It seems pretty good at matching ever similar photos, but doesn't match to the exact one. I just tried it on one of my own Facebook pictures, in hopes that it'd link it to FB.
It will catch like 90% of all fakes
It seems pretty good at matching ever similar photos, but doesn't match to the exact one. I just tried it on one of my own Facebook pictures, in hopes that it'd link it to FB.
I'm pretty sure that's what this is. But a dedicated Online Dating OT is probably not a terrible idea.
I'm pretty sure that's what this is. But a dedicated Online Dating OT is probably not a terrible idea.
I'm pretty sure that's what this is. But a dedicated Online Dating OT is probably not a terrible idea.
Dating Age thread in general covers this.
Like I had some advice I wanted based off the girl I met on here, and instead of bug you guys with it, I went in there.
Yeah but this thread isn't really just OKC anymore, plenty of people here using POF and such.
I like OKC gaf crew though.The floodgates open when we make it an online dating OT.
I use POF and OKC
So this was kind of funny. Had a date with an attractive girl on Saturday (from OKC), went well and everything. I text her the next day saying I had a great time etc. I was going to call her tonight to schedule the second date and she beat me to it haha. I got a text from her out of the blue earlier asking how my week was going and then like three messages in she was just like well how does Friday sound for our second date... Guess the first one went even better than I thought.
I'm pretty sure that's what this is. But a dedicated Online Dating OT is probably not a terrible idea.
Dating Age thread in general covers this.
Like I had some advice I wanted based off the girl I met on here, and instead of bug you guys with it, I went in there.
It will catch like 90% of all fakes
Dating Age was pretty unhelpful to me when I posted there.
It was quite a few months ago, but this thread has been a lot more helpful for online dating, and even some real life dating lol.
I ran this girls pics, but nothing came up.
I've been talking to her for about 3 days now.. hmm.
Holy shit if she's real, but I've been playing it safe.
Never sent any of those "pix" she wanted.
Is linking a profile that's not yours bannable?
Dating Age thread in general covers this.
Like I had some advice I wanted based off the girl I met on here, and instead of bug you guys with it, I went in there.
I might have to do with everyone is friendly here. Dating-age at times is brutal with what they are saying. Sometimes they will quote a person and tell them to buck up and stop being a girl, turns some people off.
We here at okc-pof gaf will try to help and guide, even try silly techniques just because why not. Try ice breakers for you and report back. Online dating is kinda brutal at times because you are playing a waiting game half the time and a good portion wearing your heart on the sleeve. That's why I try to be pretty respectful when I post in this thread.
Do you guys recommend IMing a girl who actually has their IM turned on without ever messaging her in the first place? That's one thing I've been curious about and wonder if anyone ever approached that way.
Do you guys recommend IMing a girl who actually has their IM turned on without ever messaging her in the first place? That's one thing I've been curious about and wonder if anyone ever approached that way.
I honestly like OKC-POF GAF more than Dating Age. Sometimes I just ask dating questions here even if they have little to do with online dating. Everyone here is way more friendly and helpful than Dating Age.
Maybe they just have that option turned off? I'm new to the site, though, so maybe I'm missing something in the equation here. I turned it off, personally... I kind of don't want to know who's looking at my profile.On an unrelated note, I've been having a lot of convos with girls who don't seem to be looking at my profile. Don't know what to make of it. Maybe there's a rash of free a-list membership trials going around?
On an unrelated note, I've been having a lot of convos with girls who don't seem to be looking at my profile. Don't know what to make of it. Maybe there's a rash of free a-list membership trials going around?
Yeh that sounds good, and I like having a dating in general thread, and a separate online dating thread. Sure there's some cross-over but there's a fair amount of stuff that won't overlap.
A dedicated one would cut down on the "I'm on PoF not OKC can I still post here though?"
My roommate met a girl from okcupid. 6 weeks after they met, she freaked out over a post on his facebook wall (a very platonic "how have you been?" post from an old friend of his that lives on the other side of the country) and she ultimately attempted suicide via A) cutting her wrists and B) mixing xanax with alcohol.
Double posting is hell.
Anonymous browsing is for free members too
You mean to tell me you've not been asked out of the blue what your opinion of waffles is, nor what activities are requisite for your "making it clap" for the stranger accosting you?
Really? how do I activate that?
So I've updated my profile with new descriptions, (hopefully funny) humor and new photos.
What do you guys think? Also, which photo should I use as my profile pic (current and 3rd photos are recent, others are 2 years old)?
oh shit, girl I'm talking to makes god of war reference after I make a lame greek mythology joke. isthisreallife.
actually, this is the second girl to make a god of war reference, strange.
Anyway, this other girl I'm talking to is so god damn boring, she's got no personality what so ever, but she's a total sweetheart, I'm not sure I'd be interested in her more than a friend, but this is the part I hate about talking to people online, you don't really get to know them until you meet them, she could be totally different in person. I'm gonna try and set up a meeting with her and see how it goes, hopefully not wasting anyone's time!
Oh this is funny. A couple of months ago I mentioned I saw a girl from OKC come in to where I worked. I messaged her, she didn't respond. Well I messaged her again with my pancake waffle, she replied, and I just asked her if that was her I saw, turns out it was haha. So we've actually kinda met before, small world.
oh shit, so after talking to her some more, turns out I saw her sister, apparently they look nearly identical. 2 of them! Just got her number too, moving pretty quickly with this one. and she lives like 5 minutes from me which is nice, usually it's 30-40.
Nice! No wonder she ignored you the first time
Site is hilarious if you don't take it seriously. I hate about 90% of all the girls on the site and would never spend time/money on them irl. So many oooglies, borings and dumbasses. Still managing to have fun though. Im compiling a scrapbook. lighten up and realize you on da internet. If you're looking for something other than casual sex or a few lame dates I reccomend you look elsewhere. At least that's been mostly my experience with the site LOLI hate this site, it's not even that I'm too picky to be here, I just don't like who I find. I've gotten into arguments with some people, I find others gross, some are boring. I give people chances and I just don't understand them.
I realize this site is what you make of it, but all that is, is disgusted. I have only ever found 1 girl I connected with emotionally and it just didn't work out.
I hate this site, it's not even that I'm too picky to be here, I just don't like who I find. I've gotten into arguments with some people, I find others gross, some are boring. I give people chances and I just don't understand them.
I realize this site is what you make of it, but all that is, is disgusted. I have only ever found 1 girl I connected with emotionally and it just didn't work out.
All signed up. Wish me luck. Pretty new to online dating. Any one interested in reviewing my profile?
If link doesn't work, name is canoli316.
Rated your profile....might want to downplay on the negativity there in regards to your ex and how your heart was broken. Girls will probably find it as a bit of a turnoff. Just my two cents.
I got a message from someone named Sugarmommy.
It says shes 25 and she doesn't have a pic... should I ask for cash?
All signed up. Wish me luck. Pretty new to online dating. Any one interested in reviewing my profile?
If link doesn't work, name is canoli316.
I'm getting close to asking this girl out that I've been talking to. I've got five fairly long messages from her and she seems really cool. I'm a bit nervous but I think it'll go well. We haven't been terribly flirty with each other, just lots of 'getting to know you' type questions and whatnot. I haven't been on a proper date in close to five years, so I'm a bit nervous. It seems weird to ask someone out on a Monday when you can't actually do anything until the weekend. Is it better to ask for her number now and then sort the date out a little further in the week?
of course. but small amounts at first. Like 10-20 dollars to feed yo "family" then once shes in love with your abs, you ask for 1k.