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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I think I'm going to abandon my OKC account and focus on POF. I have had more luck with POF than OKC and I have been on it for 1/6th the amount of time. Managed to get a date for this Thursday with a different chick than last week (she was a dud) and this new girl seems way more interesting to boot.
My feed shows ladies as far away as Seattle (which is a 16 hour drive) despite my settings being on "located near me".

Now I want to move to Seattle.


Of all the things you could have picked.
Inside joke between a friend and I.

I've learned to NEVER put all my eggs in one basket; I'm chatting with another lady right now. I just migrate from one to the other. I gave up on the girl who was super awesome because I felt there was too many suitors after her and I couldn't be the person she wanted.

I too am not an egg in one basket guy.

Currently messaging back and forth on OKC around 15 women? Actively too.

Texting wise I'm up to 7 I'm texting that are not in that 15 active last.

Dates wise, 2 this weekend for sure.

All really attractive aside from 2 or 3 which would be deemed cute by GAF I'm sure. Overall, feeling good, and feeling hopeful something will happen.

Sorry OKC GAF, I stole all your womens to chat. :(


Poet Centuriate
I too am not an egg in one basket guy.

Currently messaging back and forth on OKC around 15 women? Actively too.

Texting wise I'm up to 7 I'm texting that are not in that 15 active last.

Dates wise, 2 this weekend for sure.

All really attractive aside from 2 or 3 which would be deemed cute by GAF I'm sure. Overall, feeling good, and feeling hopeful something will happen.

Sorry OKC GAF, I stole all your womens to chat. :(

Goddamn you

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I too am not an egg in one basket guy.

Currently messaging back and forth on OKC around 15 women? Actively too.

Texting wise I'm up to 7 I'm texting that are not in that 15 active last.

Dates wise, 2 this weekend for sure.

All really attractive aside from 2 or 3 which would be deemed cute by GAF I'm sure. Overall, feeling good, and feeling hopeful something will happen.

Sorry OKC GAF, I stole all your womens to chat. :(
I couldn't handle talking to that many women at once. Being an introvert, dealing with people sucks energy out of me. Besides, I would start getting women confused. Furthermore, I have such a niche appeal (don't drink, not into sports, not big into music, etc.) messaging tons of women is pointless; usually I can spot at least one major priority difference in the questions.


I couldn't handle talking to that many women at once. Being an extrovert, dealing with people sucks energy out of me. Besides, I would start getting women confused. Furthermore, I have such a niche appeal (don't drink, not into sports, not big into music, etc.) messaging tons of women is pointless; usually I can spot at least one major priority difference in the questions.

I don't run into getting them confused. I try to get a sense of them with a lot of similar questions through the messaging back and forth, and after a set amount of messages I see if they want to text. That's if those messages have been super positive.

I also don't drink, am not into sports, and haven't been to a concert in several years. However, I'm just naturally social and have no problem with rejection or a girl losing interest. Hell, if a girl gets to the texting portion with me she won't lost interest....I kick ass to talk to! Perks of being a communications major I guess haha.

I feel as long as the girl isn't a big drink, isn't super religious, and doesn't smoke/drugs, then I can gel with her. That's just how it's been all of my life that I can get along with any kind of crowd, and so I do fine with any kind of woman too. Older, younger, outdoorsy, indoorsy, politcal, etc.

I mean I'd prefer a girl who is indoorsy, but I'm also at this point in my life where I'm totally up to learning to hike, snowboard, and rock climb so if a girl was cool with bringing me along to test my mettle at those then I'm all over it! :)

Edit: It's also worth mentioning that I experimented a lot before I had my g/f off OKC with messages to find a good flow and few I go back to. I wouldn't say they are "canned" messages or "lines," but more like things I try to slip in to get a laugh, and ask solid things that women like to get chatty over.

My standard opening message I will share with GAF, but please for the love of God if you want to follow the format, then change the verbage some to fit you:

"Hey o! :)

XXX sounds like a really solid degree to get a job in. What would your dream gig be once you wrap it up?

Manage to get into any shenanigans this past weekend? ;)"

^ That's sort of standard opening fair for me. Nothing crazy. Now, if I see something in the profile WORTH getting a joke off of then I'll roll with it, so for example:
" Hey o! :)

Darn my parents for not having conceived me sooner so I could fit your 27+ search of guys. I'm quite sophisticated for my age though! I even drink from cups with a pinky finger out...like a sir. ;)

So how's the insurance industry treating you? My last gig was for an insurance brokerage in *town delete for privacy*.

Manage to get into any shenanigans this past weekend? :) "

Nothing overtly hilarious from that, but she told me I was sooo young and soo cute. Haha. She gave me a fair shot and we're having a lot of good messages back and forth. I've changed my old range of 21-24 for age, to 18-28. So if she's older, and it doesn't show her willing to dip down to my level, I'll still message her. I've done that with several and gotten responses, because if you bring it up in a funny way, they tend to have it set to that just to avoid "immature" guys which is your chance to show you aren't that at all.

Also, don't give a shit about your messages in the long run. The second I wrap up one up, I'm looking for another to send out, or one to reply to. So long as you keep grinding, things should start to profit on your end.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I too am not an egg in one basket guy.

Currently messaging back and forth on OKC around 15 women? Actively too.

Texting wise I'm up to 7 I'm texting that are not in that 15 active last.

Dates wise, 2 this weekend for sure.

All really attractive aside from 2 or 3 which would be deemed cute by GAF I'm sure. Overall, feeling good, and feeling hopeful something will happen.

Sorry OKC GAF, I stole all your womens to chat. :(

Damn, son. I mean, not to be greedy or anything considering what I just bagged, but goddamn, son!


Zlatko you magnificent bastard. Share the wealth!

I'm satisfied getting one person to chat back and forth with me lol. Speaking of, there was this one girl I chatted with a few weeks ago for a few hours. Great chat and all and I told her to message me back whenever. Haven't heard from her since.

I decided to check out her profile today but didn't leave a message. She soon messages me saying "hey sup. :)" I guess she saw that I visited. I message her back and now we're chatting back and forth for hrs.

I also got this other person to message me back and forth today. I'm telling y'all it's drought for many days and then for those few, things blossom. And I'll take those few lol!


Poet Centuriate
Well, I just exchanged numbers with this girl, a first for me, lol. She's pretty sweet and awesome interests though only like 77% match. We really seem to like talking a lot so we'll see where this goes!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I too am not an egg in one basket guy.

Currently messaging back and forth on OKC around 15 women? Actively too.

Texting wise I'm up to 7 I'm texting that are not in that 15 active last.

Dates wise, 2 this weekend for sure.

All really attractive aside from 2 or 3 which would be deemed cute by GAF I'm sure. Overall, feeling good, and feeling hopeful something will happen.

Sorry OKC GAF, I stole all your womens to chat. :(

Hahah, fist bump. I'm actively talking to 10 on OKC and 5 via text. I added 2 girls from the Let's Date app. What I've been doing is giong to profiles, giving four or five stars, then messaging. If I don't have time to message, I save to Favorites so I can come back. Once messaged, I remove them from favorites. I usually forget about them, too, so I'm not really worried about it. There is one girl I really REALLY want to get to know and we were going back and forth for a little bit, but she's been silent for a couple days. Oh well, I guess.
Well, I just exchanged numbers with this girl, a first for me, lol. She's pretty sweet and awesome interests though only like 77% match. We really seem to like talking a lot so we'll see where this goes!
I'm pretty sure Ryan and I were only in the 80s. It's probably dropped a whole lot by now, too. Don't let the numbers deter you.
Well, I just exchanged numbers with this girl, a first for me, lol. She's pretty sweet and awesome interests though only like 77% match. We really seem to like talking a lot so we'll see where this goes!
Go for the ones with higher enemy percentages. Make it interesting. The closest one I've seen to 100% enemy for me was 96%. She seemed like a classy lady.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Looks like I have a date Thursday; my first from OkCupid and possibly "real" one, if not at least the first in a long time. I hope my face will cleared up by then; darn medication.

I also don't drink, am not into sports, and haven't been to a concert in several years. However, I'm just naturally social and have no problem with rejection or a girl losing interest. Hell, if a girl gets to the texting portion with me she won't lost interest....I kick ass to talk to! Perks of being a communications major I guess haha.
That's where we differ: I'm not social at all. I can certainly hold a conversation now and am no longer awkward as I was years prior.
zlatko said:
I feel as long as the girl isn't a big drink, isn't super religious, and doesn't smoke/drugs, then I can gel with her. That's just how it's been all of my life that I can get along with any kind of crowd, and so I do fine with any kind of woman too. Older, younger, outdoorsy, indoorsy, politcal, etc.
While I admire your openness, I don't think that would work for me in a relationship. Opposites don't really attract. It's find for friendships, but not with someone I'm working toward being intimate with.
Im slowly...ever so slowly getting more replies but each one is like getting blood from a stone.

I ask a one or two questions and the replies back are always so matter of fact. Its almost like when you meet a stranger in a queue and they have no interest in carrying the conversation forward which is fair enough for a stranger in a queue but on these sites its deeply odd.

I had one girl 2 months back i had a fantastic back and forth with and we met up. Sadly see didn't see any spark which is fine (even though i was only looking for friends to start with) but i expected more people to be like her. Right now i feel like im hitting my head against a brick wall just trying to get a conversation going. Maybe its just girls in this area as they all seem to reply rarely, are on the sites 24/7 and all say they want to make new friends but follow with a list of requirements of who can message them. In fact that list is often 4 times as long as to what their personality is like.
Hahah, fist bump. I'm actively talking to 10 on OKC and 5 via text. I added 2 girls from the Let's Date app. What I've been doing is giong to profiles, giving four or five stars, then messaging. If I don't have time to message, I save to Favorites so I can come back. Once messaged, I remove them from favorites. I usually forget about them, too, so I'm not really worried about it. There is one girl I really REALLY want to get to know and we were going back and forth for a little bit, but she's been silent for a couple days. Oh well, I guess.

Didn't you used to post pictures of your wife in the post your wife, gf, etc thread?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Got a gal's number, meeting up on Saturday, hope it goes well! I'm also talking to another girl, with a lit higher percent match, but she is being very coy.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Have you looked at some of those messages? Quite a lot of dicks (literally). I'm getting a good laugh out of this.
The penny probability one is funny. The dude is right, it is 1/8, but why message a woman about that?

Some of those guys amaze me. Sad thing is I'm sure their approach does work on some women.


Damn, son. I mean, not to be greedy or anything considering what I just bagged, but goddamn, son!

It's great, but it comes with issues... seen below soon.

Zlatko you magnificent bastard. Share the wealth!

I'm satisfied getting one person to chat back and forth with me lol. Speaking of, there was this one girl I chatted with a few weeks ago for a few hours. Great chat and all and I told her to message me back whenever. Haven't heard from her since.

I decided to check out her profile today but didn't leave a message. She soon messages me saying "hey sup. :)" I guess she saw that I visited. I message her back and now we're chatting back and forth for hrs.

I also got this other person to message me back and forth today. I'm telling y'all it's drought for many days and then for those few, things blossom. And I'll take those few lol!

You messsaged a girl back and forth a lot, TWICE, and didn't get the digits? You done fucked up man. If I can get 6+ messages that are long and well done from a girl I give her my cell, and say I have to go off OKC. Not once have I not been texted ASAP. Idk who on here said it's a bad move to give your # first, but I always have and have a 100% success rate with close to 20 women in the whole time I have used this site.

Hahah, fist bump. I'm actively talking to 10 on OKC and 5 via text. I added 2 girls from the Let's Date app. What I've been doing is giong to profiles, giving four or five stars, then messaging. If I don't have time to message, I save to Favorites so I can come back. Once messaged, I remove them from favorites. I usually forget about them, too, so I'm not really worried about it. There is one girl I really REALLY want to get to know and we were going back and forth for a little bit, but she's been silent for a couple days. Oh well, I guess.

Now you and I can share with the others the issue of having this many legit cool girls to talk to.

I've decided, even though there's a sizable chunk in the OKC I'm still messaging back that I'd want to also text, that I need to first wittle through what I'm currently texting(stopped at 8 now, and dropped one off so it isn't 9) and figure out who I want focus on.

I think I know the answer already, because I can make girls laugh super easy, but it's rare a girl can roll with the punches of my humor so well to get me to laugh back. Turns out the cutest girl of the whole bunch, who also deleted her OKC after getting my #, is the funnest to talk to on texts. Got a date this weekend with her and the coworker girl. If co worker girl says no for whatever reason, I can fill the void with one of the others.

Here's where the problem will come...Valentine's day. I don't make a ton, so I can't just nicely surprise all these women, or half, with flowers haha. Plus, I have to figure out in that time who I would WANT to spend that day with. Fuck...

8 has to become AT LEAST 2 by Vday. :( I'm no player...never have been, never will be. It's just up to now I've been the type to focus on 1-2 girls, and then nothing happens. Now I spread out to all these women and not gave a fuck, so now I have the issue of not being sure what I should do.

Oh well, roll with the punches, and hope the one I am the most interested in and I have a great date, then it's easy peesy from there. :)


So a girl I went on two dates with, our texting kind of petered out over the past two days. I'm a pretty boring texter. She sort of made plans with me this Friday, but after not texting me the past two days, she seems to have cooled off on me. Having gone through a shitty breakup, I don't feel like pursuing anyone who isn't that into me. But I do feel sort of depressed about how tenuous these connections are. Sigh, dating.


all good things
Tell your friend I said she's hot and I'm rich then give her the link to this thread and tell her to make a thanksneogaf tumblr.


Poet Centuriate
Boom, date set up this Friday. Super pumped. We share a ton of interests, the same sense of humor, and she's pretty damn cute. Fuck yes.


hmm I'm talking to this great looking girl who has the brains to back it up. I added her to my favorites a long time ago actually, I was positive she wouldn't respond, but after a small profile tweak I decided to send a pretty simple message, and success!

I notice that every time I mention talking to someone in this thread, it goes to shit. Let's see if I can keep this one going lol

edit. aaannnnd she just said we should get drinks some time. yay


Ok. So im texting 2 girls I met on Okcupid. One is 45min away, and one is about 15min away. There is also this one girl I really like, and she might have a thing for me. We randomly ran into each other at the mall the other day, and I fucking fail by not asking her out. This was before I was talking to these 2 girls mind you.

Anyway(sidenote: I added both OKc girs on Facebook..)

The one 45min seems very chill, and offered her place up as a place to sleep after a long talk we had. I'm supposed to go up there Saturday night, and I can't drive back she's giving me a choice to stay the night. I was supposed to go this past Tuesday, but she had some big ass exam to study for. She's mainly looking for friends and people to chill with, nothing really serious at all. I think, I'm so bad at picking up hints.

Now the 15min away one is a bit weird. She's a pretty big gamer, and we share a lot of stuff on common. Yet she doesn't talk much, sometimes I can get her to say quite a bit though. She does mention she is shy at first, but talks non-stop when comfortable. Not sure if that meant in person or in general. We were supposed to meet on 2 separate occasions. But she changed the date the first time, and the 2nd time there was confusion over who's house we were going to. Lol(I thought we were meeting up at her place, and she thought the opposite). She is leaving to NY on the 16th with our school band on some trip. Anyway. Not sure wtf we're gonna do.

Now this girl I like is cool. And very smart. I can't help but feel inadequate at times when trying to envision myself with her. Her step dad is an ex-Punter for the from a while Colts a while back(her family is loaded) . And back in HS she used to invite me to go to the games with her step dad and her bro(who's a prick btw) . But that was HS years ago, this now. Not sure if I should go for it or not. I really hate my habit of assuming people are always exactly like their Facebook. She has like 1200 friends to my 300, and she always seems to have a shit-ton of friends to hang with, while I have my fixed circle. I can't help but feel this would be a problem if I were to date her. Maybe I should man up, stop being a bitch, and just ask. Lol. I always seem to have random encounters with her, like this was the 4th time in a 5month period I think. Lol. She gave me her number in September, and told me to text her if I wanna hang. I never did that.

Wtf am I doing? -__- fuck me. FUCK ME!
Bleh. Girl I was talking to for three weeks cancelled date last minute saying that she got called into work and is now avoiding me after I tried to call her twice over three day span.

Oh well w/e...her loss.


Is it wrong that i troll self-professed grammar Nazis? Your ability to use homophones like they're, their and there properly does not mean you are hot shit at grammar. However your inability to use hyphens and apostrophe's correctly will invite trolling from me when you claim to be a grammar Nazi. Meh.


I had someone who was a 99% match. Messaged her, no reply. Oh well.

You will find out sooner or later that the percentages in reality mean jack.

My girlfriend that I met on there was a 60% match and 71% friend. Next week we will have been together 5 months and she's literally the best thing that's ever happened to me. :)


is now taking requests
Is it wrong that i troll self-professed grammar Nazis? Your ability to use homophones like they're, their and there properly does not mean you are hot shit at grammar. However your inability to use hyphens and apostrophe's correctly will invite trolling from me when you claim to be a grammar Nazi. Meh.

It's not wrong if your end game is trolling. If your end game is to find a girl to spend quality time with, i'm not so sure. :p

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I've decided, even though there's a sizable chunk in the OKC I'm still messaging back that I'd want to also text, that I need to first wittle through what I'm currently texting(stopped at 8 now, and dropped one off so it isn't 9) and figure out who I want focus on.

I think I know the answer already, because I can make girls laugh super easy, but it's rare a girl can roll with the punches of my humor so well to get me to laugh back. Turns out the cutest girl of the whole bunch, who also deleted her OKC after getting my #, is the funnest to talk to on texts. Got a date this weekend with her and the coworker girl. If co worker girl says no for whatever reason, I can fill the void with one of the others.

Here's where the problem will come...Valentine's day. I don't make a ton, so I can't just nicely surprise all these women, or half, with flowers haha. Plus, I have to figure out in that time who I would WANT to spend that day with. Fuck...

8 has to become AT LEAST 2 by Vday. :( I'm no player...never have been, never will be. It's just up to now I've been the type to focus on 1-2 girls, and then nothing happens. Now I spread out to all these women and not gave a fuck, so now I have the issue of not being sure what I should do.

Oh well, roll with the punches, and hope the one I am the most interested in and I have a great date, then it's easy peesy from there. :)
Haha you flew to close to the sun so now you're pulling back. :p Good luck with that. I sort of wish that was a problem I had.


Met a gal on OkCupid perhaps a month ago. We went to old Chicago for our first date. I bought her a lambic and some pizza.

Turns out she's pretty rad. We're still dating. Fun stuff.


It's great, but it comes with issues... seen below soon.

You messsaged a girl back and forth a lot, TWICE, and didn't get the digits? You done fucked up man. If I can get 6+ messages that are long and well done from a girl I give her my cell, and say I have to go off OKC. Not once have I not been texted ASAP. Idk who on here said it's a bad move to give your # first, but I always have and have a 100% success rate with close to 20 women in the whole time I have used this site.

I don't have the same experience as you lot, but after X many messages I agree you that one should switch to the txt/phone. Personally I don't even like to sms much anymore.
I had someone who was a 99% match. Messaged her, no reply. Oh well.

Hate to say it, but high match percentages don't really mean anything more than just a guideline of who you MIGHT get along with. Girl who flaked on me was a 95% and first girl I went out with on OKC was a 92%. Dated a 80% girl for about a month. So my advice is to take it with a grain of salt...


So a girl I went on two dates with, our texting kind of petered out over the past two days. I'm a pretty boring texter. She sort of made plans with me this Friday, but after not texting me the past two days, she seems to have cooled off on me. Having gone through a shitty breakup, I don't feel like pursuing anyone who isn't that into me. But I do feel sort of depressed about how tenuous these connections are. Sigh, dating.

So after musing on this a bit and downing some Jack Daniels, I went ahead and told her I was into her. And lo and behold, she tells me she's into me as well, and that she sent me a text that I never received, and assumed I wasn't interested. Grrrr technology. Quite a harrowing event for my current fragile psyche, but hey the date is back on.


Good for you mate, I so dislike when that happens. I use Google Voice and it happens far to frequently. I wonder if she was considering giving you a call to tell you the same thing!
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