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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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HAHAHA! Why'd you close the first fake account to begin with? Also, can you post your fake account here so we don't accidentally send you a message?

It was getting a little too creepy. I definitely went overboard; chose a picture of a way too hot girl as the profile pic, and sexed up the questions a little too much too. This time around, I've toned it down and made it a little more believable and innocent.

And while I'd be fine having GAF regulars check out the profile, there's been some lurkers that have been meddling (somebody alerted a crazy chick to this thread a few pages back) and I don't want OKC to find out and shut down all of my work. I'll PM you though.


After 1 year of online dating, something like 25-30 dates and well over 100 messages sent out, I've finally found someone with some potential.

3 months in and it's going well so far. Woohoo!
HAHAHA! Why'd you close the first fake account to begin with? Also, can you post your fake account here so we don't accidentally send you a message?

Heres my fake account


I added the line to not message me.

30 new messages.

Hi there, Miss :) I'd like to kiss you and that's the truth, can't shy away from the truth can we? Nope, sure can't :) lol How are you tonight?

You had me with the oversized nerd glasses. I'm Travis.


crazy in a good way. Because it shows how stacked things are. 30 new messages. Even the ugly girls get 15-20.

People wonder why so many guys use copy and paste mass messaging.


So, I'm sure this a question that has come up before but,

Let's say you come across someone whos profile you really dig, so you send them a message and they don't respond. Should you just never send that person a message ever again? Because I've been thinking about how dumb this message I sent was and would like a re-do, but I don't want it to be creepy and weird. Especially because my intention really is to establish friendships and then if anything happens from there, great if not then at least I know more people in my area.


I deleted the "I'm a huge nerd line" in my profile and changed body type from fit to athletic because there is no "almost buff but need to cut the bulking weight" option. I wake up to 2 actual messages.


Woke up this morning to an OKCupid message with a number in its contents. Feels good man.

was the number 69?

but yea good luck haha. I've been messaging back and forth with a couple of girls over the past few weeks. Basically nothing was going anywhere.... Then I message a girl on Friday and after two messages she sent me her number.
Let's say you come across someone whos profile you really dig, so you send them a message and they don't respond. Should you just never send that person a message ever again? Because I've been thinking about how dumb this message I sent was and would like a re-do, but I don't want it to be creepy and weird. Especially because my intention really is to establish friendships and then if anything happens from there, great if not then at least I know more people in my area.

Well sometimes I'll run across someone interesting and it'll say I messaged them like 3 months ago, so I just shoot them another one. Girls get so many messages that after awhile their inboxes need to be cleaned out, so I assume your precious one is gone
was the number 69?

but yea good luck haha. I've been messaging back and forth with a couple of girls over the past few weeks. Basically nothing was going anywhere.... Then I message a girl on Friday and after two messages she sent me her number.

Maybe it was... :O

But we've been texting a lot since she did though, so... so far so good. ^^ After a couple long messages on OKC between each other for a day or two, I just gave her my number and just winged it from there. Now to see when she wants to hang this week. :3


Really Really Exciting Member!
So... that girl that i mentioned before. I really like what i saw from her. The two of us are very similar(more than i imagined when i first messaged her), we played a few PC video games together since then, talked through teamspeak a couple of times in the last few days about a lot of stuff (and we learned more about each other through that), she sounds like a really nice girl.

But why did she have to live 2 hours away from me? :( I can't invite her to a restaurant, a movie or anything. I know it could be worse, she could live much farther away, but 2 hours is still 2 hours. It's not a distance you're easily going to be willing to travel for something like a movie or restaurant.
kinda at an awkward phase where I only have one decent picture, and I was going to take a couple more but then I unexpectedly gained back some of the weight I lost, so I'm not sure If I should just take some bad pictures or wait until I lose the weight again (which I know I will be able to do but will take a week or two).
I'm just going to leave this here. Imagine....out of all those guys looking at that fake profile.....40-45% of them are fapping to it as we speak ;p.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Whelp. I am now in a relationship thanks to OKC & two fantastic dates.

There's hope!

Only two dates and your in a relationship? That's quick work. I'm on 5 with this girl and she wants to hang out more, says she's more "go with the flow." Fine by me, but it'd be nice to actually have a more forward girl.


Well sometimes I'll run across someone interesting and it'll say I messaged them like 3 months ago, so I just shoot them another one. Girls get so many messages that after awhile their inboxes need to be cleaned out, so I assume your precious one is gone

Good point. It hasn't been that long so I guess maybe I should wait longer and play it off like it never happened.


Meeting a girl tomorrow straight after work for coffee. I actually do have time to go home and get changed, but going to go for business casual look.

Also taking pancakes with me since it's Pancake day and we initially tried to find a coffee place that had pancakes.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member

7 days finally ran out so I just closed it. Yay. :)
All those poor Canucks are going to miss out. :(

I'm thinking about asking out this girl I've been talking to for over a week now sooner than I'd planned. I'll be in her area 10 days from now, but I don't want to wait that long. I've talked to her enough that I just want to meet her in person. Not sure how to handle it...


Well, I went on a date with the chick that was 45mins away. We've been talking for about 2wks before this btw.

She was pretty cool, we sat down, watched tv, and talked. We couldn't go to her room cause her roommate was up there fucking her boyfriend (which was for a good 2hrs I kid you not lol). When they finished, we went to her room and chilled. Joked around, and all. Took a shot of vodka, drank a beer, then she turned off the light, and we made out - then proceeded to do other things.

After that we met up with her roomy and her bf, we all talked, then went to a gay club then a strip club. We met up with her friends at those 2 places, and they were drunk as fuck. We left to go back home, but stopped at an IHOP since that's like one of the only places open at 5am. We got back to her place, and it hit 6, and I had to be up a little early because her mom was coming to visit her. Luckily, she called her and told her she'd be running a little late, so we cuddled a little longer.

I've come to the conclusion, that most UF students are fucking crazy. Maybe it's a University thing, but I wouldn't know. She was cool, but after that first night, I think we kinda knew we couldn't be a thing (unless that's me assessing the whole thing wrong). But she's cool and I still text her, she said I could visit anytime. I haven't done anything of that nature for like 2 years, lol.

Anyway, I think I might be done with OKCupid for a while. Right now, I'm trying to ask a former alumni of mine out on a date. Have no clue what to say to her, I'm really bad at texting actual crushes. It's easier for me in person, and she isn't really a talk on the phone kind of girl, fuck texting.


Any advice for ending a first text to a girl?

"I think I'm in love with you"

nothing fancy, just say what you got to say, no need for a drop mic moment.

Edit: that okc deactivate and wait 7 days is pretty BS. I acrivated mine and deactivated it 1 hour later with no problems.


No One Remembers
The girl I went out with on Saturday gave me the "I don't think it'd work out" call just now. Which sucks because she was pretty cool but she's at a different spot in her life (has a kid), so I don't think it's work out in the long term either.

Back into the pool with me.
The girl I went out with on Saturday gave me the "I don't think it'd work out" call just now. Which sucks because she was pretty cool but she's at a different spot in her life (has a kid), so I don't think it's work out in the long term either.

Back into the pool with me.

That's cool that she was classy/mature enough to let you know. It's always better that way
Another 34 messages and 99 visitors.


wow u are soo pretty!

(This girl is pretty hot)
Hey girl! I can't say that I usually message girls, but you're gorgeous and I wanted to say hello. :) I'm Nora, btw.

Pretty :) what's your major? I'm gabby.

you are cute! :)
would you be interested in kicking my friend in the nuts?

So girls suck as much as guys at messaging. If not more so.

And 112 people rated me highly.
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