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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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the problem is sometimes the girls profile is just so boring or damn near empty it's hard to add personal touches so the message is,"hey nice profile, seeeeeexxxxxx nnnnnoooowwwwwwww." I used to just copy and paste messages and hope it sticks, but now I moved to personalized messages and sometimes the girl looks great, high match % and her profile is all 3 lines of text. ruined!


Just got a message from a girl that says:

"What you doin pa? How u been these days?"

Somebody translate please. I'm confused as to whether she thinks i'm her long lost dad or whether her phone auto corrected in a weird way.


Just got a message from a girl that says:

"What you doin pa? How u been these days?"

Somebody translate please. I'm confused as to whether she thinks i'm her long lost dad or whether her phone auto corrected in a weird way.

Spanish slang term. Like how guys will call a girl "mami" the counter for a male is "Pa"
Not sarcasm, it is generally accepted that the Noah story is based on a real flood, which is what the question asks

It asks about a global flood, which didn't happen. As I recall, the generally accepted belief is that there was a large flood or floods of rivers the middle east leading to flood stories in several mythologies.

for reference sake Timedog and I are at 99% somehow.

Just for reference, when my partner and I were on the site eight/nine years ago*, we had an 84% match. I think it'd likely be higher now, but I hope your post doesn't make anyone reluctant to send messages if they aren't above 90%.

*no, we didn't meet there; we were on a break and using the site to meet other people.
So you don't talk to people who study history and generally accept that there was an extremely large flood in that time period?

There's a difference between "large flood during that time period" and "global flood that wiped out all of mankind sans like 10 people and 99.99% of animals except for two of every kind all on a big boat."
It asks about a global flood, which didn't happen. As I recall, the generally accepted belief is that there was a large flood or floods of rivers the middle east leading to flood stories in several mythologies.

It most certainly was global, for those keeping records.

There's a difference between "large flood during that time period" and "global flood that wiped out all of mankind sans like 10 people and 99.99% of animals except for two of every kind all on a big boat."

Nope, question asks:

"Do you believe that the global flood (Noah's ark) actually happened?"

Question says nothing about mankind or animals.

It asks if you believe the flood, which is most commonly known as the global flood (Noah, if you STILL dont get it) actually happened.


Hmm I'm getting a bit jaded on okc. I'm not sure how to approach things I guess. Every message I send out is personalized and short, and 90% of the girls that I send them to check out my profile but don't respond. (I've sent out 50ish messages in the last half month) Maybe it's my profile?
Should I make this my profile picture?



So i just messaged someone with about 1800 characters just now. To the GAFer that used all 10,000 characters, that is absolutely insane. I feel like I wrote a damn book already and you 10x that about.
So i just messaged someone with about 1800 characters just now. To the GAFer that used all 10,000 characters, that is absolutely insane. I feel like I wrote a damn book already and you 10x that about.

Oh man, it gets much worse. After my initial 10,000 she responded with 7,300 characters, and then I responded with ~13,000 characters (forcing myself to break it into two messages of course) and then SHE responded with 10,000 characters on the nose and then I responded with ~11,000. After that I told her to not respond because it was getting absolutely absurd. In a twenty hour period I had spent a quarter of that time writing her mini-novellas. We decided to add each other on facebook so we could just use the chat on that instead... something we did for about three hours last night.

Suffice it to say though that things are looking real good with this one :D


Oh man, it gets much worse. After my initial 10,000 she responded with 7,300 characters, and then I responded with ~13,000 characters, forcing myself to break it into two messages, and then SHE responded with 10,000 characters on the nose and then I responded with about 11,000. After that I told her to not respond because it was getting absolutely absurd. In a twenty hour period I had spent a quarter of that time writing her mini-novellas. We decided to add each other on facebook so we could just use the chat on that instead... something we did for about three hours last night.

Suffice it to say things are looking real good with this one :D
I envy your relationship. That sounds like fun :3


Do you have a source for this claim?

He's referring to the ancient period. Flooding was pretty frequent for those early civilizations. There was one massive flooding that occurred for at least one civilization; this flood probably happened for other civilization because of their locations within the Mesopotamia region. So *they* believed it was a global flooding, since *their world* was extremely fucking small.

However, if he is actually arguing that Noah's Flood actually occurred, then I'm out.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
No girls are replying back to me, what's that very horny one liner that always works?
I envy your relationship. That sounds like fun :3
We have only been talking since Friday, and we are already DEEP into the core layers of the onion that is a human's personality. It's crazy how fast we're moving along

Don't be too envious though. She lives 91 miles away. I'm studying abroad in Italy starting this January. She's leaving for the Peace Corps. a few months after I get back. We both live with our parents.

It's like winning the lottery on the same day you get diagnosed with cancer.


you could just skip that question. I hate most "yes" or "no" questions so I usually skip them because you cant paint things black and white most times, there needs to be a gray area.

I answered more questions, up to 2200.
He's referring to the ancient period. Flooding was pretty frequent for those early civilizations. There was one massive flooding that occurred for at least one civilization; this flood probably happened for other civilization because of their locations within the Mesopotamia region. So *they* believed it was a global flooding, since *their world* was extremely fucking small.

However, if he is actually arguing that Noah's Flood actually occurred, then I'm out.

Yes thats what I mean.

It was global because they thought the world was pretty much the area around them.

I am so using that dishwasher from the 80s line at some point.

Oh god some woman had a pic of herself from behind with some cheeky panties on. I wish I could bleach my eyes.


Oh man, it gets much worse. After my initial 10,000 she responded with 7,300 characters, and then I responded with ~13,000 characters (forcing myself to break it into two messages of course) and then SHE responded with 10,000 characters on the nose and then I responded with ~11,000. After that I told her to not respond because it was getting absolutely absurd. In a twenty hour period I had spent a quarter of that time writing her mini-novellas. We decided to add each other on facebook so we could just use the chat on that instead... something we did for about three hours last night.

Suffice it to say though that things are looking real good with this one :D
LOL...mini novellas. When that happens you know it's time to move on to the next step and meet each other.

Congratulations, looks like you found a winner.



I am so using that dishwasher from the 80s line at some point.

Oh god some woman had a pic of herself from behind with some cheeky panties on. I wish I could bleach my eyes.
Her writing and overreaction (she could have just blocked him and reported right off) makes me meh...


I wrote to my 99% match......so she reads it, then deleted her profile. So damn lol might be time to pack it up and go home.


Don't get dicouraged by that shit.

I really shouldn't, but its a little disheartening to know that a 99% ran off the site after I messaged her. All well, we shall solider on and find a better woman. If not, ill just build one in 20 years, I assume we will have that technology by then.


I really shouldn't, but its a little disheartening to know that a 99% ran off the site after I messaged her. All well, we shall solider on and find a better woman. If not, ill just build one in 20 years, I assume we will have that technology by then.

Remember correlation =/ causation.

There is only so much shit a woman can take before she packs her bag up and leave the site.

Seeing all of these pot questions on this site, wouldn't this be a gold mine for law enforcements? These people are basically confessing they are smoking pot.
I think I've found the most amazing woman on the site. So much common interests particularly Frasier, sushi and good hip-hop.

I sent her a message, and she gave me quite a lengthy reply, I replied back and now I'm sitting here wondering if I'll get struck my the Phantom Ghost of OKC.

I got a date lined up for Sunday, but I might bail depending if I can meet her soon. I'm running out of funds!


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish i could get replies, i've sent a message to another girl yesterday before going to bed, so we'll see if she answer later this evening.

If she is yet another girl who reads my message and don't reply, i'm going to start thinking that i deserve that "Boring member" tag that i got from some stupid fishing tag thread to begin with. :p


I think I've found the most amazing woman on the site. So much common interests particularly Frasier, sushi and good hip-hop.

I sent her a message, and she gave me quite a lengthy reply, I replied back and now I'm sitting here wondering if I'll get struck my the Phantom Ghost of OKC.

I got a date lined up for Sunday, but I might bail depending if I can meet her soon. I'm running out of funds!

Go the cheap route and find something to do together where you don't have to spend money. Though, depending on your location, this might be easier said than done.
I'd just like to thank gaf for alerting my attention to this site. Set up an account and got a message 30 mins later, been talking with an awesome girl on facebook all night.
Ok maybe it's just me but is it normal for so many women to be listed as Bisexual? Seems like way more than should be statistically possible, unless it stems from the age group (21-30) I'm looking at, or is there some other reason? Maybe GLBT are more into okc than straight people?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Currently texting a girl from a site similar to Okcupid, but not quite. Can't tell if she digs me or not though.


Been with my OKC girl for about three months now and I tell you, we often forget about the fact we met up on there because our connection is so incredibly natural and awesome. It pains me to think that I would probably never have met her had it not been for that website. Praise dat cupid.


I'd just like to thank gaf for alerting my attention to this site. Set up an account and got a message 30 mins later, been talking with an awesome girl on facebook all night.
I've never sent a woman a Facebook invite. What happens when you stop seeing them or start dating someone else? Way too awkward.

EDIT: Actually I have one woman but we're just friends now.
Ok maybe it's just me but is it normal for so many women to be listed as Bisexual? Seems like way more than should be statistically possible, unless it stems from the age group (21-30) I'm looking at, or is there some other reason? Maybe GLBT are more into okc than straight people?

"I'm bisexual."
REALITY: 80% of self-identified bisexuals are only interested in one gender.

OkCupid is a gay- and bi-friendly place and it's not our intention here to call into question anyone's sexual identity. But when we looked into messaging trends by sexuality, we were very surprised at what we found. People who describe themselves as bisexual overwhelmingly message either one sex or the other, not both as you might expect. Site-wide, here's how it breaks out:
More at the link.


I'm bi but I don't feel comfortable trying to date a guy online. I'd rather hang out with someone locally just as friends than have the pressure of "will I have to be sexual with him?"



Glad to hear it man. :)

Thanks dude!

You're nice. She's nice! We're both nice to each other. She likes to picks fights, and I just get puffy faced. Then she gives up and strokes my hair :)

Congratulations man :D

Thank you!

Well done!

Thank you very much!

I'm happy for you, bro. Another example to show these sites can work for us normal Gaffers.

Just gotta keep grindan!


Ashodin here and I both met ladies off OKC about same time roughly. I'm almost 4 months of solid dating with mine. She loves me and vice versa. Our relationship has been bumpy as fuck, but I'm holding on till it isn't worth the the few crappy times. 90% of it has been great, so I don't see a reason to call it quits yet.

There's my unbanned homie! brofist indeed sir, I also am dating my chick for about four months.

Until the day comes when she doesn't anymore.


Not gonna happen, this chick wants babies and a life together man.

good job, dude.

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