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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Nice job! I'm curious how she'll respond haha.

"Oh my that's a good one... Lol"

I'm not sure I should respond, I've got a pretty good idea of what to say, just not sure if I want to. Like seriously, what's the point of even responding if you're not even gonna even attempt to start a legit convo


"Oh my that's a good one... Lol"

I'm not sure I should respond, I've got a pretty good idea of what to say, just not sure if I want to. Like seriously, what's the point of even responding if you're not even gonna even attempt to start a legit convo

I had a girl do this yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Was kind of like this except you know not about cheese and peanut butter.

Me: What's your favorite cheese?
Her: Cheddar...
Me: Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Her: Crunchy...

On a more positive note I'm messaging a really hot chick that is responding well so hopefully I can get her to go to trivia on Monday.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I had a girl do this yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Was kind of like this except you know not about cheese and peanut butter.

Me: What's your favorite cheese?
Her: Cheddar...
Me: Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Her: Crunchy...
It's best to ask more open ended questions.


Neo Member
Any chance you guys/gals could rate my profile? Ive seen comments stating that it actually increases the number of profiles you see or something? I'm curious to check it out. Also, I wouldn't mind some tips on how to improve the profile (I've shamefully stolen the "dog petting" cause it sounds funny lol, hope you dont mind).

Btw, how do i make the link invisible to non-members?

EDIT: OK, now I get it, cheers Wabbit. Quote to see below.

Any chance you guys/gals could rate my profile? Ive seen comments stating that it actually increases the number of profiles you see or something? I'm curious to check it out. Also, I wouldn't mind some tips on how to improve the profile (I've shamefully stolen the "dog petting" cause it sounds funny lol, hope you dont mind).

Btw, how do i make the link invisible to non-members?

Check my post on the previous page
So theres a girl I thought was cutish.

" Being a waitress pays my rent (sometimes), and being a law school student destroys my soul."

So I sent her the following message:

oh god ive killed someone will you represent me? i can pay in neopet monies

No reply.

The girls on this site suck.
So theres a girl I thought was cutish.

edited out picture

" Being a waitress pays my rent (sometimes), and being a law school student destroys my soul."

So I sent her the following message:

No reply.

The girls on this site suck.

You're not supposed to share pics and you're not entitled to an answer.


I asked a question, I expect a reply.


You're gonna have a rough time on okcupid my friend.
Dates on the 1st & 15th of March with the same girl I've been talking for over a month that I met on OKC. Don't lose hope for those who haven't been so lucky on the site yet.

Suggest making friend(s) on Okc to help coming back to the site if results for responses aren't progressing. Perhaps she/or he can help adding good conversations and maybe with tips to attract a potential individual that you've set your eyes on.


So theres a girl I thought was cutish.

" Being a waitress pays my rent (sometimes), and being a law school student destroys my soul."

So I sent her the following message:

No reply.

The girls on this site suck.

Sweet baby jesus man. I hope you're a stud with 6 pack abs or tons of money, because humor may not be your strong suit. Humor approach on these sites has to be VERY light hearted and clever....serial killer jokes are an auto no no.

I had a girl do this yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Was kind of like this except you know not about cheese and peanut butter.

Me: What's your favorite cheese?
Her: Cheddar...
Me: Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Her: Crunchy...

On a more positive note I'm messaging a really hot chick that is responding well so hopefully I can get her to go to trivia on Monday.

Like others said, more open ended questions that'll give them a chance to delve out a good answer. So a question I tend to ask a lot of women is what made them passionate towards the degree they got/getting, or if they are at their dream gig, or is their something else they are shooting for. Things like that let you get a good sense of a person too.

"Oh my that's a good one... Lol"

I'm not sure I should respond, I've got a pretty good idea of what to say, just not sure if I want to. Like seriously, what's the point of even responding if you're not even gonna even attempt to start a legit convo

As someone who has been able to make convo out of nothing, and I mean jack shit for replies, I can tell you it is NOT worth a bit of your time. I get being shy, but one girl who was super cute/interesting, never wanted to ask me shit about me and instead said "people will just tell me things they want me to know," when I said she could poke and prod away back at me. Another girl that is crappy at conversation has been extremely flirtatious in her original messages, "cute" "i want to meet you in person" "so funny" ...even called me darling once which was a !!!! Metal Gear Noise of WTF. Anyways, she won't try to text me, and I've texted her a few times here and there to just pop in, still interested in me and wants to meet, but at this point if she doesn't carve a few hours, tough tits to her. :/

So yeah, it's pointless. Shy is one thing, but a stump on a site like this is a stump in person too I wager.

Yeah. Push and pull. If they message you spontaneously then you have more of an idea if they're interested or not. Sometimes it takes a while but if someone is interested they'll message you too. A general rule is don't get attached on one person, go for abundance, and wait for them to make the move once you plant the seed. It's less work, and less of a thought process when you don't initiate messages.

Yeah texting is a tougher tango than the OKC messages. OKC messages can give you a lot of wiggle room on what to type and how long responses are back. When you move to texting start off with shorter messages, and see how she responds to a once or twice longer text (480 characters AKA 3 pages), if you get that much back or close to, then great she's not scared of conversation via text.

Then there's the whole how often should you text her, and get one back. I generally give a girl 1 a day in the morning during my first break at work, and one more before I go to bed. I tend to leave a question in the first one of the day like, "Good morning! :) How are you today?" Or the question is in response to something she told me was going on last night, or she's sick, or something you know was going to go on with her and can ask her about. If you get a reply back, and a question back from her, great then keep on trucking. You can text back and forth and it's all cool.

A slight "test" I try to do, is one day, after I text her like that day 1, and day 2 after getting the digits, on day 3 I won't send shit all unless I get the first one from her. If you get one, great you know she's interested in you, and you don't need to worry about "texting rules," but don't go crazy either with like back to back messages where she hasn't gotten the chance to reply.

Oh and just because she doesn't send one on that day 3, doesn't mean you just throw your hands up and give up. You can turn it around and text her on day 4, or end of day 3, and say, "Hey sorry I didn't get to text ya today. I've been super busy..." then tell her a small fraction of why you were so busy, and then ask her what she's been up to.


Small update for me is the girl I'm interested in I don't really worry about texting rules much. We're both shit crazy busy, so our replies to each other are static, but I get one out in the morning, get long ones back. I've also had a few phone conversations too. last night talked for over a hour with her, so I know I'm onto something. :)

Since I got sick, the date I was supposed to have tonight is not going to happen with the other girl haha. Luckily she got sick too, so it's a mutual bail after I told her. Other girl who sucks with texting I mentioned above I left the ball in her court, if she wants to hang great, if not I will stop texting her here on out.

Plenty of other women still talking to me through texts from OKC I got #'s from, from my job, and I'm messaging 2 on POF.(Finally someone on POf actually worth messaging jeebus)

Keep grinding GAF! :D

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yeah texting is a tougher tango than the OKC messages. OKC messages can give you a lot of wiggle room on what to type and how long responses are back. When you move to texting start off with shorter messages, and see how she responds to a once or twice longer text (480 characters AKA 3 pages), if you get that much back or close to, then great she's not scared of conversation via text.

Then there's the whole how often should you text her, and get one back. I generally give a girl 1 a day in the morning during my first break at work, and one more before I go to bed. I tend to leave a question in the first one of the day like, "Good morning! :) How are you today?" Or the question is in response to something she told me was going on last night, or she's sick, or something you know was going to go on with her and can ask her about. If you get a reply back, and a question back from her, great then keep on trucking. You can text back and forth and it's all cool.

A slight "test" I try to do, is one day, after I text her like that day 1, and day 2 after getting the digits, on day 3 I won't send shit all unless I get the first one from her. If you get one, great you know she's interested in you, and you don't need to worry about "texting rules," but don't go crazy either with like back to back messages where she hasn't gotten the chance to reply.

Oh and just because she doesn't send one on that day 3, doesn't mean you just throw your hands up and give up. You can turn it around and text her on day 4, or end of day 3, and say, "Hey sorry I didn't get to text ya today. I've been super busy..." then tell her a small fraction of why you were so busy, and then ask her what she's been up to.
Good advice. If I don't hear back from her by 11 (she stays up late) I'll ask how her day went.


Good advice. If I don't hear back from her by 11 (she stays up late) I'll ask how her day went.

Hear back from? As in you texted her today, but she hasn't replied?

If you left it open in your original text for her to reply to something, and she hasn't, then just wait till tomorrow to say hey again.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Hear back from? As in you texted her today, but she hasn't replied?

If you left it open in your original text for her to reply to something, and she hasn't, then just wait till tomorrow to say hey again.
No I misspoke; I haven't texted her today. The last thing she sent yesterday didn't leave much to reply to. I think I don goofed though: asked her to share pics of the gifts her friend gave her. I thought it was harmless, but she ignored it.


No I misspoke; I haven't texted her today. The last thing she sent yesterday didn't leave much to reply to. I think I don goofed though: asked her to share pics of the gifts her friend gave her. I thought it was harmless, but she ignored it.

Yeah that is a bit of a goof. Like the girl I like has a daughter, and I never even brought her kid up until she wanted to. Didn't ask her name, nothing. All that info and sharing comes on its own if the person wants to give it up.

Like she's a goof and went out of work today and made a snow angel, and sent me a pic of it. Made me smile haha.

It's not a giant fugg up you did by any means, and if she's level headed she didn't think much of it at all. So i'd still text her, and 100% ignore you ever even asked for a pic. Dodge that bullet altogether.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Yeah that is a bit of a goof. Like the girl I like has a daughter, and I never even brought her kid up until she wanted to. Didn't ask her name, nothing. All that info and sharing comes on its own if the person wants to give it up.

Like she's a goof and went out of work today and made a snow angel, and sent me a pic of it. Made me smile haha.

It's not a giant fugg up you did by any means, and if she's level headed she didn't think much of it at all. So i'd still text her, and 100% ignore you ever even asked for a pic. Dodge that bullet altogether.
Well she did tell me what she got. I just wanted to see what a diet coke keychain looks like. :p
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