Hey guys, do you guys have any suggestions on what to do after a date where you're not really interested in seeing the girl again?
She was nice enough, but I didn't really feel ny kind of connection, and I'm also seeing somebody else I like a lot more.
I went out with her two days ago, and we haven't contacted her since. I'm undecided whether to just keep that up and let her figure it out, but I feel kind of bad. Should I text her? If so, what do I say?
I deactivated my okc a few months ago because it was getting hopeless and because i was chasing after someone irl. well that didn't work out so I'm thinking about getting back into okc but i don't know...i feel so dejected right now that i don't think i should create a new profile while in this state of mind.
idk...just ranting.
I've had an OKC profile for years, but until recently, the most that ever came of it was a single date that didn't go anywhere, because I barely messaged anybody, and my profile and pics weren't as good as they could have been. Basically, I wasn't trying hard enough.
A few weeks ago however, I went through some severe depression due to circumstances regarding a girl IRL, and I took to OKC hard. I spent a solid two days making sure my profile and pics were the best they could be, and sent out messages (real messages that mentioned and asked about stuff in their profiles, not generic "Hey" or "Pizza or sushi" messages) to about 15 or so girls. I probably wasn't in the best state of mind to do it, but it's easy to hide your current state of mind when chatting online, as opposed to face-to-face. I had no idea what would come of it, but I was just tired of being single, and figured I should try. It worked, as I ended up having back-and-forth conversations with 6 or so girls. I have 4 numbers so far, and have been on two dates. One went really well, and we're meeting again this week (and are sending each other flirty texts), and I'm meeting at least one other girl also.
Long story short, my confidence has never been higher, and it's helped me get over the IRL girl. I still have a few pangs of being slightly down, but they're minor, and infrequent now. There's nothing wrong with creating a profile when you're down. Hell, you'll probably be less picky about who you send messages to, which can lead to you meeting people you wouldn't otherwise, who turn out to be awesome.