Too bad I'm crazy anyway haha.
And yes all my match % came back lol.
64% Match
29% Friend
28% Enemy
Too bad, if it were over 80 I'd hop on a plane today.
Too bad I'm crazy anyway haha.
And yes all my match % came back lol.
64% Match
29% Friend
28% Enemy
Too bad, if it were over 80 I'd hop on a plane today.
64% Match
29% Friend
28% Enemy
Too bad, if it were over 80 I'd hop on a plane today.
over 80? I wouldn't get on a plane for anything under 95%
Haha, I ain't paying for anything.![]()
Is disabled to stop for now and not show up, then deactivate is erase it all? I've disabled plenty of times now, but deactivated only once I had a g/f from the site.
"Hey would you like to meet up, I don't like to waste time so if I'm going to murder you then we better fit it in soon, I got a busy schedule".When asking a girl if she wants to meet up do y'all try and steer the conversation towards that so there is an opening or just ask out of the blue?
"Hey would you like to meet up, I don't like to waste time so if I'm going to murder you then we better fit it in soon, I got a busy schedule".
Something like that.
I think I might be religious intolerant. Just now when reading a profile of a girl who seemed pretty cool I instantly became incredibly hesitant when I see "Catholicism and somewhat serious about it". I know not all religious people are wackos, but as I'm agnostic I see it being a huge potential issue.
So am I the winner of the Lee match % contest?
Even though it's just a moral victory I'll take it![]()
I think I might be religious intolerant. Just now when reading a profile of a girl who seemed pretty cool I instantly became incredibly hesitant when I see "Catholicism and somewhat serious about it". I know not all religious people are wackos, but as I'm agnostic I see it being a huge potential issue.
^ this. Hook, line and sinker!
Personally, I wouldn't just flat out ask her. I'd exchange numbers, text for a day, then ask her out on a day that works for both of you.
That's just me.![]()
Just saw a profile of a girl wearing a t-shirt that says "I swallow." Then in another pic she has a tattoo, of a swallow holding a word banner that also reads, "I swallow."
My brain hurts. Hold me GAF.![]()
That happens to me when I see agnostic. I feel like 5 percent of the ethusiasm die. Its sort of a sad feeling that me and her wont be compat because of beliefs.I think I might be religious intolerant. Just now when reading a profile of a girl who seemed pretty cool I instantly became incredibly hesitant when I see "Catholicism and somewhat serious about it". I know not all religious people are wackos, but as I'm agnostic I see it being a huge potential issue.
I wouldn't say that's a good thing lol
Joined Plenty of Fish recently, setup a nice profile with a decent pic of me. Still no response from girls, so I changed my profile from seeking female to male and boom...God why wasn't I gay?
Hence the moral victory partThough I think hollow is more apt.
try it out, you just might like it.
This is true
Besides, no one will ever live up to my maaaaaaaaan lol.
Who's your man?
My Harvest Moon boyfriend :O
This is true
Besides, no one will ever live up to my maaaaaaaaan lol.
You're not paying for dinner, right?
Maybe I should get Harvest Moon so I can have a girlfriend.
No lie, I was going to mention this is all moot because you already got your man, lol.
Hah, we even think on the same wavelength![]()
Just celebrated the one-year anniversary with this girl. It's been a very fulfilling year with her, she's far and away my best friend now. We're on track to move in together once I transfer to school in Milwaukee, which is a year and a half away, which sucks, but it gives us more time to save up so we're not living in squalor.
Damn, I love her.
Anyone having trouble with the site, don't fret. Just message someone who captures your fancy and be chill about it.
Progress Report on this Girl
So been talking via Steam twice since then. But she's always been the one to initiate contact and I reply. Like I see she's on Steam and message her, but she doesn't reply.
First time I was at a friend's and couldn't really talk to her for long, the second time was on Sunday where talked for like an hour and a half. And it was really fun talking to her and I could tell she liked talking to me.
Anyways.... she ended up giving me her number and email so I could...wait for it...let her know when I was going to be playing L4D2 with my friends so she could join us. I even had a perfect opportunity to ask her for coffee when she asked if their was a ritual to join our group.
Her profile did make her sound shy so I'm not really fussed about what feels like a slow pace to this.
Will probably ask her if she wants to meet next time I talk to her.
So i just got an (unsolicited) mail from Mistress Mia.
She informed me that i might be a sub without knowing. And that she'd be cool with it if i wanted to wear womens clothes in private or in public. And some other stuff.
I'm positively intrigued.
Dayum! I almost reactivated my real Okcupid account when I found this girl's Okcupid profile.
Someone post a SFW picture.
I think that pretty much no matter what I'm going to recommend that you proceed.
There's no picture in the profile. Her presentation indicates that she wants me to
"chauffeur me Gardening financial worship shopping , writing research Building fence.balcony etc. You can cross dress inside or outside"
I might also have to wear a chastity belt.
Is your recommendation still that i proceed?![]()
I'm starting to worry that I haven't heard back from the woman I asked to go out on a date with Thursday. She's been online in the last 24 hours since I messaged her; I felt pretty confident she'd say yes. Maybe it was just too soon.
Had for the first time in a long time message me first unprovoked, and all she wanted to know is how can I like Twin Peaks >_<
what? Tell her to fuck off.
I told her the first season was amazing, but the second season just fell straight on its face.
Of all the things you could have picked.All is lost until it's not lost. Go grab a smoothie, then start talking to other women while she thinks things over.