I am eagerly awaiting to hear how this goes.
Good luck, and don't let her roofie you
Good luck, and don't let her roofie you
What up Perspiration!
I've thought about it - but I imagine I would get a lot more nasty replies than if I kept it to this thread, so I'd rather not. And there would be much more who would think this is a joke thread or joke poster.
I've thought about it - but I imagine I would get a lot more nasty replies than if I kept it to this thread, so I'd rather not. And there would be much more who would think this is a joke thread or joke poster.
If you're providing pics then that will shut the haters up, but i think this whole thing would make a great thread dude
Saw a girl's profile that began with "Yes, I'm fat." I felt bad for her: must've taken a lot of stupid comments and insults to make her write that.
I just got hit by a Nigerian scammer. :lol
Let me start by wishing you a Happy New Year. I am glad we could make it to this stage of email where we are able to exchange communication. The most important things to start communication are honesty,trust and constant communication. Some of your answers could tell me who you are and describes your aspiration. I will try to be open with you,tell you everything about me.
Here is a little about me...
I was born in IL and later moved to Brazil when i was 7years because, my mom is from Brazil and my dad from the States. I lost her due to the illness,i missed her so much and still have the shock of her death in my memory. I went to the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I am a nurse working for Mercy Corps. Its an humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters. We also provide nutritional and epidemiological surveillance to tens of thousand of people over 70 countries throughout the world. My job draws me closer to children. I love my job and hope to continue helping the poor and the sick.
I am currently in Africa, Nigeria mobilizing the ongoing Chadian war from the neighboring countries. My vacation starts next week and i will be coming home for my vacation. I can go any where during my vacation.
It has been 3 years since my last relationship. I gave my heart to someone I shouldn't have and paid the price. What is your ideal of romantic date? For me,I love to cuddle while sitting on the couch. I like to go bowling,hunting,hiking and i can dance salsa real good.
How long have been to the site? I am new to this, my best friend introduced it to me because it works for her. So, I decided to give it a try since I believe its until you put yourself out there, that you can experience the real world of love with the right man there waiting since I am not a fan of the bar or club scene.
Scammer: Hi, How is your day going?
Me: I'm good, busy day. You?
Scammer: Good, similar. I have been sad and stressed here though.
Me: Oh, why?
Scammer: I should have been home but there is a problem her about my vacation[sic]
Me: What happened?
Scammer: When we were coming here, we have [sic] been paid in checks with our allowances and expenses inclusive. So I went to the bank here today to cash my check so that I can buy my flight ticket home ahead of weekend but to my surprise, i was told that I have to get to the States before I could
(at this point I basically know it's a scam but still want to play it out mainly for my own edification. I don't respond)
Scammer: You still there?
Me: Hmmm... Yeah. Sorry. Is the agency helping?
Scammer: Nope, they are not at all. This place is like a hell an I really hate just about everything here. I have never heard this before that they can't cash a check but they said its because this place is a third world country and that they don't have the facilities to cash it here.
Me: You could try going to the US embassy or FedEx your check to a US bank then withdraw the funds from an ATM. Didn't the company secure a round trip ticket as conditions of a work visa?
Scammer: They didn't and this is because they didn't expect everybody to go back to the same place since we all didn't come fom the US. Its a one way ticket we came with and thats why we were already paid so that everyone can go to where they like for vacation. [sic] You understand now?
Me: I see.
Scammer: I was hoping you could borrow me the remaining money and I will refund you as soon as I get there. This will mean a lot to me.
Me: Don't contact me again.
thats terrible. good thing I tell everyone I'm poor. Then they know not to ask for money.
This is what I do too, however it makes getting dates hard as fuck
Are you sure it's not your face? Boom roasted!
Guys, c'mon now. Any time you see a hot chick on those sites that looks kinda foreign, tells you to contact her via Yahoo Messenger, and her profile or messages have incorrect grammar such as comma's then no space after it, "blah blah blah,and then" and never mention anything specific about where they currently live, it's a scammer. Also, if they never list what school they went to, favorite places by name (not Italy, Europe, Vegas) like a specific restaurant, bar, etc, those are also red flags.
Guys, c'mon now. Any time you see a hot chick on those sites that looks kinda foreign, tells you to contact her via Yahoo Messenger, and her profile or messages have incorrect grammar such as comma's then no space after it, "blah blah blah,and then" and never mention anything specific about where they currently live, it's a scammer. Also, if they never list what school they went to, favorite places by name (not Italy, Europe, Vegas) like a specific restaurant, bar, etc, those are also red flags.
A lot of topics in these vids are kind of ridiculous in my opinion. Most of the stuff "Mystery" has to say just doesn't click with me. His stuff seems slanted more towards random club hookups rather than how to approach a girl and chat her up at school/bookstore/etc. Am I alone in thinking this?
any success with a second message after a girl visited your profile but didn't reply? should i even bother? what should I say?
I've been browsing this thread for a while, haven't posted yet. I haven't gone out on a date in a few years, lots of various reasons caused this.
Lately I've been talking to a few girls in person, haven't hit up any dating sites yet. Not really any luck in person but its completely weird for me to be doing this so I'm kinda forcing myself to leave my comfort zone.
I'm gonna give the online stuff a shot soon, gotta get off my ass and make some profiles.
I'm awkward as shit but kind of know what I need to work on. I was watching a bunch of different vids on youtube (real social dynamics, simple pickup, the game, etc). I like the good info these vids give on posture, eye contact, self confidence, just all the normal things I'm clueless with.
A lot of topics in these vids are kind of ridiculous in my opinion. Most of the stuff "Mystery" has to say just doesn't click with me. His stuff seems slanted more towards random club hookups rather than how to approach a girl and chat her up at school/bookstore/etc. Am I alone in thinking this?
Have you tried Brent Smith's videos? You can find them on the OP of the Dating Age thread. He focuses more on self improvement as a means to get women and is much less "gimmicky" in his approach. I find that a lot more useful
I just watched a few of them and he is amazing. I am going to be watching everything I can find from this guy. Thanks for the suggestion.
Also I know that a huge number of girls on there are doing it just for their ego. Make a profile and every evening check your emails to see how many guys have visited your profile without any intention of responding to them. I still find it difficult to look at peoples profiles though because Im reluctant to give them that ego boost. I suppose the game is the game.
I can't believe what just happened to Ashodin's thread...
He really should've listened to all of you guys telling him not to do it lol
You could make an argument that Ash's thread followed the plot structure of Mass Effect 3.
nothing beats the first line of the profile saying,"not in the country yet, but will be soon" and you clearly know she/he means,"I just haven't scammed enough money yet for my vacation, but soon"
The entire thing was a clever trick so the girl could get a hold of his GAF account because she has never been approved but he got banned so she murdered him for no reason.
I've been there.
Here's the question: Is she not the one or are you just not at a point in your life where you're ready for the one?
Because sometimes when we're young we just enjoy the chase and we can go through women who would be great for us like toilet paper. You need to determine if its your mentality that isn't ready for a long term commitment, and if its even worth it to change given your youth, or if she simply isn't the one, or maybe a combination of all of that.
So was that what it was? I had only read the thread last night and was rooting for the guy especially since I saw him mention geek 2 geek which I was hoping to try. Then came this morning and saw the thread had exploded into 30 pages and closed.
30? I think it ended at 65, I would reply to someone and I'd be on the next page. It was insane
omfg, those Youtube videos in the other thread. Is he that same guy that posted in this thread last year of how he was getting endless sex from someone from okc?
omfg, those Youtube videos in the other thread. Is he that same guy that posted in this thread last year of how he was getting endless sex from someone from okc?
Linking the thread page cause I'm on my phone.
hahaha it's gone, that place is a graveyard anyways