good luck![]()
Thanks! I'm actually quite nervous, as it's been a while. I just recently reactivated my okcupid account after a 6 month hiatus.
good luck![]()
I have a date tomorrow from OKC. My first one in a long time. We are getting Thai food.![]()
Sounds way too fake. Request she do something in hers like hold up a peace sign with both hands. I'm usually willing to send nudes if they prove they're real first.
It's a numbers game.OKC seems pretty cool
So I sent someone a message
She looks at my profile
Doesn't reply
*Deletes OKC*
I don't know if I'm being too picky, or if the OKC users around me are just ugly...
I took a girl from OKC, who I had spoken on the phone to twice, on a road trip 2 hours up the coast. Things were going well and we were making out a bit in a club and then she burst into uncontrollable sobbing. I was attempting to hug her but I had a semi from making out so it was pretty awkward. On the drive home the next day she was telling me that she would like for us to be exclusive.
All in all I feel it went preeeeeeeetttttyyy well...
I'm gonna tell you up front that I'm a terrible profile critiquer! Lol
But I thought it was fine, nothing stands out, but I don't think it should push anyone away. I feel like girls will rarely put in the time to read a long ass profile since they have a shit ton to choose from, and can get bored fairly quickly. So keeping yours on the short, simple, and to the point side is a good thing.
I've redone my profile countless times, and seem to attract or catch the attention of different girls when I do.
EDIT: Btw, I rated you. Good luck!
I took a girl from OKC, who I had spoken on the phone to twice, on a road trip 2 hours up the coast. Things were going well and we were making out a bit in a club and then she burst into uncontrollable sobbing. I was attempting to hug her but I had a semi from making out so it was pretty awkward. On the drive home the next day she was telling me that she would like for us to be exclusive.
All in all I feel it went preeeeeeeetttttyyy well...
Ask her to marry you.
Are y'all in big cities? Or having unrealistic expectations? I'm in a city of 2 million people and there are plenty of attractive women for all kind of preferences.
Been a while since I been here.
Rated people on this page, will scour this thread to find any more I missed.
I took a girl from OKC, who I had spoken on the phone to twice, on a road trip 2 hours up the coast. Things were going well and we were making out a bit in a club and then she burst into uncontrollable sobbing. I was attempting to hug her but I had a semi from making out so it was pretty awkward. On the drive home the next day she was telling me that she would like for us to be exclusive.
All in all I feel it went preeeeeeeetttttyyy well...
Fiftyeight said:Now enjoy your awkward "We chose each other!" messages.
Went into this thread and updated my profile last night.
So how does this work? I got a few visitors but no messages. You have to shoot messages to girls first or something? *shrugs*
Question: I've been out with a girl I met on OKCupid twice now. She's nice and we've had a good time, but I had been hanging out with another girl as well that I'm pretty much head over heels for.
Well over the weekend I've pretty much learned that my feelings for the other girl aren't the same as what she has for me. Sucks, but what can you do.
So now should I even bother taking the OKCupid girl out on a third date, or just end things? I mean, I guess having such strong interest for the other girl highlighted my comparative lack of interest for her. I suppose that could change, though. Just don't want to lead her on.
My methods that have proven pretty successful in the few months I've been on OKC:
-make your profile engaging and entertaining. Don't list the generic "I like to laugh and have a good time." EVERYBODY likes to laugh and have a good time. Give it a personality.
-rate girls you like highly and send it along with a message. The one-two punch seems to help a bit.
-don't be long-winded in your initial messages. Short and sweet, plus something mildly humorous helps. Remember that girls receive TONS of messages -- exponentially more than guys. She's going to give your message a quick glance at best, so make sure you grab her. A lot of guys use "or" questions: "Pizza or sushi?" "Brownies or cupcakes?" I use "Jacob or Edward?" because I've discovered you find those with a sense of humor a lot faster.
-just have fun with it and don't take anything personally. Not every girl is going to be into you; you're not going to be into every girl. Enjoy yourself.
We've got a lot of good-looking GAFers. Rated, my friends.
Now enjoy your awkward "We chose each other!" messages.
Kind of answered your own question. If being head over heels for the other girl made you realize X number of things you didn't like about the OKC girl, or just lose interest in her in general, it sounds like she's not what you're looking for. Otherwise, if she was what you are looking for, it would have been that much harder to choose between them.
I'd say just go over your likes/dislikes about her, think about if you really do like her or if you're just trying to convince yourself that you do just because you want to be nice or whatever. Going out with her more just because "hey maybe it will change and I'll like her more eventually!" is not really how it works.
I'd like some opinions on my profile, had way more views than my old one I had months ago but less messages overall. Anything I need to change? Oh and, I may as well ask to be rated too if that's what everyone's doing!
I'd like some opinions on my profile, had way more views than my old one I had months ago but less messages overall. Anything I need to change? Oh and, I may as well ask to be rated too if that's what everyone's doing!
I am a brazilian living in Texas. I am looking for some fun and physical exploration! I am an out going extravagant woman who wants some fire!
I am a latin dancer and my speciality is samba. Also, I love to ride...
Shit, how many of you have been using the X _ Y question in NYC? I sent 13 of them and not 1 reply. I actually had better luck with some more meaty messages. Weird.
Gave you a rating. It looks fine, overall. I wouldn't necessarily correlate the decrease in messages to the change in profile. It's just hot and cold sometimes
Reasonable profile. You've traveled to a distant land, frolicsome, enjoy large groups of colourful people... The type of girl I think you're looking for (based on the prior) should be receptive to your mojo.
Tried it on several girls this past couple of days, to no avail. Didn't get a single reply either. I'm not even in America, so maybe it's a cultural thing, I don't know.
BTW, a little story about yesterday. So despite my failure to get any response, I got someone messaging me instead. It was a boring and plain message, nothing special. That was until I looked at her picture. Holy hell was she hideous. The picture she used to represent her was so outrageously bad, it make her look worse. Oh, but get this, the first sentence in her profile says she didn't know what to write, so she had a friend write it for her (who also didn't write much). So on top of being unattractive, she also has no personality. I mean, I don't think I'm the most handsome guy out there, but I still put effort into my profile and have interesting (I hope) thinks to say. Yet this is what I ended up getting a message from.
Feels bad man.
My profile can't be that bad, right? This is the best I can do? I was actually pretty satisfied with my profile, until I got that.
Here's my profile if anyone else has any tips for me on ways to improv my profile. (quote it to see the link)
It's certainly interesting messaging people with no pictures....I will say that much.
Rated the other members above. Enjoy!
I'm discovering it works best when you try to personalize it. Even adding one or two more sentences to show that you're not just spamming it works. When you do it this way, it works well to at least generate some interest and try to find some sort of commonality.
I've used this tactic as well, "favorite _(movie/restaurant/etc.)__, go." Make it relevant to whatever their profile is and it's still effective. Got 2/4 girls to respond to it. .500 batting average? I'll take that any day.
"The Five Star Meal" continues to impress. If no response is elicited, the best explanation is that your profile left something to be desired.
Fine dining, fellows.
I'm getting close to asking this girl out that I've been talking to. I've got five fairly long messages from her and she seems really cool. I'm a bit nervous but I think it'll go well. We haven't been terribly flirty with each other, just lots of 'getting to know you' type questions and whatnot. I haven't been on a proper date in close to five years, so I'm a bit nervous. It seems weird to ask someone out on a Monday when you can't actually do anything until the weekend. Is it better to ask for her number now and then sort the date out a little further in the week?
We've got a lot of good-looking GAFers. Rated, my friends.
Now enjoy your awkward "We chose each other!" messages.
Dude, she initiated at least give her credit for that. Even if she's not your type...don't call her hideously ugly. Karma bro.
On a unrelated subject do any of you google backward search certain girls photos? seems like I come across a few profiles every now and then that are obviously fake.