I'm so lonely. I just cant connect with people. Ill be 29 in a few days. I might as well be 50 at this point. My 20s are gone and havent been able to do shit. I knew this was coming but still feels like crap.
I asked a girl out this weekend. She said she'd have to take a rain check, since work hit her with some stuff at the last minute. But then she continued the conversation.
At what point should I try to move this onto texting if I'm planning on asking her out for next weekend?
What is text protocol, so I don't text too much and seem too eager? Never texted with someone that I haven't met.
I'm so lonely. I just cant connect with people. Ill be 29 in a few days. I might as well be 50 at this point. My 20s are gone and havent been able to do shit. I knew this was coming but still feels like crap.
I asked a girl out this weekend. She said she'd have to take a rain check, since work hit her with some stuff at the last minute. But then she continued the conversation.
At what point should I try to move this onto texting if I'm planning on asking her out for next weekend?
What is text protocol, so I don't text too much and seem too eager? Never texted with someone that I haven't met.
Holy shit I missed the Ashodin thread. Can somebody summarize what happened? That shit is 60 pages long. I read something about people finding the girl's facebook? And I saw the youtube video of Ashodin as well, but was it a thread backfire or what?
And lol at those of you who told him to make the thread and that GAF would enjoy it ahahahaha
Posted about it. People found her profile on gk2gk. Acknowledged it was her. Said he'd have pics. Didn't deliver. Photoshops were made. I posted his youtube he tried to shill on gaf. Others went too far and started facebook stalking. Thread got closed. Bish made a new thread with a warning and sunhi completed the journey with an epic youtube.
How did people find her gk2gk? Did he put a picture of her in the thread? Looks like I have to scroll through that thread..
Oh and I have a date set up for Sunday that I'm actually excited about. Been texting quite a bit and she's really nice. Without sounding too shallow, I hope that there is a physical attraction. Hard to tell from pics.
Good sign. Just keep talking to her.
You've got time, and there's not a specific point, but you are probably fine if you've exchanged some messages back and forth, and are beyond the introductions. Don't even make a big deal out of it. Just be like "Hey, do you wanna text instead of message on this site? I can throw you my number if that's cool."
The rule of thumb is see how fast she responds, and text slower than that. If you find yourself sitting there waiting for her messages, put the phone down and distract yourself. If you are actually out doing stuff, even better. Just respond here and there. You don't have to really overthink this, but the main gist is, don't sit there and immediately respond to every message, especially if she's not doing the same.
Damn, I just sent out some gems and not even a reply so far
We seem to have a lot in common, so if/when I mess this up, it's going to suck.
The number one thing I can tell you: Don't get your hopes attached to any one particular person. Dating websites are where men throw the line out fifty to a hundred times, and hope the one or two they reel back are keepers.
Even if you are having a good conversation with one girl, go message some others. One, it'll give you excuses not to constantly focus on one girl, which is good, women like guys that seem to be busy (if you are perceived as having less free time, it makes your contact with that specific girl more meaningful.) Two, if one girl falls through, having other conversations going means you won't be immediately back in the rut of searching with no one to talk to.
Detective-GAF does not come here as conquerors, but as liberators. He opened himself up to it and wanted it. He hid nothing, when he should have hid everything. He never should have made the thread.
But yeah, 4-5 star a girl, let her visit your profile, message her and profit.
I've been on a starring and messaging spree the last few nights. Only replies from 3 good looking girls.
I'm always better in person, but I definitely don't suck at messages and online. It can, like many of you know, get really grating to message so many girls with solid messages and not get replies. Super bums me out.![]()
I've been on a starring and messaging spree the last few nights. Only replies from 3 good looking girls.
I'm always better in person, but I definitely don't suck at messages and online. It can, like many of you know, get really grating to message so many girls with solid messages and not get replies. Super bums me out.![]()
Okay, there's no way you're seriously interested in actually dating on this site, right?
Normally I don't respond to messages from anyone who isn't a potential match for me but I gotta tell you I get messages like this all the time and they are all completely ridiculous!
I LOVE dating online. I have met my last two serious boyfriends on this site and my best friend's husband too. Not to mention every hot girl I've hooked up with in the past 5 years!
There's no drama if and when things don't work out because you're not choosing who you love based on who's closest to you all the time. I recommend dating online to anyone and can spot a fake profile in two seconds. It's just the way it's done these days. Got a hot date with a guy I met here tonight so I should go soon and get ready.
Good luck.
I feel the same way. I met a girl had a great time, she wanted date number 2 and then 2 days later she said she only sees us as friends. I felt so defeated in the whole getting to know you process and date. I'm 29 also and the whole message process and text process has left me defeated. I just don't want to do it anymore.
But as a lonely person, I have to change my attitude and go in happy, because right now when I visit the site, I go in defeated.
Okay, so I was browsing OKC when I came upon this chick's profile (slightly NSFW):
In my experience, chicks like that who's blatantly flaunt their bodacious bodies turn out to be fake, so I go ahead and make my suspicious known:
Well, to my surprise, she actually responded:
Gotta say I wasn't expecting that.
First post on NeoGaf!
How does one go about OkC when he feel depressed as heck? Been on one "date" and it fizzled pretty quickly. I'm afraid to get to really know these girls I'm chatting up as I am really quite lonely and boring. Does this mean I'm not in the shape to date?
First post on NeoGaf!
How does one go about OkC when he feel depressed as heck? Been on one "date" and it fizzled pretty quickly. I'm afraid to get to really know these girls I'm chatting up as I am really quite lonely and boring. Does this mean I'm not in the shape to date?
Btw, regarding OKCupid. Is it basically rule of thumb in that if your not attractive you probably won't have much luck on that site?
My results agree. Haha.
Btw, regarding OKCupid. Is it basically rule of thumb in that if your not attractive you probably won't have much luck on that site?
Holy shit I missed the Ashodin thread. Can somebody summarize what happened?
My results agree. Haha.
Btw, regarding OKCupid. Is it basically rule of thumb in that if your not attractive you probably won't have much luck on that site?
Not even remotely true. Women that just want a nice-looking piece of meat can go to bars and have men buy drinks for them, it's far easier.
Most women are on the site specifically because they want something more than good looks. Now granted, many of them are picky as fuck about what they want out of a man, but the beauty and horror of it all is that there are all sorts of weird things women will judge you on. Your profile and messages can do a lot to make up for any perceived weakness in looks.
Wat. Did you not have a pic of yourself as your avatar? I'm fairly sure I remember you being hot.
Btw, regarding OKCupid. Is it basically rule of thumb in that if your not attractive you probably won't have much luck on that site?
ALright, so I'm still talking to dream girl.
She might come over tomorrow but she lives 180 miles away.
Should I make a topic saying I'm about to have a girl drive to my house who lives over 180 miles. |OT| Its cool though because we already met in her dreams. Think it will get locked?
you will get banned lol but only if you make a banner and ask for a epic gif and tag.
lol i gotta make a youtube video of myself singing a version of Katy Perrys Fireworks with lyrics relating to half life first.
Lol im sorry. Ashodin I'm just joking if your reading this
Might wanna put your facebook on private... Detective GAF dont fuck around
I text for awhile and let them make the move to the phone call because if I wait for them, then it lets me know they are comfortable.
but it usually goes text, phone, date.
I've never even really been on a date. I usually just ask them to come to my house. Is that weird? They're all like but you live with your parents and I'm all like so what that means they wont let me murder you lol. I actually said that once, probably shouldn't do that again. She still came over though.
What do you do on a date at your parents house?
As for me, with this current girl I am going from OKC, text, to date tomorrow night. Haven't phoned, although I have wondered if we should. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've talked on the phone with any of my dates from OKC. I can usually tell how a girl is from texts.
lol thats a good point. I would invite people to my place but I have 4 dogs and they bark at any and all sounds made. So it would make the getting to know you process very long and annoying. So I go to dinner dates because 1. I like food and 2. its a public place. If she wants my kidneys she will have to fight me for them.