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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Whelp think I messed up once again! She was the one wanting to meet up and almost solidified it, but then the last few days when I tried to solidify it I over did it. So it didn't happen! Think I'll wait a week and try to contact her again but otherwise back to the drawing board I suppose D:


Really Really Exciting Member!
So... the only girl that bother to send me a message first rather than the other way around happens to live 2-3 hours away from me and already have 2 kids, which are two things i really do not want to deal with, especially the kids part. Sucks, because she says i look very interesting.

Dammit, why are you doing this to me "online dating"! *shake fist*


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Shifty eye pic as your main? Nah make it chest mode or outdoors mode. Also please remove hoodie sitting on floor in what looks like empty gym/training room. It's just awkward.

So you think the chest pic looks okay?

Tell him to dress up as Prince.
his 2nd picture is better as a main profile pic.
chest pic doesn't look classy unless he dresses up as Prince.

Was only a matter of time before the Prince comparisons appeared. D:



Any constructive feedback is appreciated. Tips on what I can do to improve it, etc.
I would suggest a couple of things.
  • Get a picture of you smiling up on there. You look pretty serious.
  • BladeWorker suggested something to me that really worked for me. She told me to show, not tell. You say you have a great sense of humor and that you enjoy anything that makes people laugh, right? So lighten up your profile a bit, show some of that humor. It really does help.

So, since I got my profile critiqued by BladeWorker (and a bit by Devolution) I've had a lot more success. I messaged 6 women over the past 5 days and I have 3 dates set up over the next week. Thank you LadyGAF!

I got this message earlier today and I can't decide if she copy-pasted me a standard "I'm busy" message or she is genuinely interested in responding at a later date. I can't tell because I've never encountered this sort of wording or even this sort of message. I've found that if women want to respond they do, if they don't . . . they don't. What do you guys think? Blurring to protect pics and names. She has a very lovely Turkish name too!


And before anyone asks, no my messages aren't always this long. It just felt . . . somehow appropriate in this instance.


So having a little back and forth with this one cute girl who messaged me first. She's not really giving me much to work off of but I have to think she's interested since she keeps messaging me back. Takes her like a day to message back and it always starts off with haha followed by 2 or 3 words. Should I just ask for her number? It says she's seeing someone so I'm like wtf
I saw this thread, so I decided to sign in after giving up on OK Cupid for a month and a half. 52 visitors, no messages.

I want to edit my profile with: "If you're seeing me, you weren't voted as attractive either."
So having a little back and forth with this one cute girl who messaged me first. She's not really giving me much to work off of but I have to think she's interested since she keeps messaging me back. Takes her like a day to message back and it always starts off with haha followed by 2 or 3 words. Should I just ask for her number? It says she's seeing someone so I'm like wtf
Why don't you ask her who is she seeing?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
So... the only girl that bother to send me a message first rather than the other way around happens to live 2-3 hours away from me and already have 2 kids, which are two things i really do not want to deal with, especially the kids part. Sucks, because she says i look very interesting.

Dammit, why are you doing this to me "online dating"! *shake fist*

I know this feel bro, a lot of high match attractive girls that show up on my feed are 4 hours away, kinda sucks.

I saw this thread, so I decided to sign in after giving up on OK Cupid for a month and a half. 52 visitors, no messages.

I want to edit my profile with: "If you're seeing me, you weren't voted as attractive either."

This made me lol, but I'm not sure how well it would go over with most gals.

Messaging this chick right now that is close, cute, loves video games, and we have the same taste on music. Hopefully I can get a date atleast.


Hey Devo, I made a few changes to my profile, is it better? Tried to add just a little bit of humor and just add some personality instead of making it sound like a resume like it was before. Also, do you think my main profile pic is fine? I know you said the hair is nice, but I feel like the my expression looks mean or something lol. Might be offputting? Quote to see


Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Also managed to double message the girl who had deleted her profile, she said I wasn't included in the 98% of OkCupid users who make her uncomfortable, that must be a good thing!


Oh man, when I quitted OkCupid and PoF the first time (two months back), there was this bisexual man who kept messaging me. I had (and have) no interest in getting involved with a male at all (including friendship), so I simply ignored him like I do with women who I am not interested in.

So, fast forward today, and he found my profile on Okcupid again. He has messaged me twice within the last hour and a half. :-/


block him or report him...or wikdcard it and go out with him and make him pay for everything, go to the bathroom, but instead walk out the front door.

maybe not do that, if he found your profile, he could then find your home. yeah, stick with blocking.


block him or report him...or wikdcard it and go out with him and make him pay for everything, go to the bathroom, but instead walk out the front door.

maybe not do that, if he found your profile, he could then find your home. yeah, stick with blocking.

People on the internet can be CRAZY! If he messages me once more, I'll report him. If not, I am gladly happy to not report him. Times like these I can somewhat comprehend how women can be fed up with these kind of sites.

About to have dinner with a girl from okcupid who may or may not be crazy. Wish me luck, peeps. Will update after

Good luck! You'll knock it out of the park.


Messaged a girl, she visits my profile, no reply. Don't even know why I bothered. I remember why I quit this thing in the first place. :(

I'm getting to that stage, I feel that my profile and pictures are tight. Messages solid, but really getting nothing back. Think its time I finally pack it up and go home so to speak. When I do get a reply its usually 4 words. I'll give it another week.
I'm getting to that stage, I feel that my profile and pictures are tight. Messages solid, but really getting nothing back. Think its time I finally pack it up and go home so to speak. When I do get a reply its usually 4 words. I'll give it another week.

It's really discouraging. I quit after my eightieth (yes, 80) message out. I had gotten 5 replies and one horrible date who refused to talk anything but non-sequitur nonsense.

I'm not a particularly good-looking person, but my profile picture shows me and it's not chasing people away. My message content can get visitors, but then I get no replies. I'm sure it's the rest of my pictures or my profile, but I don't know what I'd change. I'm being honest, and I've had a girl friend (not girlfriend) review my profile to make sure my quips are amusing yet inoffensive.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
It's really discouraging. I quit after my eightieth (yes, 80) message out. I had gotten 5 replies and one horrible date who refused to talk anything but non-sequitur nonsense.

I'm not a particularly good-looking person, but my profile picture shows me and it's not chasing people away. My message content can get visitors, but then I get no replies. I'm sure it's the rest of my pictures or my profile, but I don't know what I'd change. I'm being honest, and I've had a girl friend (not girlfriend) review my profile to make sure my quips are amusing yet inoffensive.

Gotta keep trying, I reached that stage for a while, but now I'm talking to a few chicks. It really comes in waves.

I've also found lately my replies come without a view of my profile, unless they pay or are invisible, which I guess is means I'm getting better at sending messages.
Gotta keep trying, I reached that stage for a while, but now I'm talking to a few chicks. It really comes in waves.

I've also found lately my replies come without a view of my profile, unless they pay or are invisible, which I guess is means I'm getting better at sending messages.

I wish I could agree, but I sent out 5 today. So I'm at 85 messages out. Insanity has to be doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


I wish I could agree, but I sent out 5 today. So I'm at 85 messages out. Insanity has to be doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

That phrase doesn't work when one variable is completely different each time you send a message.
About to have dinner with a girl from okcupid who may or may not be crazy. Wish me luck, peeps. Will update after

Good luck! You'll knock it out of the park.

good luck!

Thanks for the luck, but that date was AWFUL. From now on, I'm not jinxing myself, I'm only gonna give updates after the date actually happened.

So here goes:
Usually I ask to get a cup of coffee or a drink first, since I wanna keep it casual, but this girl said we should have dinner instead. Fine, whatever, no big deal.

Walk into the restaurant and notice this asian girl sitting there who looks kinda like my date, but not really, sitting by herself. (Not being racist, i'm asian too) For some reason, I get a bad feeling. Then my date walks in, she's pretty much exactly like she looks online, and we say hello and hug. Then she looks over at the lonely asian girl and says "OMG, what are you doing here???" and they say hello. THEN, the lonely asian girl says, "well, I was supposed to meet Jennifer, but she bailed at the last minute."

AND THE DREADED WORDS COME OUT OF MY DATE'S MOUTH, "Do you want to join us? (looks at me) do you mind?"

I wanna just say, "Fuck, yes, I mind!" but decide not to. And we all sit down and have dinner and it's totally awkward because I'm meeting one girl IRL for the first time and the other for the FIRST TIME EVER. And of course, I'm trying to talk to my date and this girl jumps in randomly to insert her stories or whatever.

The best part is? Lonely asian girl turns to my date at one point and says "are you going to (insert random event) with Jennifer and her bf on Saturday?" and my date responds "No, I don't want to be a third wheel." I snorted with a laugh out loud and just stared as hard as I could at my menu because I could FEEL the lonely asian girl glare at me.

Anyways, I made sure we split the bill. Oh, and i got a beer, cuz there was no way I was enduring that without some alcohol

Thank god I've got another date on Friday with this cool chick I already went and had a drink with last week
Hey Devo, I made a few changes to my profile, is it better? Tried to add just a little bit of humor and just add some personality instead of making it sound like a resume like it was before. Also, do you think my main profile pic is fine? I know you said the hair is nice, but I feel like the my expression looks mean or something lol. Might be offputting? Quote to see

Definitely gives a more friendly vibe than before. You should show a picture of yourself with something you've worked on and completed since you said you like working with electronics, cars, computers.

lol story

Sounds too coincidental to me but what do I know.


damn, my perverted brain would have instantly went to....maybe I can convince them both to have a 3 some.

But good to see your head was right on track of, hey this is a date. My question is if someone bailed on you, why would you stick around the restaurant, why not just go home or do something else?
Sounds too coincidental to me but what do I know.

damn, my perverted brain would have instantly went to....maybe I can convince them both to have a 3 some.

But good to see your head was right on track of, hey this is a date. My question is if someone bailed on you, why would you stick around the restaurant, why not just go home or do something else?

Yeah, it does, but whatevs, at least I got a good story our of it. Hey Devo, could you take a look at my profile? I don't need anymore dates like this. haha


LOL, that sucks. I probably wouldn't have been able to make it through the whole meal.
Definitely wouldn't have made it without beer


slept with Malkin
Definitely wouldn't have made it without beer

Hopefully my date tomorrow night goes well. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it considering we only sent like 4 total messages before she asked to meet up. At least the place we are going looks pretty chill.
So I've had mixed luck on the site. I dated a girl from there recently for about a month, but she broke up with me today. It was the most interesting break up I've had in a long long time, but after she gave me her reasons, I was glad she did it. She clearly wasn't ready to be in a relationship. Oh well, back to the ol dating game :)
Hopefully my date tomorrow night goes well. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it considering we only sent like 4 total messages before she asked to meet up. At least the place we are going looks pretty chill.

Don't do what I did and jinx it by asking for good luck. Update us after!


Girl mentioned she liked Super Troopers in her profile. Just sent an opening message with the word "Meow" included 8 times. Hopefully it clicks with her and she doesn't think I'm weird.

Er, well I am weird. Just hope she doesn't think its creepy weird.


damn, this sucks so bad, girl I was talking to, getting along with well just found out she's moving to another state early next year. Definitely had potential for a long term relationship, shit :/
I haven't been sending out any messages all week. No real reason for it, there have been girls pop up who I normally would message but it's like when I go to write something I just sort of draw a blank and move on.

I've got a second "date" of sorts lined up for Sunday, not sure what we're going to do though because my only dating skill appears to be "go to bar and drink and talk until it's very late", as every other kind of date I've tried has been a disaster.


Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Easiest way to get to a yellow dot is to leave your IM on when you're online. Any IM you don't respond to counts as a message you didn't respond to.

I do and I've never received an IM. I wonder if the yellow dot really means anything though.
With all Thai profile rating...do you think we should take it to the next step and try and get our green icons to yellow then red?

There's going to be a lot of false hope!


Ugh, that feeling when you see what is a great match for you, write a super thoughtful message, then don't get messaged back. 99% of the time I don't take the site seriously. But that 1% man...it sucks! lol
Ugh, that feeling when you see what is a great match for you, write a super thoughtful message, then don't get messaged back. 99% of the time I don't take the site seriously. But that 1% man...it sucks! lol


They look at the profile, then you check your emails, and nothing lol


sometimes I message people just to see if I would get a reply for being silly. But sometimes I do actually hope I get a reply back. That is when I make sure I dot my T's and cross my I's...wait reverse that. So it hurts when you get nothing, not even a look at the profile. And sure she might be browsing privately, but I assume everyone is open.


Ugh, that feeling when you see what is a great match for you, write a super thoughtful message, then don't get messaged back. 99% of the time I don't take the site seriously. But that 1% man...it sucks! lol

Yep having a similar feeling. Most messages I send out I don't really care if they reply or not, but every so often I get that one and get a little bummed when they don't message me.
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