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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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What the hell is with girls and their obsession with fake moustaches??? Two out of every three profiles I visit has some girl wearing a fake moustache or better yet, the dumb moustache tattoo on her finger. Why?!?

It's something we'll never have so there's a fascination with it. When I was younger (and a full fledged tomboy) I thought mustaches + sunglasses were the epitome of cool.
So I'm probably overthinking this but I asked a girl out for coffee today via text and she replied along the lines of saying she'd "love to hangout"--hangout? We're still meeting up on Sat for coffee but hopefully she gets the idea that it's a coffee date.


:eek: How was it awkward? At least you guys kept going.
Well it was literally my first date ever and it was at her apartment so I didn't really know what to do. Could never tell if she wanted me to kiss her, lol.

Thankfully we had a lot in common to talk about and she thought I was good looking. B-)


And I have reactived my account. I deactivated it after I met a girl out around a month and a half ago, we dated for a bit but it didn't work out so I'm back at it. I have completely rewritten all my info this time though.

Anyone want to PM me and I'll shoot them my profile so I can get some opinions? Opinions from females would be more than welcome.



Thanks guys. I rated everyone back.


Had an amazing date tonight. Ended up talking for 4+hours at a bar and I even got a kiss afterward. Wow, I'm still in shock it went so well. Unfortunately she won't be back in town for more than a week, but I can wait.


So my OKC date went ok tonight. She wasn't as physically attractive as the pics she posted up (the angles!!!), but we clicked just fine. We're both going home for the holidays but will try to meet afterwards. About the only success I've had so far on OKC.

Edit: Good stuff Eltacoman!
Immediately, preferably with a joke/callback to something that you were talking about. Don't say "Hi it's xxxxx." Girls like this stuff and it's great for you because you can continue your momentum.

//offtopic: OkCupid should have integrated links to google image search. Christ.

If the conversation is flowing, why wait until tomorrow?

So, follow up. I ended up texting her later that day. She texted back, and we've been talking fairly regularly since. We're actually chatting right now, and I'm gonna see if I can slip a date invite in.


Anyone using the end of the world on Friday as a starting point in your message? lol

Hey girl, let's go out and have some fun before the world ends on Friday!
Do it man, I gotta see you get in there!

We ended up talking about the psychology of people with multiple profiles (one for dating, one/multiples for sex/kink/whatever). Interesting, but dates didn't come up. We're clicking though, she gave me her gchat address, so we'll talk later today while she's at work.


Anyone using the end of the world on Friday as a starting point in your message? lol

Hey girl, let's go out and have some fun before the world ends on Friday!

I may use this on her. "If the world doesn't end on Friday, you come out w/ me to ________"


Was supposed to go on a date last night that I was really looking forward to, but the girl canceled because she said she woke up very sick. At least she let me know early in the day and not at the last minute.

She did offer up another day to meet up (not until next week because of holidays) so I'm assuming she's still interested and didn't just flake.


Yea the holidays are making it kind of hard to set up dates. I want to get a date set up before it's too late but everyone is too busy and whatnot. Gotta keep them interested with texts for another week!


SO I pretty much just laid it out for the girl I'm dating. We are NOT compatible and she needs to stop trying to force it to work. She wants me to be someone totally different for her, but that's not my style.

EDIT: aaaand done. Finally


Godlike friendzoning there. Can't even be mad.

Hard to get mad when it's that creative. More like "yeah.. okay. pretty awesome response, but okay."

Sounds like you made the right move

I totally did! I am much more free than I was trying to make something out of nothing with her.

Now you guys can check out more exploits from me in the future! |D

Aww this is fuckin' weird! I'm getting all sorts of ladies checking out my profile now. Bizarre! It's like they can smell the single-ness.


slept with Malkin
Yea the holidays are making it kind of hard to set up dates. I want to get a date set up before it's too late but everyone is too busy and whatnot. Gotta keep them interested with texts for another week!

Yeah it's rough as far as timing. Girl I went out with last week has a crazy work schedule along with the holidays makes it tough. At least she said she was definitely interested in meeting up again after the holidays. Anyway, meeting someone after work tonight.


Yeah it's rough as far as timing. Girl I went out with last week has a crazy work schedule along with the holidays makes it tough. At least she said she was definitely interested in meeting up again after the holidays. Anyway, meeting someone after work tonight.

Nice bro. Yeah it's tough to meet right now, but sending messages during the holidays should be just as easy not. I bet a lot of women out there are really looking for some one-on-one if they're single right now.
Here's me, my last go through was toning down the video game notes a bit. I still want it in there, but I added a bunch of other stuff. Suggestions?


Tone it down even further. Like in half, or even better, keep the only mentions about them related to your job (which you can do, and is good).

I understand the want to get a chick who is "down" with gaming, but honestly it's just too big of a barrier to entry, many girls will filter you out instantly even if they don't necessarily hate video games.

All your pictures look exactly the same. Get different angles or some action shots or pair it down significantly. A full body picture would be good.
Tone it down even further. Like in half.

All your pictures look exactly the same. Get different angles or some action shots or pair it down significantly. A full body picture would be good.

Yeah nothing but headshots => boring.

Overall I consider myself fun, a techie, sarcastic

* Sarcasm (that works here right?) :p

I am sarcastic, but not in that annoying cocky way

Another contender for I am humorous/sarcastic/funny but nowhere can it be found on my profile.

/tough love


Gonna have to agree, you have like several relations to sarcasm yet no actual sarcasm in your profile (unless you think writing it over and over works).

Gonna have to pull out the "the world is a sub and I'm the dom" or something equally weird for people to go "huh. this guy really is sarcastic"


everything you do will show up. change a letter in your self summery, change a photo, rearrange a photo, add single, change to seeing someone, answer a question publicly, do anything. You will be put in the activity feed.

so change it ever 2 days to remain.


Yeah pretty much. I didn't change much but some profile stuff... maybe that got some women to notice me, I think.

Pretty awesome though!

I changed my profile pic to something more recent.


slept with Malkin
I started ending my messages wih...

Pizza or sushi?

I believe devo first introduced it in this thread and another poster commented how he got positive results. So I tried it and bam it worked.

Cool, I'll try it next time I send some messages out.


It's the juxtaposition of two Z's in pizza and the iconic visual of the world SU-SHI that get women to respond.

Who the fuck am I kidding it's food. who the hell doesn't like to talk about food

And each one is diametrically opposed to the other

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Updating stuff, thanks for the notes guys. I was never good at profile writing. I guess I don't know how to show sarcasm in writing without making it look wrong, I'll tone that back too.


I had a great convo with a girl, around 10 message, I felt we made progress and then when I went for the offsite talking via text she said,"no thanks" I should feel kinda sad or mad or something but I feel....relived....Just knowing im not as bad as that nice guy thread makes me smile lol so rejection isn't so bad.
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