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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Man that's weird. I randomly browsed Okcupid and looked around for girls 20-24 in a city that's a 1 hour drive away from me. And there was plenty of openly nerdy/geek girls from a quick glance on the site. I think it was at least 7 out of the 16 profiles I browsed.

Yeah younger the better, but the 26-30s. Nope!


have to remember the smaller the age pool the more matches it shows. If you search 21-22 you will get a bigger pool of that age group then you would have if you have it set to 21-31.

so in turn you are only getting a set number from each age group the higher your looking for goes up. I have mine set to 25-40. But when I do a search on the site, I drop it down to 25-30 to get more girls I wouldn't see normally.
have to remember the smaller the age pool the more matches it shows. If you search 21-22 you will get a bigger pool of that age group then you would have if you have it set to 21-31.

so in turn you are only getting a set number from each age group the higher your looking for goes up. I have mine set to 25-40. But when I do a search on the site, I drop it down to 25-30 to get more girls I wouldn't see normally.

Thanks for the tip!


This has been an interesting period in my OKC experience - I was supposed to go shop for furniture with this girl I met there over a week ago, but she had to postpone then, and in the meantime I planned on seeing a movie with another girl this past saturday, so when that date got locked I arranged to go do the furniture thing with the other, younger girl this sunday.

Saturday came along, and the movie girl wasn't feeling so good, and messaged me to postpone, just in time so I didn't have to spend money in transportation while I was on the way.
On sunday I met the furniture girl, we had lunch, and generally the conversation and the whole shopping business went well, although since she mentioned a lot of travelling in her life, including studying and volunteering abroad sort of made me feel like it was tricky to keep up though there are quite a few years separating us, but in the end she even gave me a ride home and still seemed willing to go to this place I mentioned in earlier messages, although with some holidays travelling she has planned that might need to be next month.

Meanwhile today movie girl and I were working out a schedule for the movie during the week, I sort of joked about that degenerating into a dinner and movie cliche, but it turns out with the available schedules it's hard for her to go to the movie we'd planned since it ends late, so it's turning into a dinner thing only, which should be better to hold a conversation, but it's still quite a flip from the original plan, from a situation with little room for conversation to another with quite a direct setting for it - she's of a somewhat geeky persuasion, so hopefully that'll go well if our tastes don't diverge that much and we manage to find a more common ground along the way, since we're both slighly on the quiet spectrum of things.

A bit more experienced than before, but still a bit nervous - if you folks have tips I'm all ears.
Meanwhile today movie girl and I were working out a schedule for the movie during the week, I sort of joked about that degenerating into a dinner and movie cliche, but it turns out with the available schedules it's hard for her to go to the movie we'd planned since it ends late, so it's turning into a dinner thing only, which should be better to hold a conversation, but it's still quite a flip from the original plan, from a situation with little room for conversation to another with quite a direct setting for it - she's of a somewhat geeky persuasion, so hopefully that'll go well if our tastes don't diverge that much and we manage to find a more common ground along the way, since we're both slighly on the quiet spectrum of things.

A bit more experienced than before, but still a bit nervous - if you folks have tips I'm all ears.

Honestly, I hate movie dates, no chance to talk. Dinner should be fine, pick somewhere that's a bit more on the casual end that serves alcohol. Have fun and enjoy. Try to break the "touch barrier" too, give her a hug, or gently touch her shoulder. Hold open the door, pull her chair out for her, just be normal.

Oh and run this thought through your head. "Is she good enough for me?" most guys do the reverse and seem desperate and awkward and trying too hard


Honestly, I hate movie dates, no chance to talk. Dinner should be fine, pick somewhere that's a bit more on the casual end that serves alcohol. Have fun and enjoy. Try to break the "touch barrier" too, give her a hug, or gently touch her shoulder. Hold open the door, pull her chair out for her, just be normal.

Oh and run this thought through your head. "Is she good enough for me?" most guys do the reverse and seem desperate and awkward and trying too hard

She's not into drinking according to her profile, which is why I initially suggested a movie I was interested in and she agreed to tag along, so until to day my plan was dealing with in in a "I'm here for the movie, but some company's nice" kind of way - seemed more casual than suggesting having a drink somewhere (as for coffee, it's something I treat like a workplace superstition which has no role outside that setting).

The situation's kinda flipped upside down now, so I wonder if I'll even ask for something alcoholic for myself to loosen up, regardless of what she's having (maybe I'll drink something on the way to meeting her...).

Thing is, the meeting's still at the mall where we were going for the movie (when she suggested just dinner I opened the door for alternative suggestions, but none came), but it has a few quieter places in it than the general food court, so I'll probably aim for one of those - one of them has something of a beer history, so if that turns out to be a viable option it'll at least help with the alcohol "dillemma" above.
Not looking good I'm afraid. So I asked the girl from my previous post if she wanted to meet and get some coffee. She replied back saying she wanted to talk to me more on okcupid. I replied to her saying it was alright by me. She hasn't replied back, even though she's been online a few times today. I was expecting things to go quicker than they have.


Pretty shocking how many girls go for that "take off your panties and lick you" line if your picture is hot. I understand physical attraction, and all, but goddamn.
Pretty shocking how many girls go for that "take off your panties and lick you" line if your picture is hot. I understand physical attraction, and all, but goddamn.

Wait... that worked for you?

I'm about to give up on this thing and just use it to troll the hell out of people.
Pretty shocking how many girls go for that "take off your panties and lick you" line if your picture is hot. I understand physical attraction, and all, but goddamn.
There's a difference between humoring that kind of thing and actually plan to meet with that guy at all.

If girls only replied back to the guys they have any real interest in meeting they'd barely do it. It's why some of them just suddenly stop replying.
There's a difference between humoring that kind of thing and actually plan to meet with that guy at all.

If girls only replied back to the guys they have any real interest in meeting they'd barely do it. It's why some of them just suddenly stop replying.

Yeah I'm sure a bunch just like the ego boost and then move on.
There's a difference between humoring that kind of thing and actually plan to meet with that guy at all.

If girls only replied back to the guys they have any real interest in meeting they'd barely do it. It's why some of them just suddenly stop replying.

Do you have okcupid Anti? We should meet up? ha! ;)


Wait... that worked for you?

I'm about to give up on this thing and just use it to troll the hell out of people.

Yea, with my fake account. I got bored and wanted to see just how easy some of these girls are when you look like a model.

There's a difference between humoring that kind of thing and actually plan to meet with that guy at all.

If girls only replied back to the guys they have any real interest in meeting they'd barely do it. It's why some of them just suddenly stop replying.

Pretty high phone number success rate. Of course, I cut off all contact after I get their number. No point in continuing after that lol, but I think they are pretty willing..
Yea, with my fake account. I got bored and wanted to see just how easy some of these girls are when you look like a model.

Pretty high phone number success rate. Of course, I cut off all contact after I get their number. No point in continuing after that lol, but I think they are pretty willing..



Lol, just got a response from a girl that said no, and seemed offended by the panties line. But then she responded 2 more times, telling me that if I was more of a gentleman that she would take off her panties for me, and for me to try again. This site is hilarious!
Lol, just got a response from a girl that said no, and seemed offended by the panties line. But then she responded 2 more times, telling me that if I was more of a gentleman that she would take off her panties for me, and for me to try again. This site is hilarious!

Dude you should post those conversations here.
Not looking good I'm afraid. So I asked the girl from my previous post if she wanted to meet and get some coffee. She replied back saying she wanted to talk to me more on okcupid. I replied to her saying it was alright by me. She hasn't replied back, even though she's been online a few times today. I was expecting things to go quicker than they have.

I've gotten that a few times myself. And another one who just stopped texting me today for no reason. But I'll keep trying at least for a little while longer.

I might need some input from you all for my profile, but I'll work to clean it up some myself first.


Dude you should post those conversations here.

Too lazy to get a screenshot, but here are her replies.

Ew. I wanna put my panties back on and pretend you never said that. Not a rachet sorry. Sent from the OkCupid app
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Dec 11, 2012 – 4:11pm
Too bad if you would have approached me like a lady I would have helped you with those panties :)Sent from the OkCupid app
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Dec 11, 2012 – 4:12pm
Too bad too if you approached me as a lady I would have taken them off for you. Youre gorgeous yourself. Care to try again?

I replied with a cheesy, standard message, to which she said

Hahahaha consider yourself redeemed :) that was much better lol. Totally cute

What a turn around lol. Good looking people have it so easy. Not the first time a girl has responded badly but then replied later, wanting more.
You know what, screw it. What do you guys think of my profile. Content/pictures/etc. No voting is neccassary, but I'd like to get your thoughts on it. For anyone that reviews it, I am looking for friends of either gender. If something develops with a girl that I meet, even better. But I didn't grow up in MI, and most of the people that I met when I first got here are leaving the state.

Too lazy to get a screenshot, but here are her replies.

I replied with a cheesy, standard message, to which she said

What a turn around lol. Good looking people have it so easy. Not the first time a girl has responded badly but then replied later, wanting more.
Urge to kill..rising.


I'm messaging all girls within a 50 mile radius for the lulz. Let's see how this turns out.

I did this once, and then 2 weeks later I got profile views from them and was......when the hell did I send that girl a message?

The site told me I set a 21 year old girl a message. I don't remember doing that as I limit my age group to 25 and above. Don't need girls who don't even know what a good bourbon tastes like. She would be drinking a....blah Smirnoff Ice. I like my girls who drink often and have borderline liver damage.

Seth C

Pretty sure I'm done with OKC. I've messaged every girl in my city that I find attractive who has been online in the last month. Been on 3 dates. None of them were even attractive.


Lol nah. Just an aggravating read but not surprising. Men will put up with a ton of shit from even ugly women as long as they give it up.

Yeah, when someone said you walk into okcupid a nice guy and leave it a cynical fuck, I realized I'm getting that way. It pretty much mirrors Saving Private Ryan. Captain Miller to be exact. Just instead of,"I just know that every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel" its,"I just know that every message I send, the farther away from home I feel."

I give it about a month before I pretty much flip my table over in utter disgust or pure anger. It's coming sooner rather then later. Honestly, I would have done it awhile ago if it wasn't for this thread keeping me cool about all the failures.


WTF, well it looks like someone trolled the hell out of my ratings. For those asking for ratings, be weary of posting your profile here. Make invisible by using the email tag.

All my match results are showing overweight girls. What a step back.

You can choose what body type you prefer. Now how those people view themselve can be a bit off but its something.


There are times when I get really frustrated with OKC. The dozens of unanswered messages sent over the course of the week. The few that do respond end up going nowhere because some people are awful conversationalists.

Its all worth it though when you talk to that one person you really click with. That happened tonight. Her and I have already sent a few 2000 word messages back and forth. Also nice that she expressed interest in meeting in her first message.

I have 2 other potential dates with other women, and I'll still go on them, but they're at the back of my mind now.


all good things
Yep. Most important thing in the world.


I don't get much love on these sites. I'm not really photogenic though.

I get a few messages from homely women every other week and lots of views but not much else.

I don't send many messages out though so thats probably part of the problem.

Women should start hitting on men more. I'm far to lazy for these sites.
My profile viewing routine:

View their pics.
if still interested
Read their Profile.
If still interested
Look over their Details.
If still interested
View A few of thier answered questions.
If still interested
Message them.
See them looking
Get ignored
Hang head.
This just happened to me.

My profile viewing routine:

View their pics.
if still interested
Read their Profile.
If still interested
Look over their Details.
If still interested
View A few of thier answered questions.
First question was "Do you believe in dinosaurs." She answered no. I closed my browser.
Having sort of a strange experience with one girl. She lives in a town about an hour outside of the city but comes in on the weekends. We went out on November 24th and had a great time, she drove me home but didn't come in or anything.
After that we kept up by text message, but she didn't come into town the following weekend due to work, but said she really wanted to go out a week later on Sunday (two days ago).

That day came and apparently her tire blew off on a major inner city highway, I asked if she was all right and if I could drive her back to (her) town. She said she had a ride and would still hang out that day, but probably wouldn't be great company. I said it was cool if she wasn't up to it, so she apologized and said another time.

Since then she's been super apologetic, I've been telling her that it's all good and not her fault. She suggested last night that we reschedule for next Sunday, so I agreed.
Then today I notice her profile is down, which is cool because . It could be that she was just sick of getting shitty messages or I don't know if she's seeing anyone else from the site as well.

I guess my point is that if she just has a select few guys she's testing out from the site then it sucks that I got "Sunday". That's such a fucking D-level day for a date.
When I joined OKC I had pretty good luck, plenty of semi-geeky girls to message, had several nice phone conversations and even went out with one girl for a while. Now I have trouble finding anyone that I have much to say too, most conversations die after 2-3 messages at best. Honolulu kinda sucks for this site.


Got another lol..

If you were not cute, id block you... But this sounds weirdly interesting haha :)

On a happier note, I'm having some success with my real account lol. Chatting it up with 2 girls currently, both of them pretty nice. One says she's too lazy to text??? Didn't want to give me her number. And the other isn't ready to give out numbers yet, which is cool.
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