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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, back from my date. Verdict: FUCKING AWESOME.

So let's start from the beginning. We started chatting the other day and it started off really slow, and she was responding like every 15 minutes or so, and didn't seem to be very engaged. But after a few hours of two word responses back and forth, we finally started having a proper conversation. She seemed kinda into me after we found out more about each other, and said she'd be willing to meet up for coffee. I was somewhat surprised since it usually takes a while for that to happen in my experience. But anyway I was up for it, and we were gonna meet for coffee.

Now it's worth pointing out that this was one of those women who only posted one picture of herself. And this chick's pic was a head shot that went no lower than the upper half of her chest, just above the point where the breasts were cut off. So her face was quite pretty, but couldn't tell what the rest of her looked like at all. I still decided to go through with it cause i thought even if she was ugly, I could probably just hang out with her and kill some time some where. Not like I had anything to do that night anyway.

So we're about to meet up at the coffee house and before she shows up, I'm reciting "please be stacked" over and over and over again in my mind. She finally shows up. How was she? JESUS MUHAMMED CHRIST. She had some of the biggest fun bags I'd ever laid my eyes on (at least up close anyway). I mean, we're talking way bigger than double D's. Easily. For the rest of the night, it took every ounce of will power to prevent the widest, and goofiest smile appearing on my face. I mean, GodDAMN, son!

So we make some small talk and I ask her if she'd be interested in checking out a movie. She agrees and we go see Warm Bodies (wasn't too happy about that, but that's for another thread). About ten minutes in, I put my arm around her and she nuzzles closer. Halfway through the movie I really stop caring about the movie, both cause I lost interest entirely and cause my eyes were completely fixated her massive mammaries. She took notice of that and playfully asked me if I was even paying attention to the movie anymore, to which I gave an honest answer and told her I found something far more appealing to focus on. She then gave a naughty, flattered appearing smile and me feeling exceptionally bold for some odd reason, went in for a kiss. Thought that may have been a bridge too far, but to my (extremely pleasant) surprise, she not only didn't slap me, but started getting into it herself. In a matter of seconds we found ourselves slobbbering over each other's faces, our tongues and lips making really loud smacking sounds (this is why you make out during action scenes). After a few minutes she playfully tells me to behave myself and finish watching the movie, and we hold hands and nuzzle for the rest of the time.

After the movie, we start acting like an actual couple at this point, holding hands, constantly kissing, etc. She offers to give me a ride home, which I try to decline cause I didn't want her to travel far. I tell her to drop me off at the bus station and she asks me how late they run. I told her they still run but they show up like once every hour at this time, after which she ignored my request and said she would take me home (she's so fricken sweet <3) .

Now here's where you may or may not think I'm the biggest fucking idiot in the world.

Throughout the entire trip (which was fairly long), I couldn't shake the notion that this date was going amazingly fucking well. This bothered me quite a bit. Here was this fairly lame, nerdy guy who couldn't stop acting nervous for most of the night, and there was this sweet, friendly, smoking hot babe, who seemed to be enjoying herself too! So I went ahead against my better judgement (and also cause she kept asking me), and told her the truth about why I was so apprehensive. I told her I'd never dated anyone as hot as she was, so something felt really wrong. I also asked her if she minded any of my flaws, to which she said she didn't find those flaws at all, and kept repeatedly claiming that she genuinely enjoyed being around me. At that point I said "fuck it, whatever" and (finally) appeared to relax.

She then dropped me off and I asked her when we would meet up next and she said we'll be play it by ear at this point. So I say "cool" and proceed to give her a good night kiss. We once again start making out like goddamn ferrets and as you could probably imagine, was a bit difficult for me to stop. So we continue this for several minutes and as far as I can tell she seems to be enjoying it as well, until I finally relent and let her go home (actually, I stole a few kisses after that, THEN I let her go home).

So....what do you guys think? Think I'm just being needlessly worriesome and stupid about this whole thing? I mean, let's go over the facts.

Me -

-really goddamn skinny
-not particularly handsome (average I'd say)
-generally fine around women unless they're drop dead gorgeous
-have no transportation

She -

-practically a goddess
-extremely sweet
-EXTREMELY considerate
-apparently loaded as well
-did I mention the rack?

And she claims she hasn't dated in 2 years. And she picks me? NONE OF THIS SHIT MAKES SENSE. If this whole thing was an act that she enjoyed my time then she deserves a fricken Oscar for that performance.

Of course, perhaps I have no reason to really worry, if my last date was any indication of girls hiding their true feelings. That date occurred with someone who was a 6 at best (probably closer to 5) in the looks dept., barely said a word throughout our date, and I didn't get shit from her despite spending $60 bucks for dinner a movie (I regret that so much. Not even cause I didn't get anything in return, but because I really had no reason to. I wasn't even interested in her by that point!).

To say that these two dates are night and day is an understatement.

Okay, finally done. So tell me, GAF. What doth thou think?

edit: Wow, had no idea I wrote so much. D:
I'm not getting any where right now, lol. Just gotta keep going, I guess, trying what I can, but damn, slow goings.

At least there is more women on it out here than when I tried it in South Dakota.

Same, 30 messages sent last week. 2 profile views at best. The internet used to be great for meeting new people prior to 2008 but now its just gone back to being like real life where everyone judges you on your pictures/looks.

This really isn't doing my confidence any good at all, all i want is some people to reply and chat to, is that really too much to ask for?

Made even worse paying for match.com (through quidco so it didn't cost as much) and getting even FEWER replies than okcupid. I just wish someone could tell me what i was doing wrong, although reading this thread and others on other forums i think its just the problem of being a guy.
Not that handsome. Dude what is up with handsome gaffers always sayin' this.
I'd like to know too. Men are largely interested in looks when it comes to attraction, so they assume women are the same? Idk. My short male friends are obsessed with their height and automatically disqualify themselves. Its a fucking shame, this "I'm not handsome" seems like an extension of that


Update on my situation from a few pages ago.


I am now in a relationship. This is my third thanks to OKC.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Thanks, guys. Before yesterday the best looking girls I've previously dated were average at best, so seeing someone who I thought would be way out of my league actually interested in me was a tad overwhelming. I won't overthink this anymore, I suppose, and just go with the flow.

Not that handsome. Dude what is up with handsome gaffers always sayin' this.

Devo, you're too good to me. <3.

Invisible Man

aka SexyNerd
What line is this?

I'd love to pull down your panties and lick you for hours. You're gorgeous.

It came from a graphic from 4chan I think, in which a guy created a fake profile using a model's pics and used that line on several girls.

He then tried it using pics of an average looking guy.

The results? The model got an overwhelming positive response while the average guy got lambasted for it.


all good things
You don't even show up as an active user for me.

You're probably clicking the wrong link.

I get match statistics now too but I wasn't yesterday. Maybe it takes a bit after you reactivate you're profile for them to show up. 52/13/34. It says we have issues lol.


Yoou're probably clicking the wrong link.

Yeah it has to do /profile in the URL for it to work.

I think I had a 76% match rating with Leeness when I checked it.

Edit: GAF what's your general take on single moms? I'm in the boat where I'd probably prefer a woman who doesn't have a kid, but this last year I've spent a lot of time with my nieces that I'm comfortable around children and not worried if a woman were to have 1 under the age of 5. So long as the father isn't still trying to get her back and such I guess I'm okay with it. Currently a woman from my work has a 2 year old and we have plans this next weekend...extremely gorgeous and a great conversationalist so I am aboard for the date. Also, a girl on OKC who is also incredibly good looking has a kid and is a great person to talk to I feel like exchanging #'s with at this point.

I'm just wondering what some of you who say NO to women with a kid use as your reasoning. Maybe there's something I forgot to consider and need to prepare myself in case things were to go somewhere with a woman with a child. My biggest concern is that I'm only renting out a room from my sister and don't have a place of my own yet, and that my job while great and solid pay, isn't exactly the, "support a family," kind of income in case things got serious.


Fuck. I was having a legit super great conversation with a girl. Tons in common, long replies, cute, etc. At one point I depicted my campus as being filled with lots of black dudes with massive amounts of swag.

Apparently, she found that racist somehow because in her profile it mentions she's anti bigots, etc. I in no way shape or form meant it disrespectfully either. I was just trying to say it's hard to meet girls on my campus at all, because the guy's there are filled with so much confidence and an aura of cool...AKA swag.

I sent an apology message, but she's not responding. Shit sucks. 20 or so long ass messages with awesomeness ruined by one sentence. :/

Every guy has been there. The one stupid thing that ruins it. So many fricking times.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
By the way, my little story should give everyone here hope. I joined OKC back in like October or September, sent upwards of 500 messages, and prior to yesterday, all that effort got me was 1 shitty date, and 1 botched one.

So don't give up, bros!


By the way, my little story should give everyone here hope. I joined OKC back in like October or September, sent upwards of 500 messages, and prior to yesterday, all that effort got me was 1 shitty date, and 1 botched one.

So don't give up, bros!

Power of grinding! I consider myself average looking, and can get replies from girls that at first I feel at a physical level are a notch or two above me, but I know that my personality is not shit so if I keep at it, then something will come along.

Keep grinding GAF bros! :)



Here's my take. It's really simple and I think this goes for both males and females. Having a kid is okay, for many people it's natural and beautiful phase of life. But, if you're a parent and dating you really have to have balance to your life, you should explain certain restrictions up front, and do these things without abdicating your responsibility. Dating is hard enough for the average person. If she's/he's clearly to busy to date, or you feel like you're being pulled into something you aren't ready for, say your piece and bail. Personally if you can't reasonable separate your mom life from the limited amount of time we get together it wont work for me, I cant build from that... Building better worlds is what i'm about these days.



Here's my take. It's really simple and I think this goes for both males and females. Having a kid is okay, for many people it's natural and beautiful phase of life. But, if you're a parent and dating you really have to have balance to your life, you should explain certain restrictions up front, and do these things without abdicating your responsibility. Dating is hard enough for the average person. If she's/he's clearly to busy to date, or you feel like you're being pulled into something you aren't ready for, say your piece and bail. Personally if you can't reasonable separate your mom life from the limited amount of time we get together it wont work for me, I cant build from that... Building better worlds is what i'm about these days.

I like this piece of advice. I will definitely consider it if things even go anywhere with either of the girls.

I'm trying this go around to go out my comfort zone with women and go out on dates with what I think "isn't my type," because up to this point my type hasn't got me jack shit anywhere.


I'm out the game. Profile deactivated, just don't have the heart or drive anymore. I see success stories and I assume one day ill be able to post one and be like,"it works! never give up!" but that feeling and hope is gone.

Ill still post in the thread and whatnot, I cant give it up(posting) but sadly the machines have defeated me.


I'm out the game. Profile deactivated, just don't have the heart or drive anymore. I see success stories and I assume one day ill be able to post one and be like,"it works! never give up!" but that feeling and hope is gone.

Ill still post in the thread and whatnot, I cant give it up(posting) but sadly the machines have defeated me.

/avatarpicture quote


I like this piece of advice. I will definitely consider it if things even go anywhere with either of the girls....

Go out of that Zone, it's the only way to grow and to find what you really want in someone, you need to know what your options are, how far you're willing to go ECT...

Maddocks i'm not gonna give you that same line, but you should reactivate when you can, the Web makes people "fickle". Play around with your profile, have fun with it, message people you would normally exclude because--well lets face it you're on the web, and probably just as "fickle" (it's just what this space does).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
My main OKC girl isn't really moving. We've been on 4 dates but she's not really wanting to go any further (besides dates) because she's job hunting and is not sure where she'll be. That leaves us going on dates that end up feeling like friends having dinner. I'm just worried it'll go on for 3 months and we'll never get anywhere.

I could drop her, but I like her and she's the first luck I've had on here in a year. I guess I can roll with it for the time being.


Poet Centuriate
I'm out the game. Profile deactivated, just don't have the heart or drive anymore. I see success stories and I assume one day ill be able to post one and be like,"it works! never give up!" but that feeling and hope is gone.

Ill still post in the thread and whatnot, I cant give it up(posting) but sadly the machines have defeated me.

I know the feeling. Godspeed.


My main OKC girl isn't really moving. We've been on 4 dates but she's not really wanting to go any further (besides dates) because she's job hunting and is not sure where she'll be. That leaves us going on dates that end up feeling like friends having dinner. I'm just worried it'll go on for 3 months and we'll never get anywhere.

I could drop her, but I like her and she's the first luck I've had on here in a year. I guess I can roll with it for the time being.

I'd roll with it. Do your dates end with kissing, cuddling, hooking up? I mean if so, then just let her warm up to you more.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'd roll with it. Do your dates end with kissing, cuddling, hooking up? I mean if so, then just let her warm up to you more.


Nope, that's the thing. I've made my intentions clear as to not wind up in the friend zone, but she just seems distant. She obviously likes hanging out with me because she keeps doing it, but her body language is opposite of wanting to get close.

If dates ended with what you mentioned I'd be 100% happy. :p


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Nope, that's the thing. I've made my intentions clear as to not wind up in the friend zone, but she just seems distant. She obviously likes hanging out with me because she keeps doing it, but her body language is opposite of wanting to get close.

If dates ended with what you mentioned I'd be 100% happy. :p

You're not paying for dinner, right?
I'm out the game. Profile deactivated, just don't have the heart or drive anymore. I see success stories and I assume one day ill be able to post one and be like,"it works! never give up!" but that feeling and hope is gone.

Ill still post in the thread and whatnot, I cant give it up(posting) but sadly the machines have defeated me.

I was on the site for years and deactivated three times before I met my wife.

Don't puss out now.


You're not paying for dinner, right?

Ding ding ding! I think this is where my line of thought went to as well.

Nope, that's the thing. I've made my intentions clear as to not wind up in the friend zone, but she just seems distant. She obviously likes hanging out with me because she keeps doing it, but her body language is opposite of wanting to get close.

If dates ended with what you mentioned I'd be 100% happy. :p

Next date, make a move and go for the lips. If she shoots ya down or whatever, then time to move on.


I was on the site for years and deactivated three times before I met my wife.

Don't puss out now.

my first deactivation. 2 more to go!

think I have been in the site since, christ, 07. After many messages, many fails, many dates that lead nowhere it was time to call it quits.


I deactivated for my third time recently after having an account for over two years. Hopefully I'll have Mister Wilhelm's luck!

Is disabled to stop for now and not show up, then deactivate is erase it all? I've disabled plenty of times now, but deactivated only once I had a g/f from the site.

I refuse to give up, and treat the site as just an extra means to try to find someone worth my time. I've become way more confident in myself since I moved out to Colorado to hit on women in the wild and get phone numbers when I can, where as before I'd probably only stick to what I could from OKC.
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