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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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if she gives you her number, you should text it as soon as you get it so you and her know its correct. never know. She might have typed it fast and fucked up a number and its best to get that mistake out of the way fast.

Or you can always use the White Pages kekekekekekekekeke. I'm kidding.


Really Really Exciting Member!
A Human Becoming said:
Can't help but sting a little bit every time I send a woman a message, get notified she visited my profile, than not get a response.

This is what happens 90% of the time for me.

I know that feel. Sent messages to a few girls since monday, all the girls read the messages and looked at my profile... but no responses.

But i already had some girls in the past who answered to my messages almost a week after they've read it, so i'm not gonna give up hope this easily, even if i hate waiting this long for a reply.
I know that feel. Sent messages to a few girls since monday, all the girls read the messages and looked at my profile... but no responses.

But i already had some girls in the past who answered to my messages almost a week after they've read it, so i'm not gonna give up hope this easily, even if i hate waiting this long for a reply.

This is why I think that it's easier to talk to girls in rl. I hate that OKC doesn't let you check whether or not they've actually had a chance to check your email. I'd gladly pay a few dollars out of my paycheck every month since I find the online dating process tedious and that it takes too damn long. Now granted, being able to message girls while wearing your pajamas or on your smartphone does have its own unique perks. Enough to keep me interested in doing this...

Longest time I've spent messaging back and forth to one girl before a date? One entire friggin month....went out a few times. Not much happened since I found her personality to be a bit boring-ish. Although it did teach me a few things so I don't regret the time I spent on her or anything.


all good things
I found someones whos dream date is mcdonalds and I told her I'd splurge if she wanted and take her to Wendy's lol. She's pretty, were having a back and fourth but she has a daughter.

Dream girl is nuts, she hung up on me when I asked her if she got really jealous because she was like grilling me for being on POF so much. Wtf? We haven't even met yet holy shit. If I do meet her and stop posting on here its probably because I'm dead.

"You're on there a lot!"
"Well I leave it open in my browser and check it periodically to see if you get on."
"Yeah right, you probably get so many messages."
"Not really, someone told me I had nice eyes last night."
"What did you say?"
"Thanks, you too."
"Uh, do you get really jealous?"
"Oh my gosh, i gotta go. *click*"

lol I'm pretty sure she completely stopped talking to me now. She sent me a message saying shes not a jealous person, she just doesn't like people shes going with talking to other girls but since were not together shes not mad and that was the last time I heard from her 2 days ago.

I sent her a couple messages yesterday when she was on, no response and I changed my main picture so I think that pissed her off haha. Oh well. I get the feeling she just wants me to chase after her so she feels better about herself anyway.

It feels fun to be back in high school.
tell her you have developed feelings and ask her why she wont let you love her.

Have any of you tried that crazy blind date thing or thought about using it? I'm definitely a little curious to see how one of those would go since it cuts right past the weird early stuff.


Have any of you tried that crazy blind date thing or thought about using it? I'm definitely a little curious to see how one of those would go since it cuts right past the weird early stuff.

I looked into it and a girl set up 5 dates from Wensday to Sunday at the same location at the same time. Now that is dedication.

I like it because sometimes the scramble picture is just boobs, so its pretty funny.


all good things
I looked into it and a girl set up 5 dates from Wensday to Sunday at the same location at the same time. Now that is dedication.

I like it because sometimes the scramble picture is just boobs, so its pretty funny.

The same guy should show up on every day

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
This is what happens 90% of the time for me.
It happens to us all, don't sweat it.
I know that feel. Sent messages to a few girls since monday, all the girls read the messages and looked at my profile... but no responses.
I realize this, it just happens too often for my liking.
Bisnic said:
But i already had some girls in the past who answered to my messages almost a week after they've read it, so i'm not gonna give up hope this easily, even if i hate waiting this long for a reply.
I haven't had that happen yet. I'll just keep them out of my mind in the mean time.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I realize this, it just happens too often for my liking.

I still know that feel. :p I forgot the number of girls i've sent a message with 0 replies since the number is huge, and i can count on one hand the ones who bothered to respond to me and were interested after the 1st message... before we eventually stop talking because of the distance between us, because we realized it wouldn't work after talking a bit, or because i wrote something stupid i shouldn't have after she asked me a personal question. Yeah, would rather not go with details. At least i know what i shouldn't do if it get asked again.

Sigh, online dating isn't that simple. :p


You know, as much as I complain about this site and the girls, I've had decent amount of success. Been on it for about 4 months maybe and am on my second relationship, with a few dates sprinkled in between. Probably could have a higher relationship count but I stopped talking to like 3 or 4. Though I do still have only like 5-10% success rate. Still easier and more to my liking than meeting girls at a party or club.
You know, as much as I complain about this site and the girls, I've had decent amount of success. Been on it for about 4 months maybe and am on my second relationship, with a few dates sprinkled in between. Probably could have a higher relationship count but I stopped talking to like 3 or 4. Though I do still have only like 5-10% success rate. Still easier and more to my liking than meeting girls at a party or club.

Agreed with 100%. Seems like for every four or five messages I send out, I get maybe one or two responses if I'm lucky. And as I keep saying, it's convenient to be able to do this from my phone while at work or elsewhere ;P.


Since I rewrote my profile I've sent out about 5 messages to girls. Had about 80% respond. The other 20% is a girl I messaged about 15 minutes ago.

And right now a girl messaged me asking me what my favourite thing on toast is.


Really Really Exciting Member!
So what's the best thing to put in a first message?

This is what i'm wondering too.

I try my best with messages, to show them that i do more than simply look at their photos. I tell them they look nice and interesting, that we have common interests like this and that. I ask them questions about them depending on what is on their profile, i give some examples of what I like with our shared interests. I tell them that i'm very interested to talk and learn more about them. If the opportunity shows us with something i saw in their profile, i try to make a funny comment.

Yet, most of them never reply. I'm clearly missing something there. Do i have to make a non-serious 1st message and just put a joke in every lines and call them the most beautiful women in the world or something? Is it better to make something short or long? I feel like i haven't progressed at all since 2 months ago.


This is what i'm wondering too.

I try my best with messages, to show them that i do more than simply look at their photos. I tell them they look nice and interesting, that we have common interests like this and that. I ask them questions about them depending on what is on their profile, i give some examples of what I like with our shared interests. I tell them that i'm very interested to talk and learn more about them. If the opportunity shows us with something i saw in their profile, i try to make a funny comment.

Yet, most of them never reply. I'm clearly missing something there. Do i have to make a non-serious 1st message and just put a joke in every lines and call them the most beautiful women in the world or something? Is it better to make something short or long? I feel like i haven't progressed at all since 2 months ago.

Don't be a Boring member. But in all seriousness, a simple "Hey, how is it going? I noticed ___ in your profile. Pretty cool."

If a girl has interest, she'll respond. She'll have interest by your pictures and what you wrote in your profile.
This is what i'm wondering too.

I try my best with messages, to show them that i do more than simply look at their photos. I tell them they look nice and interesting, that we have common interests like this and that. I ask them questions about them depending on what is on their profile, i give some examples of what I like with our shared interests. I tell them that i'm very interested to talk and learn more about them. If the opportunity shows us with something i saw in their profile, i try to make a funny comment.

Yet, most of them never reply. I'm clearly missing something there. Do i have to make a non-serious 1st message and just put a joke in every lines and call them the most beautiful women in the world or something? Is it better to make something short or long? I feel like i haven't progressed at all since 2 months ago.
Sounds boring to me. Hit them with something short that is legitimately funny/interesting (like a dick picture).


Sounds boring to me. Hit them with something short that is legitimately funny/interesting (like a dick picture).

An idea just dawned on me of sending girls pictures of Dick Cheney and saying in the message, "Here's a dick picture." Wonder how many would actually click the link though.

I would try it, but I figure I'll just stick with the 2 girls I'm dating now. If it doesn't work out with either, that may be my next move.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Don't be a Boring member. But in all seriousness, a simple "Hey, how is it going? I noticed ___ in your profile. Pretty cool."

If a girl has interest, she'll respond. She'll have interest by your pictures and what you wrote in your profile.

I guess i can try the short message approach instead. No need to say too much. Maybe add some stuff to my profile while i'm at it.

And no thanks Liu, but i'll avoid the dick picture thing. :lol
An idea just dawned on me of sending girls pictures of Dick Cheney and saying in the message, "Here's a dick picture." Wonder how many would actually click the link though.

I would try it, but I figure I'll just stick with the 2 girls I'm dating now. If it doesn't work out with either, that may be my next move.

"I was going to send you a picture of my dick, but I didn't realize just how non-photogenic it was until just now. Guess I'll just have to try a different tactic. Blah Blah Blah."
Here's an example of what works and what doesn't.

I had a thing about being really fucking good at Jenga in my profile, so a person wrote to me and asked "are you any good at Connect Four?" What the hell do I say to that other than "yes"? I never responded.

Another person went for it and challenged me. I wrote back with a funny competitive taunt and a date, and she replied with "I'm busy winning a Connect Four tournament that night. How about the day after?"

It shows you can write nearly the same thing as someone else, but if you're assertive, have a sense of humor, and there's some minor flirting going on, you'll come off as way more interesting and desirable.


Here's an example of what works and what doesn't.

I had a thing about being really fucking good at Jenga in my profile, so a person wrote to me and asked "are you any good at Connect Four?" What the hell do I say to that other than "yes"? I never responded..

Let's not get too crazy here. If she was a babe you'd respond. It's only natural.
Don't be a Boring member. But in all seriousness, a simple "Hey, how is it going? I noticed ___ in your profile. Pretty cool."

If a girl has interest, she'll respond. She'll have interest by your pictures and what you wrote in your profile.

Yeh, but you definitely have to give them something to work with, so a question is good. The number of messages I've had that just say 'hey' is unreal, if you can't be bothered putting in a tiny bit of effort in messaging me, why should I even bother responding? I had one guy message me saying he thought my profile was cool or whatever, and asked if I wanted to chat, and when I looked at his profile it was fuckin blank. I mean seriously, what do you want me to do with that?! I called him up for that and he said he liked to be enigmatic. I did not respond, who can be arsed with that shite.


Yeh, but you definitely have to give them something to work with, so a question is good. The number of messages I've had that just say 'hey' is unreal, if you can't be bothered putting in a tiny bit of effort in messaging me, why should I even bother responding? I had one guy message me saying he thought my profile was cool or whatever, and asked if I wanted to chat, and when I looked at his profile it was fuckin blank. I mean seriously, what do you want me to do with that?! I called him up for that and he said he liked to be enigmatic. I did not respond, who can be arsed with that shite.

Yeah I hear that but I think going overboard with a lengthy first message can come off as creepy/desperate. Besides, it has to pass the initial "I would want to have sex with this person test."

So, pictures, a profile that isn't creepy as fuck, and a solid first message that acknowledges that you read her/his profile is a recipe for convo.
Yeah I hear that but I think going overboard with a lengthy first message can come off as creepy/desperate. Besides, it has to pass the initial "I would want to have sex with this person test."

So, pictures, a profile that isn't creepy as fuck, and a solid first message that acknowledges that you read her/his profile is a recipe for convo.

Yeh, too long an opener isn't good either but for me anyway it's better than just hey. But admittedly a huge part of it is down to the pics and profile so you need to get those bad boys right.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yeh, but you definitely have to give them something to work with, so a question is good. The number of messages I've had that just say 'hey' is unreal, if you can't be bothered putting in a tiny bit of effort in messaging me, why should I even bother responding? I had one guy message me saying he thought my profile was cool or whatever, and asked if I wanted to chat, and when I looked at his profile it was fuckin blank. I mean seriously, what do you want me to do with that?! I called him up for that and he said he liked to be enigmatic. I did not respond, who can be arsed with that shite.
I've gotten nothing doing exactly what you said. It's frustrating.
Yeh, but you definitely have to give them something to work with, so a question is good. The number of messages I've had that just say 'hey' is unreal, if you can't be bothered putting in a tiny bit of effort in messaging me, why should I even bother responding? I had one guy message me saying he thought my profile was cool or whatever, and asked if I wanted to chat, and when I looked at his profile it was fuckin blank. I mean seriously, what do you want me to do with that?! I called him up for that and he said he liked to be enigmatic. I did not respond, who can be arsed with that shite.

How often are messages to you related to fitting your fist in your mouth? Because I wouldn't be able to ignore that.
How often are messages to you related to fitting your fist in your mouth? Because I wouldn't be able to ignore that.

Haha surprisingly few! Which is why it's still there. And usually it's asking how I found out I could do it, the men of Glasgow are obviously not as dirty minded as I assumed.


Haha surprisingly few! Which is why it's still there. And usually it's asking how I found out I could do it, the men of Glasgow are obviously not as dirty minded as I assumed.

Wait wait wait, what? You mention you can fit your fist in your mouth in your profile?
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