I couldn't handle talking to that many women at once. Being an extrovert, dealing with people sucks energy out of me. Besides, I would start getting women confused. Furthermore, I have such a niche appeal (don't drink, not into sports, not big into music, etc.) messaging tons of women is pointless; usually I can spot at least one major priority difference in the questions.
I don't run into getting them confused. I try to get a sense of them with a lot of similar questions through the messaging back and forth, and after a set amount of messages I see if they want to text. That's if those messages have been super positive.
I also don't drink, am not into sports, and haven't been to a concert in several years. However, I'm just naturally social and have no problem with rejection or a girl losing interest. Hell, if a girl gets to the texting portion with me she won't lost interest....I kick ass to talk to! Perks of being a communications major I guess haha.
I feel as long as the girl isn't a big drink, isn't super religious, and doesn't smoke/drugs, then I can gel with her. That's just how it's been all of my life that I can get along with any kind of crowd, and so I do fine with any kind of woman too. Older, younger, outdoorsy, indoorsy, politcal, etc.
I mean I'd prefer a girl who is indoorsy, but I'm also at this point in my life where I'm totally up to learning to hike, snowboard, and rock climb so if a girl was cool with bringing me along to test my mettle at those then I'm all over it!
Edit: It's also worth mentioning that I experimented a lot before I had my g/f off OKC with messages to find a good flow and few I go back to. I wouldn't say they are "canned" messages or "lines," but more like things I try to slip in to get a laugh, and ask solid things that women like to get chatty over.
My standard opening message I will share with GAF, but please for the love of God if you want to follow the format, then change the verbage some to fit you:
"Hey o!
XXX sounds like a really solid degree to get a job in. What would your dream gig be once you wrap it up?
Manage to get into any shenanigans this past weekend?
^ That's sort of standard opening fair for me. Nothing crazy. Now, if I see something in the profile WORTH getting a joke off of then I'll roll with it, so for example:
" Hey o!
Darn my parents for not having conceived me sooner so I could fit your 27+ search of guys. I'm quite sophisticated for my age though! I even drink from cups with a pinky finger out...like a sir.
So how's the insurance industry treating you? My last gig was for an insurance brokerage in *town delete for privacy*.
Manage to get into any shenanigans this past weekend?
Nothing overtly hilarious from that, but she told me I was sooo young and soo cute. Haha. She gave me a fair shot and we're having a lot of good messages back and forth. I've changed my old range of 21-24 for age, to 18-28. So if she's older, and it doesn't show her willing to dip down to my level, I'll still message her. I've done that with several and gotten responses, because if you bring it up in a funny way, they tend to have it set to that just to avoid "immature" guys which is your chance to show you aren't that at all.
Also, don't give a shit about your messages in the long run. The second I wrap up one up, I'm looking for another to send out, or one to reply to. So long as you keep grinding, things should start to profit on your end.