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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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OKC-GAF, I need advice.

I have found two relationship thanks to OKC and it looks like I am entering into number three.

We have been dating for about a month and Friday night was our 5th date (I was on a business trip at one point so our dates became spaced out a bit). We went to dinner and a movie and after the movie I invited her back to my neighborhood for a drink (with the clear implication that we would end the night back at my apartment). She declined the invite back to Brooklyn but we decided to split a bottle of wine at an Italian restaurant closer to the theater.

While at the restaurant the topic of what had occurred earlier (her rejection of my invitation) sort of hung over our heads until eventually she stated pretty directly that she is looking for a relationship and does not do hook-ups. I responded that I like her a lot and that I am fine with waiting until she is ready. Neither of us really knew what to say next until we eventually got onto a different topic of conversation. Beyond that one sort of awkward moment the date went really well (in total it lasted about 5 hours) and at the end of the night she invited me to a Super Bowl party where in I will meet her friends.

I disabled my profile yesterday morning and when I checked her's last night she had followed suit.

I am crazy about her and I would definitely like to get into a relationship with her but I'm not sure what the next step is. My profile had been pretty direct in saying that I am looking for a relationship and her's was, if anything, less clear on this topic. I never expected to get into such a direct conversation on the topic. On Friday night I got the sense that she was looking for me to directly state my intentions.

This the first time I've really fallen into the "are we in a relationship" "are we boyfriend/girlfriend" trap. In all of my previous relationships, after dating exclusively for two months or so it just became self-evident that we were in a relationship. I never really had that conversation with any of my exes. In the past the big moments have always been when we met each other's friends/family and I am meeting her friends tonight.

What say you GAF? We have been dating for a month, we have both removed our profiles from OKC, and I am meeting her friends tonight. Should I just continue to ask her on dates until she says she is ready or should I be more direct in saying that I want a relationship? I am probably going to drive her home tonight after the party and I am currently planning to bring the topic up again while we're in the car.


It seems he just doesn't have experience in "the talk", which can be an awkward talk. However in your case Tom_Cody, you know exactly how she feels already. She disabled her account, told you she prefers relationship, and I assume you guys click. Just tell her the next time that you see her that you really like her, and would like to take it to the next step and be in a real relationship with her.

Not much will really change after that anyway. I was in pretty much the same situation, and it's the same after, just with a title. No biggy


^^ so you want a relationship, and she wants a relationship. What's the problem here? Just tell her straight up

It seems he just doesn't have experience in "the talk", which can be an awkward talk. However in your case Tom_Cody, you know exactly how she feels already. She disabled her account, told you she prefers relationship, and I assume you guys click. Just tell her the next time that you see her that you really like her, and would like to take it to the next step and be in a real relationship with her.
Thanks guys. I guess it seems more obvious now, especially after re-reading what I had written. I sort of understood that I was writing it out as much for the sake of my own thought process as for whatever advice would come in.

Not much will really change after that anyway. I was in pretty much the same situation, and it's the same after, just with a title. No biggy
Yeah, I think that's the only reason I have any hesitation. As I said I have always skipped the step of having this conversation so the concerns that I have are all related to the words landing strangely. To me the step is sort of meaningless but I feel that she is waiting to hear the word "relationship" from me.

Thanks again, it's always nice to have people to bounce thoughts off of. I will report back after I talk to her.


I think it's important only because it clarifies what you both want in the relationship. To her, without the title it might seem that you are only in it for sex. Having that title reassures her that it's something serious. At least, that's how I see it.

Good luck! If she really likes you and this is what she wants, there's no way to mess it up. I asked in the most awkward way possible and it still worked lol.


all good things
Why would someone add me as a favorite on POF WITHOUT EVER SENDING ME A MESSAGE?

So weird. She only has private images too.

I don't even know what the hell that does either.
The very day I timidly signed up someone sent me VERY aggressive messages asking to go on a date, even giving me their a cell number.

Is... is this what most women feel like on dating sites?


The very day I timidly signed up someone sent me VERY aggressive messages asking to go on a date, even giving me their a cell number.

Is... is this what most women feel like on dating sites?

Unfortunately, I think so.

A friend of mine said when she signed up, literally the first day she received at least 2 messages strictly asking for hook-ups...in not so courteous ways.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, people. For the first time since November, I can once again say: SUCCESS.

I finally got a proper date with someone, and turns out she's a milf! I'm gonna be meeting up with her in a bit.

Wish me luck, guyz!

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The very day I timidly signed up someone sent me VERY aggressive messages asking to go on a date, even giving me their a cell number.

Is... is this what most women feel like on dating sites?
Just remember; you hold all the powa.

Despite the woman I'm the most interested on OkCupid seeming uninterested in me, I haven't let it get me too down. I've been chatting with someone else for a few days now that I'm considering asking out on a date tomorrow for Thursday. We live 90 minutes apart, but I'll at her hometown Thursday. Never been on an date with someone I met on OkCupid...not sure I've ever been on a "real" date either.

Well, people. For the first time since November, I can once again say: SUCCESS.

I finally got a proper date with someone, and turns out she's a milf! I'm gonna be meeting up with her in a bit.

Wish me luck, guyz!
You have my bow.
And my axe!


I think I may have set a record for grinding.

Last 3 days I've sent out over 100 messages, to 100 different girls. Shit is nuts. I'm not deven desperate, but the site blew up since I used it 6 months ago that there is that many girls worth messaging in my area.

Solid responses, solid messages, plenty of #'s exchanged. Now to just hang with one or two to see how it pans out. :p


Well, people. For the first time since November, I can once again say: SUCCESS.

I finally got a proper date with someone, and turns out she's a milf! I'm gonna be meeting up with her in a bit.

Wish me luck, guyz!

Bring back some groovy stories. I love those milfs. Enjoy, man!


all good things
Well, people. For the first time since November, I can once again say: SUCCESS.

I finally got a proper date with someone, and turns out she's a milf! I'm gonna be meeting up with her in a bit.

Wish me luck, guyz!

I'm curious, how old is she and how old are you?
So, any stories yet from one of those Crazy Blind Dates? Seems like nobody in my area is setting them up any more.

Also, I wish there was a way to sort the match list so I could see who all has yet to be contacted this week at the top.


Who said you had to change into someone else? The whole point of an online profile is to sell yourself. If you take the tune of "i'm boring deal with it" you aren't engaging anyone.
I'm not taking the tune of "I'm boring. Deal with it.", I'm well past the exaggeration stage to impress people.
I read profiles and I laugh of how humanly impossible some of them are, and just to make themselves stand out. I'm honest in my profile. I explain the things I like to do, but I'm not going to lie or exaggerate just to get more attention.

One thing I don't like about their mail system is if you mail someone they will show up more frequently in your "Activity Feed". I don't need to be reminded of the women that didn't respond to me.


Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/
Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/

You wouldn't want to be with a girl like that anyways. You don't want to have to worry about stepping on toes with petty crap, that would be stressful.


You wouldn't want to be with a girl like that anyways. You don't want to have to worry about stepping on toes with petty crap, that would be stressful.

Completely agree, but it seems like such a waste of time to do so many long and well thought out messages back and forth, and then toss it away for something so moronic. This site always manages to make my brain hurt haha.

Currently texting since last night with a girl who has short replies to everything, and really doesn't ask me questions about anything. Now from what I've gathered her life has not been easy, and so she's super reserved and shy, but she always responds, and I made sure I wasn't annoying her.

I'll keep with it to see if a meet up happens, but it's hard to not feel like I'm hitting my head against a wall with such short replies when I'm trying a fair amount to be creative and interesting to her. :p
Completely agree, but it seems like such a waste of time to do so many long and well thought out messages back and forth, and then toss it away for something so moronic. This site always manages to make my brain hurt haha.

Currently texting since last night with a girl who has short replies to everything, and really doesn't ask me questions about anything. Now from what I've gathered her life has not been easy, and so she's super reserved and shy, but she always responds, and I made sure I wasn't annoying her.

I'll keep with it to see if a meet up happens, but it's hard to not feel like I'm hitting my head against a wall with such short replies when I'm trying a fair amount to be creative and interesting to her. :p

Oh I've ran into this before. It was with a girl I knew locally though, we hung out a couple times, she was talkative IRL, but sucked at texting. Kind of odd, but I was like whatevs. Anyways, in reality, it could very well be she's being reserved on purpose, hard to say. Just gotta hang out with her to find out.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/
Fucking racist! I kid. I can understand not everyone liking the way you worded that, but considering you apologized for unintentionally offending her, it's really her loss.
Oh I've ran into this before. It was with a girl I knew locally though, we hung out a couple times, she was talkative IRL, but sucked at texting. Kind of odd, but I was like whatevs. Anyways, in reality, it could very well be she's being reserved on purpose, hard to say. Just gotta hang out with her to find out.
Some people just cannot converse well without hearing another person's voice. My closest friend is like that to my annoyance.


Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/

This is gonna keep happening, trust me.


Just went back on okcupid to window shop as I do (don't judge). When did they incorporate the blind date thing? That seems fucking awesome! Have any of you done it yet?

Edit: Movie matching?!
Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/
The problem is she hasn't invested enough emotion in you yet, so it's easy for one wrong thing to just drop their mood forever. I had this happen when I told a girl I just tried to make my profile a bunch of jokes because I prefer getting to know people when we meet, and she took it as me not taking dating seriously. She just lost everything she was starting to feel and couldn't recover from there. The only truly bad date I've ever really had.


would you really want to go out or be with someone who gets bent out of shape over one comment taken out of context?

you did your job, you said you are sorry and explained the situation. Time to move on. This is why its stressed over and over in this thread and dating age, never get attached. I know its hard, believe me. I'm attached to one girl right now and I don't know how I'm going to forget about her because I keep on comparing girl after girl to her and its ruining me. Don't be me, be a better man.
If that's the case there is an easy solution. Call her.

Naaahhh that's unreasonable. In all seriousness, I had this other girl I was talking to for a while before we met, the phone could be painfully awkward at times, but IRL was smooth sailing, so that's not always a good representation.

EDIT: I was just chatting with a girl and almost typed "vagina" instead of Virginia. Awesome.


all good things
Naaahhh that's unreasonable. In all seriousness, I had this other girl I was talking to for a while before we met, the phone could be painfully awkward at times, but IRL was smooth sailing, so that's not always a good representation.

EDIT: I was just chatting with a girl and almost typed "vagina" instead of Virginia. Awesome.

Yeah it seems a lot of people don't like talking on the phone now especially before they meet but I fucking hate texting.

Have you ever seen that Aziz Ansari joke about texting? That's basically me.


I mean I could call this chick to talk to her, but we only started messaging last night, and texting today. She's on vacation till the 8th in Wyoming to see family, so maybe the phone is a good idea. However, we've exchanged a lot of information over messages on OKC, even though her responses are short and sweet. If I call her I want to have a lot to talk about or ask her about, since I hate dead air. Like right now I haven't texted her back for a few hours, because I don't want to text for the sake of texting, as I like my conversations with people to flow.


So I just turned my account back on for the lulz and my match isn't working?

I'm at 0% with everyone and the people it's showing me are on the other side of the country.

Am I that unlikeable? :D

Really though, I'll just deactivate it once the mandatory week is up. I just turned it on for shits and giggles and now I'm just curious about this issue.


So I just turned my account back on for the lulz and my match isn't working?

I'm at 0% with everyone and the people it's showing me are on the other side of the country.

Am I that unlikeable? :D

Really though, I'll just deactivate it once the mandatory week is up. I just turned it on for shits and giggles and now I'm just curious about this issue.

I did the same today and I'm pissed all these awesome features weren't present when I was active. Blind dates? Movie matching? Better navigation? Dafuq cupid.


I did the same today and I'm pissed all these awesome features weren't present when I was active. Blind dates? Movie matching? Better navigation? Dafuq cupid.

Well nothing works for me cause I have no match with anyone and it's showing people all across the country lol.

Oh well.


Well nothing works for me cause I have no match with anyone and it's showing people all across the country lol.

Oh well.

You prolly just smell funny. The new OKC sniff detector matches you based on funkiness. ;)

Um, that is a weird issue, maybe if you fiddle around with stuff it'll fix itself?

You can link your profile to see if we have match %age with you to see if it's only broken on your end.
Girls gotta be careful when putting pictures up of themselves with other attractive girls. I'm like dang... who's dat other chick?

Then I snap out of it and start thinking like a gentlemen again.
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