Definitely! Can't wait for the new Monsters Inc next year- I'll be first in line at the cinema, pushing all the small children out the way. Ha, wish I was joking...
Ah yes, the world of work seems cruel. Where are you working now then? if you don't mind me asking! I did a course at Bournemouth Uni a couple years back now and also at Bath- I was pretty interested in animation back then. I have to admit my patience wasn't great with our teacher at Bournemouth- I remember we only copied what she was telling us rather than making anything original of our own. I did a little stop frame animation with a friend afterwards though which was good fun. Where abouts did you study?
I doooo do Graphic Design, and also concept, product, spatial etc. It's a pretty broad course. I love it though, we get all kinds of crazy projects.
Ah yes, I plan to go to Lithuania to stay with a friend next year hopefully- I'm working now part time to get some cash together. Where abouts do you plan to go?
Amber x