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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Thoughts on txting a chick when asking her out after you got her number via the website? I'm usually ok with calling if it is a girl who's number I got face to face in real life. Feels sorta awkward though doing that though to a chick you've only sent a few messages back and forth online. Think it makes a difference? How do you guys usually go about asking internet met girls out? Seems sorta lame to literally ask them out via the website.

I usually just text a girl irl the next day if I got her number. Texting is so accepted these days.

So that one girl I'm msging back and forth MSG'd me three times today. First MSG was saying how we had similar interests. 2nd MSG was asking when are we gonna hang out. That didnt take long lol . Third MSG was asking me if I'd like to see The Hobbit with her. I'm weary about seeing a movie with a total stranger right away like gaf was discussing on the other page, but maybe I'll give it a go. Depends if my date Saturday has time to watch it with me or not.

Kinda funny that she's the aggressor in wanting to meet up. Makes me wonder if anything is wrong with her lol.

And Devo, you keep getting into my Quickmatch for some reason lol.


So uh, what if they want to meet up with you? ~_-

I break off contact just like women do to us!

Back ot my real account, I actually sent a second message after I saw this girl visited my profile but didn't respond. Something along the lines of "A visit but no message? No fair!" per someone else in this thread. It was only 30 minutes or so after too, and it worked haha. She said sorry and taht she got caught up or something. It's totally desperate, but it worked. Talking to like 3 different girls right now. Never had so much success at once.

You guys ever accidentally message someone twice because you forgot you've already messaged the person?

How do you manage that? It says you messaged her on her profile
god I am totally shit at talking to people in messages. How did I do this so much as a teenager? Everytime I get the sense that she is just writing these short statements I don't really know what else to say...I don't want to talk about myself or keep asking interrogate-y questions but damn unless there's something interesting to talk about on their profile I don't know what the fuck to say...


I didn't.

I thought I did but it never occurred to me it would tell you. I'm pretty new at this and I tend to quickly skip over people I know I messaged with no reply.

Oh ok. Yea after you message them once, they will no longer have a colored dot on the Message button, and if you scroll down a bit it will tell you when you last messaged them. Handy for knowing if it's been long enough to try again haha


Never had so much success on this site. Had nothing at all last week. Put up a new picture and changed my profile pic and was talking to 4 women. Already moved 2 to text. The one I'm most interested in, we're still messaging on OKC, but sending each other lengthy messages so I figure that's preferable to texting her. The last girl was cute, but couldn't make the conversation interesting so I haven't replied. Sort of feels good to be in the spot to cut off contact and not try and force something.


slept with Malkin
So a bit of an update, was supposed to go out with a girl that asked me to meet up last Friday. She ended up cancelling because she said she wasn't feeling well, but wanted to reschedule, so I gave the benefit of the doubt and said ok. Fast forward to today, we ended up meeting up and everything seemed to go pretty well. I thought she actually looked better in person than the pics she had up, which she already looked really cute in. Conversation was pretty good. Not sure yet if we'll go out again, but at least it wasn't a disaster. Definitely had a good time though.


that last contact thing is bugged at times, I messaged a girl twice by accident. It was clear, then when I messaged her it said,"first contacted on blah blah" and I was,"awww shit" but it was a month later and she ignored me just the same.


Its so weird seeing so many guys on my viewing list. lol. Thanks to the guy who rated me 5 stars. Does anyone else who have feedback for my profile?


Apparently, my page is plain so I have no advice here lol.

I'm always there, watching.


Anyways, I msg'd that girl when's a good time for her to meet up and I told her what day I was busy. I was thinking of trying to msg the girls that visit but doesnt leave a comment. Something like how one of you mentioned of saying "visit but no comment, what gives?!" and see how that turns out lol.

I think I found a gaffer girl and trying to call her out haha but we'll see how that turns out!
all out of shame

double messaged like 5 chicks
Hahaha I love this post.



Another wind taken out of my sails moment. Time to pack it up and home, sending 50 messages and getting 5 returns 3 of them rejections and 2 of them being strongly worded rejections is going to be the end of me. To much energy put into it and not enough returns. All well.
Another wind taken out of my sails moment. Time to pack it up and home, sending 50 messages and getting 5 returns 3 of them rejections and 2 of them being strongly worded rejections is going to be the end of me. To much energy put into it and not enough returns. All well.

Dang man, that's rough, what did you write that got you some "strongly worded rejections"?

Keep your head up though, you can always use this as motivation to improve yourself. Not for them, but for yourself


Another wind taken out of my sails moment. Time to pack it up and home, sending 50 messages and getting 5 returns 3 of them rejections and 2 of them being strongly worded rejections is going to be the end of me. To much energy put into it and not enough returns. All well.

Maybe get your messages and/or profile critiqued?


Another wind taken out of my sails moment. Time to pack it up and home, sending 50 messages and getting 5 returns 3 of them rejections and 2 of them being strongly worded rejections is going to be the end of me. To much energy put into it and not enough returns. All well.

Can you post one of the messages you sent?


Messages I send out are just me commenting on their profile(shows I read it) and asking a question regarding their interests to get the ball rolling. Replies are short and to the point,"thanks, but no thanks" "Good luck" "Why are you messaging me?"

my profile, is like everyone else's here. At first it was plan, then I added more fire to it based on suggestions from other users, added pictures of me and my dog and me doing things outside of the home. So my profile was solid, I just have bad luck at this. I'm more of a live type of guy. If I ever got to actually meeting them, they would no doubt fall in love because I'm a better speaker then I am a speller. I'm in the small minority though, many have had luck and many will, just not me lol I'll keep my profile open to help my gaf brothers and sisters get 5 star ratings.


In los angeles so the pool is big. 50 messages is just an estimate of this month. If I counted all the messages I have sent out in total, it would be around 350.
In los angeles so the pool is big. 50 messages is just an estimate of this month. If I counted all the messages I have sent out in total, it would be around 350.


I'm in Buffalo, NY. I don't think I could get that many people if my life depended on it from this site within 2 hours of me lol. Almost every single suggestion they have to me is in Toronto. Okcupid is telling me I should move.
Almost blew it with a girl I was messaging. I accidentally (?) made fun of the fact that she grew up in a small town hours away from civilization and she got really offended. I apologized and explained it was hard to communicate tone over text and that we should probably meet for drinks so it doesn't happen again.
We're going out Saturday.
I have a strong suspicion that all of you guys getting dates from good looking girls look like supermodels. No chance for us ugly folk.

I look like a Greek god.
In los angeles so the pool is big. 50 messages is just an estimate of this month. If I counted all the messages I have sent out in total, it would be around 350.
I'm in Tulsa, OK and I've been messaging people over a hundred miles away because the population is so thin down here.

And I was about to come in here and mope about how I've sent out probably over a hundred messages with no response but I finally got one! She's about 85 miles away though. Not terrible but not exactly convenient either. I guess we'll see how it goes.

I sent out a few more messages today to test the waters with some girls that I normally consider to be out of my league. Why not, right?
One thing I don't understand about all these people near me. A lot of them have new friends in what they're looking for. I would take that, I'm seriously lacking in the area I grew up in as most people I know have moved away but still no replies :(
One thing I don't understand about all these people near me. A lot of them have new friends in what they're looking for. I would take that, I'm seriously lacking in the area I grew up in as most people I know have moved away but still no replies :(

Something like a meetup.com group would be better for that kind of thing, IMO


that last contact thing is bugged at times, I messaged a girl twice by accident. It was clear, then when I messaged her it said,"first contacted on blah blah" and I was,"awww shit" but it was a month later and she ignored me just the same.
After I message someone I usually click "Hide". This way they never show up and I avoid messaging people twice.


Messages I send out are just me commenting on their profile(shows I read it) and asking a question regarding their interests to get the ball rolling. Replies are short and to the point,"thanks, but no thanks" "Good luck" "Why are you messaging me?"

my profile, is like everyone else's here. At first it was plan, then I added more fire to it based on suggestions from other users, added pictures of me and my dog and me doing things outside of the home. So my profile was solid, I just have bad luck at this. I'm more of a live type of guy. If I ever got to actually meeting them, they would no doubt fall in love because I'm a better speaker then I am a speller. I'm in the small minority though, many have had luck and many will, just not me lol I'll keep my profile open to help my gaf brothers and sisters get 5 star ratings.

Mind posting your profile again? Wow, that's harsh for them to reply like that right away unless you are asking them out immediately or messaging them repeatedly?

Almost blew it with a girl I was messaging. I accidentally (?) made fun of the fact that she grew up in a small town hours away from civilization and she got really offended. I apologized and explained it was hard to communicate tone over text and that we should probably meet for drinks so it doesn't happen again.
We're going out Saturday.

*brofist, also to purg3

The way I'm treating OKC is with huge skepticism. Don't put high hopes into it so I don't have high hopes of receiving a response back. It's why I give such short and simple messages. At this point, any replies is a win for me haha!


slept with Malkin
*brofist, also to purg3

The way I'm treating OKC is with huge skepticism. Don't put high hopes into it so I don't have high hopes of receiving a response back. It's why I give such short and simple messages. At this point, any replies is a win for me haha!

All thanks to this thread and everyone's input and tips! There were some shit times where I wanted to delete my account, just work through it and don't sweat it, things will eventually work out. I'm glad I did, I've got to meet and talk to some cool people, even I it doesn't go beyond that, it's still good experience to get out there.


All thanks to this thread and everyone's input and tips! There were some shit times where I wanted to delete my account, just work through it and don't sweat it, things will eventually work out. I'm glad I did, I've got to meet and talk to some cool people, even I it doesn't go beyond that, it's still good experience to get out there.
You have a great attitude.


All thanks to this thread and everyone's input and tips! There were some shit times where I wanted to delete my account, just work through it and don't sweat it, things will eventually work out. I'm glad I did, I've got to meet and talk to some cool people, even I it doesn't go beyond that, it's still good experience to get out there.

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