Okkkkkkkkkk...........first world problems.
I'm never going to complain about being in a "drought" of female contact again. I now have gotten 3 phone numbers in the past 5 days, and I now have to let some people down easy or something because one blows the rest away.
Alright so I'm new to this whole online dating thing but I saw some people posting their profiles earlier and asking for advice so I figured I may as well do the same.
Be nice GAF.
Both. There was making out and snuggling. Haha. But even if there wasn't, we have a lot to talk about.
I think because we haven't been able to see each other for a couple of weeks and maybe it's just not worth trying to keep up! I don't know. He's admittedly terrible at texting. But I texted him at 1:30 and haven't heard back.
Long-time lurker, first time posting. Messaged a girl something like 4ish months ago with an "original/well thought-out" message (well, trying to customize to the little info she had on her profile) and didn't get anything back. Decided on Sunday to hit her with "Pizza or sushi?" (thanks GAF) on a whim not expecting anything back, and whaddya know, I get a message back today. Too bad I don't really know where to go with "I don't discriminate lol" :|
I was thinking "Who said having a preference is discriminating?" or something along those lines, maybe throwing in a question about her too. Not sure.
Shit's confusing yo.
Update on this, I went with dralla's suggestion ("which sounds better, a pizza sushi roll or a sushi-topped pizza?") and asked what she did in the city, got no response lol. Never understand why girls will respond to one message and then disappear.
Oh well, got a convo started with another girl with "Pancakes or waffles?" I think I'm gonna stick to these one-liners, it's a numbers game on OKC and I'm not gonna take the time out to write a personalized message until I know I'm getting an answer.
At least you know he is terrible at texting though, so it's not a total surprise that he hasn't gotten back to you yet. But I hate the texting game when you aren't settled into a routine with it yet. I am also a terrible texter but I fucking love texting if I'm seeing someone, it always improves my day when I get a text from him. But then I always stress about stupid stuff like why hasn't he texted me this week, or replied to my last message, or why are there no kisses at the end of that last text (I seriously overanalyse everything, even though if I had a friend in the same situation I would tell them to get a grip). It's stuff like that that makes me realise I am kind of mental, which makes me sad because I always thought I was pretty normal. The guy I'm seeing isn't really one for text banter, we really just text to arrange to see each other. But I'm about to start exams so won't have time to meet up with him so I'm worried that we won't talk for a couple of weeks and he'll decide he's not that into me. I found I was the one to text him first a lot so I've tried to cut down on that, I don't want to come on too strong and scare him away. Anyway this isn't even OKC-related so I don't know why I'm posting about it in here!
I feel silly even asking this but...
How do you make the jump from just chatting about hobbies and life to meeting up for fro yo or coffee? I've only been talking to this girl for a day and a half now and I don't want to come off as creepy.
I feel silly even asking this but...
How do you make the jump from just chatting about hobbies and life to meeting up for fro yo or coffee? I've only been talking to this girl for a day and a half now and I don't want to come off as creepy.
The time is now to go for it. Don't drag it on too long.
Are you texting or talking on the phone actually? If you're talking on the phone, just call her up - exchange normal small talk about how her day was or whatever, then when there's a brief pause in the convo just say "so I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out for some coffee with me sometime this week" or whatever, for example.
Works just fine, doesn't come off as creepy, and shows you'd like to move things along.
Edit: If you're still talking via the website, then at least try to progress to something more personal first. Like phone or personal email. Then, do that for a day and then go for the kill.
My current success story progressed like this: Day 1: She messaged me first. We messaged 3 times throughout the entire day (big messages, like 2-3 paragraphs), ending with phone number exchange. Day 2: We texted for the evening when we were both done with work. Day 3: Phone call, 1 hr convo, and I then asked her to go to dinner. Done deal, date set. This is with a more outgoing girl, so with a shy girl it may take a little longer I'd think.
That's the thing. She's responding to my messages but she's being kinda short. Like 1 word or 1 sentence responses to my paragraph.
Hmm... I don't have a good feeling about short messages like that. I guess just go for it and ask. It wouldn't kill you.
Yep. Asked her if she wanted to hang out at a new restaurant opening up on campus (we go to the same uni) this week.
We'll see how this goes.
Danmit. Apparently this girl goes to a satellite campus that's like 40 minutes away from our main one that I go too. Welp, that's the end of that I suppose.
Danmit. Apparently this girl goes to a satellite campus that's like 40 minutes away from our main one that I go too. Welp, that's the end of that I suppose.
Had a date last night, she was cute but was really plain and kind of boring so I don't think I'll be going in for a second. Got another girl's number though so I'm going to try and set up a date for later this week.
On another note after getting out of a long term relationship and forgetting how to date I am pretty confident/used to first dates now thanks to OKCupid and POF.
So an interesting evening on dating websites and OkCupid today. I got contacted by 3 different people (e.g. they sent me a message, not me to them), two of which turned out to be fake (Hey, at least the scammers think I'm 'cute' and want to meet me!), and one girl who said she was 20 but looked 14, and acted like it as well.
I think I'm attracting the wrong attention here lol.
Lol is your profile pic the same as your GAF avatar?
Nah it isn't haha, I'm a bit more sensible than that. Though I think some professionally taken photographs would help a bunch, but I need to come up with a theme other than 'bland, generic headshot'.
I think it's one of the recommendations for when you try to sign up with a common username. Like, if you wanted your username to be 'John', it would probably suggest John_inabox, John_taco... I think there's a couple others that I see frequently.I keep seeing girls with "inabox" in their username. Are these fake accounts, coincidence, or am I just missing some kind of meme/reference/joke here?
I think it's one of the recommendations for when you try to sign up with a common username. Like, if you wanted your username to be 'John', it would probably suggest John_inabox, John_taco... I think there's a couple others that I see frequently.
80% of the girls who visit my profile live nowhere near me in another New England state or somewhere in the suburbs. I live in the city. I do not have a car.
It's silly, but it's just kind of annoying.
I think it's one of the recommendations for when you try to sign up with a common username. Like, if you wanted your username to be 'John', it would probably suggest John_inabox, John_taco... I think there's a couple others that I see frequently.
Alright so I'm new to this whole online dating thing but I saw some people posting their profiles earlier and asking for advice so I figured I may as well do the same.
Be nice GAF.
80% of the girls who visit my profile live nowhere near me in another New England state or somewhere in the suburbs. I live in the city. I do not have a car.
It's silly, but it's just kind of annoying.
This right here. These feels.80% of the girls who visit my profile live nowhere near me in another New England state or somewhere in the suburbs. I live in the city. I do not have a car.
It's silly, but it's just kind of annoying.
Ok gurus, I need your help although I'm probably just over-thinking this. I've been having some luck on PoF lately. Messaged a cute girl today who seemed to be very compatible with me. Now PoF has this feature called "Meet Me" where users can simply say yes, no or maybe in regards to meeting another user. If you click yes, that user will receive an email saying that you want to meet them and that's basically it. Well after I sent my message, I get one of those "Meet Me" notifications and it's her. So do you guys think that's kind of like saying she's interested but doesn't have time to respond properly at the moment? If she doesn't respond in a couple days, should I send another message? I guess I should just stop getting too excited and wait to see what happens.
Looks good, maybe add some photos of you doing something active that aren't just torso and up shots.
Also, is there a reason you won't date anyone 30+ ?
Just checking, a lot of people don't realize the age limit they set
Also, rated you
hm, did they take away the option to browse privately?
And how would I go about setting that up without being able to contact her? Unless you're talking about having an actual conversation over messages which then I could understand. Should I give it another day and try to contact her again?I'd just forget the messages and meet if thats what she wants to do.