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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Heh, so this really nice girl messaged back on that troll account I have, so I decided to try my luck and tell her the truth. She was totally ok with it and we're talking now. She's pretty awesome

You got her to talk to you on your real account? How did you manage that?
Heh, so this really nice girl messaged back on that troll account I have, so I decided to try my luck and tell her the truth. She was totally ok with it and we're talking now. She's pretty awesome

This is sign the world will end on Friday!

Good job man!
I have a possible "date" with this girl I've been talking to for a week or so and she seems really cool. The only thing is that she put me in the friend zone asap. Maybe it's because she's a few years older than me, I don't know. I figure maybe she's just shy or something and once we hang out she'll be more comfortable after. What do you guys think. By the way I'm not experienced in dating or women. But lately I've just been in a "go for it" mood.
Heh, so this really nice girl messaged back on that troll account I have, so I decided to try my luck and tell her the truth. She was totally ok with it and we're talking now. She's pretty awesome

this means she is also using a troll account!

though I hope that's not the case. You should def keep us updated


You got her to talk to you on your real account? How did you manage that?

In her first message she sent me her phone number. I texted her and we talked for a bit, and then I was like wow, this girl is cool, and told her that my profile is a fake etc etc, and she didn't run. She is like a really easy going psych major who thinks the site is hilarious and that my fake profile was hilarious lol.

Of course she could be a troll account, but I don't think so. I've seen her profile on my real account before and she's updated, added pics, etc etc. Plus she texts waaay too much like a girl.


Personally I never get online dating. It's most of the time full of people with unrealistic expections.(which they would never demand if it were face to face) Their profiles read like shopping lists or job applications, are full of trite and corny rubbish. Also, it's like marketing, entirely based on lies and fake personas. (cheating with details using older photos) In most cases no one really knows anything about the other until you finally meet, which renders the whole thing somewhat useless in itself other than pre-selecting the person. And in the other cases they already know too much even before they met once which kills all the tension and fascination to get to know someone. Let alone the awkward first in person meeting. So it doesn't matter how you handle it. It's gonna be a lose-lose situation.

It's almost like metaphysical dating. The main contra-point about internet dating is that although you can get very close, the likelihood is you're hundred or even thousands of kilometre/miles apart. And with the best will in the world, that's very hard to sustain.

That you have to date via the internet might be thought to be an off-putting deficiency too far in itself. Followed by clubs/discos which are equally shit for finding a soulmate. That's probably why most people in Europe don't date (online and offline) in the traditional meaning of the word. We usually meet our partner during work, other activities, school/university etc.
Dating is basically like online dating only you can't cheat with old photos etc. it's how you want to be seen and not how you really are.(marketing and such bla bla) Everything seems so forced and wooden. Especially the English have no patience for these "stick in your arse" conversations and trivial small talk, I think. (experience)
I mean come on, they're are known for queueing and keeping a stiff upper lip.
For some reason I hate the word 'date', sounds obnoxious to my kraut ears. At least say rendezvous, has way more class and you sound sophistyc.. sofisti... ...clever.

Also, I differentiate between online dating (the sole purpose is finding a partner no matter what) and communicating via the internet. (usually the people know each other beforehand... at least somewhat)

It always irks me that whenever "online dating" is mentioned in mainstream media, only the sort of hook-up sites where you have a profile are ever mentioned. There are hundreds of ways to meet people online, and so-called "dating websites" are one of the worst.

Judging from the last 10 pages most of you want a well-adjusted, down to earth person. Guess what, you won't find them on "dating sites".

Listen, if you don't like the stereotypical, attention seeking, shallow bimbo then don't go to places where they gather for fuck sake... it isn't rocket science. Most people look for love in all the wrong places.
For instance, an introvert will certainly find it hard to hunt in a crowded, large space like a bar or club. I don't like the music, and I certainly don't like the women there (or the people in general) so why should I go to these places. It would make no sense at all. There are so many other places where you can meet other well-adjusted people that I don't even bother to list them.

Some of you sound like this guy here,

Guys, do yourself a favour and stop generalising. Stop treating women as some sort of homogenous group. Stop looking for the wrong kind of women in all the wrong places. Stop over-thinking, over-analysing & over-interpreting the most trivial things. Stop with the pseudo pop-psychology rubbish. Lower your negativity and don't be cynical all the time - it's quite an unattractive quality. Instead, be indifferent & understated when it matters. Be authentic & have integrity. (you can't fake that, comes with experience) Have a good countenance and gesticulation. (body language) Dress well and rather down to earth, not too casual and not too try hard metrosexual/fashionvictim.
Nothing I wrote here is new, it's common sense.

This article here is quite interesting. I did a similar experiment out of boredom.

I made a belivable fake account with a rather attractive 21 year old woman - used blendr, beautifulpeople, several German dating sites and pseudo dating site like interpals and boy, are most men there dense.

They're either creepy, writing intrusive meaningless nonsense, awfully corny approaches, full of spelling errors and awful grammar... the whole spectrum of idiocy, it's cringeworthy. Writing stuff like "Hi" and wasting my time... seriously?! That's not how you get a properly conversation going, especially not on the internet. Most of them also mentioned my looks in the very first sentence which made them look needy and dubious.

Interpals gallery of shame (artofwar22 being my all-time favourite)

Personally I never get online dating.

Should have just ended your post there, junior.

Look, we get it. lol online dating. In one paragraph you tell "us guys" to stop generalizing then proceed with a list generalizing the people who post in here. Oh, and in the paragraph before that you go on a misogynistic rant about how all the girls on a online dating site are likely to be "bimbos."

You have added nothing to the conversation other than general self-help speak and a self-promo link to your study.
Way too many girls on that site say "Im looking for a guy who doesnt play video games"

Seen it on like four this week.

Even though I'm not single I enjoy looking through and really just enjoying the fact I dont have to deal with this garbage.

N my god the automated matching is terrible. Most of these girls profiles make them sound like more of a chore than a partner.


Should have just ended your post there, junior.

Look, we get it. lol online dating. In one paragraph you tell "us guys" to stop generalizing then proceed with a list generalizing the people who post in here. Oh, and in the paragraph before that you go on a misogynistic rant about how all the girls on a online dating site are likely to be "bimbos."

You have added nothing to the conversation other than general self-help speak and a self-promo link to your study.

Wow, junior bashing - really clever and a valid point. Well done chap! Oh and I'm not really a junior member... been here since early 2006, much better than your peasant 2010 account.

You guys implied and keep complaining about superficial duckface bimbo girls in nearly every page. I was basically just quoting.

And of course I have added something to the conversation, whether you agree or not is something entirely different. Do you even understand the meaning of the words most and some? I was definitely not generalising. You seem a bit daft.
Judging from the last 10 pages most of you want a well-adjusted, down to earth person. Guess what, you won't find them on "dating sites".

That's an insane generalization. I'm actually currently dating a well-adjusted, down to earth concert violinist who's getting her PhD in music.

Not to mention, there's been some great success stories here if you look back. I forgot the username but one of your fellow gaffers found his fiancee from OKCupid


That's an insane generalization. I'm actually currently dating a well-adjusted, down to earth concert violinist who's getting her PhD in music.

Not to mention, there's been some great success stories here if you look back. I forgot the username but one of your fellow gaffers found his fiancee from OKCupid

I thought about writing the sentence a bit more "unbiased" for lack of a better term, but nah.

I'm aware of some success stories. Sure they exist, but compared to the traditional approach it's rather highly unlikely to happen. You know, there are some people who won the lottery...
At the end of the day, like already mentioned, the world wide web is just another communication tool.
I dunno RyL, you just seem WAY off base here. There's been plenty more success stories than mine and the example I gave. I mean, this whole thread was founded upon the success of one user to actually meet and date a girl.

Also, if someone does get into a relationship with a girl from OKC, they're much less likely to post here other than to give slight encouragement. People post the bad experiences so that they can vent or hear advice, so the thread may seem like it's populated by failure, but really it's just because that's the stuff most people would post.
I know many normal, adjusted, cool people that have exclusively met people online for a decade. It works and it's fine and it's just as viable as any other method. What is different with you being a dick on the Internet vs being a dick in real life? We're all feeling something and getting engaged in the conversation just the same.

Guys, do yourself a favour and stop generalising.
My favorite part of that post.


Been getting more responses from really attractive/cute girls lately, but they don't really add anything to the conversation other than answer what I ask. There's plenty of talking points in my profile, and I've had good conversations with multiple girls. If they don't keep the conversation going within 2-3 responses I just ask them out. All the conversations have stopped after I ask them out though, I figure one will eventually bite. It's just tough to stay interested if they don't keep the conversation going despite them being really attractive.

I shouldn't be complaining though, since I have a date set up for Wednesday with one girl who seems really interested. We've been sending each other 500 word messages for the past week.
Best conversation sequence I've had on this site. I actually got digits, and she's "looking forward" to my text. I just got this message, so I'm wondering when I should send the first text. Tomorrow, in a little bit?


Heh, so this really nice girl messaged back on that troll account I have, so I decided to try my luck and tell her the truth. She was totally ok with it and we're talking now. She's pretty awesome

karma dictates that this must be another dude you are talking to. :(
Best conversation sequence I've had on this site. I actually got digits, and she's "looking forward" to my text. I just got this message, so I'm wondering when I should send the first text. Tomorrow, in a little bit?

Immediately, preferably with a joke/callback to something that you were talking about. Don't say "Hi it's xxxxx." Girls like this stuff and it's great for you because you can continue your momentum.

//offtopic: OkCupid should have integrated links to google image search. Christ.
In most cases no one really knows anything about the other until you finally meet, which renders the whole thing somewhat useless in itself other than pre-selecting the person. And in the other cases they already know too much even before they met once which kills all the tension and fascination to get to know someone. Let alone the awkward first in person meeting. So it doesn't matter how you handle it. It's gonna be a lose-lose situation.

That's probably why most people in Europe don't date (online and offline) in the traditional meaning of the word. We usually meet our partner during work, other activities, school/university etc.

Everything seems so forced and wooden.

Judging from the last 10 pages most of you want a well-adjusted, down to earth person. Guess what, you won't find them on "dating sites".

Listen, if you don't like the stereotypical, attention seeking, shallow bimbo then don't go to places where they gather for fuck sake... it isn't rocket science.

Guys, do yourself a favour and stop generalising.

Time to take your own advice maybe?


How far would you travel to meet up / go on a date with someone? I've had an account for one day now and this is my most important question for gaf.
How far would you travel to meet up / go on a date with someone? I've had an account for one day now and this is my most important question for gaf.

I think my limit is like 35 miles. But usually my first date would be somewhere in the middle.

Hey Devo, I used the pizza or sushi? simple message and it worked. Thanks!


its like a job interview at the end lol

She publicly answered:
4228 questions

You publicly answered:
3333 questions

Damn I have been beaten by her.


How many girls have touched your penis?


But the whole list is great. If you don't use Facebook, go away.....why did your past relationships fail?......how would you message me?

all the questions she answered are pure troll answers, only read a page and I knew, no one could possibly think like that.

But the whole list is great. If you don't use Facebook, go away.....why did your past relationships fail?......how would you message me?

all the questions she answered are pure troll answers, only read a page and I knew, no one could possibly think like that.

I'm an 87 percent match.

See you at the altar, boys!


Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.
Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

Liu Kang I believe.


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.

She kind of looks like Kristen Bell when blonde.

Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

Kind of like a blind date? But riskier because you don't have that third party to vouch for the person if that makes sense. haha
Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

I dated a girl from POF for about a year last year


Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

I went out with one for a few months. We talked a ton beforehand (probably 200 texts, a couple hour long IM conversations, hour long Skype conversation) and it was the easiest, most natural first date I had ever been on. No awkward silences at all in the conversation.

I've met others though where its obvious we don't click in the first 15 minutes and there's tons of awkward silence throughout the date.


Way too many girls on that site say "Im looking for a guy who doesnt play video games"

Seen it on like four this week.
Weird, a surprising number of girls I see claim to play video games.

Currently dating a girl from OKC btw. Not a bimbo. Currently working on her masters degree.

First date was very awkward though.


my posts are "MEH"
Personally I never get online dating. It's most of the time full of people with unrealistic expections.(which they would never demand if it were face to face) Their profiles read like shopping lists or job applications, are full of trite and corny rubbish. Also, it's like marketing, entirely based on lies and fake personas. (cheating with details using older photos) In most cases no one really knows anything about the other until you finally meet, which renders the whole thing somewhat useless in itself other than pre-selecting the person. And in the other cases they already know too much even before they met once which kills all the tension and fascination to get to know someone. Let alone the awkward first in person meeting. So it doesn't matter how you handle it. It's gonna be a lose-lose situation.

It's almost like metaphysical dating. The main contra-point about internet dating is that although you can get very close, the likelihood is you're hundred or even thousands of kilometre/miles apart. And with the best will in the world, that's very hard to sustain.

That you have to date via the internet might be thought to be an off-putting deficiency too far in itself. Followed by clubs/discos which are equally shit for finding a soulmate. That's probably why most people in Europe don't date (online and offline) in the traditional meaning of the word. We usually meet our partner during work, other activities, school/university etc.
Dating is basically like online dating only you can't cheat with old photos etc. it's how you want to be seen and not how you really are.(marketing and such bla bla) Everything seems so forced and wooden. Especially the English have no patience for these "stick in your arse" conversations and trivial small talk, I think. (experience)
I mean come on, they're are known for queueing and keeping a stiff upper lip.
For some reason I hate the word 'date', sounds obnoxious to my kraut ears. At least say rendezvous, has way more class and you sound sophistyc.. sofisti... ...clever.

Also, I differentiate between online dating (the sole purpose is finding a partner no matter what) and communicating via the internet. (usually the people know each other beforehand... at least somewhat)

It always irks me that whenever "online dating" is mentioned in mainstream media, only the sort of hook-up sites where you have a profile are ever mentioned. There are hundreds of ways to meet people online, and so-called "dating websites" are one of the worst.

Judging from the last 10 pages most of you want a well-adjusted, down to earth person. Guess what, you won't find them on "dating sites".

Listen, if you don't like the stereotypical, attention seeking, shallow bimbo then don't go to places where they gather for fuck sake... it isn't rocket science. Most people look for love in all the wrong places.
For instance, an introvert will certainly find it hard to hunt in a crowded, large space like a bar or club. I don't like the music, and I certainly don't like the women there (or the people in general) so why should I go to these places. It would make no sense at all. There are so many other places where you can meet other well-adjusted people that I don't even bother to list them.

Some of you sound like this guy here,

Guys, do yourself a favour and stop generalising. Stop treating women as some sort of homogenous group. Stop looking for the wrong kind of women in all the wrong places. Stop over-thinking, over-analysing & over-interpreting the most trivial things. Stop with the pseudo pop-psychology rubbish. Lower your negativity and don't be cynical all the time - it's quite an unattractive quality. Instead, be indifferent & understated when it matters. Be authentic & have integrity. (you can't fake that, comes with experience) Have a good countenance and gesticulation. (body language) Dress well and rather down to earth, not too casual and not too try hard metrosexual/fashionvictim.
Nothing I wrote here is new, it's common sense.

This article here is quite interesting. I did a similar experiment out of boredom.

I made a belivable fake account with a rather attractive 21 year old woman - used blendr, beautifulpeople, several German dating sites and pseudo dating site like interpals and boy, are most men there dense.

They're either creepy, writing intrusive meaningless nonsense, awfully corny approaches, full of spelling errors and awful grammar... the whole spectrum of idiocy, it's cringeworthy. Writing stuff like "Hi" and wasting my time... seriously?! That's not how you get a properly conversation going, especially not on the internet. Most of them also mentioned my looks in the very first sentence which made them look needy and dubious.

Interpals gallery of shame (artofwar22 being my all-time favourite)

Wow. Great F'N Post man! You nailed it!


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.

Damn, I would be screwed at me being a gamer and me planning to deactivate my FB account. Her profile, so much text, and her "requirements." Holy fuck, she wants a personal statement from guys too. But she is pretty damn attractive. Oh my god, she answered more than 4000 questions. I didn't realize so many existed on the site.
Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.



Ok, it's not OKCupid but Facebook, but I didn't know where to post this.

So I discovered today in a thread here that there was a "other" category in the messages on Facebook.
While checking it I found a seven months old message from a very beautiful girl whom I apparently met at a jazz party.
I don't remember talking to anyone and giving my name to anyone that night as I was with my group of friends.
And I don't know how she found me as we have no common friend.

Anyway she wanted to meet me and to know more about me.

Now tell me, is seven months late too late to try and finally see her? Will she even remember me?
Ok, it's not OKCupid but Facebook, but I didn't know where to post this.

So I discovered today in a thread here that there was a "other" category in the messages on Facebook.
While checking it I found a seven months old message from a very beautiful girl whom I apparently met at a jazz party.
I don't remember talking to anyone and giving my name to anyone that night as I was with my group of friends.
And I don't know how she found me as we have no common friend.

Anyway she wanted to meet me and to know more about me.

Now tell me, is seven months late too late to try and finally see her? Will she even remember me?

You have absolutely nothing to lose by messaging her. Give it a go, just explain you didn't see her message. She might not remember you, but if you don't try you'll never know :)
Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

The 3 women I'm most involved with currently have all been from okcupid. One I've known for 3 years, one I've known for almost 2, and one I've known for a couple months, but I get along great with all of them.

Granted, they aren't "serious" relationships in the normal sense of the word (I'm not looking for a future wife or mother or anything, and not all of them necessarily involve sex), but they're amazing people that I care about a lot.
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