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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Grap3, your attitude in this thread reminds me of your attitude toward Dead or Alive - you clearly care enough about it to understand its intricacies and appreciate the finer technical points of its history, but whenever you talk about it you focus on the things that dissapoint you being dispropprtionately negative about it.
If someone's first impressions of the series were your opinions, they might be driven away from them and never discover its finer points which made you care in the first place.

Now try to think onhow that translates on your attitude toward yourself and online dating sites - don't you think you should try to focus on your better aspects first?


So I went out last night for first time in 2/3 weeks. The plusside being that I got a lot of compliments on my dancing skills and that I had a really nice time. Saw a lot of familiair faces from old acquiantaces /friends. The down side being that I really didn't score anything. But I wasn't really trying that hard. I had some girls that I liked in the sort of after party clubs but I saw 2/3 of them kissing with other dudes so I immediately lost interest. And I had no headaches at all going out last night, so that's good. Even drank 2-3 beers.

And today I got 2 messages back on Ok Cupid. So it was a good day. One of girl who I mentioned yesterday about Murakami she doesnt have a photo. And the other one is quite nice. Her status said replys verry selectively but I got a message back and the longest message so far that I got back is from her :)


So I went out last night for first time in 2/3 weeks. The plusside being that I got a lot of compliments on my dancing skills and that I had a really nice time. Saw a lot of familiair faces from old acquiantaces /friends. The down side being that I really didn't score anything. But I wasn't really trying that hard. I had some girls that I liked in the sort of after party clubs but I saw 2/3 of them kissing with other dudes so I immediately lost interest. And I had no headaches at all going out last night, so that's good. Even drank 2-3 beers.

And today I got 2 messages back on Ok Cupid. So it was a good day. One of girl who I mentioned yesterday about Murakami she doesnt have a photo. And the other one is quite nice. Her status said replys verry selectively but I got a message back and the longest message so far that I got back is from her :)

Follow up on that long message girl. Could be something good.
On okc, I have my looking for set to, "new friends" So its clear from the start what my goal is. Just to have fun and and go out to places with another person. My plans with them are usually just me inviting them to places I would already be doing. I like classical music, so I would invite them to a concert. If they say no, then it's no big deal because I already had plans to go anyway with or without them.

It also leads to not being upset if they flake or say no. If you are asking a person out on a date and they say no, its pretty much game over. If you ask a friend to hang out and they say no, its no big deal, see you next week.

Id say the friend and date, not date process takes about a month. To me that feels like an eternity in the dating world, when its not really that long in retrospect. I don't ask them to wait for me or drop other people. I find that people will rush or demand to much to fast and ruin themselves. So when they see how calm and slow I take it, they know I'm serious about building something with them and it helps me. It took many a moon, but I have finally grasped that there are many single people out there and if I lose one, its not a big deal. Many fish in the sea. Ramble mode,off lol

Wow, what a great outlook. I'm definitely going to try to adopt it.

Thanks again, Maddocks. Best wishes with your love life
Grap3, your attitude in this thread reminds me of your attitude toward Dead or Alive - you clearly care enough about it to understand its intricacies and appreciate the finer technical points of its history, but whenever you talk about it you focus on the things that dissapoint you being dispropprtionately negative about it.
If someone's first impressions of the series were your opinions, they might be driven away from them and never discover its finer points which made you care in the first place.

Now try to think onhow that translates on your attitude toward yourself and online dating sites - don't you think you should try to focus on your better aspects first?

Lol this made me laugh, I was not expecting that


shit, this is gonna be an interesting night. meeting 2 girls, back to back. First girl I think we're gonna go play pool, but the second girl is kinda boring, she wants to sit in dunkin donuts and talk, ughh, that's just not my ideal situation for a first meet up. I suggested a small netflix marathon on my place but she said no, which is understandable, but yea...looks like it's gonna be a pretty standard 'coffee date'

not everyone wants to have a first date at someone's house. It basically reads that you're just gonna hook up. I don't know I wouldn't want to go a guy's house which Ive never met.


Yea, that's why I said it's understandable. I've done the netflix things before and no hook ups, just not my thing. Had to reschedule tonight due to some messed up scheduling, not a big deal. But I check my POF account and see this message


hmm lol, how do I respond


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yea, that's why I said it's understandable. I've done the netflix things before and no hook ups, just not my thing. Had to reschedule tonight due to some messed up scheduling, not a big deal. But I check my POF account and see this message


hmm lol, how do I respond

"If I'd been shot with cupid's arrow already I wouldn't be here, would I"


Yea, that's why I said it's understandable. I've done the netflix things before and no hook ups, just not my thing. Had to reschedule tonight due to some messed up scheduling, not a big deal. But I check my POF account and see this message

hmm lol, how do I respond
Weirdest pickup line ever hhaha


I'm not sure if she's serious or not, she looks super dark and brooding on her profile, like she hates the world. maybe I'm too much of a baller for her


Yea, that's why I said it's understandable. I've done the netflix things before and no hook ups, just not my thing. Had to reschedule tonight due to some messed up scheduling, not a big deal. But I check my POF account and see this message


hmm lol, how do I respond

I think she wants you.

Not even joking.


all good things
well, this got interesting

wondering how I should respond

Tell her you're actually a cow.

Edit: Or say "What a coincidence! That was my nickname in high school." Trust me!

Edit 2: Or say something about a swine ovulator. I can't think of a way to use it in a sentence but it's way funnier than bovine ejaculator. Maybe make a rap song out of it.

Stuck on Pluto but all I have is this bovine ejacultor
Oh no, who is that? Shit!
It's Donald Duck coming at me with a swine ovulator

Go with number 3.


idk, seems kinda too soon to ask for her number. I should probably have mentioned that this wasn't the person I messaged last time, kinda slipped my mind

also, Az987, I dunno about that rap, could go either way but it is pretty funny
Not sure if there's one alrdy in this thread but there should be directions/advice post to show how to set up a profile on sites like OKC and the like.

Created this profile at the beginning of 2013 and been off/on it due to college and lack of interest, currently on it occasionally now. Only had one girl message me which was nice, chatted a bit about Game of Thrones but stopped messaging once the college work started to pile on me. Haven't replied back in like 2 months, feel like an ass for it but yeah.


Another lovely piece of non-advice from NeoGAF. How unexpected.

You seriously should take that "non-advice". I mainly just lurk this thread cuz i find online dating sorta interesting, but all you do is come in here and whine. Would you honestly want to be with someone who does that constantly? Figure out your problems first before you bring someone else along for the ride. And don't say the lack of gf is making you sad, because I've dated enough people to know its easier to be happy when you're single. Go to a therapist, exercise more, or find some help


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
My most newly-earned personality trait is "more thrifty," which I assume is just a nice way of saying "cheap." And damn, it's right.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Just changed my status to 'seeing someone'. I'm officially smitten. We hung out downtown for a bit last night and then came back to my house and proceeded to get drunk and watch The Mighty Boosh until 3:00am. We spooned on the couch till 11:30ish this morning. Wasn't the best night of sleep I've ever had, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We went and had breakfast and we made out a little bit when I dropped her off at her place. We're meeting up again tonight. So happy.


paid requisite penance
visited, dropped a 5 star. I'm no profile guru so I'm sure someone else will tell you better then I how to improve add and subtract.

That's really nice of you. Gimme your profile so I can return the favor.
Still, I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts. Anything noteworthy (bad or good)?


That's really nice of you. Gimme your profile so I can return the favor.
Still, I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts. Anything noteworthy (bad or good)?

Cant miss me, I'm the most dashing man on okc. I only lack a fedora.

From another glace, I say your profile is good, maybe add more hobbies. I know people here will say you need to say your more outgoing and whatnot. Pictures are fine, I think a more brighter picture will do more. Kinda dark, but mine is dark too, so I shouldn't complain lol


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Change your main profile image to one with better lighting.

Yeah I would've made that same suggestion. Use the 3rd picture, it's much better. It also doesn't make it look like you're missing a tooth. :p


paid requisite penance
Change your main profile image to one with better lighting.

Yeah I would've made that same suggestion. Use the 3rd picture, it's much better. It also doesn't make it look like you're missing a tooth. :p

Yeah, I originally put it cause I have a wide, completely natural smile on this one. Too bad it's too dark :/. I have a misplaced tooth, so I suppose poor lighting was all it took to make it look like I miss one.

I put back the third one. Thanks for the advice.

What about the profile though?

@Maddocks: thanks for the suggestions. If you're who I think you are, you're trying too hard to be funny in your profile if you ask me (though I'm not expert either). Be a little more open and realistic, talk about your hobbies, what you like, what you want... The dragon-slaying thing is not good at all. It's not just that it makes you sound like a nerd; it makes it sound like you're nothing BUT a nerd, that there's nothing to you besides that. And I'm sure there's more to you.


@Maddocks: thanks for the suggestions. If you're who I think you are, you're trying too hard to be funny in your profile if you ask me (though I'm not expert either). Be a little more open and realistic, talk about your hobbies, what you like, what you want... The dragon-slaying thing is not good at all. It's not just that it makes you sound like a nerd; it makes it sound like you're nothing BUT a nerd, that there's nothing to you besides that. And I'm sure there's more to you.

Hey, I'm funny damn it! I kid. Dragon slaying was just something I put because its stupid lol Once day I sat down and wrote what came to my head without actually thinking about it and that's what came out, I'll change it one of these days. If I talked about my hobbies they would really be. video games, trance music, filming, and watching tv. Seems very boring personally. I get what you mean though. But I use okc wrong, as in I use it more for getting friends then I do getting dates because at the moment, I'm working on me, I cant bring a girl into my world. My world is silly, sad, and suicidal.

Thanks for the advice and I shall use it to help.


paid requisite penance
If I talked about my hobbies they would really be. video games, trance music, filming, and watching tv. Seems very boring personally.

I don't know, filming sounds intriguing to me at least. You should emphasize that. And although I don't care for trance music, there's nothing in wrong in mentioning it in your profile.

I get what you mean though. But I use okc wrong, as in I use it more for getting friends then I do getting dates because at the moment, I'm working on me, I cant bring a girl into my world. My world is silly, sad, and suicidal.

You're not using it wrong if you think right now you should work on yourself and are fine with looking for friends only. It's actually a very sane course of action. Keep it up!
Hey all, I'm gonna subject myself to the critics of GAF, come at me


I'm having a feeling I should cut some info out, seems a bit too wordy for me or something, anyone care to help me out?

Hello there. I'm in a rehabilitation program for Grammar Nazis and am now using my power for good:

Note: insertions for grammaticality's sake are in bold

1. My self-summary

-"though I spent my childhood in Japan, still debating whether to call myself Japanese or from the US due to it." This sounds rather awkward. I'd reformulate the constituent thoughts into two sentences as follows: "I was born in California, though I spent my childhood in Japan. As a result, I'm still debating whether to call myself Japanese or American" or some such.

-"I'd like to think of myself as open-minded and a critical thinker but...."

2. What I'm doing with my life

-"Studying at a university in the process of obtainining a Computer Information Systems BA degree and in the process of finding a job." Scrap this entirely. Here's the same conjunctive thought, expressed coherently: "In the process of obtaining a B.A. in Computer Information Systems and trying to find a job."

-"my ideal career would be a creative writer in the video game industry." This clause needs to be its own sentence; as is, its current position creates a run-on sentence.

-"Most of my free time consists of hanging out with friends, playing video games, and watching shows."

3. Favorites section

-"I'm a fan of many games, [insert comma] though I prefer RPGs [or 's]"

-"Shows: A few animes (comes with being asian), Game of Thrones, Adventure Time, Mythbusters." Stop liking anime (just kidding)

4. I spend a lot of time thinking about

-'thinking about life in general' is an all but meaningless expression; plug in something more concrete to give the reader an idea of what you're on about (e.g., 'the meaning of life' or whatever the case may be)

5. The most private thing I'm willing to admit

-"Well then, it wouldn't be private now would it? Haha." This is a very generic answer, and one that is a bit too common. Use this section to display a bit of creativity.

6. I'm looking for

-"Age 18-22" Expand your range (upward!) so that you don't preclude the possibility of meeting someone who is a bit older yet a great match; expanding into Milf-tastic territory may be of benefit as well.

-"For new friends" What the fuark? Are you really only looking for friends? F*ck bro, I'm trying to help fellow gaffers get mushpot! Oh well; adjust the above advise as needed.

7. You should message me if

-"or the occasional intellectual/philosophical discussion."

-"Though I do enjoy indoor activities, [insert comma] I blah blah blah"
Hello there. I'm in a rehabilitation program for Grammar Nazis and am now using my power for good:

Note: insertions for grammaticality's sake are in bold

1. My self-summary

-"though I spent my childhood in Japan, still debating whether to call myself Japanese or from the US due to it." This sounds rather awkward. I'd reformulate the constituent thoughts into two sentences as follows: "I was born in California, though I spent my childhood in Japan. As a result, I'm still debating whether to call myself Japanese or American" or some such.

-"I'd like to think of myself as open-minded and a critical thinker but...."

2. What I'm doing with my life

-"Studying at a university in the process of obtainining a Computer Information Systems BA degree and in the process of finding a job." Scrap this entirely. Here's the same conjunctive thought, expressed coherently: "In the process of obtaining a B.A. in Computer Information Systems and trying to find a job."

-"my ideal career would be a creative writer in the video game industry." This clause needs to be its own sentence; as is, its current position creates a run-on sentence.

-"Most of my free time consists of hanging out with friends, playing video games, and watching shows."

3. Favorites section

-"I'm a fan of many games, [insert comma] though I prefer RPGs [or 's]"

-"Shows: A few animes (comes with being asian), Game of Thrones, Adventure Time, Mythbusters." Stop liking anime (just kidding)

4. I spend a lot of time thinking about

-'thinking about life in general' is an all but meaningless expression; plug in something more concrete to give the reader an idea of what you're on about (e.g., 'the meaning of life' or whatever the case may be)

5. The most private thing I'm willing to admit

-"Well then, it wouldn't be private now would it? Haha." This is a very generic answer, and one that is a bit too common. Use this section to display a bit of creativity.

6. I'm looking for

-"Age 18-22" Expand your range (upward!) so that you don't preclude the possibility of meeting someone who is a bit older yet a great match; expanding into Milf-tastic territory may be of benefit as well.

-"For new friends" What the fuark? Are you really only looking for friends? F*ck bro, I'm trying to help fellow gaffers get mushpot! Oh well; adjust the above advise as needed.

7. You should message me if

-"or the occasional intellectual/philosophical discussion."

-"Though I do enjoy indoor activities, [insert comma] I blah blah blah"

Thanks, as for me just looking for friends I didn't even realize that was in my profile haha.
Screw that, if someone doesn't approve of what you like they are not worthy of dating you.

It's about not immediately raising red flags. A lot of girls are quite cool with video games, but they don't want to see a big list of your favorite jRPGS in your profile. There is a plethora of freaks and creepy guys on OkCupid already, and anything you can do to keep your name out of that pile is good, in my humble opinion.

Didn't stop me from getting messages.

I think the thing that blows my mind the most about you isn't the fact that you're marrying someone you barely know, but that you think of yourself as some sort of guru who other people should pattern their behavior after.
um, no? If you're into those things, no reason to not have them in there. You want some to accept you for who you are, no point in hiding your hobbies.
I'm inclined to agree with this. I mention gaming multiple times in my profile because I really, really enjoy it. Granted, I don't go on and on about it or even mention specific games, but still. I think it's only fair to be up front so the other person knows what they'll be getting in to regardless if it cuts down on my chances. If a girl doesn't want her boyfriend to be a gamer, then she can move along. I shouldn't have to change what I like in order to increase my chances of getting a date.
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