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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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slept with Malkin
Thanks again dudes for the ratings, seems like it's making a difference especially since the last week or so it's been pretty tough sledding as far as replies go. Also, updated my pic from one I posted in the pic thread since someone mentioned they were "getting a Fassbender vibe" from it. Since then getting more vistors and just got a few unsolicited messages that just said "Wow! Those eyes!" and "You have well defined cheekbones. You must be a movie star." For reals.
All right, my profile prototype is done. I went a little over the top while writing it, but I got three messages so far. Two that were not initiated by me, so something must be working. Anyway, rate and send me some criticism! It's a little fat at the moment, so it could use a trimming.

Quote to see profile.

Rated. Another high match rating with someone on this thread. YOU GUYS ARE MY SOUL MATES


Looks good Xun. Don't worry too much, she already agreed to the coffee date so she's into you. You just mostly have to worry about keeping her attention during the date now.

The lunch date works well also for the first date. If you find out you two don't really work out you have an easy excuse to end the date and go back to work. If it goes great, then tell her you want to spend more time getting to know her and set up another date for the weekend.
Thanks! Sent.


My luck has gone to shit as of late. So few replies.:-(. I did however get in an agreement about female promiscuity.

me: I don't see anything wrong with girls sleeping around
her: I respect myself to much to do that and you're a guy so no wonder you'd like it.
me: I agree on the latter but I don't see it as disrespectful for a girl to sleep around There are guys who would call you a whore for having sex before marriage.
her:i'd expect that from a guy who'd date a girl with a curable STD
Me: yeah. Curable. That's the key part. Plus I dont know how she got it. From a boyfriend she was faithful to? What about if a girl slept with a 1000 guys but used a condom each time and never caught anything. Which would be better
her: yeah! But condoms are the least reliable method for contraception.
me: we are talking about diseases not conception please dont'change the subject.

yadda yadda

her: all women can't orgasm from the first time with a new partner and any woman who says so is faking it.
me: but by that rationale women would never have one night stands

That's the neatened version. Am I an asshole. It's a sad day when I come across looking like a feminist.


In this thread, ya got to take the good with the bad and the positive and the negative. People still view online dating as taboo and they look down their nose at people who do it. Just don't let it get to you or worry about their view. Just keep on being you and things will work out great.
I finally did it GAF. I finally sent a message to a girl that used ALL 10,000 ALLOTTED CHARACTERS. Seriously. 10,000 characters on the dot.

Achievement Unlocked, mofos
OKC is weird. I deactivated it weeks ago. Not even activated for a couple minutes, couple visits already. I'm starting to wonder how heavily stuff is weighted towards women on these things.

Also I run some weird tests like if someone I know's hits have dropped off, I'll visit their profile or rate them and see if it generates an influx.

Oh and I have mod powers still. The amount of female profiles with fake pics is never ending.


What's weird about that? There's probably a ton of guys on the site, and if you have a good looking picture people will click...
What's weird about that? There's probably a ton of guys on the site, and if you have a good looking picture people will click...

Nothing I think it just sends stuff out like the minute you rejoin. Makes me wonder if you deactivate for a while and reactivate if that will bring people to your profile if it's getting stagnant.


Nothing I think it just sends stuff out like the minute you rejoin. Makes me wonder if you deactivate for a while and reactivate if that will bring people to your profile if it's getting stagnant.

Interesting. I've never received any kind of notification. I think people are legitimately just happening across your profile in a search though. Maybe.

EDIT: Also when you return from a deactivation they toss you directly into the activation feed heavily, They will say you uploaded a new picture and answered 2-3 questions publicly, even if you done do months and months ago.

Ah makes sense. I wonder if people get a better boost in general though if a well rated person from the gender they're after rates them and or looks at their profile.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol, I didn't think I was going to get a barrage of ratings all at once.

Thanks guys, and thanks in advance to the next batch of people. I shall reciprocate accordingly.

Also, who here is under the handle of iguanallama? She's smokin!
lol, I didn't think I was going to get a barrage of ratings all at once.

Thanks guys, and thanks in advance to the next batch of people. I shall reciprocate accordingly.

Also, who here is under the handle of iguanallama? She's smokin!

Where do you even see your rating?


Neo Member
Getting in on the 5-starring train :) Don't have a pic yet, planning on getting one up soon. I'll like your profile back!

Quote for the URL:
Getting in on the 5-starring train :) Don't have a pic yet, planning on getting one up soon. I'll like your profile back!

Quote for the URL:

Done. Will do any more either pmed or put in thread.

Also apparently some idiots still don't know that a face doesn't have to be visible in pictures and keep reporting the ones sans face. lol.


Date went well... He already texted me asking when we're going to meet next :)

Also, Devo, you said you were an OKC mod? Did you used to post the creepiest profiles you saw in this/another thread?

If so, that was pure gold.
Wait, Devo, you said you were an OKC mod? Did you used to post the creepiest profiles you saw in this/another thread?

If so, that was pure gold.

Also, my date went well... He already texted me asking when we're going to meet next :)

Oh yeah I posted some creepy ass awful messages. lul.

Tonight I saw some dick pix.


Whoa, what the hell?

You're a mod on OKcupid?

They just choose random people and you basically vote on whether a pic or profile should be deleted or left alone. Messages also get flagged. I see hilarious profiles and stuff.
Oh by the way, not to toot his horn too much but I don't know how many people have seen it, Timedog's OKC is probably the most hilarious shit I've seen on here and definitely inspires women to message him.


I do love this site sometimes when it gives me very cute redheads to fail at. My biggest weakness on the site is that ill message any and all redheads.


I do love this site sometimes when it gives me very cute redheads to fail at. My biggest weakness on the site is that ill message any and all redheads.
At least there's ginger women for you to message. There's a fucking trade embargo on ginger men; I've had more purple/blue/green haired guys message me.
Achievement: Rambling Crazy Person

Just kidding, but why the super long message?

lol you used all 10k? damn, post it so we can read it lol

Who's going to read that shit?! lol

I feel like a rapist if I send anyone more than 3-4 sentences.

Haha. That is one long ass message.

Hahaha, you guys (and gals)! We've been talking for a few days now, and we're peeling the layers of the metaphorical personality-onion deeper and deeper apart. Her response came a mere five hours later, and was ~7,300 characters. It's VERY easy for me to get started on a big old rant and not stop until, well, I'm either out of breath or out of available characters :p

Oh by the way, not to toot his horn too much but I don't know how many people have seen it, Timedog's OKC is probably the most hilarious shit I've seen on here and definitely inspires women to message him.
Wow. Some of it's a little too bold for how I'd want to present myself (what with all of the constant sexual stuff), but I'm sure it does work for him. Parts of it had me cracking up, especially some of his picture's captions ("POWERFUL KING", lolol). Definitely an excellent profile

I do love this site sometimes when it gives me very cute redheads to fail at. My biggest weakness on the site is that ill message any and all redheads.
Why hello there


At least there's ginger women for you to message. There's a fucking trade embargo on ginger men; I've had more purple/blue/green haired guys message me.

Ginger man reporting. Not sure if you're a guy or girl. Quote to see my profile if you're the latter I guess :p

Just got my first phone number from OKCupid too, real cute girl who goes to my university! She's 18, I'm 20, she seems into me, all is good. And I owe much of it to you guys for 5-starring me so I could see girls like this one, not sure why I was rated so low because a lot of girls in this upper level seem to think I'm attractive. Guess my old picture wasn't good. Anyway, thanks everybody!


Are you a guy or a girl?
Male. Kinda androgynous.
Hahaha, you guys (and gals)! We've been talking for a few days now, and we're peeling the layers of the metaphorical personality-onion deeper and deeper apart. Her response came a mere five hours later, and was ~7,300 characters. It's VERY easy for me to get started on a big old rant and not stop until, well, I'm either out of breath or out of available characters :p
Was it a speech about a railroad?
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