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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I enjoyed our ~90 minute conversation. She was nice, I just haven't noticed anything particularly special about her. I certainly wasn't using her as a self-esteem booster.

Talking to someone is leading them on? I haven't dismissed her entirely, she just didn't come off as very interesting from her profile.
That's different. Now it sounds like you're just hesitant instead of using her for practice.

Keep going if you have any actual interest in her, obviously. If not, move on. Don't justify it as practice.


I finally did it, I changed my self summery to "I beat the pussy up" lyrics and called it a day. I'll keep it for a week and then change it back.

HAHAHA! Nice bro! I totally think it will blow up in your face, but still +respect points for doing something funny.

So I was supposed to have a date with a really cute girl tonight. She said she wanted to a few times, around 5:30 I check in to see what's shaking and she's still up for hanging so I ask her cool where will I need to go so I can get google directions. No reply for a hour...so about a hour and a half later I text again to just say, "I'm ready to hang out if you are. I'm super nervous, but I'm sure you are more so than me since you are naturally shy. When and where should I head to?" No reply.

Gave up. It's past 8PM now. Got played since she ALWAYS texts back like 15 seconds after I do. Either she's using fake pics or there's something else going on.

:/ ugh
I couldn't do online dating, yikes! Too awkward for my bones. I only date women I've known a while and got to be friends with. I've done ONE friend set up and Holy CRAP do I regret it... live and learn. Either way I'm marrying this girl that keeps ruining my life, I have it all planned out, should only be 7 or 8 more years now.


So a girl on OKC wants to model for me (I'm an artist), and asked what kind of pic I would like to do of her. Before you jump to conclusions, on her profile she sure makes it sound like she's not into showing her stuff to guys right away... not sure how to reply :S


So a girl on OKC wants to model for me (I'm an artist), and asked what kind of pic I would like to do of her. Before you jump to conclusions, on her profile she sure makes it sound like she's not into showing her stuff to guys right away... not sure how to reply :S

Don't be over the top or specifically ask for a nude pose, but be aware that there's a chance it'll turn into that when she gets there.
So a girl on OKC wants to model for me (I'm an artist), and asked what kind of pic I would like to do of her. Before you jump to conclusions, on her profile she sure makes it sound like she's not into showing her stuff to guys right away... not sure how to reply :S

Servbot I want you to draw me like one of your French girls

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Man, I didn't realize just how many women I'd hidden until I checked - nine pages worth! I hide based on my perception the relationship not working because of deal-breaker questions, their priorities don't match up with mine or they never (or stopped) responded to my message. I do it mostly because I forget which profiles I've checked already.


lol, always enjoy these types of girls..

What I’m doing with my life
enjoying like a queen :)

You should message me if
u are nice and HANDSOME not ugly guys please :)

of course, she's "curvy" and quite unattractive
Whatever your true love is, work at it and don't think it's going to happen overnight. If you keep going, it will come.
Almost 26.

Not. One. Single. Relationship.

When's it coming?

At this rate I'm going to buy a house before ever having a girlfriend.

If I read correctly, you've refused to post your profile again and again and I'm almost CERTAIN that your profile reeks of negativity.
I'm going to regret this: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/chrisszy

You're more attractive than most dudes. That profile sucks, though. Who are you? What's your personality?
That profile does a perfect job of reflecting my personality.


"I hate having fun. I work 9 to 5 and do nothing special."

Honestly, who do you expect to respond to this? You're not making any effort whatsoever.


Dude remove that picture from 2005. Why even have it? Really awkward. Otherwise like Liu Kang said - you could definitely use a rewrite.


Do you have any hobbies that you are truly passionate about? Write that down. What are some short and long term goals you have? Write that down. What are some things that you look for in a potential partner? Write that down.


Well what should I put on it?

Look at mine: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Avyre
Of course I'm not saying mine is the best profile ever, but see how I say things about myself that people might find interesting, and explain it using multiple sentences (I might have the opposite problem as you where I babble on for too long, but at least it gives people something to work with). Also notice how my profile is mostly written in a lighthearted mood? I focus on positive things, and generally give the impression that I'm easy to be around.

Give people something to talk about. Act like you're a fun guy to hang out with. If you have nothing to talk about in your life then you have more important things to worry about than women.


Almost 26.

Not. One. Single. Relationship.

When's it coming?

At this rate I'm going to buy a house before ever having a girlfriend.

I'm going to regret this: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/chrisszy

That profile does a perfect job of reflecting my personality.

This might not be what you want to hear but...

I'm 30, closing on my first condo at the end of the month, have never been in a relationship... and I don't give a sh*t. At some point you're going to have to get to the point where you're happy with yourself and don't rely on others for validation.
Do you have any hobbies that you are truly passionate about? Write that down.
M-F: Go to work, come home, GAF/internet/TV, sleep. Rinse, repeat. Sometimes I go to the gym but that's been less and less as I've become continuously disappointed with my efforts there and the results, or lack thereof. Weekends? Same thing minus work and replace with grocery shopping.

What are some short and long term goals you have? Write that down.

What are some things that you look for in a potential partner? Write that down.
Usually two X chromosomes.

At some point you're going to have to get to the point where you're happy with yourself and don't rely on others for validation.
I've tried to do that for four years now with nothing to show for it and it's caused me to become even more depressed.
Before I met Ryan, I had one other interaction from OKC. Worst first impression EVER.
Initially he was nice, witty, not really my type, but most girls would probably go apeshit (tattoos, built) so I can't deny that he was attractive. Eventually messaging lead to texting and then we agreed to meet up at a place near me. We got along okay, but there was no chemistry. He was into sports and bad tattoos, and I was probably not being as attentive as I could have been. He kept focusing on my bisexuality and would ask me if I would bang 'that' girl or that one...ALL NIGHT. He focused on my vegan diet, and kept insisting I eat the appetizers he was ordering (stuff covered in bacon.) So we parted amicably, but the next day I had 17 missed texts. I slept in until 3pm, and he thought I was ignoring him so he blew up my phone, and then ultimately decided that he was too good for me, that girls normally worship him, to look at what I'm missing out on, and then dared me to find better. I finally responded, told him I was in no way interested in even keeping in touch and haven't heard anything since. Then right as I was going to get rid of my profile, I got a message from the one I'm with now. Literally as I was deleting, I was going through messages to see if there was anyone worth social networking with, one popped up and the rest is history in the making.


I don't know what to tell you man. But you gotta work on and accept yourself before you can expect anyone else to. Perhaps the earlier suggestion of a psychiatrist is a good one...


Before I met Ryan, I had one other interaction from OKC. Worst first impression EVER.
Initially he was nice, witty, not really my type, but most girls would probably go apeshit (tattoos, built) so I can't deny that he was attractive. Eventually messaging lead to texting and then we agreed to meet up at a place near me. We got along okay, but there was no chemistry. He was into sports and bad tattoos, and I was probably not being as attentive as I could have been. He kept focusing on my bisexuality and would ask me if I would bang 'that' girl or that one...ALL NIGHT. He focused on my vegan diet, and kept insisting I eat the appetizers he was ordering (stuff covered in bacon.) So we parted amicably, but the next day I had 17 missed texts. I slept in until 3pm, and he thought I was ignoring him so he blew up my phone, and then ultimately decided that he was too good for me, that girls normally worship him, to look at what I'm missing out on, and then dared me to find better. I finally responded, told him I was in no way interested in even keeping in touch and haven't heard anything since. Then right as I was going to get rid of my profile, I got a message from the one I'm with now. Literally as I was deleting, I was going through messages to see if there was anyone worth social networking with, one popped up and the rest is history in the making.

17 messages? Lmao.

What did the lucky guy sent you to convince you not to delete your account?
Well what should I put on it?

When I had mine up, I was very sarcastic, succinct, and to the point. (people don't like to read) I am fairly pessimistic...safe to say "more than most." But my one-liners got a lot of attention, and I even included something for others to use as ice breakers with me, to see what they came up with, and allow them an opportunity to say something other than "hi."
You're boring, grap3fruitman. And you know it, and you don't care, and you continue to be boring, but you hate it. It's stupid. The whole cycle is stupid. Be interested to be interesting.
17 messages? Lmao.

What did the lucky guy sent you to convince you not to delete your account?
Initially it was just a compliment. So I scoped the profile, saw he had cats, and we responded back and forth for like a week, just chatting about our obvious mutual interests in gaming, cats, and disdain for condiments. Then switched to texting. Then meeting. Then I disabled dat shit.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I closed my OKC in late 2011. It actually ended up upsetting me more than anything else. Much like "real life", not one girl was interested in me. Lately, I've been feeling lonely for female companionship but I just can't get myself to open up another profile whether it's OKC or somewhere else. I'm just too scared and don't think it would do anything but drop my confidence down again. Plus, personal life issues won't help either. Forever alone.


Looks fine to me Inquisitor.

M-F: Go to work, come home, GAF/internet/TV, sleep. Rinse, repeat. Sometimes I go to the gym but that's been less and less as I've become continuously disappointed with my efforts there and the results, or lack thereof. Weekends? Same thing minus work and replace with grocery shopping.

Do something else man. Let's be honest here, no girl is gonna be interested in a guy who just goes to work and surfs gaf all day. If you want a girl you first have to be a guy that a girl would want. A girl wants a guy who is interesting, fun, confident, successful and caring (and who has good chemistry with her but that one you can't help). It's pretty clear you're not fun, confident or interesting. So either make an actual effort to become fun, confident and interesting or stop feeling sorry for yourself.

How do you do you become fun? Put yourself into fun situations. Go out with friends, get drunk at a bar, find wacky adventures. This might even make you more confident or introduce you to a hobby. It WILL be uncomfortable at first.

How do you become interesting? Take up new hobbies. Learn an instrument, learn a language, write a book. This might even make you more fun and confident. It WILL be uncomfortable at first.

How do you become confident? Find validation within yourself, not from others. Meditate, find victories in small things, find things that inspire you. This might even strengthen your hobbies and make you more fun. It WILL be uncomfortable at first.

You will not become any of those things by feeling sorry for yourself. If you're not willing to grow by doing things you're uncomfortable doing then you obviously don't want it very bad and you should stop complaining.

Sorry if I come across as harsh, it's bro love. :p


Jesus grape, being a depressed whining man child is not good for anybody. That shouldn't be "yourself" in the first place. But that's just my opinion.

So I have a girl who is interested in me and I in her, why is it so hard to make a move? Going on third date tomorrow. Don't know if i should try for a kiss? How would I even do that? So hard..
So I have a girl who is interested in me and I in her, why is it so hard to make a move? Going on third date tomorrow. Don't know if i should try for a kiss? How would I even do that? So hard..

Personal experiences: If she locks eyes with you (preferably while smiling) while within close proximity to your face, that is your go signal, move in for the kill. Put yourself in situations in which this may occur.

You can also just do the thing where after you guys have a little "moment" you say something like "wanna make out?" or something kinda funny like that, works more often than not.

Vice Guide to Picking Up Chicks said:
This fucking sucks. You've got her home and you're sitting on the couch and you have to go from "ha ha ha" guy to dead-serious face zooming in on hers like a spaceship approaching the mother port. There're ways to lessen this blow. You can say shit like "Wanna make out?" or other funny stuff, but it's going to be pretty awkward no matter what you do.

One way around it is to have been talking about how hot she is all night. That way, of course you want to make out. Doye. You're Horny Dude and you've been going on about her lips since you met her. But still, if she turns away and you're left with her ear in your eyes it's pretty fucking embarrassing. All we can say is muster up some balls and just go for it.

If she pulls away, your only way out is to make a joke about it. Say something like, "Oooh kaye, that didn't go so well. All rightie then. Let's do both of us a favor and just get into a time machine and go back to before I did that." Or something as simple as, "Okay, misread the signals, moving on, pretending nothing happened, going to get beer now, will get you one." Something gay and sitcom-y like the guy in King of Queens. Don't worry about the delivery, you just have to get out of that scene not looking desperate. She might have turned away because she's not ready or maybe she feels some oral herpes coming through or maybe she's not quite finished breaking up with her boyfriend. Freaking out about this blows all those other options, so take it easy. Just keep the night moving. Don't go for it again for the rest of the night and when she wants to leave be all "OK, cool. I'll call you later."
Round and round we go!
Could I get an actual answer instead of smart-ass replies?

Jesus grape, being a depressed whining man child is not good for anybody.
How am I a "man child?"

Well you're single and you want to change that right? So it must be ok.
But why is it okay in this instance but not in the other 99.9%?

I don't know how I'd go about changing everything about myself either and I'm certainly not motivated to do so either. It just seems contradictory to every single piece of advice I've ever read.
Could I get an actual answer instead of smart-ass replies

At this point why should anyone bother? You've shown that when somebody takes the time and effort to dole out real advice like Servbot24 did, you either ignore it completely or dismiss it with one of your signature depressive bon mots.
Could I get an actual answer instead of smart-ass replies?

How am I a "man child?"

But why is it okay in this instance but not in the other 99.9%?

I don't know how I'd go about changing everything about myself either and I'm certainly not motivated to do so either. It just seems contradictory to every single piece of advice I've ever read.

You don't have to change everything, but at least change something. Just find one new thing that interests you, cooking classes, kayaking, mountain biking, salsa dancing, anything. It'll get you started on changing something for the better, get you out there to meet new people, and give you something interesting to talk about on new dates.


OkCupid is the worst. I hate it. But I refuse to use a pay service. If I wanted to get rejected and pay for it, I'd just go to a bar.

OkCupid suffers from women being to fucking picky because they get spammed with tons of messages. The whole system is broken is you're a normal guy.

I guess it is time to work on the abs and play the lottery.


If she locks eyes with you (preferably while smiling) while within close proximity to your face, move in for the kill. Put yourself in situations in which this may occur.

You can also just do the thing where after you guys have a little "moment" you say something like "wanna make out?" or something kinda funny like that, works more often than not.

Haha thanks for that. We are going to go to a drive in movie tomorrow, might try and see if something happens there.

Could I get an actual answer instead of smart-ass replies?

How am I a "man child?"

But why is it okay in this instance but not in the other 99.9%?

I don't know how I'd go about changing everything about myself either and I'm certainly not motivated to do so either. It just seems contradictory to every single piece of advice I've ever read.

Whining and complaining is very childish. You don't HAVE to change. But you should realize that the way you come across as now, is not doing you any favors. You have 2 options
1. Accept that girls do not want you in this current state and be alone
2. Change your attitude to become a more positive and fun person.

Of course there's also the small chance some girl enjoys a guy who "hates to have fun".
Haha thanks for that. We are going to go to a drive in movie tomorrow, might try and see if something happens there.

Honestly, just the fact that you're on the 3rd date is a go signal. Gotta get over that fear, it actually becomes pretty easy once you've done it a few times. I usually just say "Oh, there is one thing I forgot to mention" towards the end of the first date and then go for it.

Remember, on most dates the girl is as nervous as you are, so don't be afraid to take control of that moment and just move in. It actually doesn't get that awkward, since it's kind of an ice breaker on its own. The only way I can ever see it backfiring is if the date has gone terribly, but normally you would have picked up on that long before you got that far.
Of course there's also the small chance some girl enjoys a guy who "hates to have fun".
You do realize that the first part of my profile is satirical, right? It's supposed to be a jab at all the generic "OMG I LUV TO HAV FUNN" profiles I've seen on the site.

Honestly, just the fact that you're on the 3rd date is a go signal. Gotta get over that fear, it actually becomes pretty easy once you've done it a few times.
I'm pretty sure that the third date is anal.


But why is it okay in this instance but not in the other 99.9%?

I don't know how I'd go about changing everything about myself either and I'm certainly not motivated to do so either. It just seems contradictory to every single piece of advice I've ever read.

When people say that they mean don't adapt a new personality. That's not genuine and it will fail/make you unhappy. I'm telling you to improve upon the personality and the lifestyle you already have. Self improvement is a good thing. People mature.

Bottom line though is that you're making an actual effort to stay stubborn and boring forever. No one can help you until you get over yourself.

In the meantime, if you're not motivated to do anything about this then why are you here posting.

You do realize that the first part of my profile is satirical, right? It's supposed to be a jab at all the generic "OMG I LUV TO HAV FUNN" profiles I've seen on the site.
So basically your self-summary is that you look down on others. Your profile needs to be more positive and say more about you.


Poet Centuriate
What? That's the advice that's always given in the other dating thread. How come I get the exact opposite response?

Actually the advice that is always given is "work on yourself", implying that you can still be you for the most part, but we all have shit that we need to honestly and constructively iron out. You work on you, not make a new you.


OkCupid is the worst. I hate it. But I refuse to use a pay service. If I wanted to get rejected and pay for it, I'd just go to a bar.

OkCupid suffers from women being to fucking picky because they get spammed with tons of messages. The whole system is broken is you're a normal guy.

I guess it is time to work on the abs and play the lottery.

I know how you feel it can either make or break you.
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