things progressing.

Gais how do i see what colour my dot is?

Old Lace

Depends what you're into. On badoo, after a couple of messages i tend to mention some artwork or picture i've done and ask if i can have there number to send them it (usually via whatsapp). Totally innocuous but it gets things progressing.

Gais how do i see what colour my dot is?
Go look at your profile while not logged in. Or let a gaffer do it for you.


I may actually have different goals than a lot of people in this thread, as I actually try to look for / would like to see more girls in the green. All the hot Reds I'm getting are actually, in a way, less desirable to me - not only because they're probably out of my league, but because I find myself physically drawn more to girls most people would just consider average. I'm not an incredibly handsome guy and it's not as if I wish to get more thin, hot girls showing up - just a response from a few more cute girls with cool profiles would be enough for me.

I'm actually thinking about hitting up all the Reds just as a joke to see if I actually have an easier time getting a response from them than I do from the Greens. My mind will be blown if that ends up being the case.
You're insecure and settling because of it. Gross dude.


Poet Centuriate
I just deactivated mine for a while. It was an interesting experiment and I'm glad I tried it but, I don't think it works for me personally and where I'm at, and I didn't get good results in my limited area.

I'll probably hop back in later, but I'm just gonna let it go for now. If I ever open it back up, I try to remember to get GAF to 5-star me, but I'll worry about that later.


I wont take up a lot of your time gentlemen but as I have seen this talk of 5 starring I think I should say that I have a date with a gorgeous Russian girl tomorrow and have done it without all this 5 star stuff. Believe in yourself gentlemen and look for the gems in your own bracket. She was a red dot but I still got a reply and now Im on a date tomorrow. Wish me luck Gentlemen.
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