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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Is there a way to know how many people rated you highly without paying? On the "Rated You Highly" page there seems to be a grayed out list but I'm not sure if that means anything.


go to favorites and it will tell you how many have rated you high, but you will not be able to see who rated you high unless you pay.


go to favorites and it will tell you how many have rated you high, but you will not be able to see who rated you high unless you pay.

Yep. Good show on not raging out when she said no thanks man, maybe she needs to get to know you more, or just plain doesn't like it. Nothing you did!


Yep. Good show on not raging out when she said no thanks man, maybe she needs to get to know you more, or just plain doesn't like it. Nothing you did!

I dodged a bullet realistically, she has a kid and I really don't want to deal with that bag, but mesaaged her anyway because I figured why not, she had a great profile and cute smile and big bo...I mean eyes. so you know, was drawn in. But I should have noticed her Match % was at 49% lol I kinda didn't focus on that and took her profile words over match and friend%
Not a believer in the pizza or sushi line. Plenty of people will answer, it's true.

A girl sent me a variation a couple days ago: Laser tag, or Skee Ball. I answered her question with a couple words, and she tried to follow it up with inviting me out somewhere. Haven't replied yet. I don't see myself replying, either.

Is there some kind of brilliant follow up? Is it asking them to go get pizza or sushi?


its just a conversion starter, after that then its up to the person to continue the convo. I'm
witty enough to turn and sell shit as diamonds. so its only to get my foot in the door to sell them a vacuum cleaner to then sell them knives.

some people are awkward at opening messages and its a way to ask a question to get a response.
I like it because it's a simple question that doesn't ask much of me or put me on the spot. The stuff that's overly complimentary or just "hi." How do I answer that? Thanks? Hi yourself?


I go for the particular girls that want a lengthy or interesting first message. So pizza or sushi is pretty basic and kind of lame in their eyes.


I switch it up with other girls that I can give a quick message to every now and then.

Gotta keep it fresh, homie




What? I'm a nerd pimp, I know it

Alright, here's the old profile. Not looking for any ratings, I just need some advice on the overall content. I really wish I hadn't gone with that screen name because I am neither Tom nor Grady.

Go with the fourth picture as your profile pic. It's mischievous and playful. You also look like a celebrity.

A lot of what I'm reading is self-putting down. You want to inspire confidence in yourself to whomever's reading.

Talk about your strengths, not your faults. Your faults will show up eventually but people want to know what's best about you before accepting your faults.
Awesome job! Did you use the "end of the world" line? :p

I actually did, and that led to a conversation about what everyone's doing on the 22nd and stuff like "there's no hangover if there's no tomorrow" parties.

She's the one who actually suggested going out for coffee. I accepted, and so that's where I'll be tomorrow afternoon. That is if it doesn't rain too hard, otherwise, we've got a make-up date for next week.


Holy shiiiiiiiit one of the girls I messaged sent me one back and she lives really close! Fuuuuuuuuu!

I checked her profile and gatdamn. Not only is she gorgeous which I already knew, but she's kinky as hell. What am I getting into GAF


Not a believer in the pizza or sushi line. Plenty of people will answer, it's true.

A girl sent me a variation a couple days ago: Laser tag, or Skee Ball. I answered her question with a couple words, and she tried to follow it up with inviting me out somewhere. Haven't replied yet. I don't see myself replying, either.

Is there some kind of brilliant follow up? Is it asking them to go get pizza or sushi?

I'm confused. What is your issue? Her follow-up sucked and you don't like her?


Holy shiiiiiiiit one of the girls I messaged sent me one back and she lives really close! Fuuuuuuuuu!

I checked her profile and gatdamn. Not only is she gorgeous which I already knew, but she's kinky as hell. What am I getting into GAF

what is wrong with you dude. lol. How old are you seriously?


Really Really Exciting Member!
So... after sending messages to a lot of girls in the past month with 99% of them not bothering to send a single reply, 2 of them sent me a message yesterday and one of them even mentioned Fringe as a TV show she likes, and its also my favorite one! What is it this? Christmas or the end of the world?

Although the Fringe girl did mention she's not interested in going out with guys who works in IT since she gave that chance to a lot of guys in the past and it didn't work out since apparently that's all they talked about(computers and stuff), and that i have more chance getting into the "friend" list than in the "love" list simply because she doesn't think i'll be that different.

Guess i now have to prove to her that i'm not like the other 10 IT guys she met. Which i did, told her that i barely talk about computers when i'm not at my job. Not sure if she's convinced, but at least she was interested enough to talk a little on MSN, even if it was for a short time since she was tired.


still no reply from any of the messages i sent out.

a few weeks ago some random girl from Chicago messaged me said she enjoyed reading my profile and thought i was funny.

So... after sending messages to a lot of girls in the past month with 99% of them not bothering to send a single reply, 2 of them sent me a message yesterday and one of them even mentioned Fringe as a TV show she likes, and its also my favorite one! What is it this? Christmas or the end of the world?

Although the Fringe girl did mention she's not interested in going out with guys who works in IT since she gave that chance to a lot of guys in the past and it didn't work out since apparently that's all they talked about(computers and stuff), and that i have more chance getting into the "friend" list than in the "love" list simply because she doesn't think i'll be that different.

Guess i now have to prove to her that i'm not like the other 10 IT guys she met. Which i did, told her that i barely talk about computers when i'm not at my job. Not sure if she's convinced, but at least she was interested enough to talk a little on MSN, even if it was for a short time since she was tired.

Sounds like she's interested. Just ask her to go get a drink or something and you'll prove to her that you're not the typical IT guy by being yourself.

Also, I think it's interesting that some of you guys get messages back from a girl saying that she thinks you guys would make good friends and not dating partners. That's never happened to me before


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sounds like she's interested. Just ask her to go get a drink or something and you'll prove to her that you're not the typical IT guy by being yourself.

Also, I think it's interesting that some of you guys get messages back from a girl saying that she thinks you guys would make good friends and not dating partners. That's never happened to me before

Well, she only said that to me BEFORE i talked to her with MSN. She didn't know a single thing about me when she said that, other than what is in my profile i guess, and that i worked in IT. She thought i was like all the other IT guys she met in the past, and i don't blame her. It's hard to believe that someone out there is different. Maybe our talk in MSN convinced here, i dunno, it was only for 10 minutes. She said we would talk again, that it was fun to talk with me, but that she was too tired to continue.
I'm confused. What is your issue? Her follow-up sucked and you don't like her?

Wasn't attracted to her, at least based on okcupid pictures.

She got her "opener" answered but it really failed to sell her/generate interest with me, that's why I'd be hesitant to use that tactic myself, I guess.

I think I'm like a 6/10 on the looks scale. Could maybe boost it to 7 if I did crossfit.
what is wrong with you dude. lol. How old are you seriously?

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

Why would you send a message if you were to scared to reply after receiving a response? were you just sending random messages seeing who would respond and this one was was in your mind "out of your league" and you didn't expect a response and now you don't know how to react?


I'm afraid I may have moved too fast with the woman I currently am seeing from OkC. I always seem to accomplish the feat.

It's strange though, we found out we actually met almost 4 years ago at a random party.


what is wrong with you dude. lol. How old are you seriously?

U mad bro?

I don't know why this made me laugh as hard as it did.

Me too actually. I love seeing comments like these, they're always in response to my exuberance

Nothing wrong with some youthful exuberance.

Shiiiiiiiiiit this guy gets it!

So... after sending messages to a lot of girls in the past month with 99% of them not bothering to send a single reply, 2 of them sent me a message yesterday and one of them even mentioned Fringe as a TV show she likes, and its also my favorite one! What is it this? Christmas or the end of the world?

Although the Fringe girl did mention she's not interested in going out with guys who works in IT since she gave that chance to a lot of guys in the past and it didn't work out since apparently that's all they talked about(computers and stuff), and that i have more chance getting into the "friend" list than in the "love" list simply because she doesn't think i'll be that different.

Guess i now have to prove to her that i'm not like the other 10 IT guys she met. Which i did, told her that i barely talk about computers when i'm not at my job. Not sure if she's convinced, but at least she was interested enough to talk a little on MSN, even if it was for a short time since she was tired.

Damn dude that's an uphill battle. You prepared to rumble?

You know I always think the McLovin gifs are the best. THE BEST

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

Why would you send a message if you were to scared to reply after receiving a response? were you just sending random messages seeing who would respond and this one was was in your mind "out of your league" and you didn't expect a response and now you don't know how to react?

You gotta teach yourself no one is out of your league, everyone has deficiencies. Someone might "look" perfect but be utterly an asshole or just really terrible in bed. Everyone has their faults, just go for broke and have fun!

I'm afraid I may have moved too fast with the woman I currently am seeing from OkC. I always seem to accomplish the feat.

It's strange though, we found out we actually met almost 4 years ago at a random party.
Damn that sucks hardcore bro. How did you move too fast exactly? I want deets, my man. Only if you're comfortable. If not, you can always throw me the PM.

Ashhong, you supposed to be my "ash" brother mang!

I'm eagerly awaiting the reply to the girl who sent me a message late last night. I sent her one amazing one in response, and I'm planning to take it to texting soon, awwwww yeah.



Pretty much what I imagine lol

Wasn't attracted to her, at least based on okcupid pictures.

She got her "opener" answered but it really failed to sell her/generate interest with me, that's why I'd be hesitant to use that tactic myself, I guess.

I think I'm like a 6/10 on the looks scale. Could maybe boost it to 7 if I did crossfit.

Sounds like you just aren't attracted to her. If she was hot I'm sure you would be fine with her opener.
Alright, here's the old profile. Not looking for any ratings, I just need some advice on the overall content. I really wish I hadn't gone with that screen name because I am neither Tom nor Grady.

Go with the fourth picture as your profile pic. It's mischievous and playful. You also look like a celebrity.

A lot of what I'm reading is self-putting down. You want to inspire confidence in yourself to whomever's reading.

Talk about your strengths, not your faults. Your faults will show up eventually but people want to know what's best about you before accepting your faults.

Alright, which section was in need of the most change would you say? The first one? (I'm going to get around to changing this stuff today.)


Alright, which section was in need of the most change would you say? The first one? (I'm going to get around to changing this stuff today.)

Oh and in general, there is WAY TOO MUCH STUFF to read. Just tons of it. Keep it short and simple, people want a glance at you, not a book at you.

Here's my thoughts on each section for a guideline:

Self-summary - explain why you are awesome

What I'm doing with my life - explain only ONE thing you are currently doing that is really cool and/or interesting. If it's just a really cool job, that works too. Women want to know if you're independent.

I'm really good at - keep it a list or ONE item that is longer but not too long. You wrote you're a writer. Just make it that and provide an example.

What people notice about me at first - More self-putting down in this part, go with the eyes and you sound like you're generally friendly and willing to help, so make that a big one.

Favorites: holy fuck trim that down some. Make mentions of what you like, but don't explain - that's the part conversation is saved for.

Six things you can't do without - this is also a conversation starter, remove your explanations, leave the list

You should message me if - this is the seal the deal part. And you've put down yourself again. Come on, son



so i sent a message pretty late last night and at the end i said something about the world didn't end and she replied today with just this "hehehe. You're funny. Yes the world didn't end!"

ok......what do i do with that?

so i sent a message pretty late last night and at the end i said something about the world didn't end and she replied today with just this "hehehe. You're funny. Yes the world didn't end!"

ok......what do i do with that?

Start more conversation?

Maybe you can just ask her how she's going to be celebrating now that the apocalypse has passed?



so i sent a message pretty late last night and at the end i said something about the world didn't end and she replied today with just this "hehehe. You're funny. Yes the world didn't end!"

ok......what do i do with that?

Ask her what she has planned for the day after the apocalypse. Tell her thanks for the funny part and you're glad that she's still around. Some women enjoy it when you think they're important, even if you're not dating them yet.
Meeting up with a girl tomorrow and noticed she deleted her account. I confirmed the date today via text, so should I assume we're still meeting up? I feel like another text would come off too clingy.


Meeting up with a girl tomorrow and noticed she deleted her account. I confirmed the date today via text, so should I assume we're still meeting up? I feel like another text would come off too clingy.

she deleted or deactivated her account because of the date. she sees promise.


Neo Member
Puts "If you're going to message me, say something more than just Hi! or What's up?" or something along those lines in their profiles, sends me a message consisting of a single line similar to those. Gotta love some of these people on OKC.


Meeting up with a girl tomorrow and noticed she deleted her account. I confirmed the date today via text, so should I assume we're still meeting up? I feel like another text would come off too clingy.

You confirmed the date before or after she deleted her account? If she deleted after you confirmed no harm in sending a text tomorrow saying "Hey, saw you deleted your account. Still on for today?"

Had it happen to me once and the date was still on. Girl just deleted her account because she was tired of all the creepy messages.
she deleted or deactivated her account because of the date. she sees promise.

You confirmed the date before or after she deleted her account? If she deleted after you confirmed no harm in sending a text tomorrow saying "Hey, saw you deleted your account. Still on for today?"

Had it happen to me once and the date was still on. Girl just deleted her account because she was tired of all the creepy messages.

She deleted a few hours after I confirmed. Still not too sure about texting her though. Might just go with it and assume it's still on.


Puts "If you're going to message me, say something more than just Hi! or What's up?" or something along those lines in their profiles, sends me a message consisting of a single line similar to those. Gotta love some of these people on OKC.

Didn't you know? Girls are exempt from their own rules.

In the same vein, another of my favorites is when a girl writes something about knowing the difference between it's and its and their own profile and messages contain grammar or spelling mistakes. lol


She deleted a few hours after I confirmed. Still not too sure about texting her though. Might just go with it and assume it's still on.

Something similar happened wit this girl I've exchanged some messages with for a while - we met today, though she brought a couple of friends, so we didn't get a lot of 1-on-1 time and it's tricky to assess her view of the night, especially since she'll be away for a while soon. I think I'll send her a message wishing her a nice trip, and see if she wants to stay in touch after she returns.
Ok, so in the other thread, I already mentioned I feel like I don't put enough effort sometimes in these things. I just tend to write something and not give too much of a shit (which is generally the right attitude). So, right now, I see someone I want to message and I know chances are slim that I would get a reply, but might as well ask for some thoughts before sending her the message.

You see, she wants something lasting and made it very clear in her profile. She reveals other traits and quirks and they're cute, but her wanting something lasting is what caught me.

So should I send her a message tackling her main point; or should I send her something unique?

1. If I tackle her main point, chances are plenty of guys -- including "Nice Guy" -- will tackle the same point, but it seems pretty important to her. So I risk sounding like everyone else, but also shows that I read her profile.

2. I send something weird/funny to try and get a reaction from her. She does have a sense of humor, but how much is something we'll never know.

Share your thoughts GAF. I won't be disappointed if she doesn't respond, but I think for this one at least, I rather I put in some effort and she doesn't respond rather than waste a chance with something stupid and her not responding.
Got back from my "coffee" date. I use "coffee" because we ended up drinking cider.

Long story short, the date was awesome. She looked so great, we talked for a long while about personal lives (my school, her job, our families). She'd mentioned that this was her second OKC date, but that he was more of a "friend" than anything.

We've made plans to go on another date next weekend, and she seemed really enthusiastic about it (making me think I might be more than "friend" - at least right now). We hugged, and then we split. Better than I ever expected.


Hey thx OKC for letting me know I got upgraded to "attractive people" status bases on some bs click algorithm. It really shows in the zero messages I get. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! >:p


Ok, so in the other thread, I already mentioned I feel like I don't put enough effort sometimes in these things. I just tend to write something and not give too much of a shit (which is generally the right attitude). So, right now, I see someone I want to message and I know chances are slim that I would get a reply, but might as well ask for some thoughts before sending her the message.

You see, she wants something lasting and made it very clear in her profile. She reveals other traits and quirks and they're cute, but her wanting something lasting is what caught me.

So should I send her a message tackling her main point; or should I send her something unique?

1. If I tackle her main point, chances are plenty of guys -- including "Nice Guy" -- will tackle the same point, but it seems pretty important to her. So I risk sounding like everyone else, but also shows that I read her profile.

2. I send something weird/funny to try and get a reaction from her. She does have a sense of humor, but how much is something we'll never know.

Share your thoughts GAF. I won't be disappointed if she doesn't respond, but I think for this one at least, I rather I put in some effort and she doesn't respond rather than waste a chance with something stupid and her not responding.

Always Option 2. Always. If she will find something long term with you it will be because you click, not because you offer a general "long term contract" thing.

Got back from my "coffee" date. I use "coffee" because we ended up drinking cider.

Long story short, the date was awesome. She looked so great, we talked for a long while about personal lives (my school, her job, our families). She'd mentioned that this was her second OKC date, but that he was more of a "friend" than anything.

We've made plans to go on another date next weekend, and she seemed really enthusiastic about it (making me think I might be more than "friend" - at least right now). We hugged, and then we split. Better than I ever expected.

Fuckin' awesome man. I love it when they go so well! And yeah it looks like you're definitely in the clear if she's enthusiastic and you got a hug on the first date.
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