Proof that vegetarians are generally better people.
I've heard that meat makes your sex juices taste disgustingly horrid. Maybe the increased pleasure is because that's true.
Any ideas for more good "Pizza or sushi" style messages?
Man, I have a casual dinner/drink date set up for tomorrow but haven't confirmed it in a few days and not even that excited to go on it. Although I feel like that's just my nerves and I should just force myself. I'm so antisocial..why am I even on this site?!
Alrighty, hopefully I have the fortitude and patience for round 4... Help please!
My previous profiles weren't that great according to my friends who I asked for help to make a new one, only for them to make some rather uncomfortable half-truths for appeal.
This profile I quickly filled out but, I plan to complete more. What are some good tips? Last 20 pages had a few quick ideas, and the OP was of no use.
Does the rating system actually affect potential search candidates? If so, I'll be willing to help others overcome this ridiculous system if the notion is returned in kind.
I been there. Where I wanted to go on a date with a girl but a week before we supposed to go out I bailed. Only bailed because I sabotage myself, and I did it only because, well I just didn't want to go.
She's also not as responsive as I would like a potential gf to be when texting. Like she'll leave me hanging and I'll have to text again like the next day or something. Not a big deal, but just doesn't make me excited.
Sometimes I wonder about that, isn't that on the more clingy side though? I mean I prefer that they're more responsive too. . .
I really hate these games on when to reply and how often to reply D:
I guess. I prefer a girl to be clingy than not though, probably because I'm clingy too. I dont believe in holding back who you are (such as texting a lot) just so you dont seem a certain way.
So the girl who canceled on me last week because she was sick and rescheduled the date for tomorrow, just deleted her account on the site. We rarely texted since she didn't have a smartphone, so we mostly kept the conversation on the site. Great, long responses by both of us also.
Figure I'll shoot her a text, but not having a good feeling. Feels bad man.
I know I should just move on to the next, but with how much we clicked over messaging it sort of crushes me. Ugh, fuck online dating for these reasons. 2nd girl this month who has done it.
Huh? If she rescheduled already for tomorrow then what's the big fucking deal? She probably deleted her account because she was sick of receiving all of the messages from skeevy dudes on there.
Why on Earth would this make you feel bad?
expanding options.
The true answer is fuck this shitty question who gives a good god damn.
Welllllll if the person literally cannot figure out the right answer, I might be skeptical of her intelligence. I dont need a super smart girl or anything, but that's like elementary stuff.
This one would be what I'd be on for idiocy.
Which is bigger?
The earth
The sun
Or the one about believing in Dinosaurs
Much obliged. Anything you would change?
Am I....Am I mentally deficient?
s= 8, t = 9, a = 4, l = 7, e = 5
STEAL thus is
Unless I missed something.
This is why questions like that are just trolls.
Not an expert by any means, but your profile looks fine to me. It's short and to the point with good photos, and it makes you sound like a really cool dude. I'm not worried about your love life.
One tiny detail though: I don't think you need to say "(let's face it, it's all pretty pop culture these days)" about geek culture at all. It gives a hint (just a hint) that you're not entirely comfortable with what you like and feel the need to justify your tastes. Your profile oozes self-confidence, so you don't need that. But again, it's a tiny thing that most people won't even notice I'd wager.
I really can't help but think the bold is screaming red flags left and right. >_< But happy for you regardless if you really feel that way about her.
Next crazy update
this is all real I SHIT YOU NOT
Girls on okcupid go nowhere
Girls on POF go nowhere
The girl I was dating is kinda flaking off, whatever, let's just be friends (ok cool)
Girl from gk2gk.
We start talking. really talking. Find out so many things about us click. Line up.
She and I talk until nearly the sun comes up.
We talk again the next night. She is enamored with me so much she wants to
She reassures me that it is okay, and says I wouldn't be taking advantage of her. She apparently has a cushion-y job that allows her to have gobs of disposable money. So being that I have no strings to tie me down here any more (broke up with that girl), I accept.
She wants me to come see her next month.
The lowdown: she's super nerdy, into MMOs, clingy (just like me), and passionate to the core. She is incredibly selfless, genuinely wants to care for me when I told her about my skin conditions that I have, and is grateful she ever found me. I'm not into taking people's money (never have been), but after talking with her the past couple days, I can't ignore the unmistakable comfort and attraction between us over the phone/internet. It's like pieces of me fit pieces of her and vice versa. She's said that no one has made her felt the way I make her feel, and it's something she's been wanting for a long time. She's said things to me NO OTHER GIRL has ever said to me. EVER. Things I've always wanted to hear.
I really think this could be it, guys.