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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I've never even really been on a date. I usually just ask them to come to my house. Is that weird? They're all like but you live with your parents and I'm all like so what that means they wont let me murder you lol. I actually said that once, probably shouldn't do that again. She still came over though.

How old are you? Depending on your answer I might have to consider following your lead.


We usually watch movies while we lay in my bed. I don't know, is that a date?

I can't tell how someone is from texts. I can't tell if I'm making her laugh in a text message.

I usually stay on the phone for a long time, maybe it makes them feel comfortable with me. I was just on the phone for almost 4 hours with this girl on our first phone call.

I'm willing to risk my kidneys I guess.

I'm surprised that a girl on OKC is willing to go to your house and just lay in your bed the first time she meets you.

I find that if the girl is enjoying the conversation, and is laughing along at your jokes, she will type LOL or hahaha or something that shows she's laughing. At least the girls I talk to do.

I'm also a phone person though. But for some reason I don't do phone before the first date from OKC. Kind of weird now that I think about it.


all good things
How old are you? Depending on your answer I might have to consider following your lead.

26 lol

I've had some set backs which is why I still live at home.

I'm surprised that a girl on OKC is willing to go to your house and just lay in your bed the first time she meets you.

I find that if the girl is enjoying the conversation, and is laughing along at your jokes, she will type LOL or hahaha or something that shows she's laughing. At least the girls I talk to do.

I'm also a phone person though. But for some reason I don't do phone before the first date from OKC. Kind of weird now that I think about it.

Yeah, lol and haha are fine but I don't know... I can't figure out someones personality from a text message like I can on a phone call and its harder to flirt in a text message.


Whelp, almost a month in now with more things ahead. I think in respects to what she did even, I'm finally going to disable my profile. It's been fun OKC GAF! I'll still be here posting and rooting for folks. :D


all good things
That's better than I was hoping for. Should the opportunity arise I shall follow your lead good sir!

Haha, go for it.

Alright so I don't really know what to do about this one. I can tell shes been hurt and is still hurting from it. Shes scared but I know she likes me already so what do I do?

Up until last night I wasn't sure she wanted to talk anymore because she kind of stopped responding but I saw she was on so I messaged her and she told me to call her and gave me her number. Like I said above, we talked for like 4 hours but she sounded kind of depressed a lot of the time. I did have her laughing quite a bit though but she reads to much into things and thinks I don't like her.

For example, she was talking about her day at work and I was just saying mmhmm to a lot of it and I yawned and she started to think she was boring me and then that led to you don't like me and I'm gonna go.

Shes definitely not going to come down today Im guessing lol because shes not responding to me again. What should I do? I already care about her, fuck.
I text for awhile and let them make the move to the phone call because if I wait for them, then it lets me know they are comfortable.

but it usually goes text, phone, date.

I tend to go three or four emails then setup a date via email. If all goes well, and they're sane, I give them my phone number after we meet.


Haha, go for it.

Alright so I don't really know what to do about this one. I can tell shes been hurt and is still hurting from it. Shes scared but I know she likes me already so what do I do?

Up until last night I wasn't sure she wanted to talk anymore because she kind of stopped responding but I saw she was on so I messaged her and she told me to call her and gave me her number. Like I said above, we talked for like 4 hours but she sounded kind of depressed a lot of the time. I did have her laughing quite a bit though but she reads to much into things and thinks I don't like her.

For example, she was talking about her day at work and I was just saying mmhmm to a lot of it and I yawned and she started to think she was boring me and then that led to you don't like me and I'm gonna go.

Shes definitely not going to come down today Im guessing lol because shes not responding to me again. What should I do? I already care about her, fuck.

You tell her what you just told us. Maybe you just need to meet in person, since obviously it's hard for her to gauge your interest over the phone.

Are you still with that other girl by the way? Forgot the story.


all good things
You tell her what you just told us. Maybe you just need to meet in person, since obviously it's hard for her to gauge your interest over the phone.

Are you still with that other girl by the way? Forgot the story.

Yeah, maybe. She messaged me a few minutes ago though so hopefully we'll talk later.

And no we decided it was best to go our separate ways when we finally talked again the other day.
I decided to message a girl who didn't have a picture up. I eventually got her number and we started texting. Then last night I asked her if she wanted to Skype. Omg this girl is so hot. Only problem is I'm 36 and she's 25. I don't know how to proceed.


I decided to message a girl who didn't have a picture up. I eventually got her number and we started texting. Then last night I asked her if she wanted to Skype. Omg this girl is so hot. Only problem is I'm 36 and she's 25. I don't know how to proceed.

You dont know how to proceed? Daft you are.


lol I'll do that.

I'm getting so many messages today, what the hell is going on. This always happens when I get interested in someone.

because when you are interested in someone, girls smell it like chum in the water. Happens all the time, just wait till you get even more serious with the girl your interested in. Another girl you talked to will pop back up and be all,"hey remember me?" and you will go,"nope" and crush her and she will fall in love right then and there.


all good things
because when you are interested in someone, girls smell it like chum in the water. Happens all the time, just wait till you get even more serious with the girl your interested in. Another girl you talked to will pop back up and be all,"hey remember me?" and you will go,"nope" and crush her and she will fall in love right then and there.

Yeah, I know. Its pretty messed up isnt it?

When you're out by yourself and lonely as hell no one seems to notice you but suddenly when you're out with a woman other women are constantly checking you out.
You guys actually have people respond to you? I'm not being a dick. You guys actually have decent conversations on OKC? Hell, conversations at all? On Match I brushed it off as no one wants to pay to message people. Here? I guess no one wants to talk to me period. Just like in real life. Sigh... I just get more and more depressed as the days go on. I don't know what the fuck to do. Someone kill me because I'm too much of a coward to do it myself.
You guys actually have people respond to you? I'm not being a dick. You guys actually have decent conversations on OKC? Hell, conversations at all? On Match I brushed it off as no one wants to pay to message people. Here? I guess no one wants to talk to me period. Just like in real life. Sigh... I just get more and more depressed as the days go on. I don't know what the fuck to do. Someone kill me because I'm too much of a coward to do it myself.

It's not actually all that hard bro, I used to suck at it too admittingly. My approach to emailing is this. If you send out ten emails, you're likely to hear back from approx two or three if you play your cards right. Out of those two, there's about a 50% chance that you'll get a second email from one of them. 45% of those second emails will lead to a third email. Based on the flow of that you can usually tell if they'd be willing to go out with you on an actual date.

Best advice, stay positive and stay busy. Send short messages and don't cyberstalk them (or if you do, create a hidden account).


Sooo first date went well. I hate dating though, never know when to make any kind of move or something. At least we hugged at the end, which is an improvement over my last gf, where we had no physical contact on our first date.
Sooo first date went well. I hate dating though, never know when to make any kind of move or something. At least we hugged at the end, which is an improvement over my last gf, where we had no physical contact on our first date.

Bonus: you didn't want to kill her and she didn't want to kill you. Win!


"Not that hard."

I've been on there for over two years at this point and haven't had a single conversation. I'm lucky to have someone visit my profile.

How often do you send out messages? Post your profile...we can help you because it sounds like you're doing something wrong.
"Not that hard."

I've been on there for over two years at this point and haven't had a single conversation. I'm lucky to have someone visit my profile.

Heh. I know that feeling. I've had to learn how to rewrite my profile over and over along with how not to send messages.

If I, an Asian anime figure geek, can do some damage on the site you can too. I learned some awesome, useful profile tips over the past year. PM me a link to your profile and I'll try to provide some constructive criticism if you want.


Heh. I know that feeling. I've had to learn how to rewrite my profile over and over along with how not to send messages.

If I, an Asian anime figure geek, can do some damage on the site you can too. I learned some awesome, useful profile tips over the past year. PM me a link to your profile and I'll try to provide some constructive criticism if you want.

I can vouch for this too. Asian anime/gaming geek here and I've found someone. You can do it too! You just have to keep at it. Stay positive.


I must learn from these two the ways of OKC. I haven't had much luck asides this one girl from there who've actually hung out with me a few times already, but she's more on friends term than being a mate.


Had a great 2nd date with the girl on Saturday. Did get a little worried at first because she was 20 minutes late, but otherwise it went real well. Made out for a few minutes when we left the bar.

Of course as luck has it, 2 other girls who have my number from OKC texted me during the date. Gave them my number earlier in the week, but they hadn't texted me until then. Guess they took the hint I wanted to move it to text when I stopped responding to them on OKC. I'll see if I can at least set up a date with one of them during the week because the first girl and I have already made plans for Saturday.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I wish I had you guys's luck. All i had so far from people near my town is one girl i chatted with last week, but haven't seen her online since friday. Hopefully i'll be able to talk to her again this evening and she was just very busy this weekend.

And there is another cute asian girl i've seen the profile yesterday, she looked like a very nice girl with a good personality so i sent her a message. Hopefully it was good enough to get her interest.

Fingers crossed.


Meeting a tall redhead tonight for a drink. I was hesitant because I met someone at a New Years' party and we hit it off, but I guess I'm just keeping options open. I debated messaging the redhead last night and saying I was seeing someone, but since it's new and obviously not serious, I decided against it. Thoughts?


Meeting a tall redhead tonight for a drink. I was hesitant because I met someone at a New Years' party and we hit it off, but I guess I'm just keeping options open. I debated messaging the redhead last night and saying I was seeing someone, but since it's new and obviously not serious, I decided against it. Thoughts?

That was the right call. Don't start closing doors until you've got 100% commitment from both parties. It doesn't hurt to leave yourself with options. Just be careful to not get too invested with too many people without being clear about things. You don't wont to hurt someone you've been seeing for a while who is really into you when you call it quits one day so you can chase someone else.
There are some really pretty women on this site.

When reading profiles theres one thing that i'm kinda tired of. The people who go on about their "amazing sarcastic sense of humor" Kinda cliched at this point.
There are some people who are so wickedly witty and sarcastic you cant help but love them, but I've seen many people just be annoying and unfunny.
I don't do Dating sites. Friend recommended it and signed up a week ago. No replies but only visitors.

Giving it another week until I deactivate the account.
When reading profiles theres one thing that i'm kinda tired of. The people who go on about their "amazing sarcastic sense of humor" Kinda cliched at this point.
There are some people who are so wickedly witty and sarcastic you cant help but love them, but I've seen many people just be annoying and unfunny.

Yep. It's one thing to say you're sarcastic. It's another thing to demonstrate it, and honestly an online profile's a pretty good medium to show it off.

There's a lot of smoke and mirrors in general with the online process. Every girl (and guy) loves to travel. Everybody has a great sense of humor. Everybody exercises excessively and is a tri-athlete. But a lot of times (and I've had many an experience) you start to pull a thread and the illusion unravels.
I don't do Dating sites. Friend recommended it and signed up a week ago. No replies but only visitors.

Giving it another week until I deactivate the account.

I actually find it harder than rl to go find a girl willing to talk to me online websites, but being able to do it at my convenience is too awesome. The shotgun approach works best when it comes to these things :3.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yep. It's one thing to say you're sarcastic. It's another thing to demonstrate it, and honestly an online profile's a pretty good medium to show it off.

There's a lot of smoke and mirrors in general with the online process. Every girl (and guy) loves to travel. Everybody has a great sense of humor. Everybody exercises excessively and is a tri-athlete. But a lot of times (and I've had many an experience) you start to pull a thread and the illusion unravels.

Yeah, that's what surprise me the most when i read girl profiles. Many of them mention how they're very much into sports, gym or extreme stuff, and i'm like "what the heck, is everyone an olympic star in online dating websites and i'm the weird one here?" :lol
Yeah, that's what surprise me the most when i read girl profiles. Many of them mention how they're very much into sports, gym or extreme stuff, and i'm like "what the heck, is everyone an olympic star in online dating websites and i'm the weird one here?" :lol

Indeed. I don't mean to sound shallow here or anything, but then you look at their pictures and you're like....really now? Clearly, you're trying to overly impress potential suitors or something >>.

I run 5-10ks and want to train for a triathlon, but I'll be the first to admit that I don't exercise excessively lol.
Yeah, that's what surprise me the most when i read girl profiles. Many of them mention how they're very much into sports, gym or extreme stuff, and i'm like "what the heck, is everyone an olympic star in online dating websites and i'm the weird one here?" :lol

Yeah. I swim pretty regularly, (maybe around a 2400-3200 3-4x/week) and I've had dates with girls that have said that they swim consistently. When I ask them what they do, it's often times "oh, well I don't ACTUALLY swim, but I like the pool lol." The opposite has been true (because I definitely don't have an Olympian's build) where girls have written it off as me lying or exaggerating, and then being surprised when it turns out, yes I DO actually swim.


all good things
I found someones whos dream date is mcdonalds and I told her I'd splurge if she wanted and take her to Wendy's lol. She's pretty, were having a back and fourth but she has a daughter.

Dream girl is nuts, she hung up on me when I asked her if she got really jealous because she was like grilling me for being on POF so much. Wtf? We haven't even met yet holy shit. If I do meet her and stop posting on here its probably because I'm dead.

"You're on there a lot!"
"Well I leave it open in my browser and check it periodically to see if you get on."
"Yeah right, you probably get so many messages."
"Not really, someone told me I had nice eyes last night."
"What did you say?"
"Thanks, you too."
"Uh, do you get really jealous?"
"Oh my gosh, i gotta go. *click*"
I actually find it harder than rl to go find a girl willing to talk to me online websites, but being able to do it at my convenience is too awesome. The shotgun approach works best when it comes to these things :3.
I probably should delete "Twilight is an abomination" within my profile, huh?
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