hooked you up with a rating. I didnt even know about that shit.
heres my profile
Rated, and thanks bro!
hooked you up with a rating. I didnt even know about that shit.
heres my profile
Is that so wrong?
So I decided to ditch good messages. I come up with(not to brag) some really witty, cleaver shit and all I get is a profile view. Well, screw it. I'm going to "would you rather?" messages. Like geeky girls will get "Would you rather a T-rex as a pet or a trip to the moon?" and ones that are food lovers will get a strange food question like "Would you rather eat a block of cheese the size of your foot or 200 chicken nuggets?".
No point putting in creative effort for naught. I'll see how it goes.
This approach leads to dates?
OKC seems pretty cool
So I sent someone a message
She looks at my profile
Doesn't reply
*Deletes OKC*
I don't know if I'm being too picky, or if the OKC users around me are just ugly...
You don't consider completely ignoring someone as rude?Really? Judging someone you've never met because they don't reply to an online message? I mean, if that's what you wanna do, go ahead, but it seems foolish to me
You don't consider completely ignoring someone as rude?
You don't consider completely ignoring someone as rude?
Every time you post in a topic about dating, I crack up at your misogyny and total lack of experience/empathy/understanding of what it's like to be a woman on a dating site.You don't consider completely ignoring someone as rude?
Every time you post in a topic about dating, I crack up at your misogyny and total lack of experience/empathy/understanding of what it's like to be a woman on a dating site.
You don't consider completely ignoring someone as rude?
This approach leads to dates?
OKC seems pretty cool
So I sent someone a message
She looks at my profile
Doesn't reply
*Deletes OKC*
I don't know if I'm being too picky, or if the OKC users around me are just ugly...
Yah I haven't found one OKC girl that I'm attracted to. I'm probably going to delete mine.
Thanks to the people who gave me 5 stars. You guys rock.
the replies I get from "HEY GURL WHEN YOU GONNA MAKE THEM CHEEKS CLAP FOR ME?!" are pretty silly.
one asked for money, another said when I let someone shit in my mouth. I knew these would be the replies but still makes me laugh that they actually replied instead of just ignoring the question like I assumed most would.
So yeah, finally decided I'd ask you guys and girls for your opinions on my profile:
What do you think?
It's actually kind of hard to find girls (that interest me) where I am, and I don't seem to be very successful so far. I've just tried the 'pizza or sushi' thing. We'll see if that works.
Obviously if anyone is kind enough to give me a 5-star rating I'll take it!
Are you good looking?
Crack or coke?
So yeah, finally decided I'd ask you guys and girls for your opinions on my profile:
What do you think?
It's actually kind of hard to find girls (that interest me) where I am, and I don't seem to be very successful so far. I've just tried the 'pizza or sushi' thing. We'll see if that works.
Obviously if anyone is kind enough to give me a 5-star rating I'll take it!
I got a reply to my speed reference message.
She said she wouldn't go over 49 mph or just wouldn't ride the bus. What an unimaginative response.
how would she know there is a bomb on her car? without the knowledge why would she limit herself to 49 mph? What if her speedometer is off and 49 to her eye is 51 to her car? She willing to risk life and death for a inaccurate instrument?
I should tell her that there is a bomb in her computer and it was just armed because of that terrible reponse.
I am new to OKC, how do you see who rated you and how high they scored you?
Just rated you! First thing that I immediately noticed is that you put a smilie in your profile. Now this is just my preference, but I would take it out. Completely up to you though.
Tossed you a five star rating.
I would kill off the "I'm quiet" part. It's fine if you are quiet, but that can be a red flag for some women. Your profile should be aiming to show the best side of you. You're marketing yourself!
I also dig all the languages you can speak. I simply feel good being able to speak broken-ass Japanese as my secondary language.
Well, just broke up with this girl I've been seeing for about 4 months now. She was looking for something more serious, and I just don't want to be in a serious relationship right now.
Then she proceeded to tell me that she thinks that she loves me. It was like a Hydrogen Bomb on me
I still feel like I made the right choice to break it off. But...
Having a dick is sort of preventing my experience as a woman on a dating site from accumulating. I also disagree with your opinion that I'm not empathic and if I understood women then I wouldn't be on GAF posting in threads with other men who understand them even less.Every time you post in a topic about dating, I crack up at your misogyny and total lack of experience/empathy/understanding of what it's like to be a woman on a dating site.
I understand that women must get a fair amount of messages, how much that is I haven't the slightest clue. I can understand not responding because you're not interested but that also leads guys on. "Oh, she's probably bombarded and just hasn't had a chance to read my message. I'll send another one!" It's that or the entire female population has zero interest in me and I'd rather think my message was just lost in the shuffle because the alternative is much more depressing... =\Have you missed all the stories in here about how many messages some women get? At first I felt bad about not replying to guys I wasn't interested in but when I asked in this thread, the overwhelming consensus was to ignore as it's better in the long run - no point leading someone on. And what do you want her to say anyway? Thanks but no thanks?
That one really gets me. What the heck does it mean?I only do if they don't respond but then keep viewing your profile.
Well, just broke up with this girl I've been seeing for about 4 months now. She was looking for something more serious, and I just don't want to be in a serious relationship right now.
Then she proceeded to tell me that she thinks that she loves me. It was like a Hydrogen Bomb on me
I still feel like I made the right choice to break it off. But...
I have been there. It does feel bad, but someone telling you "I love you" as you are breaking up really is a hail marry pass in hopes to get you to stay. Good for you to stick to your guns.
Well you were with her for 4 months, and you weren't thinking it was going to go places? I mean, I had the same issue so I'm not one to talk. 5 months, she loved me, I wasn't in love with her, and I had to pull the curtain down on it. It does suck since you feel like the biggest douche canoe alive to do it to someone who is genuinely a good person, but you know deep down isn't the one you're looking for.
Best of luck brother.
Am I the only one who gets annoyed when a girl initiates a message, and says they can't wait to hear back, you message them, try to start a conversation, and then they never reply, despite being online everyday, and viewing your profile on and off?
Just happened to me this week, brah. And we were already knee-deep in conversation, too. She still visits my profile every other day but haven't heard a word from her in nearly a week.
Am I the only one who gets annoyed when a girl initiates a message, and says they can't wait to hear back, you message them, try to start a conversation, and then they never reply, despite being online everyday, and viewing your profile on and off?
Just happened to me this week, brah. And we were already knee-deep in conversation, too. She still visits my profile every other day but haven't heard a word from her in nearly a week.
yeah it's annoying as hell and sorta funny. one real hotty left me hanging cold after an exchange of 8 or so fun messages. she viewed me again today and she has some new pics. then again I was sorta lazy trying to get her number ._.
oh well, life goes on.
I think it would come off clingy if I tried to revive the conversation.
Just happened to me this week, brah. And we were already knee-deep in conversation, too. She still visits my profile every other day but haven't heard a word from her in nearly a week.
You have nothing to lose by replying once more, with "Hey, what's your number?".
You never know.
maybe she just wasn't feeling the conversation? It happens
OKC seems pretty cool
So I sent someone a message
She looks at my profile
Doesn't reply
*Deletes OKC*
I don't know if I'm being too picky, or if the OKC users around me are just ugly...
I'm talking to this really really attractive girls, who is apparently a French traveling writer. She's hot. She seems real and has a Facebook.
And seems really cool, but won't be in town for too long. She wants to "hook up". But, first she wants to exchange nudes, and it doesn't end there. She isn't turned on by "faceless nudes".
We met cause we both rated each other high.
So... Yea, I'm probably gonna bail. Sounds fake and way too good to be true.
GAF input?
I've just been spamming it to any girl I think looks sexy/cute. Some of them get overly offended, some think I'm actually 100% serious and call me a sicko/freak/asshole. I am sorta one, but in like a good way that crazy/fun/artistic girls enjoy!
Gotten nothing but hate from trying to joke/tease the girls on POF. HATE them so much, seriously hate them. boring chicks who are either overly religious or think they're god's gift to man. I'd hate to see what they think is a good message sent to them. probably the most disgusting ass kissing imaginable. I'm in the southeast so there are a ton of annoying souther girls here who range from looking pretty hot to being walking planets.
Either way I can see why some of these unbearable drama queens need dating sites so badly.
currently talking to this chick. borrowed some material from this thread at one point in our messages. she seems pretty cool and she is fucken banging. I love girls with a sense of humor. she can't sleep so I may be skyping with her in a sec![]()
I have a date tomorrow from OKC. My first one in a long time. We are getting Thai food.![]()