Still on sadly lol.
Winks from 50 and older...
And if I do strike up a conversation with someone, I guess I scare them off after one message.. Oh well.
It ends at the end of February!
What exactly do you do in messages? Granted the few we sent back and forth on OKC, it was a bit like pulling teeth with you. You didn't by any means ask questions back for a good chunk of them, and were replied to in a very brief format. Personally, I don't care because you had interesting things to say, and I knew you'd reply if I replied back to you, but other guys may feel that you are being cold and trying to brush them off if you aren't asking questions back about them too.
Not sure if that's the case on what you are doing though on match or not.
As for an update on my statuses. Girl 1 who I had a really great date with has more or less grinded down conversing via text to not be existant it seems. Girl 2, after that date day, has not replied to the one text I'll send in the morning for the 2 days after. So, I guess they just said they had a great time and want to do shit again, but probably thought it sucked in all reality or I gave them the friend vibe. Oh well that's life. I'm not totally hopeless over girl 1, she HAS replied, and was the one who brought up doing a faux vday date, so I think I just have to work really hard. Until she doesn't reply for a few days like girl 2 I will definitely respond back. It's her turn now though, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Whoever posted that video earlier of the stand up about texting is super right. It just pisses me off people can't find 1 minute out of their day in 12+ hours to just give a simple text. "Hey I'm really busy today, sorry I can't talk. hope your day kicks ass, I'll text you more when I can." Boom that there is all a fella needs so he isn't a worry wart like I am. :/
Either way I'm not doing what I would've normally done which is digging myself into a hole by closing down my OKC now that there was 2 girls I wanted to see where things go with either. I said fuck that noise, and keep on grinding. So tonight I met another really cool girl on there, and she hit on me quite hard, gave me her digits, and wants to hang out next week.

Oh and i got one other girls # tonight too who gave her # to me...problem is her pics aren't good enough to gauge her proper attractiveness. Either way we'll see how it goes.
Oh and as an aside...girl 2 I went on a date with this weekend, is friends with the very first girl I ever went on a date with off OKC that lead to some serious fooling around. She knows her from orchestra off campus. Small world man.