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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Well, decided for try #3 at this site. #1 led to a fun few weeks and then it died out, #2 went for a little over 3 months, with some great sex. Hopefully the 3rd try goes even better than the last.

Last I remember checking in this thread months back was everyone using the cheese and peanut butter line. You guys still doing that or did you move on to something new?

I'll throw up my profile for critique when I get around to changing it. Lost a good amount of weight so I need to put up some new pics. Unfortunately the only recent ones I have are with the ex, so I'll either take some this weekend or might even take some self pics. Already encouraging that I see some high 90s matches that I'm interested in, but I know I'll be crushed when none of them reply.
So that rating thing actually works? I think I haven't had too many ratings bit most of the women on my match list are very attractive. Could be cause I live in Los Angeles though.
"Her mailbox is full" has robbed me of so many potential wives it is maddening. It tends to be any good looking woman with an actually interesting and sincere profile.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
"Her mailbox is full" has robbed me of so many potential wives it is maddening. It tends to be any good looking woman with an actually interesting and sincere profile.

Eh, one chick who had that for a while never replied when I eventually got the chance to message her, they have so many to sift through it's probably harder to get their attention.
Here's my work in progress profile. I'm going to get more photos up at some point.


I'd love some ratings to help me get started. I'll be happy to provide a reciprocal rating for anyone who helps me out with this.

I'd also like any critiques you might have.

Dude, superb taste in music. King Crimson, by any chance?

Your #1 most important question is how soon do they have sex. Intentional?


The girl I messaged the other day seems to be into the idea of going out one of these days, but no date mentioned yet. She's also moving to a place of her own, and like me, could use some time furniture-hunting, which she suggested. I mentioned an area I was told has a few options (before surrendering to Ikea I'd rather check the national stuff), which should obly ve viable on the weekend.

We've exchanged phone numbers, and I get the feeling I should send her a message halfway through the week as a reminder, but I'm not too inspired yet as to what actually say in it. I might get a name of one of the stores tomorrow, hopefully, which could help.

I noticed through the phone app she checked my profile again today, so while the memory was still fresh I ended up sending her a message about scheduling the furniture hunt for this saturday - it turns out she'll have to leave later in the afternoon, so the plans are brief for the day in question, but it's something.
If it's somehow a good idea to keep in touch (3 whole days ahead), I'm a bit at a loss for what else to bring up in some message until then.


I've been writing up the message to send to the girl, so how does this sound? I'm a bit tipsy so it's probably completely shit.

You seen the viral website they have going for it? It should be great!

I'm currently working as a runner for a TV post-production company, so it literally has nothing to do with what I want to be doing, but it's good exercise I guess! :p

I know what its like to have an incompetent teacher. Our guy barely taught us anything at all! I studied at Ravensbourne which is next to the O2 Arena, have you heard of it? It basically looks like a huge block of cheese if you haven't (luckily doesn't smell at all though). Where abouts do you study?

Sounds like a pretty fun course then! Graphic design was something I was contemplating for a bit, and by the sounds of it you're having a lot of fun! Have you got any of your work online? It'd be good to see it!

I hear Lithuania is an interesting place. How long were you planning on staying for? As for me I've always fancied exploring the east and west coast of America, but I don't have too much planned for it at the moment... but soon! I'll have to start planning it next year.

Anyway without sounding too forward, did you perhaps fancy grabbing a coffee next week? Say wednesday?


She last sent me this:

Definitely! Can't wait for the new Monsters Inc next year- I'll be first in line at the cinema, pushing all the small children out the way. Ha, wish I was joking... :)

Ah yes, the world of work seems cruel. Where are you working now then? if you don't mind me asking! I did a course at Bournemouth Uni a couple years back now and also at Bath- I was pretty interested in animation back then. I have to admit my patience wasn't great with our teacher at Bournemouth- I remember we only copied what she was telling us rather than making anything original of our own. I did a little stop frame animation with a friend afterwards though which was good fun. Where abouts did you study?

I doooo do Graphic Design, and also concept, product, spatial etc. It's a pretty broad course. I love it though, we get all kinds of crazy projects.

Ah yes, I plan to go to Lithuania to stay with a friend next year hopefully- I'm working now part time to get some cash together. Where abouts do you plan to go?

Amber x


slept with Malkin
I guess I could use some 5 star loving, of course I'll repay the favor.

quote for linkage

edit: just gave everyone who posted a link on this page 5 stars
Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I had to bring it back to say Ok Cupid is great! I didn't even have to sign up! In fact, someone took the liberty of using random pictures of me posted on GAF in the past and put together this bogus profile. HOW AWESOME.


no but seriously, this has to stop :/


How about instead of just flat out rating, we also critique each other in areas we think the person can improve and make their profile sound more positive and attractive? Pictures as well, if someone posts a shitty picture, give some constructive criticism!

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I had to bring it back to say Ok Cupid is great! I didn't even have to sign up! In fact, someone took the liberty of using random pictures of me posted on GAF in the past and put together this bogus profile. HOW AWESOME.


no but seriously, this has to stop :/
You make that much money? Gurl lets play some pokemons. :p
Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I had to bring it back to say Ok Cupid is great! I didn't even have to sign up! In fact, someone took the liberty of using random pictures of me posted on GAF in the past and put together this bogus profile. HOW AWESOME.


no but seriously, this has to stop :/

Dream crusher.

On a serious note that is some scumbag shit. Reported.


I have, it's just a burn since it seems most likely that the perpetrator is someone on GAF.

Yeah, I doubt its anyone in this thread through as people in here seem to actually want to help each other and not do stupid things like steal photos and make an account just to see the type of response they can get. It is childish and immature and it hurts legit people because it gives us all a bad name.

If and when you find the person, street justice is allowed.
Yeah, I doubt its anyone in this thread through as people in here seem to actually want to help each other and not do stupid things like steal photos and make an account just to see the type of response they can get. It is childish and immature and it hurts legit people because it gives us all a bad name.

If and when you find the person, street justice is allowed.

Oh no, I wasn't trying to say it was anyone in this thread, I was more hoping that if I shared my story, I could get a couple people to report it so it will get taken down faster. This is a great thread, and indeed everyone is sweet and helpful.


How about instead of just flat out rating, we also critique each other in areas we think the person can improve and make their profile sound more positive and attractive? Pictures as well, if someone posts a shitty picture, give some constructive criticism!

You make that much money? Gurl lets play some pokemons. :p

You can win her heart by singing the Pokemon theme song, preferably the Johto theme.


Oh no, I wasn't trying to say it was anyone in this thread, I was more hoping that if I shared my story, I could get a couple people to report it so it will get taken down faster. This is a great thread, and indeed everyone is sweet and helpful.

I reported it for you also, so that should speed up the process and I'm sure others in this thread will also.
Going through all the male profiles who visited me(I rated you all 5) and seeing "Replies Frequently" on every one including mine in stark contrast of damn near every woman I've ever looked at on there. How the hell is that possible if women outnumber men? Have we grown so desperate we broke the laws of supply and demand?


Going through all the male profiles who visited me(I rated you all 5) and seeing "Replies Frequently" on every one including mine in stark contrast of damn near every woman I've ever looked at on there. How the hell is that possible if women outnumber men? Have we grown so desperate we broke the laws of supply and demand?

? Guys outnumber girls on this site. So for example, 100 guys might message the average girl in a week, whereas there are less girls and therefore less messages for your average guys. Girls aren't going to reply to them all, so they "reply very selectively". Guys get excited and message every single one back and get the green dot of shame.


all good things
How come when I click the little notifications icon on okc it says "Stay classy, Az986."

I swear that wasn't there before.

Is the robot mocking me?

Old Lace

How do I do this?

Me: message about girls get shirtless dick pics; how can i compete

Her: Dick pics get old

(looks at her almost empty profile - it mentions she's good at cooking and dancing, that's it)

Me: Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about cooking and dancing

Her: I just started cooking, but maybe lol

Now what? There's hardly anything on her profile to work with.


How do I do this?

Me: message about girls get shirtless dick pics; how can i compete

Her: Dick pics get old

(looks at her almost empty profile - it mentions she's good at cooking and dancing, that's it)

Me: Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about cooking and dancing

Her: I just started cooking, but maybe lol

Now what? There's hardly anything on her profile to work with.

that's hard to work with when you have no info(her info is light it seems) so I advise just chatting about random things for the first few messages like you are doing now and see if it clicks and she gives you something new chat about. If after 4-5 messages shes not giving you anything to work with, just say "thanks, but I think we have nothing in common" and move on.

Old Lace

We somehow ended up talking about fried chicken. I don't know where this is going.

Edit: Got that Facebook. It's all thanks to the power of GAF. You guys were with me in spirit.


I would say ask her out for some fried chicken, but that seems like an awful first date idea lol.

I have tried just bluntly asking out 2 girls with sparse profiles with nothing to go with. It worked on one of them, although it lasted 1 date and we didn't have much in common.

Old Lace

I would say ask her out for some fried chicken, but that seems like an awful first date idea lol.

I have tried just bluntly asking out 2 girls with sparse profiles with nothing to go with. It worked on one of them, although it lasted 1 date and we didn't have much in common.
My knowledge of '90s hip-hop saved that conversation. But I'll try talking to her a bit on Facebook at some point soon and going for it.


I was turned down yet again. This time by a great looking girl. Said she wasn't interested because I was remotely religious. I have no God or anything about church or religion anywhere in my profile other then it saying "I'm christian and not very serious about it"

I never knew that would be a deal breaker as I dislike organized religion and I think people who believe in God are fine and dandy as long as they don't push it on me. All well, we soldier on and move on to the next one, but this one hurt.
I was turned down yet again. This time by a great looking girl. Said she wasn't interested because I was remotely religious. I have no God or anything about church or religion anywhere in my profile other then it saying "I'm christian and not very serious about it"

I never knew that would be a deal breaker as I dislike organized religion and I think people who believe in God are fine and dandy as long as they don't push it on me. All well, we soldier on and move on to the next one, but this one hurt.

Yeah you should probably just not answer that question unless its super important to you


Is this the new dating thread basically?

I think its both, people in the thread go through the whole process of it. They set up their profile, and come in this thread to discuss the profile and tips and tricks of the dating world and it just evolved from there because the people are comfortable posting here.
Went on a date tonight with a girl from okcupid.

She was a perfectly nice girl who I don't think is right for me. She's younger and seems kinda still getting her feet off the ground in adult life. It was fun, but don't see another date happening. I think I want more of a woman and less of a girl.

But all in all, a good first experience for online dating. She didn't flake, she was nice, looked like her pics, and was very much like her "online" self
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