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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Questions are fine, we are all here to help each other out. But to answer your question, no its not a code. Some girls like to add smiles just because they are friendly and a smile is a nice friendly thing to do. I wouldn't think to much about it or deeply into it. Sometimes a smile is just a smile.

But sometimes...

Yes. Don't think too much into smilies. :lol
Questions are fine, we are all here to help each other out. But to answer your question, no its not a code. Some girls like to add smiles just because they are friendly and a smile is a nice friendly thing to do. I wouldn't think to much about it or deeply into it. Sometimes a smile is just a smile.

And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but mostly it's a dick. I think it's time for him to start freaking out because the smiley clearly means she wants to slip him some cigar.


:( ok i wont ask questions

Questions are fine dude, I just wasn't sure if you were kidding or not.

First of all, you can't ask that and not give context. How can we know what the :p means without what she said?

Second, smiley faces are playful. She could just be a nice/immature girl, or could be into you. We need context


I would take that deal, sad to say.



I am sort of in a conundrum:

1. I messaged someone on Match. A day or two later I get a chat response from the sister of the girl whom I messaged. She was nice and wanted to find out more about me to protect her sister. I had no problem with it. So we had a conversation using the IM system on Match.

2. Get sent a message a day later from someone claiming to be the person's friend, whom also happens to be on Match. The story looks like it checks out because both the person I messaged and this "friend" who contacted me are both in each other's profile pictures. I had no problem with chatting with her as well.

3. Two days later finally the person I originally messaged contacts me. She said that her sister and friend had a very positive impression of me. Her email is some smalltalk, asks what I do for a living and then a few questions.

4. I respond back on the same day with in hindsight what I think is probably too long of an email on Saturday night. Basically I indicated I was very interested in her qualities/personality and that many of her interests we share in common. Also that I would love to chat sometime using Match's IMs functionality because I am not to comfortable sending messages back and forth. I threw out a time and day if she was free to chat or if she was comfortable I did not mind giving out my phone number if she wanted to text instead. Not sure if that was mistake...

It is Monday (2 days later) and I have not heard anything back. I am wondering if I should wait a week and send some sort of follow-up message. Is that mistake? I do not want to come as desperate. I was just going to say I hope she had a good Thanksgiving, hope she got my previous message, and that I would still be interested in chatting sometime. I have no problem moving on to someone else, but I really liked how she described herself in her profile and would like to get to know her better.
I'd say leave it alone.

Two days is not that long. I usually don't get back to women until 2-3 days after they message me.

Plus, that screening thing is kinda strange.


yup. Enjoy the new found freedom of knowing you are now seeing the top shelf people. No longer will you be bothered by 1-3 star girls. 4-5 star girls, top shelf drinks. 1-3 star girls, beer in a can.

My views jumped from 23 visitors a week to a rumble in the jungle 120 visitors per week because of the 5 star ratings. So more people will look at you, so make sure ya profiles are in top shape, and remember to send out messages. okc rewards active people.


wtf, 120 per week? What is your profile?

I do nothing special really. I think its the constant activity feed showing new users and the amount of messages I send out per week that brings the numbers of people in. I mean I live in one of the most populated cities in the world(Los Angeles) so I always see new girls every 2-3 days because more and more girls are signing up. That's why I try to remain in the activity feed as much as possible.

Its also that high rating I have, so I'm always shown to girls. The higher the rating, the more you are put in quiver matches and whatnot. So ratings do matter if you want to be seen by the most amount of people while seeing the most amount also.


I don't know if it's the 5 star ratings, but I've been seeing a whole host of new sexy/beautiful ladies

lets carry on rating people! (quote me)

so even if another dude rates you, sexy girls still gonna show up...not dudes? can i make a fake profile and rate myself?

I only see black girls on my page...wth? :[
so even if another dude rates you, sexy girls still gonna show up...not dudes? can i make a fake profile and rate myself?

I only see black girls on my page...wth? :[

Yeah. I think it just goes by what you're looking for in your profile:men or women

Seriously, I'm seeing stunner after stunner lol. I might be out of my league, but fuck it

Edit* I only see white chicks #winning (as a black guy it's pretty odd!)


a rating is a rating, it doesn't discriminate on it. If a guy rates you it doesn't all of a sudden show you only guys because you have it set to straight. If you set it to bi or gay, then of course you will get shown 4-5 rated guys and girls.

so no need to worry about a guy rating you, and yes you can make a fake account and rate yourself 5 stars and delete the account and do it again and again and again.

EDIT: I rated everyone on this page that said "quote to see profile" But I did it with an alt account because I really don't think you care to see my ugly mug all in your visitors page. And the reason why I kept the alt account because no doubt people will ask. Its because I like the name I made up and if I delete the profile, Ill lose the name forever lol Im pretty petty like that.


a couple of weeks? that's way too long (as you found out). get their number after 4-5 messages and set something up quickly as possible. this lets her know you're interested and she won't get bored and move on to someone else


This is a general online dating question...Do you guys ask for a date over email/text or through a phone call? I'm relatively new to all this and I'm not quite sure.


This is a general online dating question...Do you guys ask for a date over email/text or through a phone call? I'm relatively new to all this and I'm not quite sure.

Usually you want to move to texting or a call asap. I wouldn't recommend asking for the date via an OKC message but it's been done successfully so *shrug*.
Five starred a couple of you. If I missed anyone let me know! (and please return the favour!)

This is a general online dating question...Do you guys ask for a date over email/text or through a phone call? I'm relatively new to all this and I'm not quite sure.

I usually say something along the lines of 'if you fancy going for a drink or something, give me a text, my number is ...' I've given my number out more than I've been offered numbers but I don't know how typical that is of other girls.
Usually you want to move to texting or a call asap. I wouldn't recommend asking for the date via an OKC message but it's been done successfully so *shrug*.

I think this would be my general rule too, but it's situational. I met a girl who gave me her phone number, but she preferred using OKC to communicate
I give it a few messages. But sometimes I go in for the lol after 3 or so

Sometimes if they're slow repliers, I tend to go in a bit quicker. Nothing worse than sending a chick a message in a convo, her logging in for hours and getting no response! So just aim for the digi's, and bypass OKC completely.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
What do you guys usually do if somebody doesn't message back after they've checked you out? I feel like ANY additional messages will be perceived as desperate/stalkery.

Ugh. These women can really get annoying.


What do you guys usually do if somebody doesn't message back after they've checked you out? I feel like ANY additional messages will be perceived a desperate/stalkery.

Ugh. These women can really get annoying.

I don't bother to message them again. If they check you out, and you acquire no reply in them, they have no interest in you.


What do you guys usually do if somebody doesn't message back after they've checked you out? I feel like ANY additional messages will be perceived as desperate/stalkery.

Ugh. These women can really get annoying.

Never send a second message if they don't respond to your first for exactly the reason you mentioned.
What do you guys usually do if somebody doesn't message back after they've checked you out? I feel like ANY additional messages will be perceived a desperate/stalkery.

Ugh. These women can really get annoying.

In general it means she's not interested and doesn't want to waste your collective time.
Oh and there are times when I've not responded to a girl immediately after checking her out, sometimes people don't have the time to write a full response so don't scare her off on the slim chance that may be the case.
What if you send them one months later? Some girls get so many they only check the most recent ones.

If she checks out your profile and doesn't reply back, don't message her again.

If she doesn't check it out after a couple of days, nor replies, there's a good chance she didn't read it, so you should message her again.
I don't bother to message them again. If they check you out, and you acquire no reply in them, they have no interest in you.

Never send a second message if they don't respond to your first for exactly the reason you mentioned.

In general it means she's not interested and doesn't want to waste your collective time.
Oh and there are times when I've not responded to a girl immediately after checking her out, sometimes people don't have the time to write a full response so don't scare her off on the slim chance that may be the case.

Wise words. You gotta have thick skin on OKC. Wouldn't you rather they show no interest up front?

If you met most of these girls at a party/bar, majority would act nice and still not be interested in you and you'd have wasted your time (or money) for nothing. Online dating just cuts the crap
If she checks out your profile and doesn't reply back, don't message her again.

If she doesn't check it out after a couple of days, nor replies, there's a good chance she didn't read it, so you should message her again.

On the contrary a lady did that to me this week, I hollered at her again and she did reply

You on the site too?


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Woah...I think I just officially snagged my first crazy.

So um, last week this girl messaged me and I wrote her back. Just friendly small talk - getting to know one another questions, etc. Then she gave me her number without me even asking for it. Which is fine, whatever. Some girls prefer to text than using the OKC messaging. Then she was like "OMG IM LEAVING THIS SITE IT"S SO CREEPY...text me because I wont be on here anymore!" Then she proceeds to never do this. Her profile is still up and can receive messages.

Anyway, the next day I text her for the first time and she's like "What took u so long? I thought you might have lost interest." No woman...no. We texted for a little while and then I had to go.

I was busy this weekend so I wasn't contacting her and I didn't hear from her at all. So today I texted her to ask how she's been and maybe start planning a get-together next week and this is what I get:

Im sorry but i kind of lost interest in u when u chose to ignore me the whole week.

So pls stop wasting my time if u have no intentions of ever meeting up. Im not someone who u can just text just to fill up ur time.

Sure, I guess. Not from Cali, tho.

I just think if I can help out in something I will. And the meltdowns are quite funny.
Yeah this thread tends to be pretty entertaining. You just can't take the site too serious. I've met one girl and we remained friends. I go on there just to chat and flirt a bit I never really expect to have enough interest to actually want to move forward.
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