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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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both, yes. Go to matches, it's one of the categories you can filter after.

and ah, but still. As a guy, you should go in expecting not to get any messages yourself, really. Or few. And once you start sending out messages, don't expect >50% response rate, if even.

Yeah. In the PHX area I had a couple of visitors and no messages. I don't think girls have to message on these sites.

My response rate is pretty sucktastic. But I've only had 3 days on it so far.
As a guy, you should go in expecting not to get any messages yourself, really. Or few. And once you start sending out messages, don't expect >50% response rate, if even.

wow that's quite a disparity. I found one chick I really liked and her message box was full. I've got like on message I mean how many do you have to get to fill it up?

I got 20 visitors but almost all of them were too old, too young or too far away. I guess you gotta put in some work if you are a guy tho


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
wow that's quite a disparity. I found one chick I really liked and her message box was full. I've got like on message I mean how many do you have to get to fill it up?

I got 20 visitors but almost all of them were too old, too young or too far away. I guess you gotta put in some work if you are a guy tho

If you get 20 visitors, a girl gets 200 visitors in the same time, probably. There's a pretty huge disparity, yep. You can probably get anything from 1% to 50% response rate as a guy, if I had to guess. 10/20% is probably more common. Do know though, that response rate goes up quite a bit for girl that HAVE visited your profile, so if you like one of the girls that visited you, make sure to message, because there's at least SOMETHING there. some girls also won't even READ your message, so be ready for that, too. :p



I think I'm out.
Hah, I'm sorry. I feel that way too. Honestly I've used OKC for a few years now, and the few successes I've had are long in the past now. Its unbalanced for men and the woman just seem to be bad people. Any thought-provoking, intelligent, humorously worded message I've written have been mostly ignored, with the few replies I get being flat and short. I'll carry a conversation, but comon. My latest conversation I ended. My second message started with a joke, followed with a compliment, asked about plans for the summer while hinting i have unused rollerblades im excited to use, then followed with a few more questions like what shes looking for (since shes blunt her profile points out. Her reply:
haaa that's funny it says im more interested in sex. I'm looking to meet someone and see where things go...

I'm not more interested in random sex than I am in a relationship. I just like sex and think it's an important aspect to find compatibility.

No...kids will be kids and they can play and shouldn't be forced to know why they play. I'm expecting to have a pretty casual life. I know I won't make that much money, but I'll make enough :)

I do fun things for fun. I almost fell asleep on my porch today... i felt like a dog or an old person..."falling asleep in a sunspot" lol
Are woman afraid to ask questions? How do I follow this up? The answer was I didnt, her first message was just as boring and uninspired.

Yea, I'm jaded. The good news is real life is better, and expanding social circles is a lot more effective. The time and effort to reward ratio on OKC is horrible. I've had some great first dates, and had some fun and made some friends, but its all so fleeting.
wow that's quite a disparity. I found one chick I really liked and her message box was full. I've got like on message I mean how many do you have to get to fill it up?

I got 20 visitors but almost all of them were too old, too young or too far away. I guess you gotta put in some work if you are a guy tho

Nice to see a fellow Bay Area-ian on this thread. The limit is about 300.

My mailbox is about 90% full, but keep in mind I've never emptied out my emails over two years...although I really didnt get into this until last August.


So I made an account today... the whole thing is rather overwhelming.

I got 15 visits and one message...is that pretty standard?

It seems like girls just get bombarded with messages...makes me feel like a weirdo sending them one

stealth brag :p

Seriously though...its rare that girls initiate contact. You must have a good profile, good looks, tall, wealthy, some excellent combo of all of that? Or just amazing luck. haha Sounds like you are off to a good start. I'm pretty sure some of us have never had a girl message us.
I don't really understand what's so hard about getting people to go out with. I've had it for like 2 days and I'm meeting a girl tonight. I've had like 3 or 4 girls randomly message me. This is like the easiest thing ever! Love it.

Here's my profile.



"i'm a good looking, tall, athletic white guy living in the south and can't seem to understand why you all have trouble getting dates!" Gimme a break.


I don't really understand what's so hard about getting people to go out with. I've had it for like 2 days and I'm meeting a girl tonight. I've had like 3 or 4 girls randomly message me. This is like the easiest thing ever! Love it.

Here's my profile.


Just for this I'm rating you a 1 so you don't see as many hotties.

But in all seriousness. Like previous poster stated. You're kind of a good looking dude and you're tall and will probably be going places with that engineering/cs degree. That part about being a pizza delivery guy is probably invisible to the ladies viewing your page. lol


I don't really understand what's so hard about getting people to go out with. I've had it for like 2 days and I'm meeting a girl tonight. I've had like 3 or 4 girls randomly message me. This is like the easiest thing ever! Love it.

Here's my profile.


lol at that profile picture, but I think it's a good idea if you have a picture with a girl smiling and even hugging you in it. I think it shows women that you are desirable and not some anti social freak that they may come across on the internet.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I don't really understand what's so hard about getting people to go out with. I've had it for like 2 days and I'm meeting a girl tonight. I've had like 3 or 4 girls randomly message me. This is like the easiest thing ever! Love it.

Here's my profile.


:lol don't you just love that. Best thing you know we'll get a girl come in here and name fun of guys for not getting messages when it's so easy. Good for you, but take your insult-brags somewhere else please :p

been a bit bummed out, the two dates I went to didn't lead to any second dates,I think I'll need to make myself/my life more interesting before I literature this any more seriously.there's only so much you can make up for with humour :p but it sure felt nice to get myself out there and actually go on dates, so the website has definitely already helped me after my breakup like 2 months ago.


I don't think you offended anyone. We're just messing with ya. Just curious why you're on the site though. From the pics you posted it seems like you know already know some pretty ladies hah


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That wasn't my intent.

Think of it this way: what you did is similar to going in a weight loss thread where people struggle with losing weight and your post says "lol I don't understand why you guys can't lose weight it's so easy". We're happy you're having success, but I hope you understand the bragging tone of your post wasn't the nicest thing :p

Also looks isn't everything (to the poster above me), I like to think I'm okay looking, but social anxiety is a pain in real life.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That wasn't my intent.

No offense taken, it's all good in my book. But maybe try to be more sensitive next time. Glad to see it's working out for you. Maybe on your date you can ask the girl what made your profile stand out and then you can help your fellow gaffers out?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Eh, if I was remotely close to being a good-looking dude I'd have no social anxiety at all. Well, if I was tall as well.

Eh, it's sadly not as simple as that. It might help, but it's not everything. Same way that being rich doesn't suddenly make all your problems go away.


Eh, it's sadly not as simple as that. It might help, but it's not everything. Same way that being rich doesn't suddenly make all your problems go away.

It wouldn't fix my problems but at least I'd be able to approach a woman and talk to her in a flirty manner instead of just going up to women and talking to them like a regular person.
So recently updated my profile on OkCupid. I had the account deactivated for half a year and got some rare replies, but no dates. I changed it up now and sent out a number of messages and had a reply rate of.. 0. Amazing.

Now I'm fairly new to this whole online dating thing and have no idea what people look for in your message and your profile. But perhaps you guys can give me some feedback on the profile itself.


Also, I'm new here on NeoGAF.. Hello everyone!
So recently updated my profile on OkCupid. I had the account deactivated for half a year and got some rare replies, but no dates. I changed it up now and sent out a number of messages and had a reply rate of.. 0. Amazing.

Now I'm fairly new to this whole online dating thing and have no idea what people look for in your message and your profile. But perhaps you guys can give me some feedback on the profile itself.


Also, I'm new here on NeoGAF.. Hello everyone!

Welcome to GAF!
First: You need a new picture, that one is blurry as shit. Also, one of you doing your kickboxing would be pretty cool
Also, don't ever say you're "looking for" casual sex even if you are. It makes no sense, but it's a huge turn off for girls who actually are looking for casual sex. (maybe take it off your list of needs too)
Welcome to GAF!
First: You need a new picture, that one is blurry as shit. Also, one of you doing your kickboxing would be pretty cool
Also, don't ever say you're "looking for" casual sex even if you are. It makes no sense, but it's a huge turn off for girls who actually are looking for casual sex. (maybe take it off your list of needs too)

I second every single one of these suggestions. Also, need a better photo. But kudos for not using one where:

a) You're in the bathroom looking at your reflection in the mirror.
b) Not sitting at your computer desk taking a picture of yourself with a webcam.
c) You have your shirt on!
Thanks for the suggestions so far guys, appreciate it :)

I'll see if I can find a better photo, but I don't have a lot of them. Most of my recent photos are of me at a distance, or where I look significantly different from what I do now. It's generally a little tricky but I'll see what I come up with. I also followed up on the suggestion of removing the 'casual sex' thing.

Haha probably because it really weirds me out when I see guys using pictures like that. The only time I ever take a picture of myself like that is for my own use to see long term differences in my body, estimating if my diet and workout routine is working for me.


I second every single one of these suggestions. Also, need a better photo. But kudos for not using one where:

a) You're in the bathroom looking at your reflection in the mirror.
b) Not sitting at your computer desk taking a picture of yourself with a webcam.
c) You have your shirt on!

What's wrong with mirror pics :eek:


haha, I sent a message to a girl who's into fitness, I said HEY BRO DO YOU EVEN LIFT? and it worked. Thanks for that, whoever that was
Talking with this girl for awhile. She didn't want to give her number bcuz she didn't know me well enough.

Ha hahaha ahahaha

Gots it anyways >:3
I'm meeting this girl in Myrtle Beach next week. She already gave me her number and we've been talking for awhile. She's a senior in high school and turns 19 in a couple of days. I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck me.


I'm meeting this girl in Myrtle Beach next week. She already gave me her number and we've been talking for awhile. She's a senior in high school and turns 19 in a couple of days. I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck me.

Just make sure she's actually 19 and not 17.
I'm hesitant to do this but here is my profile, please rate/critique at will:


I've gotten a few dates off here a while ago, but until recently my account was deactivated. I just got out of a year long relationship and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I personally think my profile either sucks or is just not interesting enough. Yes I may already have an uphill battle with my height and looks, but hey I can't think about that. Let me know what you guys think.
I'm hesitant to do this but here is my profile, please rate/critique at will:


I've gotten a few dates off here a while ago, but until recently my account was deactivated. I just got out of a year long relationship and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I personally think my profile either sucks or is just not interesting enough. Yes I may already have an uphill battle with my height and looks, but hey I can't think about that. Let me know what you guys think.

Looks pretty solid, gave you a good rating
Lots of picture-free profiles and Russian women (which makes me nervous) on OKC in Cyprus, not to mention profiles which look like veiled ads for prostitution and profiles from Israel -- understandable, since it's a 45 minute flight away.


Lots of picture-free profiles and Russian women (which makes me nervous) on OKC in Cyprus, not to mention profiles which look like veiled ads for prostitution.

Haha that's hilarious. Make sure to have the "Have a photo" filter set so you don't see pictureless people.


Started talking to a girl yesterday, just asked if she wants to meet up tonight after work and she said yes, success! I love not wasting time, get right to it and see if there's any attraction/chemistry.

on a side note, I found this profile on POF

I'm not trying to rush into relationship or anything I'd like to meet some new friends.Everybody feel free to talk to me but I'd love some rich friends and people who love to spend money.People with money should hit me up and get to know me.Keep your opinions to yourself dont message me stupid sh*tbecause you don't know anything about me.Dont message me "Hi""hey""whatsup" short boring stuff like that wont get a reply.I'm usually really nice so dont hesitate to hit me up:)I'm not here for hookups so keep your****pics and stuff like that to yourself.Dont be a perv thanks.

haha, I'm definitely gonna message her later and see how it goes, I think I'm gonna talk about how much of a baller I am


I'm hesitant to do this but here is my profile, please rate/critique at will:


I've gotten a few dates off here a while ago, but until recently my account was deactivated. I just got out of a year long relationship and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I personally think my profile either sucks or is just not interesting enough. Yes I may already have an uphill battle with my height and looks, but hey I can't think about that. Let me know what you guys think.

Rated you as well. Rate me back!
Really great news...

Your personality: Really great
How bad girls want you: So bad
Your profile, as of 8 milliseconds ago: Approved!

wtf is this


Really great news...

Your personality: Really great
How bad girls want you: So bad
Your profile, as of 8 milliseconds ago: Approved!

wtf is this

The girls want the D. You get a lot of views, that's why.

Let me see your profile to see what you look like :p
The girls want the D. You get a lot of views, that's why.

Let me see your profile to see what you look like :p

I think the extra 3 rating I got from you guys helped out. I didn't check my e-mail (it's in my spam e-mail) but ever since I gotten 20 5 star rating, I notice even better selection and also more people checking out my profile. So yes, help out other gaffers and rate them. I'll do my part once I get home.
I'm hesitant to do this but here is my profile, please rate/critique at will:


I've gotten a few dates off here a while ago, but until recently my account was deactivated. I just got out of a year long relationship and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I personally think my profile either sucks or is just not interesting enough. Yes I may already have an uphill battle with my height and looks, but hey I can't think about that. Let me know what you guys think.

Looks good to me. Also, just rated you :)
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