The girl I was hanging with that was here on vacation left today. I kinda miss her.
I just wanted to take a second and thank this thread because if it wasn't for it, I'd never have met my future wife. After trying out OkCupid almost instantly after I read the thread (about almost a year ago), a couple months later and I was in a relationship and now finally, we are getting married May 18th 2013. So thanks NeoGAF, OP, and thread, you've changed my life for the better.
Stop feeling bad. Don't. You should be thrilled that these girls want to see you. You're not committed to anyone yet. Hell, one girl asked you if you needed time to move could be hint in itself. Maybe she wants to help out. Or maybe she's hoping you ditch your responsibilities for a moment to have fun with her instead. You gotta assert yourself.
Yep, that's solid.Okay, shameless bump, but here's what I have (I know, one date, over thinking, but I hate this part)
- It was very nice to meet you, enjoyed dinner. First date in a very long time, just didn't work for me. Good luck on your search.
Okay, shameless bump, but here's what I have (I know, one date, over thinking, but I hate this part)
- It was very nice to meet you, enjoyed dinner. First date in a very long time, just didn't work for me. Good luck on your search.
- Lasted three hours....
- ... in which SHE talked the entire time.
- Outside of being good looking, I'm only intelligent and funny. Didn't get a chance to play those cards.
They are ok. Kind of average. Don't really do anything. Then again, I'm a straight dude
It's good to have photos of you out and about, having fun with friends. It doesn't hurt to have a few (tasteful) vanity pics/ selfies. Not too many.
Never title a message with hey, hi, whats up, wazzz gud or anything of the sort. The title and content of your message should refer/ respond to a praticular piece of info you found interesting on her profile. That shows that you 1) bothered to read her profile and 2) establish some level of common interest with each other.
That alone will greatly increase your chances of a reply. That with a good profile of your own will should end with satisfying results.
What's a good way to get laid using OkC/PoF?
What's a good way to get laid using OkC/PoF?
I owe this thread thanks. It's far from a relationship, but I'm completely smitten for the girl I've spent some time with. Can't say I've ever had a feeling like this before. It's pretty crazy how good of a mood I'm in because of it.
i found the most perfect girl ever
a total hottie who happens to be a massive nerd like myself
i sent her a message, and i've totally got my fingers crossed for a response
Is it normal for a ton of girls to look at your profile and never send a message? I know most of them are browsing but damn not one message?
Is it normal for a ton of girls to look at your profile and never send a message? I know most of them are browsing but damn not one message?
Is it normal for a ton of girls to look at your profile and never send a message? I know most of them are browsing but damn not one message?
Owwww, it looks like I discovered a lil' loophole. If you're not an A-list member but want to see who gives you a high rating, just check your e-mail. If you have notifications on then you'll receive an e-mail with the person's profile each time you get a high rating.
What's a good way to get laid using OkC/PoF?
Really? Damn, I thought I figured something out.Not every time. You get the e-mail only like every... 5th high rating or so, the other times you don't. It's trying to tempt you to get a-list.![]()
Look for girls that are in finance / management. I shit you not.
Look for girls that are in finance / management. I shit you not.
Either they don't find you attractive or don't think you share interests. That Match % thing is only an indicator as to whether or not you'll strangle each other, it doesn't take into account interests at all.
Argh, chick mentioned in this post suddenly changed her profile pic and I noticed it since she's still in my PM's. And she looks hotttttt. Its been at least a week since I stopped replying, I think I kept it too real, lol! If only I could reply again without making it look bad...
Mannnnnnn, this one girl I'm talking has everything but spunk and energy. I know its hard to tell over a computer screen but man!!! She's not even SLIGHTLY flirty.
EDIT: Fuck it. I was/am very attracted to this girl but she has zero sense of humor!! Even over a PC screen!!! Not meeting her, that's it.
Huh? Why? What's the logic behind this?
Trying to get back into this after being away from it for a few months.
It's weird, I used to really enjoy meeting people through the site and I'd even fall for people here and there, but now I'm just not really feeling any motivation. My profile comes across a lot better now thanks to photos and things learned from recent relationships. So I'm getting a pretty good response rate and after a week back in I'm juggling like 10-15 girls with short messages back and forth a couple of times a day. But not feeling any connection or attachment to anyone :\ The more people I message the more everyone feels the same because everyone is afraid to look "weird" and "different". I never meet any weird people into the niche stuff I'm into. Hell, I never even meet people into the music I'm into and it's not even that niche (90s->modern punk, chiptune & indie rock).
For whatever reason, I don't feel like being in a relationship or dating right now. No motivation. No romantic lusts. I'm more just looking for someone to hang out with, go to shows, travel buddies.
I feel like back when OKC was still kind of niche and girls didn't get 1,000 e-mails a week people opened up a little more and you could have interesting conversations early on. Now it's like life in the fast lane and everyone's just making short jokes and flirting and asking a question or two. When I try to open up and talk about things with more substance, I'm finding it's not opening the other person up. Either they're open and talkative from the start, or it's not gonna happen. Makes me wonder where are the girls who like to talk about themselves for pages on end. I find girls the most interesting when they actually open up and talk a lot because you're like "woah, this person is pretty cool!"
My friends think I'm in a depression. I get texts from some of the girls who know me irl asking if I'm ok after hanging out. I don't think I'm depressed though, everything else is going good in life and living atm. Can't complain. Still hanging out with friends and having fun, still enjoying nights in with good books, games, netflix. But I'm just not feeling motivated to actually go on dates with any of the girls on the site. I feel like I went from being high sex drive, lustful for years -> being burned on some really bad dates, bad relationships over the last 6 months -> feeling closer to being asexual.
Not sure what to do at this point. I'd still like to find someone to go to shows with since I'm at shows all the time and it's always a pain finding someone to go with, or someone to go on road trip adventures with so I'm not always going to things on my own. Like I'm going to a Mariachi Showdown tomorrow, how cool is that! Mariachi bands facing off against each other while eating great tacos from taco trucks and art and festivities everywhere. Totally stoked for it. But friends are lame and no one wants to go, so just going solo. Which still kind of happens a lot. This is where it'd be nice to have a buddy to go do stuff with.
Trying to get back into this after being away from it for a few months.
It's weird, I used to really enjoy meeting people through the site and I'd even fall for people here and there, but now I'm just not really feeling any motivation. My profile comes across a lot better now thanks to photos and things learned from recent relationships. So I'm getting a pretty good response rate and after a week back in I'm juggling like 10-15 girls with short messages back and forth a couple of times a day. But not feeling any connection or attachment to anyone :\ The more people I message the more everyone feels the same because everyone is afraid to look "weird" and "different". I never meet any weird people into the niche stuff I'm into. Hell, I never even meet people into the music I'm into and it's not even that niche (90s->modern punk, chiptune & indie rock).
For whatever reason, I don't feel like being in a relationship or dating right now. No motivation. No romantic lusts. I'm more just looking for someone to hang out with, go to shows, travel buddies.
I feel like back when OKC was still kind of niche and girls didn't get 1,000 e-mails a week people opened up a little more and you could have interesting conversations early on. Now it's like life in the fast lane and everyone's just making short jokes and flirting and asking a question or two. When I try to open up and talk about things with more substance, I'm finding it's not opening the other person up. Either they're open and talkative from the start, or it's not gonna happen. Makes me wonder where are the girls who like to talk about themselves for pages on end. I find girls the most interesting when they actually open up and talk a lot because you're like "woah, this person is pretty cool!"
My friends think I'm in a depression. I get texts from some of the girls who know me irl asking if I'm ok after hanging out. I don't think I'm depressed though, everything else is going good in life and living atm. Can't complain. Still hanging out with friends and having fun, still enjoying nights in with good books, games, netflix. But I'm just not feeling motivated to actually go on dates with any of the girls on the site. I feel like I went from being high sex drive, lustful for years -> being burned on some really bad dates, bad relationships over the last 6 months -> feeling closer to being asexual.
Not sure what to do at this point. I'd still like to find someone to go to shows with since I'm at shows all the time and it's always a pain finding someone to go with, or someone to go on road trip adventures with so I'm not always going to things on my own. Like I'm going to a Mariachi Showdown tomorrow, how cool is that! Mariachi bands facing off against each other while eating great tacos from taco trucks and art and festivities everywhere. Totally stoked for it. But friends are lame and no one wants to go, so just going solo. Which still kind of happens a lot. This is where it'd be nice to have a buddy to go do stuff with.
EDIT: I second if you're looking for special interest groups that cater towards what you're into. There's bound to be a group like that that meet ups up regularly.
Sounds like you need to meet new people who are into the stuff you're into. Have you tried joining a group?
Shotgun Kiss said:About two weeks ago, due to circumstances I won't go into here, I found myself super depressed in regards to being single. So I took to OKCupid and sent out a ton of messages (I've used it sparingly for years, but barely sent anybody anything, and one single meetup was the most that came from it).
As a result, I'm now currently in back-and-forth messaging with six girls, three of which have given me their number and said they'd be willing to meet up for drinks. I met up with one today, and things went quite well. I texted her afterwards to say I had a good time, and she responded saying she enjoyed it, and that I'm good company.
I feel like there could be something there if I pursue it, but I kind of want to at least meet these other girls. Does that make me an asshole? I would never dream of seeing other girls after committing to somebody, but at what point am I committed to this first girl? I definitely don't want to lead her on. I didn't make any "moves" or anything, but I'm pretty positive she viewed it as an actual date. At one point, when she was telling me something that loosely pertained to her ex-boyfriend, she acknowledged that mentioning him was a faux-pas.
I've never been in a situation even remotely like this before, and I don't want to hurt anybody, but at the same time, I don't want to close any doors I may later regret.
An update, but first here's my original post, for easy reference.
So today I went on a date with another girl. It went smoothly, but I could tell pretty quickly that I didn't want to pursue it further. The first girl was a lot more fun, we had more in common, and she was cuter. But even if she wasn't a factor, I still doubt I would have been interested in a second date with the girl today.
Me and the first girl are probably going to go and see a film next week; I'm hoping to have maybe met up with another girl before then, as then I'd be in a better position to determine if I should be more "assertive" when seeing the first girl.
If you didn't kiss Girl #1 on the first date you dun goofed and if you don't do it after the second you're messing up
I don't think not kissing on a first date is too big of a deal but if you don't kiss by the end of the second date then yeah...
I don't think not kissing on a first date is too big of a deal but if you don't kiss by the end of the second date then yeah...
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking; some kind of sign of affection is probably a must on the next date to show I'm interested. Though are we talking something like a quick peck on the cheek, or a "proper" kiss? I hate that I'm asking such a question, but hey, if I was good at this dating thing, I probably wouldn't be where I am now.![]()
I honestly don't understand the big deal with what date you kiss on. Depends on both people, some go for it halfway through the first date. Some go for it not until the 3rd or 4th date. As long as it feels natural for both of you it's fine, and don't let anyone tell you that if you don't kiss by the second date something is wrong with you. I'd say if you've managed to go out 4 times though there definitely is mutual interest and you shouldn't have to worry about going for it anymore. She went out with you 4 times, she's definitely interested.
Got matched up with a white supremacist the other day.
Her profile was amazing. I'll try to post it.
I honestly don't understand the big deal with what date you kiss on. Depends on both people, some go for it halfway through the first date. Some go for it not until the 3rd or 4th date. As long as it feels natural for both of you it's fine, and don't let anyone tell you that if you don't kiss by the second date something is wrong with you. I'd say if you've managed to go out 4 times though there definitely is mutual interest and you shouldn't have to worry about going for it anymore. She went out with you 4 times, she's definitely interested.
Probably troll account, but will definitely need to have this posted