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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Im pretty intrigued by this whole thing you guys. Tell me, has anyone in this thread actually successfully met an attractive, normal female? How did it go at first? Is it awkward meetin someone on one of these sites? Im not even a guy to pick up on girls I dont know at a club.

I dated a normal attractive female for 2 years from this site.

Since I broke up with her in September I have dated six different people from the site:
1. Really hot, fairly normal, slept with me, never called me back
2. Decently attractive, young, slept with me, went out again and neither of us really felt a connection
3. Awful date, no chemistry, very attractive
4. Great date, a little weird, made out a bit, she texted the next day and said she didn't feel anything
5. Great date, attractive, only hugs so far, we talk quite a bit now and have seen each other again, not sure where this one is going
6. (Last night), decent but heavier than what I'm into, good conversation, kissed, don't know if I'll see her again.
I dated a normal attractive female for 2 years from this site.

Since I broke up with her in September I have dated six different people from the site:
1. Really hot, fairly normal, slept with me, never called me back
2. Decently attractive, young, slept with me, went out again and neither of us really felt a connection
3. Awful date, no chemistry, very attractive
4. Great date, a little weird, made out a bit, she texted the next day and said she didn't feel anything
5. Great date, attractive, only hugs so far, we talk quite a bit now and have seen each other again, not sure where this one is going
6. (Last night), decent but heavier than what I'm into, good conversation, kissed, don't know if I'll see her again.

Damn that's quite a good history, nice job


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.

That list of required data in the end almost makes it look like she's trying to put together a personal Kinsey report.
If she does manage to put together something of the sort, I can't help but wonder how that could shape her views in a few years' time.


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.


Yea, how about no....

I like crazy chicks but not this kind of crazy. If that is real I seriously want to break shit atm.


Way too many girls on that site say "Im looking for a guy who doesnt play video games"

Really? I have never seen that ever. Then again I mostly look at asians, maybe asian girls dont mind as much haha. I have actually seen a lot claim they play games and such. Liars.

karma dictates that this must be another dude you are talking to. :(

It's entirely possible lol. If so, he does a great girl texting impression

edit: wow I tried to copy paste that profile on here, but I'm over by like 14000 characters. And the max is 20000!
Really? I have never seen that ever. Then again I mostly look at asians, maybe asian girls dont mind as much haha. I have actually seen a lot claim they play games and such. Liars.

Yea I guess I just came across them randomly and it seemed like that. I dont spend too much time as I'm not really seriously looking I'm just using it more for entertainment. I have seen a few "gamergirl" posts. The problem is they always seem to paint themselves so one-dimensional its like I have to instantly close their pages.

If people have had luck more power to them, definitely, my friend met his wife on plentyoffish so these things can work.


Really? I have never seen that ever. Then again I mostly look at asians, maybe asian girls dont mind as much haha. I have actually seen a lot claim they play games and such. Liars.

I've seen at least half a dozen girls put Mario Kart under "Things I'm really good at." I thought it was cute the first couple of times but now it just makes me angry.


Really? I have never seen that ever. Then again I mostly look at asians, maybe asian girls dont mind as much haha. I have actually seen a lot claim they play games and such. Liars.

It's entirely possible lol. If so, he does a great girl texting impression

edit: wow I tried to copy paste that profile on here, but I'm over by like 14000 characters. And the max is 20000!

That's some dedication to write novella of oneself (and her ideal guy).


slept with Malkin
That profile is fake, right? I mean there's no way that can be legit. Can't believe I actually read all that shit lol.


That profile is fake, right? I mean there's no way that can be legit. Can't believe I actually read all that shit lol.

part of me says that's a joke profile a girl did for a college thesis. But part of me says she wants perfection lol


slept with Malkin
part of me says that's a joke profile a girl did for a college thesis. But part of me says she wants perfection lol

It's like something out of one if those notebooks the killer from Se7en had lol. I almost want to message this person.


I sent this girl a silly ass message, even silly by my standards asking about DNA and terraforming mars and all she replied back was,"are you shitting me?"
I have a possible "date" with this girl I've been talking to for a week or so and she seems really cool. The only thing is that she put me in the friend zone asap. Maybe it's because she's a few years older than me, I don't know. I figure maybe she's just shy or something and once we hang out she'll be more comfortable after. What do you guys think. By the way I'm not experienced in dating or women. But lately I've just been in a "go for it" mood.

Anyone? Thoughts, questions, opinions?


hang out with her and be clear on what you want. No need to beat around the bush(figuratively or literally) If you think its a lost cause, bust out the D.E.N.N.I.S system and move on.


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.
"And finally I would like to add, that if you include a link to your Facebook in your message, the chance of me responding will greatly go up. And if you don't have a Facebook.. then I really don't see us going very far. I use Facebook a lot. And if you don't have an account that you regularly use (though I don't expect you to necessarily regularly use it either as long as you have a legitimate one), it makes me think you're someone you aren't. Or you're not a real person. If you know what I mean?"

You know what? I really don't.

She sounds just smashing doesn't she?


I want to throw my hat in on that crazy chick because why not. but we are so vastly different I wouldn't be able to make it past the first stage of the interview.

20% Match
38% Friend
35% Enemy


I found myself inviting this girl I've exchanged some long messages over the past couple of months or so for dinner - her last message was about how she intended to close her account, but she wanted to make use I could stay in touch, so that was nice regardless of her kind of interest in me.

Early on she clearly stated she was at the site just looking for friends, and hey, I'm OK with that, I could always use some more female friends. and she won't find a restaurant like the one I've mentioned to her anywhere else in the world (she's from abroad, so she won't always be around to enjoy the place).

Still kinda nervous though, those messages got kinda long, and it makes me worry that a lot of conversation got used up already, which is part of why I try to get in touch out of the site earlier on with other girls (there are more precedents of long exchanges like that in my past, it kinda raises the awkwardness factor when we finally do meet, the circumstances and mindset are just too different).


I been chatting with a girl offsite for awhile now and seemed to be going great, but she called me and I let it ring because I was busy, and I didn't want to pick up just to say,"hey, busy bye"

now shes telling me I'm weird for doing that, that I was in the wrong. Man, bout to toss up the deuces on this one. Maddocks is a 1 strike and you out guy(stupid I know) But guess what, I'm going to miss phone calls more often then not, don't need to listen to riot act each time I cant pick up the phone.


Messaged a girl who looked pretty cute with a banging body. Read through her profile completely and she says she's a TS.

Need more details. What is this "date"? Why do you think she put you in the friendzone?

Possibly going to see The Hobbit this weekend. Friendzone because she said we are in two different places in life right now and should find a girl better than her. Then I kept talking to her and so here we are. She also said she didn't want it to be a date. That makes it pretty clear lol.


Possibly going to see The Hobbit this weekend. Friendzone because she said we are in two different places in life right now and should find a girl better than her. Then I kept talking to her and so here we are. She also said she didn't want it to be a date. That makes it pretty clear lol.

don't call it a date, but go out and hang out, then discuss things. If you like her after the "date" then say while we are at two different stages in life, I would like to at least try because while we are different, it could work.


Holy crap, that girl's profile is like an autobiography's length. She's hot tho, reminds me of Kristen Bell.

So I set a date with a girl from OKC. We are going to watch The Hobbit tomorrow night. I know, not the most ideal first date but eh, even if it doesn't work out romantically, I don't mind making a new friend if possible. I'm trying to see if she has time to hit up a bar, or if the theater already has a bar in it, before the movie starts so that we can get to know one another more.


I was curious to see how many words and pages this crazy girl's account would fill on MS Word, I got to 7,013 words, which filled up twelve pages. Shhhhhhhiiiiiiittttttt.
The sad thing is I would probably message her because she is so crazy. How can I not be interested in checking out this rabbit hole?

I agree if she was in NYC. The thing is... look at the shit you have to crawl through to even get a chance at that rabbit hole. You'll probably find easier crazy hot girls than try this one.


Possibly going to see The Hobbit this weekend. Friendzone because she said we are in two different places in life right now and should find a girl better than her. Then I kept talking to her and so here we are. She also said she didn't want it to be a date. That makes it pretty clear lol.

Well it seems you're right. Can't do much other than bring it up casually at the end of the date.


Experiment time? experiment time y'all.

Today I have messaged in total. 54 females. Lets see how many replies I get back.

Why 54? lets just say I had a lot of free time today lol


I know many normal, adjusted, cool people that have exclusively met people online for a decade. It works and it's fine and it's just as viable as any other method. What is different with you being a dick on the Internet vs being a dick in real life? We're all feeling something and getting engaged in the conversation just the same.

My favorite part of that post.

I don't know why some people still saying I'm the one generalising. >>Some<< of you should freshen up your linguistic skills to fully understand what a generalisation really is. Maybe I'm the one who has problems communicating my opinion because English isn't my native language.

Yes, like I mentioned in previous post; there are plenty of ways to make friends or find your soulmate online. But most dating sites aren't necessarily the best way to find them. Again, there are dozens of ways like specific forums, social networks etc. Some of you should read more carefully. Finding the right soulmate is nearly always the case of serendipity. Somehwere out there is the female equivalent of you. (or at least pretty close) Being in the right place at the right time is the key; some call it luck... but pretty much everything in this world is luck-based. Some may never find it even though they did everything right but you know, you can 'assist' your luck a little if you know where and when to search.

I even admit that there are some dating sites with interesting concepts like https://soulmates.guardian.co.uk and http://www.elitepartner.de/. Especially the last one is interesting because you only see the written text, match points, a blurry picture or none at all and she/he decides if you're able too see her/his full profile. Sure, physical attraction is important but it's still interesting to try it the other way around.


Wow. You guys have got to read this profile.

I feel like if someone were to get this on buzzfeed, man, I dunno.


Make sure you read the end, too, after your five minute scrolling experience.

You don't even have to google image search to know it's a fake.
Just google the full profile url.

(stolen from bb forum)
Dude no one is saying that you should substitute okcupid for meeting girls in real life.

I have no idea why you're still posting here, are you hoping for us to all give up our okc accounts, say you're right, and shut down this thread?

Most everyone posting here is either asking advice or giving it. You should really gtfo if you're gonna go on a rant about online dating in general


experiment failed lol zero replies.

since so many people put nice guy in their profile, ill reverse it and say,"I'm so much of an asshole, they call me Castro"


experiment failed lol zero replies.

since so many people put nice guy in their profile, ill reverse it and say,"I'm so much of an asshole, they call me Castro"

Damn, that sucks. Were all your messages shitty one liners, or did you actually read the girl's profiles and made a comment based on that?


Damn, that sucks. Were all your messages shitty one liners, or did you actually read the girl's profiles and made a comment based on that?

I was free all day, so each message was just a simple comment about the profile and a question.

got a bunch of views, but no replies. not even mad. was fun.
What the hell is with girls and their obsession with fake moustaches??? Two out of every three profiles I visit has some girl wearing a fake moustache or better yet, the dumb moustache tattoo on her finger. Why?!?


What the hell is with girls and their obsession with fake moustaches??? Two out of every three profiles I visit has some girl wearing a fake moustache or better yet, the dumb moustache tattoo on her finger. Why?!?

It's either that, or the pictures of them sipping out of a coffee cup/beer/cocktail glass. I have not seen one profile that features both though.

Also I figure those girls would respond well if you offer them a mustache ride in the first message.


Welp, got my first "deleted account after messaging".

We were going back and forth the last two nights and I was just going to ask for her number tonight.

Folks that's why you always gotta have Plan B.
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