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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I just realized that my iphone app makes it looks like I'm online 24/7. Is there any way to turn that crap off?

In fact, I just just deleted the app and it still looks like I'm online. WTF?


I met my last girlfriend on OKCupid, lasted a summer. I didn't feel like keeping a girlfriend while starting a school semester. I kind of feel bad about it, because she was actually really great. 98% match I think. I've certainly done worse.

She was attractive, mentally stable (with the internet... who knows), gamer, sci-fi lover, and a nice person with a good paying job right out of college and a house rental. And the relationship worked very well for those months.

I'm pretty fucking stupid for breaking up with her, in hind sight. Not that I don't enjoy being single.


paid requisite penance
I met my last girlfriend on OKCupid, lasted a summer. I didn't feel like keeping a girlfriend while starting a school semester. I kind of feel bad about it, because she was actually really great. 98% match I think. I've certainly done worse.

She was attractive, mentally stable (with the internet... who knows), gamer, sci-fi lover, and a nice person with a good paying job right out of college and a house rental. And the relationship worked very well for those months.

I'm pretty fucking stupid for breaking up with her, in hind sight. Not that I don't enjoy being single.

If that's really the way you feel why not try contacting her again and apologize copiously?

[EDIT] @Ashodin: some curriculums don't give you any leeway for your personal life. I can kinda understand where antitrop's coming from, though I don't think I would ever break up with a great gf before even giving it a try.


Didn't feel like keeping a girl friend while starting school semester. What???

I can understand his mind-frame. I seldom have much personal time during the semester, and I need to have time to myself, or I'll go crazy. I'm dating around right now, but I have to take this approach again depending how busy my final semester gets.


If that's really the way you feel why not try contacting her again and apologize copiously?

[EDIT] @Ashodin: some curriculums don't give you any leeway for your personal life. I can kinda understand where antitrop's coming from, though I don't think I would ever break up with a great gf before even giving it a try.

I just don't think I'd ever let myself get that busy to not have any time for a social life. At least for a girlfriend.


Been dating a girl from OKC 5 months now, we've agreed to move in together in May provided things are still going well.

FTR it took a year and close to 100 messages sent to find her.

The time investment is the one thing I worry about with moving in with her, usually she's in school and I have plenty of time to myself but I need to make sure she has plenty to keep her busy over summer too. I need time to myself. :p
Been dating a girl from OKC 5 months now, we've agreed to move in together in May provided things are still going well.

FTR it took a year and close to 100 messages sent to find her.

The time investment is the one thing I worry about with moving in with her, usually she's in school and I have plenty of time to myself but I need to make sure she has plenty to keep her busy over summer too. I need time to myself. :p

Good for you, man. That's a big, and IMO, crucial step
I just finished my profile, and answered a few questions.


What do you think?

A bunch of tell and no show. Nice variety of pics.

Is my profile enough to win Devo's heart?????


Take out the negative stuff. By that I mean this:

I tend to keep those opinions to myself, because arguing about that shit is dumb and never goes anywhere, and just leads to endless loops of people getting mad at each other.

Lazy people are the worst kind of people.

Either get rid of them completely or turn them more positive. You're open minded and avoid unnecessary conflict. You prefer someone who is driven. See how these keep it lighthearted?

More pics for sure.


So here is my profile okcupid.com/profile/bikebro. I just ended a 5yr relationship and not really sure if I ready to start dating again. I thought this would at least be a good way to meet some women.

Same as the first. Needs more show. Also more humor. If you're going to say you're funny inject more into your profile. The Ryan Gosling joke is a good step in that direction. More pics.

Rated you all.
I had 3 dates this weekend.

First date was with B. She had a really nice body. She seemed cool. We just met up at Starbucks and talked over coffee. We made plans to,hangout again. Date ended with a hug.

Second date was with D. I liked her the best out of the three dates. We met up me talked over drinks and appetizers. She has a very quirky personality. We made plans to play basketball next weekend. We hugged at the end of the date, then talked some more, hugged goodbye again, talked some more, hugged one more time then we went our separate ways (maybe she wanted more?).

Third date was with V. She was boring.
Ah, hell... I'll toss mine in again even though I still haven't gotten around to making the changes that Ashodin suggested yet. http://www.okcupid.com/profile/TomGrady

Ax the first paragraph. Keep the second. Take this out of the third:

Just keep in mind, the only thing I can give to you in return for giving me something to do is my presence. I'm somewhat like a silent companion who will sort of just follow you around or whatever.

Ax the fourth and the fifth. Write some other stuff in there. Self-deprecation isn't your strong suit. It comes off sad.

With what you're doing with yourself. Talk about your student life but remove this:

I mean, I would love to be able to understand a larger number of people and it would really open up a ton of travel opportunities, but I'm not sure whether or not I will be able to keep many languages fresh in my mind due to my terrible memory.

Also remove

Yeah, that's a varied selection of classes, but I just had my counselor pick them out for me since all I needed were elective classes.

Can't really think of anything else at the moment without a better prompt.

I'm one of those people who would prefer to blend into the background, but I'm apparently pretty bad at it. I seem to draw folk in for some reason. It's almost as if I have a police siren attached to me or something like it.

Cut this shit out:
For as boring and unlikeable as I may seem on here, in the outside world (what?) I'm apparently a curious fellow in need of further examination. Don't know why

You should put up photos of yourself smiling.
Ax the fourth and the fifth. Write some other stuff in there. Self-deprecation isn't your strong suit. It comes off sad.

You should put up photos of yourself smiling.

Sad, most definitely, but I didn't want to lie. :p If there is any thing I've figured out in my life, it's that I'm content with being boring because being interesting is exhausting. Oh well, that does seem to be the general consensus.

Now I just need to figure out how to smile.

Sad, most definitely, but I didn't want to lie. :p If there is any thing I've figured out in my life, it's that I'm content with being boring because being interesting is exhausting. Oh well, that does seem to be the general consensus.

Now I just need to figure out how to smile.


Instead of going with "boring" just say you're low key and prefer calmer settings. There are plenty of people like that and it doesn't sound negative.
I had 3 dates this weekend.

First date was with B. She had a really nice body. She seemed cool. We just met up at Starbucks and talked over coffee. We made plans to,hangout again. Date ended with a hug.

Second date was with D. I liked her the best out of the three dates. We met up me talked over drinks and appetizers. She has a very quirky personality. We made plans to play basketball next weekend. We hugged at the end of the date, then talked some more, hugged goodbye again, talked some more, hugged one more time then we went our separate ways (maybe she wanted more?).

Third date was with V. She was boring.

How many of the men in black do you plan to date?

So here is my profile okcupid.com/profile/bikebro. I just ended a 5yr relationship and not really sure if I ready to start dating again. I thought this would at least be a good way to meet some women.

Your profile is pretty great and I like your pictures. You don't panderass or sound desperate at all, just grounded.

I'd maybe talk a little more about your fitness dedication and where you've traveled.


I had 3 dates this weekend.

First date was with B. She had a really nice body. She seemed cool. We just met up at Starbucks and talked over coffee. We made plans to,hangout again. Date ended with a hug.

Second date was with D. I liked her the best out of the three dates. We met up me talked over drinks and appetizers. She has a very quirky personality. We made plans to play basketball next weekend. We hugged at the end of the date, then talked some more, hugged goodbye again, talked some more, hugged one more time then we went our separate ways (maybe she wanted more?).

Third date was with V. She was boring.

D wanted the D man.

Update: tickets are go. I'll be visiting her later this month.


Couple more pics. Ending with the dad one is good though. Try to bring some humor into that six things like you have in everything else. I'd revise the self-summary. There are plenty of other places to list what you did. It doesn't give much insight into your personality more your interests.

Yeah the 6 things one I've left alone for a while. Could probably make it more humorous if I gave it some thought.

I've gotten a few compliments on the summary part, because people were tired of reading the same thing over and over. I realize I could add some more personality to it though since it does eventually get down to me just listing things. It was longer at one point, but I thought it was too wordy so I cut it down some.
Ugh, it feels so bland without all the self-deprecation, even though it wasn't humorous. I guess I just like to do it to myself because I can't take compliments and tend to like it when people point out the stupid shit I do. I've always felt like being put down is the best way to change or grow, which has rarely happened with me (which is probably why I have that crazy idea in the first place), leaving me wanting to tell myself how awful I am.

I've really got to come up with something for my self-summary now though considering I really don't want to talk about how I've spent most of my life laying in a freezer-cold, pitch black room because of migraines. That's both odd and boring.
I'm back on the horse. Started talking with this girl, and things moved quick. She's the one who suggested our date to a museum next week. We talked a lot about my college major (Psych), and she was really interested, wants to hear all about it.


Yeah the 6 things one I've left alone for a while. Could probably make it more humorous if I gave it some thought.

I've gotten a few compliments on the summary part, because people were tired of reading the same thing over and over. I realize I could add some more personality to it though since it does eventually get down to me just listing things. It was longer at one point, but I thought it was too wordy so I cut it down some.

Short and sweet is always the best.

Ugh, it feels so bland without all the self-deprecation, even though it wasn't humorous. I guess I just like to do it to myself because I can't take compliments and tend to like it when people point out the stupid shit I do. I've always felt like being put down is the best way to change or grow, which has rarely happened with me (which is probably why I have that crazy idea in the first place), leaving me wanting to tell myself how awful I am.

I've really got to come up with something for my self-summary now though considering I really don't want to talk about how I've spent most of my life laying in a freezer-cold, pitch black room because of migraines. That's both odd and boring.

Self-deprecation is rarely funny/cool. It has to be pulled by someone not so serious with oneself and with lots of exaggeration, I think.

Take this as a journey to discover self-worth. You have lots of it, let it shine instead of thinking it's not worth much.

I'm back on the horse. Started talking with this girl, and things moved quick. She's the one who suggested our date to a museum next week. We talked a lot about my college major (Psych), and she was really interested, wants to hear all about it.

Thumbs up man. Just make sure she's real first, haha. Museum date sounds pretty classy, good job.

So here is my profile okcupid.com/profile/bikebro. I just ended a 5yr relationship and not really sure if I ready to start dating again. I thought this would at least be a good way to meet some women.
"That I'm not Ryan Gosling" :lol This is good. Get a smiling picture.
he said, finally adding a smiling picture of his own

Ah, hell... I'll toss mine in again even though I still haven't gotten around to making the changes that Ashodin suggested yet. http://www.okcupid.com/profile/TomGrady
I know I probably suffer from too little detail, but I think you maybe overshare a bit (viz. your scheduling issues at school.) Also, assuming a woman has clicked your profile accidentally reeks of lack of self-confidence. Be assertive! B-E assertive!


Really Really Exciting Member!
So... there is this cute girl i talked with on MSN this evening after seeing her profile and sending her a message. Lots of common interests, she seems super interesting and fun and she feels the same way toward me i think... but(of course there is a but) she lives 3 hours away from me.

Damn it. Why does it have to be that way? :( I'm sure we'll talk again after New Year's Eve, but 3 hours...ugh.


So... there is this cute girl i talked with on MSN this evening after seeing her profile and sending her a message. Lots of common interests, she seems super interesting and fun and she feels the same way toward me i think... but(of course there is a but) she lives 3 hours away from me.

Damn it. Why does it have to be that way? :( I'm sure we'll talk again after New Year's Eve, but 3 hours...ugh.

Dude. My last girlfriend of three years she lived 8 hours away. I brought her back to my state with me. Sometimes it can be worth it.
Short and sweet is always the best.

Oh man, I feel the opposite way. This is text, make it worthwhile to read. Obviously, I'm in the minority in that regard, but it probably is a preference developed from the way my family talks with each other.

Person 1: Says everything they wanted to say.
Person 2: Says everything they wanted to say.

Bam! Conversation finished. Back and forth is just not the way I am used to communicating at all. Write me a novel in your profile. I don't like having to ask questions to get relevant information.

Take this as a journey to discover self-worth. You have lots of it, let it shine instead of thinking it's not worth much.

See, it comes off that way, but I don't believe I'm without worth, I just wish I was so I didn't have to hear about doing something with my 'abilities' all the time. I want to be worthless so I don't have to feel guilty about being worthless. Does that make sense? Obviously, it's not a good thing to want and is somewhat crazy.

See, I 'can' do almost anything, I just really don't want to. I'm about disappointment.


Oh man, I feel the opposite way. This is text, make it worthwhile to read. Obviously, I'm in the minority in that regard, but it probably is a preference developed from the way my family talks with each other.

Person 1: Says everything they wanted to say.
Person 2: Says everything they wanted to say.

Bam! Conversation finished. Back and forth is just not the way I am used to communicating at all. Write me a novel in your profile. I don't like having to ask questions to get relevant information.

See, it comes off that way, but I don't believe I'm without worth, I just wish I was so I didn't have to hear about doing something with my 'abilities' all the time. I want to be worthless so I don't have to feel guilty about being worthless. Does that make sense? Obviously, it's not a good thing to want and is somewhat crazy.

See, I 'can' do almost anything, I just really don't want to. I'm about disappointment.

I don't know what to say man. Just think about it as listing your strengths and omitting your weaknesses. Everyone has some of both.
I don't know what to say man. Just think about it as listing your strengths and omitting your weaknesses. Everyone has some of both.

Definitely. I just have to come up with something for my summary. I kind of like having a lot of text in my profile, because it gives me more entertaining messages when I get them.


So do women ever message first? I've had two women in my area rate my profile which I take as a sign to message them. I haven't sent any messages yet as I just got my profile going. I'm also a little concerned about doing it so close to New Years like its a resolution for some reason.

I don't think of myself as some awesome catch nor do I think I am picky about women but damn there are some broke down women on this site. Some of them have to be lying about their age cause a 33yr old women can't look that run down.


So do women ever message first? I've had two women in my area rate my profile which I take as a sign to message them. I haven't sent any messages yet as I just got my profile going. I'm also a little concerned about doing it so close to New Years like its a resolution for some reason.

I don't think of myself as some awesome catch nor do I think I am picky about women but damn there are some broke down women on this site. Some of them have to be lying about their age cause a 33yr old women can't look that run down.

It's VERY rare that it happens to me.

Women typically like being chased after.


Would rather have no penis than have to show his to a medical professional
Ah, hell... I'll toss mine in again even though I still haven't gotten around to making the changes that Ashodin suggested yet. http://www.okcupid.com/profile/TomGrady

Don't you have any normal pictures? And not pictures that you took yourself.

I hate those kind of pictures, and I am very sure I am not the only one. It remind me of all the girls with their duckfaces and camera in the bathroom.

Put on some normal pictures so you can show: Hey I am having fun in life


So do women ever message first? I've had two women in my area rate my profile which I take as a sign to message them. I haven't sent any messages yet as I just got my profile going. I'm also a little concerned about doing it so close to New Years like its a resolution for some reason.

I don't see why they wouldn't.


So do women ever message first? I've had two women in my area rate my profile which I take as a sign to message them. I haven't sent any messages yet as I just got my profile going. I'm also a little concerned about doing it so close to New Years like its a resolution for some reason.
God, reading this makes me so happy that I live in NYC. I get ~1 message a day and when I first got on the site it was more like 2 messages a day. The pool of people in NYC is just massive.

I have always had more success messaging girls first but yeah, when you get rated by a girl you should take that as an invitation for you to message her. That situation is always fun because you can rate them back right before you hit send on your message which leaves them with two notes in their inbox. It's always nice to reciprocate a compliment.

I would personally wait until you are clear from New Year's but don't worry too much about this. In my own case this relates to genuinely being too busy due to house guests and related parties.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Dude. My last girlfriend of three years she lived 8 hours away. I brought her back to my state with me. Sometimes it can be worth it.

I guess i'll have to be very convincing to make her move to my city. If she likes her current job and town, that might be an even bigger challenge.


Had a third date last night, ended up bringing her back to my place to watch some Game of Thrones. I mentioned at the end when I dropped her off that I was considering shelving my OKC account....I feel like I may have jumped the gun a little bit. She just said that she doesn't check it anymore except to delete messages. For some reason I'm stressing a little bit about that.
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