So time to talk about my date last night, and the date today.
Last night was the girl who asked me out, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was more excited for the one I had today, but the girl from last night was amazing!
At no point did this girl mention any nerdy stuff about herself. She has a 4 year old girl, great conversationalist, and the ONLY girl I've ever seen pics of who has brown eyes I thought were attractive. I'm really a big sucker for blue/green eyes and a nice smile. This girl turns out she has played KH, FFX/X-2, wants to do cosplay as Yuna at convention of some sort, loves dr who, and has seen a ton of anime. I tend to not reveal my nerd self with any really cute girl off OKC or in person, but last night we had a lot of awesome talk that SHE kept bringing about references to things like Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, and more. As for her eyes, I could not stop wanting to look at them. Pictures don't do her justice. Beautiful.
Date went great, made her laugh, some hugs/hand holding, but I couldn't get the kiss. Half because I didn't feel a good opportunity for it, and half because I didn't want to test my luck. Plus she said she wants to hang out again. Of course I text her today though, and no reply on a day she told me she has like any dude I am crossing my fingers her saying she had a good time was sincere and hanging out again will happen. Would love to have her as a valentine's date.
Girl 2 today, the one I was really excited about for looking great in her pics and having a great sense of humor to actually keep up with my zaniness, was also a really great date. She couldn't do food/movie, but we got coffee and talked for probably a hour. She's super good looking too, conversation was great, got hugs, learned a lot, got her to laugh, and also wants to hang out again. I think I'm just stricken with how fun last night was though, that I couldn't fully appreciate this girl being fantastic too. It's just do you not as a GAF member NOT go ga ga for a girl that isn't just okay with video games or anime, but is into it and is a total babe?
I was supposed to have another date tonight with a co worker(was supposed to be last night) which I'm glad didn't pan out only because I would've blown of the girl I think is 10/10 the bomb. I tried to reschedule with co worker girl for tonight, but once again, shit changed. I just said in a nice way that she can just get back at me when her schedule isn't hectic, and we can go from there. She was super apologetic and wants to try this coming Saturday when she know's she has the day off. So we'll see what happens then.
Talking to a few other girls too. Supposed date tomorrow night with one other one. Going to close down the OKC for now until I see where anything goes with everyone I'm talking to now, and more so because I have serious intention to pursue the girl from last night as someone I'd want to date.
Will keep ya posted GAF crew!