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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I don't think I've ever ran out of things to talk about on a date.

Was llinked to this yesterday, thought some of you might like it http://girlsofokc.tumblr.com/

looks legit



The fact that she replied with her name (when you didn't even give yours) is a big sign that she's interested in you.

Continue the conversation about animation but feel free to explore other topics. Heck, you could even move immediately towards setting up a date.

"How would you like to spend a whole day bouncing a real football around?"

Don't say this.
I hope I haven't left it too late messaging her.

I've been incredibly busy this week with work, so I've not yet had time to message her.

I'll be off to see Skyfall tonight, so I'll get something written after.
I been there before. I know how it works. Which is why I don't really bother to put any effort into them. I tend to have the best Convos with weird women I message out of curiosity that I would never actually have any interest in.


I been there before. I know how it works. Which is why I don't really bother to put any effort into them. I tend to have the best Convos with weird women I message out of curiosity that I would never actually have any interest in.

Women complain about guys sending copy and paste messAges or just saying hi. If girls replied more guys may actually put more effort in. Would you go through the bother of detailing your cover letter and tailoring it to a job if they don't even respond to tell you your CV sucks? After a while you may just say fuck it and lazily message.


I think the issue is they probably get hundreds of messages many of which are probably rude. So when you have the luxury to be picky you tend to.

I know I would be picky if I had 100 messages a day. Hell, I don't even reply to the few I do get if I don't like how she looks.
Sooo, does that tumblr page mean we can post hot chicks from our areas in here?

I had a date fail today.
We chose to go to the movies and I insisted on seeing Looper. She agreed, reluctantly. She then found it boring and wanted to go do something else, I refused because I thought she looked uglier (mainly older) than her profile pics and I liked the movie so far.
I went out with her, told her that I didn't like her and that she should post newer pics of herself. Went back in and saw some more Looper.

Now it's time to masturbate.

/not to appear like a complete asshole: the movie was pretty good and she was supposedly a film buff, then in the theater she started nagging around about it being boring, etc. + she didn't look as good in rl - am I in the wrong here?


Did any of you guys get the email with the whole "you're apparently hot shit, you balance access to hot girls" or something like that?


oh god i just tried the panties line why did i do that


Send messages to anyone and everyone. Ugly or super hot(but we all 5 stars here, so probably hot) why end it before it even began. Take a chance, you might be that guy who breaks through.


Did any of you guys get the email with the whole "you're apparently hot shit, you balance access to hot girls" or something like that?


Again, I've only been on for about two weeks so I really can't tell if there are more matches with hotter woman.
Wanted to show my OKC profile as I recently broke up and have no idea what I'm doing.


Tell me what to fix, and I'll do it immediately.

Put a pic of me and my ex since people told me it might attract some females. What do you guys think?

Looks like a pretty good profile. one thing i hate when looking at womens pics is when they have a guy in the pic with them, thats an instant turn off. You might just put your pic up there without the girl


So just an update on a date I had with a girl who had her body type listed as "curvy". Yeah, she was a little overweight. That alone isn't a big deal, but her only profile photo was super zoomed in and not representative at all of what she actually looks like. We chatted for an hour before I took off. She was nice enough, but I wasn't feeling it.


I've been exchanging messages with this cute, cool girl with similar interests all day today, and every time I send a message I feel like I said something completely idiotic and ruined everything.

But she has yet to say, "That was completely idiotic and you've ruined everything, stop talking to me," so I guess I haven't fucked up yet.

...But it says she's online and I haven't gotten a reply yet and oh god what if this was the one that did it?
I've been exchanging messages with this cute, cool girl with similar interests all day today, and every time I send a message I feel like I said something completely idiotic and ruined everything.

But she has yet to say, "That Huhwas completely idiotic and you've ruined everything, stop talking to me," so I guess I haven't fucked up yet.

...But it says she's online and I haven't gotten a reply yet and oh god what if this was the one that did it?

Online thing is completely broken
Eh, seems like the OKC well around here has completely dried up. Nothing at all in town anymore. I think I'm going to have to move to a major city before OKC becomes useful.


There's a glitch where it will still say you're online even after you've logged out.

Relax a bit.

Online thing is completely broken

Well she was offline earlier, and then she got online after I sent the message.

So unless it's REALLY broken, I think she's seen it.

But she has taken a while to reply to all the messages.

I'm just super nervous because she's cute and cool and nice and seems like someone I might actually have a chance with.
What ever you do don't treat her like she's your only option (because in the grand scheme of things she's not). You're gonna come off as needy and that's not an attractive trait to have.


I did was you did. messaged a girl even exchanged emails to talk faster. all of a sudden she stopped sending messages back to me, really gave no reason. But hey, that's the game man.

move on to another girl, if you got one then you can get another. Don't stop messaging other girls because one responded back. keep on going, build that confidence up. As many said, its a numbers game. you have to play the lotto to have a chance at winning.

you might think you ruined it, but she might have just gotten busy. Girls on this site average around 14 messages an hour. So the goal is to get their info to talk to them off the site as fast as possible or you will get lost in the shuffle.


I sent a chick a message in July, she replied yesterday which I completely forgot about. Talk about a massive time gap. At least she likes video games in some capacity even though it's Tetris/GTA. I'm hoping this leads somewhere fast. I replied by hinting at meeting up because I know women are swamped with messages from other dudes. It's too bad all her pictures are from the mid section and above; she must be insecure about her body that she put curvy as her body type. But I'll give her the benefit of the doubt; she has a pretty face.
Only people that ever respond to me are fake cam scammers. You can tell when their english is really bad and then you do a reverse google image search and find that it's some playboy online model or some shit with a different name than what they tell you.

fucking site is lame.


I hope I haven't left it too late messaging her.

I've been incredibly busy this week with work, so I've not yet had time to message her.

I'll be off to see Skyfall tonight, so I'll get something written after.
How does this sound so far? I'm really finding it hard to write anything witty and funny, but I've always been terrible at writing messages...

Very good choice. I've always been a fan of Ratatouille, but you really can't go wrong with any of them!

I'm an animator, yeah, but no longer a student (sadly). Having said that with anything creative, you're always learning so you could say I will forever be a student. :p Although it's something I've been looking to do my whole life, I sadly don't have a job in the field yet, but I'm currently working towards that. The current climate for animation in the UK isn't really that great, but it should hopefully get better within a few months. It is indeed time consuming, but certainly incredibly rewarding when you create something you're proud of! Did you enjoy briefly studying it?

I see you study design! I take it you study graphic design? Always something I've enjoyed doing, but I've never properly invested any time in it.

Also I see you want to travel Europe and America! When I get some cash together that's something I'm definitely doing within a few years, it would really be phenomenal.


Conversation so far


I don't know if you have a job at the moment but try to downplay the lack of funds till you at least know her better. ThAt's what I do :-(
I do have a job yeah, I'm just debating how best to word that part of it all... hmm.

Does it read ok aside from that?


I do have a job yeah, I'm just debating how best to word that part of it all... hmm.

Does it read ok aside from that?

It sounds good, just mention that you have a job that allows you to work to live but animation is what you still strive to work in.


It sounds good, just mention that you have a job that allows you to work to live but animation is what you still strive to work in.
Perhaps something like this?

Very good choice. I've always been a fan of Ratatouille, but you really can't go wrong with any of them!

I'm an animator, yeah, but no longer a student (sadly). Having said that with anything creative, you're always learning so you could say I will forever be a student. :p Although I have a job at the moment, I don't have a job in animation just yet, but I'm currently working towards that. It is indeed time consuming, but certainly incredibly rewarding when you create something you're proud of! Did you enjoy briefly studying it?

I see you study design! I take it you study graphic design? Always something I've enjoyed doing, but I've never properly invested any time in it.

Also I see you want to travel Europe and America! When I get some cash together that's something I'm definitely doing within a few years, it would really be phenomenal.

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