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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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LOL wtf Ashlong, what area are you in again. This sounds like a wild fun idea to troll on OKC at some point. But not while I'm serious. . .
Has anybody gone out with a "curvy" girl who was actually curvy? I've been out with three and they were all really overweight. Why lie on your profile when you know the endgame is to meet in person at some point? I just don't get it.


It always seems like my worst messages are the ones that get replies. I hate this site. Girl puts the following in her "You should message me if..." section: "You want to chat, be cool etc. " Somehow I decide to message her with "I can chat and be cool. Well, I can chat at least." Instant response.
Has anybody gone out with a "curvy" girl who was actually curvy? I've been out with three and they were all really overweight. Why lie on your profile when you know the endgame is to meet in person at some point? I just don't get it.

*Hint* Curvy is code for fat. Unanswered/hidden is code for Mega Fat, plump is code for fat and skinny is code for not fat, but a bit of extra.

Same as if a girls photos are only of her face, assuming she is very fat and has taken flattering pictures of her face to look skinny. Is funny how one good photo can totally change how someone looks.

Im getting frustrated with OKC in my area. Full of girls with boyfriends, not looking to be hit on but don't want to chat or make friends either. Why be on the site? Obviously its for an ego boost but then they get offended when i tell them Facebook may be a better site for them :p

Or its full of girls who want to make new friends and chat who then don't reply. Either my messages are horrible (generally i take one or two things about their profile, comment on it in a positive way, maybe ask a questions and then say hope you fancy chatting some more) or they are judging me on my looks. Im not a bad looking guy but maybe being against so many shirtless guys with six packs gives me a huge disadvantage. Who knows.
Has anybody gone out with a "curvy" girl who was actually curvy? I've been out with three and they were all really overweight. Why lie on your profile when you know the endgame is to meet in person at some point? I just don't get it.
I have once, the girl had an amaaaazing body. But in general it is a euphemism for fat.
This just happened to me.

My profile viewing routine:

View their pics.
if still interested
Read their Profile.
If still interested
Look over their Details.
If still interested
View A few of thier answered questions.
First question was "Do you believe in dinosaurs." She answered no. I closed my browser.

This is the worst.

I can't stand it when the match is like 90%, enemy is at 5%, they're beautiful, everything else looks good and then bam, you get hit with a deal breaker question like that.
It always seems like my worst messages are the ones that get replies. I hate this site. Girl puts the following in her "You should message me if..." section: "You want to chat, be cool etc. " Somehow I decide to message her with "I can chat and be cool. Well, I can chat at least." Instant response.

Self-deprecating humor. Chicks dig it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I know this is an OKCupid thread, but was curious if there are any other good free dating sites. Most of the "free" ones I've encountered allow you to search for someone, and send only one message, after which you have to pay up to continue a conversation. That's bull, yo.


This is the worst.

I can't stand it when the match is like 90%, enemy is at 5%, they're beautiful, everything else looks good and then bam, you get hit with a deal breaker question like that.

I don't put stock in some questions. Because a lot of times people answer it in a very joking way and forget to add an explanation. She might have answered that on a whim and forgot. I once answered,"Is graffiti when the owner doesn't allow it a crime?" and I read it as,"Is graffiti when the owner allows it a crime?" So I answered,"no" because if the owner allowed it, then its fine. I didn't realize it till awhile after when I was comparing questions with a girl. So I let some questions sly.

I know this is an OKCupid thread, but was curious if there are any other good free dating sites. Most of the "free" ones I've encountered allow you to search for someone, and send only one message, after which you have to pay up to continue a conversation. That's bull, yo.

Plenty of Fish is another free one and their sister site Evow. Evow is more for people who want to get in long term relationships without the dating.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I know this is an OKCupid thread, but was curious if there are any other good free dating sites. Most of the "free" ones I've encountered allow you to search for someone, and send only one message, after which you have to pay up to continue a conversation. That's bull, yo.

I had sites that allows me to receive messages, but if i want to read them, i have to pay.

Or others, where i can receive and read messages, but if i want to reply, i have to pay. I had 3-4 girls on this particular site that sends me 1 message, and reply the day after saying "Why are you not replying? Not interested? :(" They never once thought "oh right, he's not a full member, that's why he can't reply." It's like they were scammers from this site teasing me so i would pay.
I know this is an OKCupid thread, but was curious if there are any other good free dating sites. Most of the "free" ones I've encountered allow you to search for someone, and send only one message, after which you have to pay up to continue a conversation. That's bull, yo.

Apart from the others mentionned I've had good success with Badoo. The phone app is incredible


Really Really Exciting Member!
So there is this girl where we exchanged 3 or so messages directly from a dating site, kind of basic stuff so far (what job do you have, what did you do this weekend, what do you like, etc.). Friendly messaging so far, but i don't know where to go next. Is it a right idea to tell her my name so that she can add me in Facebook where we could use more direct messaging, see more pictures, that kind of stuff, or is it too soon? Or maybe i could just give her my hotmail adress and simply chat with windows live messenger or something for now. Anything would be better than using messages from a dating website but i don't know what's best.


So there is this girl where we exchanged 3 or so messages directly from a dating site, kind of basic stuff so far (what job do you have, what did you do this weekend, what do you like, etc.). Friendly messaging so far, but i don't know where to go next. Is it a right idea to tell her my name so that she can add me in Facebook where we could use more direct messaging, see more pictures, that kind of stuff, or is it too soon? Or maybe i could just give her my hotmail adress and simply chat with windows live messenger or something for now. Anything would be better than using messages from a dating website but i don't know what's best.

No, and no. Facebook or e-mail is a bad idea. If you go anywhere give her your number and ask to take her out somewhere.


all good things
I find "What's your phone number?" works better than "Can I have your phone number?".

I'm not asking! Gimmie the damn number!

Don't add that last part.


Really Really Exciting Member!
No, and no. Facebook or e-mail is a bad idea. If you go anywhere give her your number and ask to take her out somewhere.

Yeah, but i'm not sure if that's too soon, i don't know much about her yet except she likes hockey, video games, comedy shows and work in a day care center.

Figured i would need to know a bit more about her before asking her to go somewhere. This is my first time trying online dating and i really do not want to rush it.


Yeah, but i'm not sure if that's too soon, i don't know much about her yet except she likes hockey, video games, comedy shows and work in a day care center.

Figured i would need to know a bit more about her before asking her to go somewhere. This is my first time trying online dating and i really do not want to rush it.

So find out on the date. And remember, there's probably another 50 guys messaging her. You don't act fast and she'll just stop replying. Also, it's a total waste of time chatting all that time with someone to find out you have zero chemistry in person. Trust me, I know.

I'm not asking! Gimmie the damn number!



Yeah, but i'm not sure if that's too soon, i don't know much about her yet except she likes hockey, video games, comedy shows and work in a day care center.

Figured i would need to know a bit more about her before asking her to go somewhere. This is my first time trying online dating and i really do not want to rush it.

You have to strike the iron while it is hot. If you take too long, you'll lose in the end. Be aggressive!

Emily Chu



I have become quite curious to see how well I would do on a dating site if I lived in Japan (I'm a tall, fairly good-looking, white guy)? If I live over there, I'll have to give that experiment a go.
So many messages sent, no dates yet. Agh, Iowa.

My man, there is a lot of really good looking girls in Ames. The one I was chatting with in my previous message is from there. Protip: sign up for salsa classes at the university, or get involved in something where you get to interact with other people. If I was living there that's what I would do.

This is how I felt yesterday. I almost deleted my account.


Really Really Exciting Member!
You have to strike the iron while it is hot. If you take too long, you'll lose in the end. Be aggressive!

Eh, i guess. But why do I have the feeling it's always me who have to take the first step with this online dating stuff? :p Nobody every visit my profile unless i send them a message first for example, it's like i'm at the bottom of the search list for some reason. Maybe i need to pick a better pic to attract girls. Smiling isn't enough i guess.


Haha...so this one 'girl' messaged me. I messaged her back but received no reply. So flash forward to this past Saturday and I see her out at the bar. NO THANKS! I decided to flirt with a bachelorette crew instead of dealing with a super short, heavy girl that has a 12 year old. I get the feeling that some of these ladies think a little too highly of themselves for their own good.


Eh, i guess. But why do I have the feeling it's always me who have to take the first step with this online dating stuff? :p Nobody every visit my profile unless i send them a message first for example, it's like i'm at the bottom of the search list for some reason. Maybe i need to pick a better pic to attract girls. Smiling isn't enough i guess.

Guys will always have to make the first step no matter what. Unless you are a super model or your profile has you sitting on a throne with a tiger a girl will never actively chase someone because they know that guys will always do the chasing.

so while you are,"why me?" just know if not you, then it will be 10 others who will gladly take your spot and step over your corpse to get it. So 2-3 messages then move on to another form of talking be it phone or even E-mail. I moved my talking to a girl via email and she deleted her account or disabled it. So you never know when a girl will just get fed up with the,"hey baby, nice tits, wanna fuck my cock with your mouth?" and bail on the site.

I only send messages to girl who are online and even then they never reply or even look at my profile till days later even when I see their IM on. So like someone said, strike with that iron is hot. If she replies fast, get her off(figuratively....and latterly(aw yeah)) the site as quick as possible because you never know.

Seth C

You have to strike the iron while it is hot. If you take too long, you'll lose in the end. Be aggressive!

This is good advice and terrible advice. I've managed to lose both ways. The honest truth is you have no fucking clue. If you go too slow she might lose interest. IF you go too fast she might get scared away. Some girls demand you talk and text for weeks before they feel comfortable meeting. Others are the opposite. Life!

I'll be completely honest. So far EVERY girl I've gone out with on OKC has been because she has suggested we go out. Every time I've suggested it, no matter how long we had been talking or how interested she seemed, it's been an immediate brick wall.


Eh, i guess. But why do I have the feeling it's always me who have to take the first step with this online dating stuff? :p Nobody every visit my profile unless i send them a message first for example, it's like i'm at the bottom of the search list for some reason. Maybe i need to pick a better pic to attract girls. Smiling isn't enough i guess.

Ya what Maddocks said. I guess the sooner you can get her number without coming on too strong the better. The only girls that are going to chase you are the ones you do not want.

Seth C

Ya what Maddocks said. I guess the sooner you can get her number without coming on too strong the better. The only girls that are going to chase you are the ones you do not want.

That's not entirely true. I had an amazingly hot girl chasing me hard. She sent me her number in the second message without even asking for it, she called me the next two nights. She sent, uh, nice pictures. The moment I stopped letting her chase and got serious about chasing her, boom, she was done.


I've had my account since Feb this year, and just now the first time ever a single, straight guy from my area showed up in my visitors list. How does that even happen? Some chick recognized me or something and passed my profile along for some reason??
I've had my account since Feb this year, and just now the first time ever a single, straight guy from my area showed up in my visitors list. How does that even happen? Some chick recognized me or something and passed my profile along for some reason??

Probably just scoping out the competition he is going to have to deal with in his area.


LOL wtf Ashlong, what area are you in again. This sounds like a wild fun idea to troll on OKC at some point. But not while I'm serious. . .

Yea I'm in Socal, but I imagine girls everywhere are like this if your picture is hot enough.

You have to strike the iron while it is hot. If you take too long, you'll lose in the end. Be aggressive!

Be careful when you do this though. A lot of these girls are hesitant about online dating. You really have to be hitting it off to get their number, otherwise it's just awkward when they say no.


So what happens if you send a message to all of your 'Matches' that you are interested in but you never get any response? It just keeps showing the same girls. There will be a new one here and there. Maybe I am not sorting these correctly? I am usually using the phone app.


That's not entirely true. I had an amazingly hot girl chasing me hard. She sent me her number in the second message without even asking for it, she called me the next two nights. She sent, uh, nice pictures. The moment I stopped letting her chase and got serious about chasing her, boom, she was done.
What makes you think she is a girl you would want besides her looks?

I've had my account since Feb this year, and just now the first time ever a single, straight guy from my area showed up in my visitors list. How does that even happen? Some chick recognized me or something and passed my profile along for some reason??
maybe scoping out the competition? Just ignore it. I've had a guy visit my site too (strangely enough I knew him)

EDIT: Beaten

It's true though, you need to be proactive and not let it linger at texting/emailing/messaging for too long. The entire purpose of a dating site is to meet someone in person, not to be a penpal so that should be your goal. You have to assume that the girl you are talking to is also talking to other guys and may also be futher along than you. If not, one day you'll see her profile inactive and you'll think it was something you said. (it wasn't) and take it personally (it's not). You were just too late.


So what happens if you send a message to all of your 'Matches' that you are interested in but you never get any response? It just keeps showing the same girls. There will be a new one here and there. Maybe I am not sorting these correctly? I am usually using the phone app.

Try sorting by last online or who's new. I hate the default "magic" sorting.


That's not entirely true. I had an amazingly hot girl chasing me hard. She sent me her number in the second message without even asking for it, she called me the next two nights. She sent, uh, nice pictures. The moment I stopped letting her chase and got serious about chasing her, boom, she was done.

Are in you in Seattle?


Yea I'm in Socal, but I imagine girls everywhere are like this if your picture is hot enough.

Be careful when you do this though. A lot of these girls are hesitant about online dating. You really have to be hitting it off to get their number, otherwise it's just awkward when they say no.

Yeah, I guess it would be a case-by-case basis. For me personally, I have seen a greater success doing it quickly rather taking a while (mostly because with the latter, I can get bored quite easily and enter a slight period of preferring isolation).

Do whatever feels right in that situation then. If you can get a good feel of the girl and think it would work out, then ask for her number. Hell, I tend to simply aim for a meetup and get the digits after she confirms it. I also hate texting and calling people when I still have not met them in person.
Debating messaging the girl I found on OKC who I knew from high school. Haven't talked to her in a few years and it would seem weird for me to just message out of nowhere, I think. Because I know I might feel that way a bit if the roles were reversed.
Debating messaging the girl I found on OKC who I knew from high school. Haven't talked to her in a few years and it would seem weird for me to just message out of nowhere, I think. Because I know I might feel that way a bit if the roles were reversed.

What's the worse that could happen? She ignores you?

I say go for it
This just happened to me.

My profile viewing routine:

View their pics.
if still interested
Read their Profile.
If still interested
Look over their Details.
If still interested
View A few of thier answered questions.
First question was "Do you believe in dinosaurs." She answered no. I closed my browser.

so true lol
Debating messaging the girl I found on OKC who I knew from high school. Haven't talked to her in a few years and it would seem weird for me to just message out of nowhere, I think. Because I know I might feel that way a bit if the roles were reversed.

You message every girl on this site "out of nowhere", this one should be easier than usual.


okc needs more bodytype descryption
a little extra means close to morbidly obese from what ive seen
and fit means skinny as fuck,
jacked up, curvy, is not just not enough to describe someone
Its not only ladies that do this, but now I see that its not really theyre fault smh


Thoughts on txting a chick when asking her out after you got her number via the website? I'm usually ok with calling if it is a girl who's number I got face to face in real life. Feels sorta awkward though doing that though to a chick you've only sent a few messages back and forth online. Think it makes a difference? How do you guys usually go about asking internet met girls out? Seems sorta lame to literally ask them out via the website.
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