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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I just secured my first date from OKC, in this case with a recently divorced 42 year old who's still "got it." Does anyone else have experience "dating" significantly older (15+ years) women?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
No you didn't. You're among friends here. LOL.
What? Yes I did. She also got a block that had a really nice saying on it.

Well she did respond to the text I sent. Now we're discussing a TV show she recommended to me (that I actually do like). Despite this I don't feel much better about the direction things are heading. I'm going to keep moving forward but my enthusiasm has dropped, probably to a more realistic level. I have a feeling I've been friendzoned.


I've been on POF website for about a week and yet I'm having a bit more success than last year. I don't know what I've done differently but so far, one has made me her favorite and I've been talking to 3 other girls on there. I just added a body shot as one of my pics with me smiling. I guess that helped lol.

Now if I could just keep the conversation going to keep them interested in me...
I've been on POF website for about a week and yet I'm having a bit more success than last year. I don't know what I've done differently but so far, one has made me her favorite and I've been talking to 3 other girls on there. I just added a body shot as one of my pics with me smiling. I guess that helped lol.

Now if I could just keep the conversation going to keep them interested in me...

Nice! I tend to get very obsessive about things when I become interested in them, and I've gotten very interested in the dynamics of okc chatting and goal maximization (acquiring dates) within that context. Maybe as we progress we can share experiences/strategies here.
Nice! I tend to get very obsessive about things when I become interested in them, and I've gotten very interested in the dynamics of okc chatting and goal maximization (acquiring dates) within that context. Maybe as we progress we can share experiences/strategies here.

Best thing to do is stay in control at all times. WHICH IS FUCKING EASIER SAID THAN DONE. I met a girl I like two nights ago (Wednesday) and although it's easier to control my inner-beta with my new experiences (and Gaf) it's still freaking hard. Overthinking = the enemy.

It's like a RPG, I need to grind more so I can defeat him :X.
You had me at "Genie".


I just secured my first date from OKC, in this case with a recently divorced 42 year old who's still "got it." Does anyone else have experience "dating" significantly older (15+ years) women?

Recently divorced. 42. Advertises "still got it."

She wants hot, dirty young man sex. Outside of that, just wants to have fun. Take her out and do adventurous stuff she can take lots of pictures of to post on facebook that will make her friends and ex jealous. Be sexually spontaneous and dominant.
I find that almost every girl ive talked to on here is down for a drink but not coffee. Maybe i'm ugly or something lol. Nah but seriously it kinda irks me because I don't drink at all.

We need to trade places, because all the girls I meet have been down for coffee as opposed to drinks. Except one


all good things
yo so like how do i follow up on the pizza or sushi line.

Cats or giraffes.

I saw someone had in their profile that they wanted to fuck James Deen so I sent her "My dick is bigger than James Deens". She replied with Oh yeah? Well I bet you can't fuck like him. lol.

Wait. Send her donkeys or horses and if she replies back with mules you know you have a winner.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Seeing I broke down yesterday after waiting all day for her to text me, do I wait it out today completely or just message her normally? Even though she does respond to my messages quickly, she doesn't seem much interested in me personally.


Seeing I broke down yesterday after waiting all day for her to text me, do I wait it out today completely or just message her normally? Even though she does respond to my messages quickly, she doesn't seem much interested in me personally.

time to pack it up and go home. No need to force something that is not there.
Well, I got another date tomorrow.

I'll be interested to see where this goes, this is the first time I had a woman actually seek me out, she initiated everything. So unless she's using me for a free meal, things should go well haha.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I don't feel like digging through pages and I haven't been paying attention. Did you meet her yet?

If your thinking about packing it up why don't you just ask her how she feels about you.
We haven't met in person yet. We started talking on the 2nd, moved to Facebook, than texting. We had talked on Skype for 3+ hours Monday. I felt like I was driving the text conversation so I followed advice here to see if she'd text me first yesterday but broke down a little before 10 last night. I don't feel she's interested much in me. She never asks details about me anymore, only diacussing impersonal topics.


all good things
We haven't met in person yet. We started talking on the 2nd, moved to Facebook, than texting. We had talked on Skype for 3+ hours Monday. I felt like I was driving the text conversation so I followed advice here to see if she'd text me first yesterday but brok down a little before 10 last night. I don't feel she's interested much in me. She never asks details about me anymore an only diacusses impersonal topics.

Hmm. That's kind of a long time to not have met yet. Do you have plans to meet or have you talked about it? Maybe she doesn't know if its going anywhere because you haven't yet.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
*shrugs* She said that before we Skype'd FYI

Exactly. I don't take it personal.

She's probably 90 minutes away from I live. I was just in her area yesterday, but I didn't want to undermine her decision.

What. If I was just 90 minutes away from TD when we were communicating online I would have taken a train or bus. You were in her area and she still didn't want to meet you? Red flags abound here. I'd end it. You're wasting a lot of time.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
What. If I was just 90 minutes away from TD when we were communicating online I would have taken a train or bus. You were in her area and she still didn't want to meet you? Red flags abound here. I'd end it.
Keep in mind in New Hampshire public transportation is awful. I didn't tell her I would be free as it wasn't until late at night and I knew I would not be in any condition to meet up; had an awful meeting to attend that, as I expected, left me pissed.


all good things
Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Start looking for someone else. Maybe if you back off for a bit she'll start messaging you.
Keep in mind in New Hampshire public transportation is awful. I didn't tell her I would be free as it wasn't until late at night and I knew I would not be in any condition to meet up; had an awful meeting to attend that, as I expected, left me pissed.

Still I've known LD relationships with farther distances and people met well before you two have. It just strikes me as a red flag that you're so close and the priority to meet keeps getting delayed.
Keep in mind in New Hampshire public transportation is awful. I didn't tell her I would be free as it wasn't until late at night and I knew I would not be in any condition to meet up; had an awful meeting to attend that, as I expected, left me pissed.

There has to be sometime when you two can meet up....unless what you're really looking for is a semi-long distance pen pal/SKYPE partner which I HIGHLY doubt. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but remember....you might not be the only guy she's talking to/SKYPing. The sooner you make plans the better it is for the two of you.

Just like this one girl I'm currently seeing (one date), I need to go and ask her out again as we both tentatively agreed to meet each other again. (HOORAY FOR HER NOT BEING AN AXE MURDERER!) I know she's talking/meeting up with other guys, and I'm doing the same thing (with other girls..not GUYS!). She knows it too. First time this has been disclosed this upfront, so we'll see how this goes.
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