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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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All right, I have been editing my profile, and I pulled back from some of the snarkiness and the complete bat shit insanity of it. I want to see if I struck a solid balance in my profile. Plus, I love me some ratings. These girls on OkC have been pretty meh.

Quote to see link!

Looks good to me, but I'm new to this thing and I'm still learning, so I don't know if my opining holds much weight. But I liked the humor - can't tell you if the girls will dig it, but it worked for me.
What, really? You guys are just thinking with your dicks right now.

How is, in any way, the stuff that girl was doing "normal"? Sending me pics of herself, teasing what she is wearing, asking for my birth date, not wanting to meet other day. I mean, wtf?

I'm really not.

You were not doing anything this weekend -> You told her this -> She invites you out and you decline -> She realizes that you're a shut in, which in turn is the reason why she doesn't want to meet now.

Her behavior wasn't normal per se but that doesn't mean there was definitely something sketchy going on - but of course you jumped to "I get stabbed in an alley and then dumped into a river" which may actually be one of the dumbest things posted in this thread. If you're not willing to take a little risk (and meeting a stranger in a public place is basically on par with jaywalking in terms of risk factor) then I'm not sure what you think you're doing here.
What, really? You guys are just thinking with your dicks right now.

How is, in any way, the stuff that girl was doing "normal"? Sending me pics of herself, teasing what she is wearing, asking for my birth date, not wanting to meet other day. I mean, wtf?

You got invited out and chickened out. If it was some sort of prank and she wasn't there you could just hang out at the bar since you went to the trouble of going there. She was trying to entice you to come out. I wouldn't have taken that route personally but she could be different. Telling other members they are just thinking with their dicks is pretty insulting and makes me wonder why you're bothering to post or get advice if you're just going to project nonsense like that onto posters in here.


I'm all about weighting the pros and cons of any situation. But going to worst possible scenario was and is the wrong reaction. Why would a girl, who signed up to a dating website invite someone out to murder or rob them in a public bar with many witnesses. Believe it or not girls get just as horney as guys. While she might have been coming on strong, she only wanted you to stab her, with your penis.

you cant think worst possible outcome just because the girl asked you out. 2012, girls will and should ask out guys that they like.
That blog is great. Just states that women rate more honestly than men. That's what happens when you have the luxury of choosing from dozens of people messaging you I suppose.
That blog is great. Just states that women rate more honestly than men. That's what happens when you have the luxury of choosing from dozens of people messaging you I suppose.

Or when you have more perspective in general. Plus I've come across more fake okcupid profiles of women than men.


okay, i think i'm having problems with my approach. here's some of the messages i sent out:


(this one was to a girl who liked cats, hence the cat jokes)


(this girl had a cool tattoo)


(this girl seemed nice)

any advices?


Those messages are pretty solid, but it lacks the Miku and a Weeabo factor to it. Be sure to include how much you want the woman to be your waifu.


LOL...in the past two hours I got two unsolicited messages from different women saying the same exact thing. That's some funny shit.

Literally almost verbatim.

I've actually been playing around and just experimenting with how my picture is presented. I'm seeing if more people like a more mysterious photo thumbnail where only my chin is visible, or if they're more interested if my face was visible right away.

So far, I haven't noticed any real difference yet. Though I originally expected less views with the chin image, but it was about the same really.
Well fuck me, I just discovered an incredibly cute girl who can bend in all kinds of angles and loves dinosaurs. Totally messaging her. Wish me luck.


ok i was just checking my messages and two people deleted their profiles that i sent messages to... is this normal??

sadly it is. I believe 2-3 pages I complained about how I was the reason a girl deleted her profile. But it just happens, girls find someone outside of the site, they get bored of the "nice tits" and "me and my gf want to fuck you" so they delete it or disable it. E stalking is a real thing, so they might delete just to avoid that person.


theres a beautiful woman i'm looking at right now but afraid to message her. worried she will delete her profile or not send me a message back :\
even women use copy and paste messages.

I don't get why anyone would do this, every message I've sent is pretty much tailored to them from reading their profile. Still, like no responses :(

edit: And I must be way too picky, I'm not finding many of these girls in Buffalo attractive @.@


theres a beautiful woman i'm looking at right now but afraid to message her. worried she will delete her profile or not send me a message back :

Dare to fail my friend. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Additional motivational quote.
theres a beautiful woman i'm looking at right now but afraid to message her. worried she will delete her profile or not send me a message back :\

Tough shit. Go for it.

I think you guys worry too much about this. In the dating thread, I was very worried about the outcome because I was dealing with a co-worker so I fuss over doing everything right. Here on the internet, not a single fuck is given by me.

I just messaged this really gorgeous model the other day without a single care in the world. She didn't reply, but she checked out my profile and her account is still there. I messaged her not expecting anything to begin with.


I don't get why anyone would do this, every message I've sent is pretty much tailored to them from reading their profile. Still, like no responses :(

I copy and pasted girls before. It was a way to send 50 messages out in a very short time and hope it sticks. It worked maybe 3 out of 50 times. Totally not worth it. Now I rather fail with a tailored message then succeed with a copy and paste. You want a girl/guy who will take your message seriously.
I copy and pasted girls before. It was a way to send 50 messages out in a very short time and hope it sticks. It worked maybe 3 out of 50 times. Totally not worth it. Now I rather fail with a tailored message then succeed with a copy and paste. You want a girl/guy who will take your message seriously.

Well that and there aren't 50 girls on this site that I would want to send messages to :lol


Don't know about you guys, but when girls delete their profiles after I message them I see it as a good sign. I figure my message is just so much better than the rest, that they are too overwhelmed to respond that they just up and delete their profile.

Either that or they don't appreciate being asked if I can floss between their toes with my tongue and block me.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, ever since I blew it with that one girl (the one I flaked on), I haven't been getting any replies from any wimmenz. Getting a little frustrated again.

Any advice?


Okay, ever since I blew it with that one girl (the one I flaked on), I haven't been getting any replies from any wimmenz. Getting a little frustrated again.

Any advice?

Dunno really. Per the article above, I just tried changing my profile pic. Maybe that'll help. Otherwise, all we can do is keep trucking brother.
A lot of curious ladies on Sunday night. Now I'm wondering if my more mysterious picture is making them visit me, or is it because it's Sunday night. I'm finding this stuff really fascinating. I can't help but be curious on a different level about how online dating works.
I sent this cute middle eastern girl a message on POF, and she responded in a few minutes saying 'want to hook up?' This has got to be either some dude being a troll or an escort, right? Has anyone every ran into either one of those on these sites?
I sent this cute middle eastern girl a message on POF, and she responded in a few minutes saying 'want to hook up?' This has got to be either some dude being a troll or an escort, right? Has anyone every ran into either one of those on these sites?

do a reverse image search, ask for a number (check if she has whatsapp) tbh if it seems to good to be true it probably is.
I sent this cute middle eastern girl a message on POF, and she responded in a few minutes saying 'want to hook up?' This has got to be either some dude being a troll or an escort, right? Has anyone every ran into either one of those on these sites?

There are scammers all over OKC and POF.


So an old acquaintance showed up on OKC. I looked at her profile as I couldn't tell it was someone I knew based on her main profile pic. I guess I'll probably show up on her visitors list. Knew her from college (almost 8 years ago now...yeah I'm old) as we were in a community service organization together. Didn't really talk to her beyond the occasional small talk at service and social events though.

She is cuter than I remember LOL What's proper approach/etiquette if I decide to message her?

I'll log onto POF every now and then, but it always feels so slummy.

They've "modernized" the site a bit now so it at least no longer looks like a Geocities homepage. It jumped from like late 90s internet to early 2000s internet. LOL
Guys, does incognito mode on google chrome really work? I simply don't want people checking me out while I'm checking them out since my profile still isn't 100% the way I like it yet. I had a few instances where I'm checking this girl out and she checked my profile back. I messaged her and no reply.


Really Really Exciting Member!
There are scammers all over OKC and POF.

Eh... speaking of scammers, i had this (way too cute and very "clean" profile pic) girl sending me some generic "i like your profile" message. Suspicious, i copied her profile pic link and checked with Tineye and her pic showed up a couple of times from UK sites or even porn sites. Interesting... knowing "she" put her adress as some city in Canada.

I wanted to say something about it to "her" after discovering that, but eh... scammers aren't worth it.


i got a message from a girl 2 days ago about my profile. she said it's funny and made her laugh...not sure if that's a good comment or bad one. :\

and she lives 1000 miles away.

Guys, does incognito mode on google chrome really work? I simply don't want people checking me out while I'm checking them out since my profile still isn't 100% the way I like it yet. I had a few instances where I'm checking this girl out and she checked my profile back. I messaged her and no reply.

Just turn your visitor setting to Anonymous Browsing. They won't be notified if you check them out. Incognito only works if their profile is open which in many cases its not

Eh... speaking of scammers, i had this (way too cute and very "clean" profile pic) girl sending me some generic "i like your profile" message. Suspicious, i copied her profile pic link and checked with Tineye and her pic showed up a couple of times from UK sites or even porn sites. Interesting... knowing "she" put her adress as some city in Canada.

I wanted to say something about it to "her" after discovering that, but eh... scammers aren't worth it.

To be fair i've had a situation where a girls photo has had multiple reverse image hits (including various okc accounts) but when I checked with her shes the real deal. I'm still kinda unsure how to broach the issue, like "hey you aware people are coasting off your image?"


I sent this great message out....well great to me.....and all I got back was,"No thanks" While its great she was very upfront about it. It also took the wind out of my sails a bit. This is why you should never get emotionally involved with any message you send. I broke my own rule. Rookie mistakes like that cost lives!...well not really.
Guys, does incognito mode on google chrome really work? I simply don't want people checking me out while I'm checking them out since my profile still isn't 100% the way I like it yet. I had a few instances where I'm checking this girl out and she checked my profile back. I messaged her and no reply.

If you don't want to turn off visitors then just set up a fake account, turn off visitors on that one and use that one for stalking browsing.

I sent this great message out....well great to me.....and all I got back was,"No thanks" While its great she was very upfront about it. It also took the wind out of my sails a bit. This is why you should never get emotionally involved with any message you send. I broke my own rule. Rookie mistakes like that cost lives!...well not really.

Let's see the message. Maybe SolKane could help you out


I'd post it, but I delete my failures pretty quickly. So once she said,"no thanks" I clicked delete. It also deletes the sent message too.
OMG! I sent a message to this very beautiful girl, not even expecting her to visit my profile and she responded. She lives in my old college town. Fuck it, I'm asking her for her number.
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