About to have dinner with a girl from okcupid who may or may not be crazy. Wish me luck, peeps. Will update after
Good luck! You'll knock it out of the park.
Thanks for the luck, but that date was AWFUL. From now on, I'm not jinxing myself, I'm only gonna give updates after the date actually happened.
So here goes:
Usually I ask to get a cup of coffee or a drink first, since I wanna keep it casual, but this girl said we should have dinner instead. Fine, whatever, no big deal.
Walk into the restaurant and notice this asian girl sitting there who looks kinda like my date, but not really, sitting by herself. (Not being racist, i'm asian too) For some reason, I get a bad feeling. Then my date walks in, she's pretty much exactly like she looks online, and we say hello and hug. Then she looks over at the lonely asian girl and says "OMG, what are you doing here???" and they say hello. THEN, the lonely asian girl says, "well, I was supposed to meet Jennifer, but she bailed at the last minute."
AND THE DREADED WORDS COME OUT OF MY DATE'S MOUTH, "Do you want to join us? (looks at me) do you mind?"
I wanna just say, "Fuck, yes, I mind!" but decide not to. And we all sit down and have dinner and it's totally awkward because I'm meeting one girl IRL for the first time and the other for the FIRST TIME EVER. And of course, I'm trying to talk to my date and this girl jumps in randomly to insert her stories or whatever.
The best part is? Lonely asian girl turns to my date at one point and says "are you going to (insert random event) with Jennifer and her bf on Saturday?" and my date responds "No, I don't want to be a third wheel." I snorted with a laugh out loud and just stared as hard as I could at my menu because I could FEEL the lonely asian girl glare at me.
Anyways, I made sure we split the bill. Oh, and i got a beer, cuz there was no way I was enduring that without some alcohol
Thank god I've got another date on Friday with this cool chick I already went and had a drink with last week